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Spiritual Sonnets
Spiritual Sonnets
Spiritual Sonnets
Ebook336 pages2 hours

Spiritual Sonnets

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About this ebook

Spiritual Sonnets comes in three sections. The first section is biblical. Facts that I believe to be truth: angels, chakras, emotions, faith, love, meditation, and healing are a few. The second section is all about angels and my belief in them. How they can help us in so many ways. Allow them into your life; they're waiting for you. The third se

Release dateDec 5, 2022
Spiritual Sonnets

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    Book preview

    Spiritual Sonnets - Joan Wolff


    I Trust in the Lord with all my heart

    There is nothing to fear

    With the Lord at my side

    The waters of calm

    Flow deep inside

    Believe in the Lord, You’ll never be apart

    No more loneliness inside

    Content to be by myself

    As I know that the Lord abides

    Within my soul, as an elf

    Talking to the Lord, at night

    Troubles disappear

    Strength and courage reappear

    Solutions in my sight

    When talking to the Lord at night

    In the quiet, I listen

    Alas, not a sound

    But in my dreams, I realize

    My answers have been found

    The Lord always answers

    In his own quiet way

    Unbeknown to us

    He quietly displays

    Answers to our questions

    Already asked

    Solutions are revealed

    Previously concealed

    Always trust in the Lord,

    Fore with him,

    You are always in accord


    Lord, from Dusk unto Dawn

    My thoughts are with you

    In all that I say, and in all that I do

    I am your willing pawn

    My soul fills with warmth

    All my fears take flight

    You are the keeper of my heart

    Will always aid me in my plight

    Lord, you lift my sprits high

    You speak to my heart inside

    You’ve shown me added insight

    You’ve brought me to your side

    Lord, You’ve shown me right from wrong

    You always let the choices be mine

    Yes, it was more than a throw of the dice

    My choices were not always right

    Lord, I’ve spoken unkind words

    Some of my deeds have brought storms

    I now understand your wisdom

    And Lord, I am happy to say

    You’ve loved me always

    Every step of the way


    The sky, all dressed in blue

    Designed with God’s particular hue

    The clouds slowly passing by

    Beauty that makes me want to cry

    The night stars twinkling in the sky

    I never question why

    The grass, a thick carpet of green

    The sea, so calm and serene

    The wind gently blowing past

    God’s beauty makes one gasp

    The quiet flow of the stream

    I sit beside and dream

    The warmth of the sun

    I feel on my face

    Away, I cannot run

    So much beauty in this place

    My soul has found inner peace

    The wonder of it never will cease

    All of this beauty, created with love

    From God,

    Our Father, above


    Jesus looks down from Heaven above

    Watching his children,

    With unconditional love

    He died on the cross, washed away our sins

    Allowing us always to dwell with him

    No longer do we live under the law

    We have been freed from Satan’s claw

    Jesus died, giving us God’s grace

    Blessing us all, a smile on his face

    Each one of us, in every race

    Armed with our Lord’s love for us

    Doing his work with little fuss

    Loving our neighbor, as we love him

    Finding peace and happiness within

    We live each day in his infinite care

    Seeking his Truth when and where we dare

    Helping us to find our own way

    Showing us how not, to go astray

    Guiding us on the right path to home

    Telling us,

    We are not alone


    Emotions play havoc with the heart

    Injure, damage our body parts

    Emotions display all our feelings

    Which can really send us reeling

    Your body changes from day-to-day

    Depending on which emotions you display

    Emotions create the decisions you make

    Right or wrong- Make no mistake

    Emotions can give your heart great joy

    They can also break you, as in a toy

    Sometimes it’s a rollercoaster ride

    With those you love inside

    Emotions have control over your body as well

    Sadness can destroy our body cells

    Illness can filter in

    Setting up their camp within

    Our reactions to others,

    A highly emotional state

    Fore love, also hate, highly rate

    Begin your day with a smile on your face

    Put away ill-feelings,

    They are out of place

    Keeping your emotions in check

    Clean, happy thoughts on upper deck

    Show the world your inner glow

    Which keeps you from ever feeling low


    When our father first created us

    He gave us seven gifts, just because

    He wanted his temple in good health

    More important to him than wealth

    Chakras were placed in our body with care

    Designed to be tough, to take our wear and tear

    Seven spiritual centers reside in seven ductless glands

    To keep us healthy was our Father’s ultimate plan

    These seven spiritual centers are called chakra’s,

    Wheels that spin around

    Ruled by our emotions, they never make a sound

    Positive thoughts keep them going round, and round

    They keep the body fit, I have found

    Negative thoughts slow them down

    Saddens them, makes them frown

    Continued neglect will shut one down

    And then sickness will come to town

    Having good thoughts, joyful emotions

    Keeps our spiritual centers in constant motion

    Keeping the wheels spinning with happy feelings

    Keeps our body fit, and functioning

    These seven spiritual centers have another purpose too

    Fore in those seven ductless glands called chakra’s,

    Are God’s link to his children on earth

    Fore in developing his seven spiritual gifts,

    Which were placed in our chakra’s at birth

    God was able to have his children,

    Close to him, too


    God created you, God’s miracle indeed

    Created you in his image,

    With his love for you, did he

    The birth of a baby, God’s miracle to us

    Fore that child holds God’s divine spark, a plus

    Even in a non-perfect body, God’s spark still resides

    Housed with God’s spiritual vibration, inside our souls, our minds

    For whatever purpose we were born into this world

    God’s spiritual link within us, aids in doing his will, not ours

    We have need of this body to accomplish his will

    To develop our souls, each and every one of us

    Individual minds, thoughts, ideas, working within us

    The perfect body for us, God has created

    Housed with our soul for its progression, be elated

    Each soul’s spiritual progression brings us closer to him

    And to bettering ourselves, to being more perfect, as his son

    This miracle of life that God created, US

    The gift of free will that he has given us,

    To be able to choose, to decide what’s best for our life

    To make the right choices for our soul’s progression,

    A Plus

    While gazing at the beautiful child in your arms

    While he is smiling at you, using his charms

    You wonder what divine plan,

    God has designed for him

    This perfect miracle,

    God’s creation,

    Your son


    Opinions in the Bible sometimes vary

    Reverends point of view usually carries

    Different Bibles, Different versions

    Confusion brings about many questions

    On more than one occasion

    There should be more unity in our Bible

    Why are many answers to questions asked, not visible

    Not even some Reverends can agree

    On the right version for you and me

    The Old Testament is lost in some Churches of today

    I can’t tell why because it’s part of the Bible, it stays

    To learn of God, our Father, the Old Testament is the book

    It has all of his works, on every page, please take a look

    The story of Jesus Christ is magnificently displayed

    Makes me want to be like him in every way

    The telling of his life shows his complete love for us

    The sacrifice he made for us without any fuss

    His death on the Cross, that was done for us

    Both Testaments in the Bible make up the book

    Neither of which we should overlook

    Opinions may vary

    But your intelligence shall carry

    Asking the Lord for answers to questions asked

    Helps us to unravel the Bibles past


    Looking outside, in the world of today

    Lots of new technology is on its way

    Computer hi-tech that changes daily

    We have even had hi-tech wars lately

    But what about family values in this world

    Are we so busy in our lives, we’ve put them on hold?

    Are we so involved with outside pursuits?

    Not enough time, so we’ve called it quits

    Each going along in their separate ways

    Not seeing others in our family, for several days

    Each of us searching for some meaning in life

    Each of us wanting a life with less strife

    Some of us feel so empty inside

    Searching for something they just can’t seem to find

    Start planning your life, putting Jesus inside

    Place him in your heart, let your hearts open wide

    Believe in Jesus Christ, pray on his name

    Your prayers will be answered, your life will change

    Fore God hears your prayers,

    You’re never out of his range


    Putting God in your life, brings family values

    Attending Church as a family, brings togetherness, not blues

    People of your Church become your brethren, your friends

    Your family grows together, it mends


    What of the children we are bringing into today’s world?

    What is their future going to hold?

    What is their life going to be, when grown?

    Are family values on the rise, or falling down?

    What are we teaching our children today?

    Are the schools preparing for their tomorrow?

    Are parents and teachers trying to work together?

    Are States and Government working

    To rid our schools of drugs and alcohol forever

    To give our children a chance to grow

    In mind, body and soul

    Proverbs 22:6

    "Train up a child in the way he should go:

    and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

    A family that prays together, stays together

    A spiritual foundation for a child

    Puts God in their lives, gives them a better tomorrow

    Your children will remember time spent as a family in church

    They will grow in God’s love, a new life for them will be launched

    The friendships they make, the new paths they will take With God in their future

    A better world they will create


    God, my Father, inside of me

    Fulfilling my needs, hearing my pleas

    Talking to you daily, Placing in you all my trust

    Thanking you for blessings received an absolute must

    Sharing the love you’ve given me, with others in need

    Fills my heart with over-flowing love, indeed

    A smile on my face for everyone I meet

    Passing God’s love around is a special treat

    Giving a blessing to everyone that I meet

    I received many blessings in return from God

    Helping those in need, Giving from the heart

    Makes me a servant of God, right from the start

    Fulfilling his needs and doing his Will each day

    Keeps God in my heart, my life, to stay

    A positive attitude increases my love for all

    I will be able to serve more, answer his call

    God shows me the right path to follow

    Sometimes the path is narrow and slow

    But knowing it’s the right path, I steadily trod

    Fore it leads me closer to God, closer to home

    God’s trust in me gives me confidence inside

    God’s faith in me, leaves me nothing to fear

    God’s love for me, I give to all those I meet

    God’s hope for me is to do his works, by his side

    As I draw neigh unto God, he draws neigh unto me


    When we pray to our Heavenly Father, in secret it should be

    The topics discussed should be, just between you and he

    What you say to God in secret, should remain that way

    Fore when you pray to God in secret, on any day

    God rewards you openly, in all that you say

    When you pray to God, no repetitions please

    It’s just a conversation between two friends, say it with ease

    God considers it vain when praying, as in layers

    Just open your heart, pray from your soul, you will be heard

    When in prayer, God is waiting inside your heart, he hears

    When we pray to God, repeating is not needed

    Fore he knows of our needs, before we ask, indeed

    When we ask in prayer, they will be granted unto us

    They are usually sent in many different ways, a plus

    The next song we hear, book we read, or person we meet

    In a dream, while in prayer, meditation, or even a sign on a street

    God grants your prayer requests in his own quiet way

    Even upon asking them, they are being sent your way

    Matthew 6: 6 - 8

    6: "But thou when thou prays, enter into thy closet, and when thou

    hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is secret, and thy

    Father which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly."

    7: "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathens do;

    for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."

    8: "Be not ye therefore like unto that, for your Father knoweth

    what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."


    Each day we should set aside a certain amount of our time

    To talk to the Lord, discuss our needs, on his direct line

    When we awake each morning, take the time to pray

    Fore the Lord wants to hear what we have to say

    The Lord wants to commune with us, every single day

    Listen and look for his

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