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God Bless America
God Bless America
God Bless America
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God Bless America

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This book is about the wonderful type of government that our forefathers left us. It is a country to be governed by the people, for the people. Over the years our elected officials sometimes forget the wishes of our founders. In this book I guide the reader into realizing how great this country is when the politicians follow the Constitution and the Bible. These were the bases for this new kind of government that was established in 1778. This book gives many examples of how our elected officials should look to the Constitution and the Bible when making laws. Too often our politicians forget they work for “we the people.”
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 9, 2023
God Bless America

R.D. Aaland

R. D. Aaland “Duane” was born and raised in southeastern Minnesota on a dairy farm. After graduating from high school, he went on to college where he became an All-American wrestler. He received two Bachelor of Science degrees, one in Economics and the other in Business Management. He was then employed by the United States Postal Service, where he spent thirty-two years, mostly as a manager. He also owned three different businesses during that time. He also made time to coach football, wrestling, baseball and softball for forty seasons. Since retiring, he has spent time as a substitute school teacher and a writer for a local newspaper

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    God Bless America - R.D. Aaland


    God Bless America

    R.D. Aaland

    Copyright © 2023 by R.D. Aaland.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

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    Rev. date: 01/05/2023







    Chapter 1     America, the Greatest Country

    Chapter 2     God Bless America

    Chapter 3     Democracy for America

    Chapter 4     A View of 1780s

    Chapter 5     The Constitution Revisited

    Chapter 6     Where Did We Go Wrong?

    Chapter 7     The Re-Built Government

    Chapter 8     How Can We Lower Expenses?

    Chapter 9     Where Does the Federal Government Get Its Money?

    Chapter 10   Social Security and Medicare

    Chapter 11   Recession – Coronavirus – 2020

    Chapter 12   Infrastructure

    Chapter 13   Education

    Chapter 14   Immigration

    Chapter 15   The News Media

    Chapter 16   Attorneys

    Chapter 17   Insurances

    Chapter 18   Overseas Contingency Operation


    Appendix A

    Appendix B

    Appendix C


    Dear Heavenly Father, please guide my words that this country and the entire world may come to know you better and realize that you are God. Give me the knowledge to put into words the message that you want the world to hear. Amen

    T HIS BOOK IS important for our future and for the kind of country that we will be leaving for our grandchildren. We cannot settle for the status quo. We need jobs! We need to do our own manufacturing. Joining the World Trade Organization may be one of the worst decisions this country has ever agreed to. The usefulness of the United Nations is probably a thing of the past. It is not run for the benefit of humanity, but for the greedy rich persons (GRPs) who are attempting to rule the world under one government. Communist China and the coronavirus are perfect examples of how the United Nations does not protect us. Products not manufactured or produced in this country must first have high tariffs added to them before they are placed in our stores. Food that is not grown and processed in this country must be well marked. Thomas Jefferson felt that the entire federal government should be financed by tariffs, except in time of war. This may not be feasible with today’s global economy, but we need to take care of North America before we try to save the world. My friend Larry asked me, Are you an isolationist? I said, No, then I thought maybe, I am, sorta. I believe strongly that capitalism is the best economic policy, and it is time for my fellow American citizens to ensure it is our policy for many years to come. I do not want to live in a country that does not have a democratic form of government. Please do not let the greedy rich persons buy our elected representatives. We need to take back our economy and our government. We all must do our part. Our schools at all levels must teach the wonderful results of capitalism and the extra poverty of socialism.

    What are the biggest threats to America right now, one year into the Biden administration?

    1.Open border policy

    2.Socialist parading as Democrats

    3.A president that no country respects

    4.Liberals masquerading as the friend of the poor

    5.Muslim terrorist and sharia law

    6.A one-world government run by GRPs

    7.An extremely poor education system that keeps getting worse

    8.The lack of God’s guidance

    9.Threats to dismantle the Constitution one piece at a time

    10.The Democrats and Republicans

    11.A news media that lies more than they tell the truth

    12.The World Health Organization is now run by communist China

    In 1959, Nikita Khrushchev beat his shoe on the table while addressing the United Nations. He said, We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have communism. Would socialized medicine lead to the socialization of other phases of our lives? Vladimir Lenin thought so. In 1945 he declared, Socialized medicine is the keystone to the arch of the socialist state. And now in America, we have the Affordable Care Act or, as it is commonly known, Obamacare. Our medical expenses have skyrocketed, but who is getting rich?

    The following story is credited to Anonymous. A foreign exchange student attending an American college asked his professor, Do you know how to catch wild pigs?

    The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity. The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America. The government, especially the liberal Democratic Party, keeps pushing us toward communism, socialism, liberalism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time. This does not count the billions of dollars spent to boost our economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Parts of this book were originally published under the title, Saving Our Democracy. Because of the lack of publicity and sales, most of you have never heard of it. But seeing how everything that I was worried about happening is now taking place, I decided to rewrite it and update it to meet the needs of 2022 America. I have added sections on Christianity in government, taxes, tariffs, Social Security, and our budget because it seems that our government cannot handle it by itself. I have also used the term GRBs to describe the unknown rich people who are behind the scenes and who are getting rich by because they lack morality and ethics.

    The more I study our government, the more I believe that our two-party system has lost its effectiveness. The Democrats and Republicans are miles apart on theory, but identical on their representation of the voters. Both parties’ candidates will tell you lies to get elected and then do exactly what the party tells them to do. Therefore, I would like to see a new third party take over, one that represents the moderate American. There have been a few independent candidates elected at both the state and federal levels, so it is possible to win election when the message is right. The Tea Party looked at first like they might be the answer, but the way the press has labeled them, they are way too conservative, and this eliminates way too many voters. It also received a great amount of negative publicity from the news media because the Tea Party is not liberal, like our newspapers and other sources of media. The Tea Party seems to be made up of disgruntled Republicans that want change, but they do not have the guidance that would make them a real factor in the future of our government.

    The other new party may be Occupy Wall Street. With slogans like, United we bargain and divide we beg, it may also be used against them. It sounds like a page out of the Communist Party’s policy. I mention throughout the book the need for a representative political party and the only name I will use is moderates. Someone else can have the privilege of naming the party. Until this new party is introduced, I think our next best choice is to vote for conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans, especially if they have no ties to Washington, D.C. If we could send 435 new representatives and 33 new senators to Washington, they might get the message that we the people need to be heard.


    F OR THOSE OF you who do not have the time to read a book or do not want to put any effort into your county, here is all the important information that you will find in the chapters that will follow. President Donald Trump has many incredibly good ideas, but his every move is being criticized by the media, Democrats, and some Republicans. Trump does not fit in with the GRP’s (greedy rich persons) wishes for a one-world government.

    Ten things that must happen

    1.Elimination of most federal entitlement programs. No work, no money—too bad! 2 Thessalonians 3:10 says, For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule; ‘The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.’

    2.Semiprivatize Social Security. Eliminate the cap, which is $137,700.00 in 2020. The only reason for the limit on how much FICA one must pay is to protect the GRPs. You know them as the people who buy our representatives.

    3.Scrap income tax laws and start over. Any law that reaches 77,030 pages should be dumped just on principles. The Supreme Court decided over one hundred years ago (1913) that a graduated tax was constitutional. This should be the law—no deductions and a 2 percent tax on the first $50,000 earned and 5 percent on the next $950,000 earned. If you receive more than $1,000,000, your tax will be 10 percent. All taxes are to be paid by the wage earner; no deductions for spouses or kids—you wanted them, you pay for them! This would nearly double the amount of income taxes collected by the federal government.

    4.Withdraw from the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. They draw many billion dollars annually from our economy and all we as a country get is grief. It’s time to let the rest of the world take care of themselves for a while. If it is not in the best interest of the United States, we should not be involved.

    5.Bring all American troops home. Korea, Germany, and many other countries really do not want us there anyway. The whole world is not worth one American’s life. Use the regular armed forces guard our borders and let the reserve troops take care of local problems or disasters.

    6.Secure our borders by whatever means necessary. This is self-explanatory.

    7.Limit terms of senators, representatives and Supreme Court judges. If our congresspersons could not be reelected, their vote would be harder to buy. It is inconceivable that our forefathers would have imagined that someone with an expensive law degree would hide in Washington, D.C. Many of the signers of the Constitution thought that congresspersons should donate their time. Seems like a great idea! Any judge over seventy-five years of age may be too senile to resign!

    8.Return all health and Medicare issues to the individual states. And this is just the start. Follow the Tenth Amendment and give the states power in all matters not covered in the Constitution.

    9.Control federal spending: it must be less than money received. How come these smart people whom we elect get so stupid on their trip to Washington? If we do not have the money, do not spend it. Washington must follow that kind of budgeting.

    10.Use tariffs to get American jobs back and to get additional money into our government. Most American citizens surveyed have stated they would be willing to pay more for products made in the United States of America when it is connected to more jobs.

    Ten things that should happen

    11.Stop foreign aid. Take a long look at foreign aid. We cannot afford to save other countries until we have taken care of ourselves, our veterans, and our children. The USA should lead by example and not use money or force to get friends. Stop trying to be friends with corrupt governments such as Egypt, Syria, China, Mexico, or Iran, for a start. If we cannot trust another government, then treat them as a competitor or an adversary.

    12.American/English will be our only official language. If you do not read and write English, then learn. No interpreters will be used for driver’s license exams, welfare applications, citizenship papers, or to obtain any governmental help.

    13.Laws will be based on Judeo-Christian standards. Therefore, America became a great nation. Do not jeopardize our future. You may practice any religion you choose. Under the Constitution, that is always going to be your choice. But beware of any religion that comes into conflict with our Constitution.

    14.Immigration laws need to be changed: America has been called the great melting pot. This is now a thing of the past. We are soon going to be suffering from overpopulation and we will have difficulty feeding ourselves, much less the world. Just because some relative is an American citizen, that is not a reason to allow a person citizenship. We must regulate the knowledge that is needed to become an American citizen. We need to limit the time a noncitizen may legally stay in this country. I purpose a maximum of five years. We must penalize those people who break or ignore our immigration laws. They are criminals!

    15.We need to make it cheaper and easier to get higher education for Americans. The cost of a college education has gotten ridiculous. Probably even worse is the lack of common sense at all levels of education.

    16.Employees should share in their company’s profits. Companies fail without good employees. This is not a government issue, but it is good for companies to share profits. Any decent union should ensure that good employees have earned a share of the profits.

    17.Frivolous lawsuits need to stop. The only people gaining from these lawsuits are the attorneys. It has been suggested that if America followed the lead of the rest of the technological countries, it would save us, the consumer, over $580 billion annually.

    18.Vote for conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans if you must. But more important is to find a government official that will be a representative of the population they represent. Conservatives are closer to biblical standards than the Democrats, and since their convention in 2012, the DNC voted God out of their platform. They also are solidly pro-abortion so it may be hard to find one that would adhere to the Judeo-Christian standards. One thing about Trump, he has been the most pro-Christian/religious president in a while.

    19.It is time to awaken the sleeping giant—nonvoting and disappointed citizens. We need proof of citizenship to get an ID card that allows you to vote.

    20.We are all members of humanity. Classify people only as citizens or noncitizens.

    21.Cut 80 percent of expenses from the federal government’s budget. Yes, 80 percent. I will show you how.

    A quick look at GRPs

    If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

    —James 1:5–6

    Chapters 1 through chapter 5 cover my thoughts for writing this book, a little American history, the U.S. Constitution and what it means, and a look at all our previous presidential administrations from Washington to Trump. Our national debt has risen at a rate of $2767.65 per second during this time (based on our debt at $19.9 trillion and that the 228 years contain 7.19 billion seconds). That is no less than shocking.

    Over one-third of this debt has been accumulated in the last eight-plus years. The national debt was $10.598 trillion in January 2009, and in January 2017 it was $19.9 trillion. This is also why I consider President Obama to be the worst president so far. With the stimulus package of April 2020, the debt has risen to $23.2 trillion. There is public debt, intragovernment debt, and debt versus the gross national product. These items will be discussed later in the book.

    It is up to all of us to correct the path that America is heading, if we do not want to lose our republic, which is the only country that is run by the people for the people. Nearly all the country’s revenue is received through taxes. We absolutely need to look at tariffs and a totally revamped income tax program. By far the largest expenditure of the federal government is something now being labeled as entitlements. These include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare to businesses, farms, and individuals. Once we get used to living on government’s handouts, it is tough to change either because we feel we deserve it or because we need it to make ends meet. I will show you how to make Social Security viable for the next fifty years. Most of the other entitlements should be operated by the individual states or cities or eliminated. Think of this: everyone who handles public funds needs to have a staff. Staffs and offices cost money. Taxes would be drastically reduced if each level of government only collected the taxes needed at their level. As an example, the city I live in needs to have a new bridge for the highway in the area. That money can be collected locally. Why does the federal government collect the taxes and then send it to the state government, who will send it to the city? Every time the money is handled, there is less left for the project it was intended to do. Why does the federal government think that they know best?

    The population of the United States has been doubling every fifty years. In 1900, it was about 75 million people, in 1950 it was approximately 150 million people and by 2000 it was about 300 million. In the next 100 years, the population of the United States will be at 1.2 billion people. Where are all these people going to live? How can we feed the world when the number of acres that we farm is dropping every year because of housing developments? By far the greatest area of population growth is coming through immigration.

    Do our youth deserve a chance to go to college if they choose to follow that type of a life? The cost of higher education is going up every year. When a student graduates from college, he/she is likely to owe well over $50,000. Then because of the economy, they will not be able to get the jobs in which they have been trained. In the meantime, our military is fighting several wars and terrorists are entering this country almost at will. It is time to bring our troops home. To avoid creating even more unemployment, our soldiers may be used to reinforce our borders from Maine to Florida to California to Washington and back to Maine.

    And at last I will discuss my dislike of attorneys, the news media, Wall Street bankers, and politicians.

    The following was called the Cowboy Solution:

    To save gasoline, President Obama wants us to cut the amount of gasoline we use . . .

    The best way to stop using so much gasoline is to deport 15 million illegal immigrants

    That would be 15 million less people using our gas. When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a canteen, rifle, and some ammo and ship him to the

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