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The Talents 2: Fugitives and Pioneers
The Talents 2: Fugitives and Pioneers
The Talents 2: Fugitives and Pioneers
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The Talents 2: Fugitives and Pioneers

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The Trials are over. The combatants have been liberated and the escape is on. Thorn and his clan members gather by Rinnsky Woods, expecting a challenging journey home.
They have no idea...
The party members will divide - some forging deep into Pandos, whilst others travel overseas. And what awaits them may cost them their lives.
Release dateNov 26, 2022
The Talents 2: Fugitives and Pioneers

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    The Talents 2 - Carl McGarrigle

    ‘The Talents 2 - Fugitives and Pioneers’


    Carl McGarrigle

    Copyright Carl McGarrigle 2022

    Dedicated in loving memory of:

    Mark Scully, my school & college birthday twin


    Ben Woolley, a paragon of bravery & humanity

    The story so far. A recap of ‘The Talents’…

    Imagine that you are walking along a bridge, in your own world, lost in thought. Half a dozen other people also share the bridge with you. You don’t know them. They don’t know you. You’re all just passing by.

    But then, everything changes. A meteorite storm hits, chaos erupts and, next thing you know, you are all being transported off to another world. Sounds implausible? You’re right, it is. But it’s exactly what happened to those who were there that day…

    Seven humans are unexpectedly transported from Earth to Pandos. Each of them wakes up alone, randomly strewn across the new, alien landscape. None of the humans know why they have been taken there, although Lazlo Danes does manage to openly show some defiance before he's transported.

    Suzy Bell, Melinda Cole and Bryant Webb are each taken in by Wilder Thorn, leader of the rebellious Clan. He has a base inside of an extinct volcano.

    Suzy is taken there by the Ghosts: Ella Risco, Henry and Gabrielle. Mel is taken there by the two farming brothers, Art and Zach Landbrock and Bryant makes his own way there, after following others.

    During their stay at the volcano, the three humans are encouraged to both discover and develop their Talents. Suzy and Mel discover theirs, whilst Bryant hides the fact that he has already discovered how to make himself invisible. The humans meet a number of the clan members who also reside at the volcano, including Page the groundsman, Bolt the ranger and Miles Deep, a levern boy recently taken in under Thorn's protection. They also meet Harry, the squonk, an extremely rare magical animal with healing properties.

    Danger still lurks in the volcano hideaway though. Miles has two unpleasant encounters with the Auld Man, a ghostly figure that lurks in the less-trodden tunnels. On the second of these occasions, Miles is rescued by Ryler, Fletch and Gerbert, three individuals he had almost got into a fight with at the clan's Lava Bar, on the same night that Thorn survived an assassination attempt.

    Thorn has decided that, this year, he is going to save all of the humans from their intended Trials ordeal. Having only saved three of them so far - and hearing news that the others may have fallen into enemy hands - he decides to travel to Ay Babtu to disrupt The Trials and rescue its participants from Portia and Malbeck. Before he sets off, he throws a party, where Bryant reveals his true colours and then absconds from them all.

    Over in Ay Babtu, it is revealed that Portia has captured three of the four humans that had remained in the wild. Eugene Thoreau, Austin Freeman and Serenity Weeks are now held in Ay Babtu's Skytower Cells, guarded by Hade, an inside man for the clan. They are soon accompanied by a fourth prisoner, a celebrated adeboar rider known as Eccentric Lord Hildebrand. The four prisoners bond overnight, before Portia encourages Hildebrand to give them all a riding exhibition. At the racing arena, they are also accompanied by Mr Treatnice, a sinister individual under Portia's employment.

    After an eventful race, Hildebrand crosses the finishing line first, only to be killed by Treatnice. The shock of witnessing this event triggers the dormant Talents of the three human prisoners into life.

    Back with the clan, after a smooth start to their journey, Thorn says farewell to Art and Zach Landbrock, who set off to return to their home reservation in Fellstone, where they cultivate the evergrow fruit. At Lantern Lake, the rest of the party splits into two. The Ghosts, accompanied by Suzy, travel north to meet up with the CFWs, five humans who survived Portia, despite the odds. They possess maps, that the clan need to get into the city.

    Thorn and his party - consisting of Page, Harry, Bolt and Mel - travel to meet Lex, a magician who previously constructed some of Ay Babtu's defences under duress.

    After an incident where a huge bird, called a moa, is killed with an arrow, Mel unleashes her Talent upon thirty of Ay Babtu's riders, where only one survives. His name is Darius Teller.

    Whilst Bolt intends to kill the captured soldier, Thorn defies his ranger and shows Darius mercy, opting to restrain him instead. This kindness backfires when Darius escapes, kills Bolt and captures Thorn, Page and Mel.

    The three are then guarded by an army veteran called Nye and his protege, Mack. These two guards are soon killed by Bryant, who then attempts to kill Thorn, Page and Mel, until Miles arrives in time - accompanied by Ryler, Fletch and Gerbert - to see off Bryant and rescue the clan members.

    Thorn then exacts his revenge upon his captors, killing Darius and his men. The manner of Darius's dispatch is so abhorrent, that Harry the squonk opts to abandon Thorn. He has not, however, abandoned the clan.

    Lazlo Danes, the only Talent unaccounted for, has used his time on Pandos well. So far, he has disguised his appearance, put in contact lenses to hide his human origin, hidden out in a cave and fought a bear – the latter encounter prompting him to find somewhere safer to stay. On the road, he encounters Harvey Rabbit, a merchant on his way to sell his wares at a nearby town called Hanwicks, and he hitches a ride with him. He learns the plight of the lad's girlfriend, Amelia Blake, and resolves to help them both. By the end of his stay at Hanwicks, Lazlo has rescued Amelia, reunited her with Harvey, learned some important intel about Portia and got himself captured, bound for The Trials, after killing the local pub's abusive landlord. Importantly, he has got himself into The Trials without anyone realising he's human. He now plans to use his Talent against Portia once he's there.

    Meanwhile, Suzy and the Ghosts arrive at the CFW residence to find it abandoned. Detecting a dangerous presence inside of the house, they sneak in to the attic to search for the maps that they came for. But, before they find anything of use, they are confronted by Collow, the first Talent in Pandos. As he attacks, Suzy rescues them all by slowing time, giving them the opportunity to leap out of the back of the house into Quarryflood Lake, that lies below them. They land in the lake just as Collow activates his Talent and makes the house explode.

    The Ghosts then encounter the CFWs at the lake and one of their number, Calming Force, reveals that he has the maps they came for. The Ghosts also learn that one of the CFWs, Dezzie, has been captured and will be made to fight in The Trials. After surviving an encounter with a Pandosian big cat called a clouded xanther, the whole group sets off to rendezvous with the rest of the clan members, at The Arundel Inn in Firstholme.

    Meanwhile, Thorn and his party arrive at Lex's home, where they stay overnight. Lex provides them with information about how to close down Ay Babtu's protective dome. He also provides them with auradew, the material they require to do it.

    Lex then accompanies the party to The Arundel Inn, where they are offered safety and shelter by Elsewhere, the landlord, and Jeffers, his pet hamster. They are joined there by the Ghosts and the CFWs and their final plans to attack the city are drawn up.

    During the evening, Lex also fills out the Inn with illusions, one of which Miles falls for - the half hour girl.

    The next morning, they awaken to the day of The Trials.

    Eugene, Austin and Serenity meet a champion called Fellsim, who transports them there, before they are dressed and prepared by an unstoppable, energetic lady called Theatrical Gee.

    Lazlo is also there, ready to compete in The Trials. He has now met Dezzie and keeps him close.

    The Trials begin. One hundred and forty participants are whittled down to half of that number, by the time they reach the final arena.

    Lazlo is unable to unleash his attack on Portia, due to Page tinkering with the protective domes in the city. Page is then captured and put in the hands of Treatnice, who imprisons him.

    Bryant, who has followed Page undetected, murders Treatnice and, subsequently, Page himself, before displaying a rare moment of kindness towards an underling called Horace. Harry the squonk later discovers Page's body, revives him with 'the first and final weeping', which ends his life in the process. All that now remains of Harry is his nose and an egg he had earlier laid outside of the city.

    With Ay Babtu's outer dome down, those in the clan launch their rescue attempt at The Trials. This is largely successful, but they lose Ryler and Gerbert in the process. After dealing with troops outside of the city, Mel then rides a skylash out to sea and discovers new land. Then the rest of the clan, along with those fleeing The Trials, retreat into the countryside. They pause outside of Rinnsky Woods, waiting for Page to rejoin them. They are now fugitives of Ay Babtu and several of their number are about to become pioneers…

    Glossary of characters in 'The Talents':

    The Talents:

    Suzy Bell - Former model in her early thirties. Rescued by the Ghosts and adopted as one of their own. She wields a wok as her chosen weapon and her Talent slows down time.

    Melinda Cole - In her late forties. Travels with Art & Zach to the Clan Complex. Gets on well with Thorn. She can command animals with her Talent.

    Bryant Webb - Thirty four years old. Is the first to discover his Talent: invisibility. Untrustworthy, secretive and unpredictable, he is a law unto himself and a danger to any he encounters.

    Eugene Thoreau - Fun loving and comedic. Eugene was captured by Ay Babtu and forced to fight in The Trials. His Talent allows him to fly.

    Austin Freeman - Intelligent and serious, Austin is also captured and kept in the Skytower Cells. He uses telekinesis as his Talent, which has the unfortunate side effect of making him bleed.

    Serenity Weeks - Wise, calm and enigmatic. Serenity is the third of the captured humans. Her Talent turns her skin into an armour of liquid metal. She bonds well with Eugene and Austin and also with Eccentric Lord Hildebrand.

    Lazlo Danes - A tall and tough man in his fifties. Lazlo threatens Portia and Malbeck during the Harvest, then disguises his appearance, growing a beard, shaving his head and wearing golden contact lenses that would reflect his rabna age. His Talent allows him to fire two lightning bolts independently from his hands. During his time in Hanwicks, he gains important information about Portia. Afterwards, he befriends Dezzie and fights alongside him in The Trials, bonding with the other CFWs during the rescue. He has asked them to accompany him on a new trip.

    The Clan:

    Wilder Thorn - Rebel. Head of the Clan. He leads the opposition against Portia's harvesting of humans. Due to his family creating evergrows, he has plenty of funds at his disposal. Roughly two hundred clan members share his volcano hideout with him. He organises the rescue that takes place at The Trials, freeing a lot of the combatants, including the humans. He is a well-connected and well-liked individual.

    Miles Deep - a levern, abandoned as a baby outside Sable Forest. He grew up in the village of Ventra, but was taken in by Thorn after his adoptive parents were killed. A light-hearted joker by nature and a skilled scout, he has survived two encounters with the Auld Man; rescued Thorn, Page and Mel from Bryant's clutches; and fallen in love with an illusion called the half hour girl. Always keen to learn and searching for answers, he is now watched over by Fletch.

    Bolt - Thorn's ranger. Wise in fieldcraft and warfare. On the way to Ay Babtu, he is killed by Darius Teller.

    Page - Groundsman for the clan. He looks after the squonk, Harry. He loves Ella. His solo mission, to lower Ay Babtu's defences, ultimately cost him his life, but Harry revived him. He now intends to return Harry's nose to the volcano, to be buried back at the squonk's home. He is currently separated from the rest of the party.

    Harry - A squonk. A small, golden striped magical creature in tune with the universe. He leaves a golden trail wherever he moves, which has healing properties. After laying a single egg, Harry gives his life so that Page can live again.

    Art Landbrock - Eldest of the two farming brothers to encounter Mel. He owns a quess called Dobbin.

    Zach Landbrock - The younger sibling of Art. Both brothers live on a large reservation in Fellstone. Zach has a wild and unpredictable quess called Fluff.

    Corrigan - Head barkeeper at the Lava Bar in the volcano hideout. Wilder Thorn has left him to look after the clan, whilst he is on the road.

    Ryler - A tough, straight-talking and imposing stonemason, who later displays his caring side towards Miles. At The Trials, he gives his life to save Miles from Deadman Joe.

    Gerbert - A man of few words and one of Ryler's circle of three. He is shot down by arrows when escaping The Trials arena.

    Fletch - The only survivor out of Ryler's group of three. An intelligent and eloquent man who now makes it his responsibility to look after Miles.

    Ay Babtu:

    Portia - Self-proclaimed queen. Enemy of Wilder Thorn and his clan. Prone to wickedness and self-indulgence. Although she only appears to be in her thirties, she has the platinum eyes of someone much older. She resides in Ay Babtu. Annually, she harvests humans from Earth and makes them fight in The Trials. She then turns the winner into her new champion.

    Malbeck - Portia's long-time companion. Calculating, cold and intelligent, he is often feared more by those in the capital than Portia herself.

    Fellsim - The coach driver who transports Eugene, Austin and Serenity to The Trials arenas. He offers them advice and is, in fact, a champion, nicknamed the Fellshark.

    Nico - Renowned by all who encounter her as the friendliest of the champions. Nicknamed the shield bug, her protective shield makes her a favourite of Portia’s.

    Hade - The extremely tall guard at the Skytower Cells. He is actually an inside man for the clan who has infiltrated Ay Babtu.

    Eccentric Lord Hildebrand - A famed and celebrated Adeboar rider throughout Pandos, Hildebrand's allegiance to Thorn finds him sharing the Skytower Cells with the three humans. Treatnice kills him at the end of a race, to provoke the Talents out of Eugene, Austin and Serenity.

    Sterwill, Sellarkar, Ke Vonio, The Blade, Hannaran – The five adeboar riders who take part in the race with Eccentric Lord Hildebrand. Ke Vonio is killed during this race and Hildebrand is killed at the end of it.

    Deadman Joe - A champion killed by his own Talent. Portia won't have him in her guard. He is released into Arena One at The Trials, shambling forward, his mouth open in an eternal, silent scream. He immobilises any in his close proximity and his touch is death. Lazlo Danes vaporises him with a lightning bolt.

    Theatrical Gee - A flamboyant individual who helps Eugene, Austin and Serenity get ready for The Trials. She expresses herself in a very colourful way. In essence, she swears a lot.

    Jurk - A guard of few words, lumbered with the Skytower humans before The Trials begin.

    Zimm - A young soldier, who Page encounters and kills whilst he infiltrates Ay Babtu.

    Octavia Jade - The Pandosian singing star who also resides at the volcano. She casts a spell upon both Art and Zach. She turns out to be a spy for Ay Babtu, however, and later turns up to sing at The Trials.

    Mr Treatnice - A feared jailer and torturer in Ay Babtu, that few have anything good to say about. He kills Eccentric Lord Hildebrand. After capturing Page, he is killed by Bryant.

    Horace - An underling, who encounters Bryant sitting by the bodies of Treatnice and Page. He brings out a rare moment of kindness from the rogue human.

    The Ghosts:

    Ella Risco - The dark haired, beautiful leader of the Ghosts and a thinker who chooses her words carefully. Her love for Page is slowly realised over the course of their journey. And her weapon of choice is a spinning, bladed boomerang called the amoris.

    Henry - The most fun-loving and free-spirited of the three Ghosts. Renowned for her honey hair, ready smile, musical laugh and her prowess at the popular 'Build a Fence' card game. Her weapon of choice is her sacra whip.

    Gabrielle - The blonde archer of the Ghosts. An artist of some stature, whose paintings can be found scattered all over Pandos. Her prowess with the bow is unparalleled.

    The CFWs:

    Five lads from Earth who, despite not developing Talents of their own, defied Portia and escaped Ay Babtu. They have since become allied to Thorn and the clan. They all join in with the rescue at The Trials, bonding especially with Lazlo Danes. The CFWs are…

    Cider - Former lifeguard and the straight talker of the group. He saved Henry by taking on a clouded xanther big cat. His real name is Sean.

    Calming - A peaceful individual by nature, who displays forward thinking skills. By taking the maps from the CFW house, he ensured that the infiltration of Ay Babtu could go ahead. Real name Jon.

    Midlander - The tallest of the group and the joker amongst them too. His real name is Vaughan.

    Ministry - A former boxer and the best at hand to hand combat out of the five. He talks with a warm and friendly Kent accent. His real name is Matt.

    Dezzie - The most versatile member of the group. Captured by Ay Babtu, he befriends Lazlo Danes in The Trials. His real name is Des.


    Harvey Rabbit - A young trader who encounters and befriends Lazlo Danes. Due to his family history, he has lots of information about Portia, which he shares with Danes.

    Amelia Blake - Girlfriend of Harvey, she is forced to work at 'The Lazy Spud' in Hanwicks under duress, believing that her family owes a debt. She is rescued from her predicament by Lazlo Danes.

    Shemmy Denwood - Landlord of 'The Lazy Spud', absent of any redeeming features. Possibly responsible for the extinction of longhorns. Lazlo Danes puts an end to him.

    Turnip - One of Shemmy Denwood's sycophantic hangers on.

    Pullard - A second sycophantic hanger on.

    On the road:

    Darius Teller - The only survivor from a group of soldiers attacked by Mel. Bolt wants him killed, but Thorn shows him mercy. Bolt is subsequently killed by Darius, who also captures Thorn's party. Thorn exacts a very personal revenge on Darius, causing Harry the squonk to abandon him.

    Nye - A veteran soldier in Darius Teller's squad, charged with keeping watch on Thorn. He is killed by Bryant.

    Mack - A young, female soldier, who is Nye's protege. She treats him like a father figure. Having displayed immense skill and promise in her career so far, she is then murdered by Bryant.

    Collow - The first Talent and one of the deadliest. A champion of Portia. His Talent allows him to detonate himself in an explosion. The Ghosts encounter him in the CFW house and they barely escape alive.

    Lex - A magician, formerly kept against his will in Ay Babtu. He now lives a quiet life, hidden away in the countryside. He provides information on how to infiltrate Ay Babtu and lower its defences.

    Zell - Lex's wife, who also lives in their secret hideaway.

    Elsewhere - The tall custodian of The Arundel Inn. Although he is located close to Ay Babtu, he is a staunch supporter of Thorn.

    Jeffers - The hamster who lives at The Arundel Inn. Three hundred years old. Last of his kind.

    The half-hour girl - An illusion created by Lex, who Miles falls in love with. She exists for only half an hour before fading away, but her impact resonates for much longer.


    Phil Ryder - Suspected serial killer and original owner of the wok that Suzy now wields.

    Fry – Inventor of the automaton and bullseyes that Thorn uses of at the volcano, as training aids. Renowned as one of the most brilliant minds to have ever lived.

    Quiet Bee - A travelling assassin, encountered when Thorn and Mel return to Lex's home.

    The Orbital Glider - A bird that flies above the stratosphere of the planet, witnessing events and sensations as they unfold below. An observer, a recorder of history, destined to be there from the planet's first day until its last.

    And, with that done, let the story continue…

    Eshane Island

    1 - Three hundred years earlier…

    High above the treetops, upon the crest of a yawning cliff, stood the tiny village of Upper Cliveton. It was neatly dotted with painted houses and fenced-off gardens, whilst a single dusty road ran through its centre.

    And in amongst its sparse population lived a rabna named Fry.

    He was a tall man in his early thirties with a slight frame, awkward carriage, soft features and sandy-coloured hair. To some, he was plain to behold, but others could see that those silver streaks in his eyes sparkled with a rare internal light.

    He was sitting at his kitchen table, having just polished off a muffin.

    Happy birthday, he said to himself, smiling as he raised up a glass of delicious dark blue liquid, promptly finishing it off – it had been a long time since something so nice had passed his lips. Popping a handful of Chadders into his mouth, he walked towards the kitchen door.

    Lords of Winter, I nearly forgot! he exclaimed, turning back and wagging his finger at a well-worn notebook sitting on a shelf beside his armchair. She said that she wanted to see you! A recent acquaintance had expressed an interest in his research and, finding himself a little lovestruck, her request had been looping over in his head ever since.

    He picked up the book and tucked it lovingly under his arm, habitually covering up its handwritten title as he did so. He had called it ‘Portal Theory & Other Ideas’. When others asked him how long he had been working on it, he would modestly answer: For a while now. But, in truth, it was his life’s work.

    As soon as he took hold of the book, however, his doubts resurfaced.

    He rarely opened up this tome for anyone. Did he really need to be showing it to his friend today? She was, after all, a relative stranger.

    His hand clasped at the binding, twitching instinctively in the direction of the bookshelf. The book wanted to be back there, he could feel it. But then, he imagined explaining its absence to her and he didn’t want to have to go through that - not today of all days.

    How many fun things have I missed out on, just because of my stupid doubts? he thought, conveniently ignoring just how often they had saved him too. Let’s face it, if I don’t bring it along today, she’ll be disappointed and I’ll just end up kicking myself. So, that’s it. It’s going.

    His mind was made up.

    Entertaining no further debate on the subject, he stepped out of the house and left his garden via the fenced gate. Then he walked down Upper Cliveton’s main road, propelled onwards by his irrepressibly optimistic heart that - on this rare occasion – had refused to heed the cautious call of his instincts.


    The grass in Upper Cliveton was the colour of wheat, a burnished yellow – with a near-white tint in some places. Here and there, a few patches of green still hung on. Dried-up leaves rested on top of the lawns, like layers of toasted cheese. It hadn't rained for days and the unshaded land had become a sun-scorched plateau.

    Fry approached Slider Thorn’s home just as a new chill greeted the air. Feeling its cold breath upon his face, he welcomed its unfamiliar presence.

    A storm’s coming, he muttered. About bloody time!

    Sideways-flying birds up above caught his attention. He watched them as they struggled against the strengthening wind. And then a dark shape burst out from a nearby bush.

    Fry ducked, bracing himself, as it let out a loud alarm call and flew towards him. Then came the swish of wings, as it blurred past his face, displacing the air against his cheek. And then he saw it retreating away again.

    Fry, finally realising what it was, cast its disappearing form a baleful look.

    Up yours, he yelled, you annoying, flapping f-

    He followed this up with a cocktail of colourful swearwords and a fervent hand gesture, just as a new voice spoke out to him.

    You know, I think that stunt blackbird is really starting to like you, it said.

    With every passing day, my friend, I am convinced that it does not. It always makes me jump.

    Slider Thorn smiled from the fencepost he was leaning upon.

    Hello Fry, he said. It’s good to see you, mate.

    And you too, Thorn. It’s been a few days.

    Stunt blackbirds had earned their colloquial nickname due to their strange habit of performing unnecessary, unforced acrobatic manoeuvres – flying out of cover to dart dangerously close to the faces of passers-by. The flutter of their wings often wafted their victim’s hair, making a mess of it, which could be inconvenient when travelling to social engagements. But an encounter with a flock of them was not to be taken so lightly – that rare experience could be both disorientating and deadly.

    Slider Thorn, the village herbalist, was idly sipping some ice and lemon, watching his young friend’s attempt to restraighten his hair. The older man displayed the same distinguished features that his clan-leading descendent would sport many years later.

    He could see that Fry was still rattled.

    By the look on your face, he said, I’m guessing you didn’t receive the gift of dignity for your birthday?

    No more than you received the gift of tact on your last one, Slider. How pleased I am that you were there to witness my momentary lack of composure.


    Really, have you nothing better to do than to lean upon your fence and watch me swishing about at stunt blackbirds?

    No, not really.

    Fry cast an eye over Slider Thorn’s shoulder, changing the subject.

    And how have my little creations fared in your garden?

    Your remarkable creations, Thorn corrected. They give me renewed joy every day. He glanced over at the wooden automaton and the charmed bullseyes that, centuries later, would go on to help train The Ghosts and The Talents under Wilder’s protective wing. I still can’t believe that you gave them to me.

    That’s what you get for saving my life, mate. Sorry that they took a while to make, but I had to give them a part of my soul, y’know?

    You’re kidding, right?

    Fry just smiled at him and replied:

    I’m glad to hear that they’ve settled in okay.

    That’s all you’re telling me, huh? I know you well enough not to push.

    They’re useful though?

    Aye, they help me with my sword and bow skills and protect the crops.


    Fry had gifted the automaton and the bullseyes to Thorn, as thanks for the protective assistance the herbalist had lent to him on a recent research expedition, down in the wildlands below. Both the retrieval and the return journey had turned out to be far more eventful than first anticipated.

    How about your cross-pollinations, Slider? That new ingredient helping out at all?

    It’s certainly helped me sustain the fruit during this dry spell, that’s for sure – probably saved them, actually. As for any other results, I can’t tell yet, if I’m honest. It’s too early. But I won’t give up!

    You have a determined mind, Slider.

    As do you.

    It would still take several generations before Thorn’s family perfected the secret of creating evergrow fruit, but the ambition to achieve it was already there. And, when the breakthrough did finally come, his descendants would owe their success to the research that Slider had started for them - those notes and techniques that, as things currently stood, he hadn’t even finished compiling yet.

    You off to your lab? Thorn asked.

    For a short while, yeah. Stuff to do.

    A certain lady to impress?


    A certain tall and elegant lady friend, who happens to be staying at the inn?

    Alright, yeah. I like her, Fry said. She’s smart. Thorn raised an eyebrow.

    Oh, I can see that, he said. I can see that she’s smart - that’s what drew you in, isn’t it? But just promise me one thing, will you? Keep your heart intact, eh? You only get one of those, after all.

    I’ll be fine. Really. And don’t worry, I’ll keep its beat in check.

    So you should too. Thorn smiled. Oh, and don’t forget to come around here this evening. Bring her over, if you want. The Rabbits are coming too. We want to get you trollied for your birthday. I’ve got some fizzbollox in especially.

    Well, that all sounds like it’ll be terribly sensible.

    It’ll be messy, actually.

    Good. Wouldn’t miss it, mate. Thanks, I’ll see you later!

    See you!

    The two men waved goodbye to each other. Slider continued to watch after Fry, until his friend disappeared off into the distance.


    The doorway to Fry’s lab lay within the rockface of an imposing natural wonder known as Skylash Mountain. The mountain’s profile, when viewed from the wildlands below Upper Cliveton, bore a close resemblance to the creature that it was named after. And the sharp, deep cliff rising up from the valley provided the village with its natural protective wall, keeping out the denizens from the world beneath.

    Whilst he was waiting outside of his lab entrance, Fry passed the time by scanning the valley. Its miles-long expanse stretched out before him. He knew that Eshane Island eventually met the sea somewhere far away from where he stood but, even from this elevated height, he could not tell where that body of water might lie.

    Over in the distance, amongst a huge shower of breaking branches and scattered leaves, he could see a Haast’s eagle lifting a moa out of the canopy within its great talons. Although these eagles could grow to an enormous size, Fry knew that they were clearly smart too, as they conspicuously avoided any pockets of civilisation. They were still opportunistic enough to pick off lone travellers though.

    Elsewhere, he saw a tree being felled by something large and unknown. He preferred not to guess what the cause of that was - it conjured up a memory that he’d sooner forget. And, somewhere beyond, the rumbling cries of longhorns could be heard bellowing out, from within the remote grassy clearings that they called home.

    And then a new arrival broke his focus away from all of the natural distractions.

    Hello you, the female voice sang. Happy birthday!

    Fry turned towards its source, grinning like a fool. He had coached himself not to, back at the house, but he could rarely take his own advice.

    Hello Portia, he replied. Thanks.

    His tall, elegant lady friend from the Inn gave him a long embrace and closed her silver eyes.

    As it’s your birthday, she whispered, I’ve brought you a gift. Fry felt a weighty bag being placed into his hand. A bag of silver coins, she continued. Wealth, after all, is rather fun – I know that from experience - and I am aware that you have gone without in recent times. So I hope that this eases things for you.

    Lords of Winter! Thank you, Portia. Fry admired the contents within and then attached the weighty bag to his pouch, held in place by some hooks on the back of his belt.

    Let it also give you a taste of how we shall live, once we make things more permanent between us.

    By that, do you mean the prothana ritual?

    Of course. It’s what we spoke of – what we agreed to, actually - back at the inn.

    I was quite drunk when we were discussing that.

    So was I. But, just so that you know, I didn’t walk all of this fucking way for nothing.


    I’m sorry if my language shocks you.

    It doesn’t.

    Prothana makes us live forever, doesn’t it?

    Not quite forever.

    She frowned and gave Fry a disappointed look.

    Why in all the Halls of the Lords are you not ravenously biting at this chance?

    Because it’s such a big step, he answered simply.

    Don’t start your sentences with ‘because’, she admonished. Fry ignored her.

    Maybe I’m not certain about it yet, he said. Can we not just leave it a couple of days? Spend our time together instead? Y’know, enjoying ourselves?

    Enjoying ourselves?


    I suppose it’s possible. We could skip through a field, if you like but, if I’m honest, it would only bore me backwards and our time is running out, Fry. I didn’t tell you, but I am due to return back to the continent soon – ritual or no ritual. Her tone softened. Let me ask you a question, she opened. What better day to do it than this? It is your birthday, after all! She smiled. And then you can have me forever. And that’s a gift that’ll go two ways, I promise you!

    Erm…how do you mean?

    How do you think? she answered, still smiling at him. I sense that there is something very special in you, she added, with a playful wink.

    I sense the same - in you, I mean.

    Well, there we are! she concluded in a satisfied tone. I see no further reason for us to disagree then. Do you?


    In many respects, Portia had been correct in her assessment of Fry. He did have something special in him. He was a Seer, just as Lex would be centuries later.

    Fry had, since birth, the ability to sense different planes of existence. He often practiced switching in and out of them, by applying varying degrees of will.

    Early on in his discoveries, he had stumbled upon the only other plane that Lex could journey to and, from there, he had located auradew for the first time. Having the Seer’s Insight, he knew that, by collecting the substance, he would understand its use. So he filled a vial and applied it to his research - and it had enabled him to step forwards in boundless ways with his portal theory.

    But, more recently, Fry had started to challenge himself, having tired of visiting the same limited number of planes over and over, where half of his physical form still existed safely in Upper Cliveton. He knew that, if he could travel further, greater rewards might be uncovered.

    This curiosity led him to test his limits.

    He started to push his boundaries outside of comfort, fading further away into the parallel beyonds, until only a thread of his true self still hung onto the living plane of existence which he called ‘Home’. And, finally, after much experimentation and failed endeavour, he had fallen upon what he had always sensed was out there: a whole new unvisited plane.

    And it was upon reaching this new apex that he discovered the presence of prothana.

    As soon as he arrived, he could sense in which direction the substance lay, relative to himself. It was located far from him, deep within the Wildlands. Already, he knew that plenty of forward planning and an expedition would be required in order to claim it. And the prothana’s voice continually called out to him, tempting and teasing him. Fry knew that only its retrieval would free him from its peculiar siren’s song.

    When Slider learned of Fry’s plans and the hazardous journey that he intended to take, he insisted on accompanying his friend to the spot in the wildlands where the substance could be retrieved.

    Is this - what do you call it?


    Is this prothana stuff really worth the risk? he had asked.

    I sense it is very, very special, Slider. I wouldn’t be risking my neck for anything less.

    Both of our necks, you mean!

    You volunteered.

    No, mate, I only responded. Once you made your choice, I had no other choice.

    Fry already recognised the dual allure of their intended prize. He knew that, although his attempt to collect it could end him, its successful retrieval could also be his making. It was his own Philosopher’s Stone - although Fry had no clue of its Earthly alchemical equivalent. And just as a bee could provide either the sweetness of its honey or the pain of its sting, so the prothana offered him rewards of a similar contrast.

    They had finally undertaken their journey and the spot had been located. Fry changed planes, tuning into the one that harboured his prize. Slider watched on in shock as his friend faded away.

    Can you still hear my voice? Fry asked.

    Yes, but only just. It’s very distant.

    And how do I look?

    I can now only detect you when you move. You distort the air. But that’s it.

    They located the prothana perched high upon the end of the bough of a silver tree. Their prize had a golden sheen and a thick, gloopy consistency all of its own. Fry knew that he needed to successfully navigate that branch in his faded state. He was also aware that - with the height he had to climb - if he slipped during the crossing, he would splash into the ground, fall beneath its surface and drown in the dirt. Such were the risks involved with this particular retrieval.

    He pulled himself up the tree trunk until he reached the required height. Then he slid along the branch, crossing his faded legs upon its underside to help steady himself. Whilst he inched forward, he saw something move amongst the trees a couple of hundred yards away. He stopped still at the sight of it, immediately cautious. The thing moved again. It was vaguely rabna-shaped and it was also faded like himself. It’s features were indistinguishable, but Fry was certain that it had just turned its head towards him. Next, he saw it moving in their direction, stepping right through a tree as it did so. Not liking what he was seeing, Fry shimmied along the branch with more urgency, whilst Thorn’s faded voice called out to him.

    Hey man, why the sudden rush?

    The thing had clearly heard Thorn speak. It turned its head towards him, but continued to stride towards Fry who, upon reaching the end of the branch, felt it bending downwards, threatening to tip him off the end. Carefully, with half an eye on the advancing figure, he reached out his hand, clinging on tightly with the other, to scoop up his gloopy prothana prize. As he did so, its true purpose clarified for him, reflecting the experience he’d had when he first discovered auradew. The ramifications of what he now knew astounded him. His mind jumped into life, already awash with fresh ideas.

    Watching the advancing figure closing in, he started to reverse-shimmy back towards the tree trunk. As his feet touched base against its rough bark, he turned his body, grabbed hold of the trunk and slid down the tree, watching with some horror as the figure stepped right through Thorn in its determination to reach him. Fry slid closer to the bottom of the tree and, as the ghostly arm reached out his way, he avoided it in the only way he could - he leapt off in the opposite direction.

    Hey, I’m over here. Where are you going? he heard Thorn’s faded voice say, but Fry didn’t answer him. Having fallen a short enough gap not to sink into the ground, Fry landed on a patch of leaves and started to run, distancing himself from his strange pursuer. He turned and watched as it stepped through the tree that had held the Prothana. Trying to calm his mind – which was now jumping about feverishly in a fresh ball pit of nerves - he attempted to summon the concentration required to turn him back to his normal form whilst, all of the time, the thing advanced upon him. He closed his eyes, urged his thoughts to fill up only with joy, and willed his body to re-solidify.

    And, when his eyes reopened, it was done. He was back. His full shadow was, once again, cast upon the ground and he could feel the broken twigs and leaves beneath his feet. And – taking a quick look around to check - the horrible advancing thing was gone.

    Relief overcame him.

    Something was here. Well, not here exactly, it must have been in the other universe. But it disapproved of me retrieving the Prothana and events almost turned out very differently. That’s all I’ll say for now. Let’s just get out of here, shall we? I could do with a glass of throatflayer. Quietly, he also said to himself: Let me never return to that plane again.

    It was a vow that he would almost keep.

    Both he and Slider left the place whilst the prothana, now transferred into a vial, clinked off his belt as they both strode away.

    And it seemed that Portia was now as much a fan of the substance as himself. Coincidentally, she had turned up in Upper Cliveton very soon after Fry had made its discovery.

    But, for the present moment, her attention was fixed upon other things.


    Portia was eyeing the object under Fry’s arm, clenched tightly against his torso.

    Do I spy that very famous notebook of yours, Mr Fry? Tucked away so lovingly? I have to say, you’ve never held me as closely as that! I feel quite neglected by comparison.

    There’s always time, Portia.

    Do show it to me. She reached out her hand to him, which was met by an upheld, restrictive palm.

    Not just yet, my impatient lovely. Remember what we agreed to at the inn? I’ll show you the notebook, once you share how you managed to get here safely from the other continent. The inn’s trade always comes from the north and never from the south. So, by all reports, your route would be harder to navigate than the Abyss. Tell me your secrets and then I will happily do the same. I suspect that we stand to learn very much from one another. And, as mutual creatures of learning, that’s what we crave most, is it not? It’s the catalyst that first drew us towards one another, after all.

    We are very drawn together, aren’t we?

    Yes, we are.

    How about we come to a deal? she responded. I’ll reveal my route, once we’ve carried out that little ritual with the prothana.

    That little ritual?

    Strip it down, Fry. That’s all it is. Do you want us to continue to know one another?

    Yes, of course. I’d love it.

    Well, this will make it happen. Why in Pandos do you resist?

    Why in Eshane, Fry corrected. You’re on Eshane Island here, not the continent of Pandos.

    Then come with me to the other land. You’ll love it in Pandos, I know you will! Once the ritual is complete, I’ll show you the way there.

    I’m not sure I’d dare to go. I don’t relish a return to the wildlands.

    Who said we’d be going that way?

    Okay. So, if not through the wildlands, how did you travel here so safely and… with his voice taking on a darker tone …so unscathed?

    Portia let out a loud, melodramatic sigh in response, but she smiled warmly at him as she rolled her eyes like a patient nurse.

    Do you know, Fry? she announced. I tire of this to-and-fro, so I’m going to lay out the course of events for us. She looked at him coquettishly. First, we carry out the ritual. Next, I reveal my travel secrets - you forceful man - and, finally, I get to see that fascinating book of yours! Does that sound good? Oh, and then we will consummate our new life together in some really rude ways. How about I give you a taste of what you can look forward to, for the next few hundred years?

    Before Fry could answer, she kissed him full on the mouth and placed his hand hard upon her. Is that something you’d like?

    Mmm, yes… his muffled voice replied. Yes I would.

    Then I think we’re settled, she grinned, removing his hand away again. We are facing in the same direction. Thank goodness for that! Let us never look back from this point. Only forwards – do you agree?

    Erm…yeah, he uttered, still a little spellbound. With our eyes on the horizon.

    No, not just ‘on’ the horizon, Fry. Beyond it!

    And, before he could retort, she kissed him again. Just to make sure he was persuaded.


    Fry took the lab key from his coat pocket and approached the mountain wall. Portia could see no door there, let alone a keyhole of any kind. But then, just as her friend inserted the key into what she thought was a shadow between two jutting rocks, she heard a click.

    It was important for Fry to keep his lab’s access safe. Acknowledging the danger that his research represented and being the sort of rabna to think ahead, he’d insisted that his close friends - the Rabbit family - also hold a copy of his key for themselves, just in case …anything catastrophic happened to him.

    Won’t you come in? he asked, casually looking over at his friend, giving the wall a push. A hidden door then glided open with surprising smoothness, in response to the pressure he had placed upon the rockface. Portia didn’t move.

    Wait, she said. Can you come back here first?


    He turned away from the inviting light that lay within - cast by wall-fixed firebrands that were currently igniting themselves - and stepped closer to her.

    Portia rested her hands upon either side of Fry’s face and leaned her forehead in towards his own. Their eyes were almost resting against each other. I’ve brought along my assistant, she then admitted coyly, as her lashes batted against his. Before Fry could respond, she whispered three small words into the air: Come along now.

    And, although the words were barely audible, they still prompted a response. Right on cue, as Fry looked to his left, an older man stepped into view, appearing from around the corner of the rock wall’s edge. He is my assistant and you are my friend. Together, we will make a happy triumvirate. We’ll need him to take part in the ritual too.

    Oh no. Wait, hang on a second –

    You wouldn’t have me live out an eternity without my assistant, would you? she asked. I really think it’s better to just keep the same one. Retraining new hopefuls every other decade would grow tiresome very quickly. He has served me very well, I can assure you, and I believe he will be of great assistance to us both. Just think! Who else is going to carry our things and bring our drinks to us? Fry wasn’t looking convinced. And who else will reconstruct our bed after we’ve destroyed it with our outrageous lovemaking? Fry’s expression changed. A life of luxury, decadence and adventure awaits us, my good man.

    I’ve never really cared for luxury and decadence…

    Nonsense, you’ve just never had access to it, that’s all. Come on, you’ll like him. And he’s smart too, just like you.

    Fry’s attention remained upon the approaching figure - and the assistant’s gaze was also fixed upon Fry. I call him Malbeck, Portia announced simply. Fry frowned instinctively as he heard the name.

    The approaching rabna appeared unremarkable upon first glance. He was aged about forty, with a short, sharp beard, and wore a hood that cast his face into shadow. But his silver eyes – that were just starting to edge with gold - pierced Fry as he approached. Fry saw knowledge in those eyes and noted the carved creases upon the man’s brow, borne out of years of thought. And Malbeck was displaying another quality too, which Fry couldn’t quite place, until the man opted to speak to him.

    It’s good to finally meet you, Fry. I have been aware of your accomplishments for quite some time now.

    The quality that Fry had struggled to place was admiration - and Malbeck’s voice was awash with it. He reached out a hand and placed it upon Fry’s shoulder by way of greeting.

    I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Fry replied. How did you hear about me?

    Ah, the man smiled. I have either a long or a short answer. Which one would you prefer?

    Why not both?

    Why not, indeed? The short answer is, I heard about you through Portia, as she recounted your conversations at the inn.

    Oh. Why were you never in there to join us?

    My other duties kept me preoccupied.

    Other duties?

    Dull, everyday things that I shouldn’t bother your excellent mind with. Despite himself, a hint of warmth was igniting inside Fry, in response to this new arrival’s turn of phrase.

    And what about the long answer?

    Malbeck paused, switching his gaze upwards. Until then, he had been looking at Fry directly.

    Ah, but will you believe me? he stated dramatically.

    Well, we shan’t find out until you speak, Fry replied with a familiarity that surprised him. Give it a try.

    Malbeck focused back upon him and offered a smile in return. Fry noticed that the smile looked slightly unusual on this man’s face, as if it had been painted onto him and was not really used to being there.

    Very well. I shall begin. Malbeck took a deep breath. Fry involuntarily did the same, whilst Portia remained silent beside them, watching their exchange as it played out, her expression a mix of both pleasure and expectation.

    I dreamed, Malbeck began. I dreamed that I saw you. When I was back in Pandos. I was above the world in my dream, high above it, in the company of a dull-looking brown bird, which happened to be locked in a constant cycle around us.

    It’s called The Orbital Glider.

    Yes, Malbeck replied, looking at him quizzically. The very same. Those of us who dwell upon this planet’s surface should not know its name, yet here we both are – together - sharing our mutual knowledge of this magical creature. Either you are tuned into my universe, Mr Fry, or I share the same frequency as yours.

    Through listening to the stranger, Fry felt like he was being pulled into someplace else, somewhere not wholly unpleasing to be. A place that he’d been vaguely familiar with for all of his life, but had never been able to fully focus on.

    He had experienced a similar sensation when he had first met Portia, although he believed that a fair bit of desire was thrown into the mix with that encounter too. Regardless, it was refreshing for him to be in the company of such people, who stirred him up and helped him tune into his rarely-tapped feelings. Malbeck continued his tale.

    It was night-time in my dream and I was looking down upon the planet. It was covered in more stars than the dark sky that surrounded me. And, when I first saw you down there, it was not because you were the brightest of them - you did not give off the greatest shine, for example - it was none of that hackneyed nonsense. I saw you because your light was unique. It was your different energy that drew me in. Where you were my purpose, I was your completion. You made me dance in that night, I danced within your light and I could only shine brightly because of the energy you gave. We were symbiotic, the two of us, I could feel it. And, once I realised this, your pull became irresistible to me.

    Malbeck slowly reached out his hand and stroked the sandy hair at the side of Fry’s head. And, to Fry’s surprise, he let the man do this. He actually welcomed the beguiling stranger’s touch.

    When I awoke, Malbeck continued, his hand continuing to rest upon Fry, I knew that we – Portia and I - had to find you. And, let me say, you have not been a disappointment to us! Let me underline, that I am not a man who is swiftly won over or easily pleased – not by anyone. But, in your case, I shall simply disclose that I am in awe of you. And to even take a glimpse inside of your foreboding mountain laboratory would be akin to a glimpse inside of your world-transforming mind. But, let it be understood: I could only ever enter that place upon your invitation. So, if you wish for me to wait outside, whilst yourself and Portia make your visit, I will respectfully understand and adhere to your wishes.

    Why must you be invited to come in?

    Mere politeness. It overpowers me. I cannot invite myself.

    For a moment, Fry did not know what to say. So Portia, upon seeing this, rescued him.

    You overdo your introductions, Malbeck, she teased. I wouldn’t want Fry here to think that we are sycophants. She turned to Fry. We’re not sycophants, Fry. Just so you know. Really, we’re not. Malbeck here just thinks you’re okay.

    In the case of the rabna who stands before me, Malbeck countered in his calm, earnest voice, I believe that I actually underplay his brilliance. There is nothing overstated here, m’lady – just mere unfettered truth. Forgive me for speaking so bluntly.

    Portia turned her attention to Fry.

    I am convinced that word of your prowess will soon spread across Pandos, should you care to travel back with us? I do hope that you decide to do that when the time comes.

    Having met your friend, Portia, I admit to liking the idea more and more.

    Well, that is pleasing to hear, she answered, nodding in the lab doorway’s direction. Shall we go in then? Malbeck will wait outside, as he has offered.

    I don’t think there’s any need for that, Fry stammered, still under the spell of his new arrival’s words and wanting to hear more from the man. I’m happy for him to come in with us.

    Are you sure? Malbeck enquired, raising a hesitant eyebrow. You extend to me a kindness beyond expectation.

    I’m sure, Malbeck, Fry replied. Really. It’s fine. Both of you, please. Follow me.


    Once they had gone fifty paces along the mountain corridor, Fry rested a subtle hand upon a rock, pressing it down, as the entrance door behind them glided shut again. Portia glanced at him.

    You prefer the door closed, Fry? Does it really make a difference? We’re sufficiently isolated up here.

    It’s just a precautionary measure that I’m taking, Portia.

    To protect whom? she scoffed.

    The entire world.

    That answer caught Malbeck’s attention.

    Danger lurks here, Fry? he asked.

    Of course, came the reply. As it does everywhere.

    And ourselves? Are we in any immediate danger?

    No, we are not. Nor will we be, if you do as I say. I have it all under control, let me assure you.

    Malbeck flickered a fleeting frown towards Portia, before opting for a change of subject. He focused instead upon the firebrands that illuminated their way along the glassy rock interior, casting out their purplish hue.

    Who lit these torches? he enquired.

    Oh, those? Fry responded. They light themselves whenever I get near. I’ve no idea why. His companion was impressed.

    You didn’t design that rather nice touch yourself?

    Oh gosh, no!

    Then how did you come to own such a place?

    Family. Fry replied. Well, inheritance, really. I don’t know who constructed it all originally. No-one in living memory seems to have shown much interest in it.

    Except for you.

    Except for me.

    Just exceptional you, Malbeck muttered, accompanied by a low whistle. That’s no coincidence. This place was waiting for you to arrive. Portia’s voice then interrupted them both. They had all come to a halt at the corridor’s end.

    Where now? she asked.

    Two stairways stood before them. One leading up, the other going down.

    We’ll take that one, Fry answered, pointing towards the upwards stairway.

    Splendid, Portia replied. Then what’s down there?

    Other stuff.

    Good stuff?

    Just stuff.

    Can we see?

    No time.

    There’s plenty of time.

    I’ve a party to go to.

    Can we come too?

    That depends.

    On what?


    What about it?

    Do you like it, Portia?


    And you, Malbeck?

    It’s my favourite.

    Then you can both come. Still no time for downstairs though.

    Are you sure? said Portia, giving him a knock on the shoulder, the sensation of her physical contact still able to cast its effect and run through him like a pleasant shock.

    We’ll see, he said, tapping her arm back in return.

    They moved upwards, falling into a natural single file upon the narrow stairway. Fry led the way, as Malbeck remained at the rear, his eyes hungry, lingering upon the stairs that lay in the opposite direction.


    Their stairway led to a small room carved out from the purple rock. Fry watched Portia scanning her new surroundings and detected a twinge of disappointment on her face.

    You thought that my lab would be bigger? Much grander, yes?

    No, it’s fine, she replied. It’s just a bit gloomier than I thought.

    I keep this room gloomy, because this is my gloomy room, designed to be unremarkable. This is not my lab.

    As that lies downstairs, interjected Malbeck.

    As it does, Fry confirmed. What we have up here is something far more precious and worthy of our attention. Which is precisely why this room, upon first impression, appears to be so ordinary.

    Portia looked towards a darkened corner, where some movement caught her eye.

    You mean that rat? she asked, as a small, scurrying shape presented itself, running across the floor in Fry’s direction. Fry, you have rats.

    Ah, that’s no rat, Fry countered, crouching down as a small, rotund rodent approached him. "This is Jeffers. He’s the lab’s resident hamster. He has his own tunnels that take him in and out of this place, so I can never guarantee

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