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Cleopatra and Antony Set Free: Shakespeare Revamped Vampire Romance: Love at First Bite, #2
Cleopatra and Antony Set Free: Shakespeare Revamped Vampire Romance: Love at First Bite, #2
Cleopatra and Antony Set Free: Shakespeare Revamped Vampire Romance: Love at First Bite, #2
Ebook142 pages2 hours

Cleopatra and Antony Set Free: Shakespeare Revamped Vampire Romance: Love at First Bite, #2

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This is a story of love at first bite! The vampire horror element of fantasy is added to the Shakespeare play.  Behind the scenes, there is the biographical story of the playwright William Shakespeare. While fight vampires, William is writing the first draft of his play, "Cleopatra and  Antony." The story is including vampires in Shakespeare' s town of Stratford.

Release dateJan 14, 2023
Cleopatra and Antony Set Free: Shakespeare Revamped Vampire Romance: Love at First Bite, #2

Christina J. Easley

Look at the various other vampire romance books this author has written.  The vampire romance books are available in paperback and e-book format.  

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    Cleopatra and Antony Set Free - Christina J. Easley

    Cleopatra & Antony: Vampire Romance

    by Christina Easley, Williams Shakespeare

    Copyright 2018 ©


    Chapter 1: William Shakespeare's Egyptian Vampire Cleopatra

    Chapter 2: Will and his Muse Isis: Does Evil Exist?

    Chapter 3: Will Receives Word from Lord Chamberlain

    Chapter 4: The Search for the Symbol

    Chapter 5: Antony's Elixir

    Chapter 6: Tavern of Tears Vampire Trials


    There was once a tale told in history of Cleopatra, Antony and her Caesar. Neither man nor nation could ever tame her or please her. Only the heart could contain her, hold her, appease or seize her. The birth of a son and the bite of an asp released her from capture, but the bite of a vampire blood-drinker made her the Queen of Egypt that lived forever! She was most admired, with passion like fire, and well desired.

    William Shakespeare decided to write the first draft of his romantic play. The original title of the historical play that William wrote was not called Cleopatra & Antony. The first draft of the Shakespeare play was really named, The Vampire Queen Cleopatra & Antony. The first draft of the famous play was about the immortal vampires that roamed the streets of Rome and Egypt. William Shakespeare had to interact with these vampire mythological creatures while he was writing his play. King James commissioned the play from Williams Shakespeare whilst Shakespeare was translating the Holy Bible scriptures from Latin into English.

    William Shakespeare's Egyptian Vampire Cleopatra

    "Yes, I am sure you have been warned not to disturb me during my writing spells, Ann!"

    I know Will but ‘tis urgent, a messenger boy is here from the royal palace...quickly open the letter and tell me what it asks of you!

    It says that the Royal Highness of England would like yet another audience with me at the royal palace and another play!

    Well, have you another play Will?

    Yes, my dear wife...Ann I have been dreaming of Egypt.


    Yes, the land of the pharaohs my darling wife, the place where the Caesars of Rome and the queens of Africa converged at Alexandria to join the Roman Empire with the Egyptian Empire.

    Ah, their love, and the asp that took her life, tragic just like your Romeo and Juliet.

    Cleopatra was the first and the last female Greek Pharaoh of Egypt, and you are my first and my last love dear Ann...Hathaway, you hath a way with words. I was always all the way in love with you.

    Oh, my sweet William, you are my Romeo, my Antony, and my Caesar!

    Well, remember the story I told you about my muse, Echo?

    Yes, you told me that a vampire queen tried to bite you and welcome you into their secret lair, the vampire vault for eternity, to make you live forever.

    Yes, Ann and ‘tis all true.

    Will do not venture to that dreaded ‘Alley of the Undead’ again, the ‘Vampire Village’ is a wretched part of town, you may be turned into a creature of the night.

    I am told by yet another letter, written in blood that I should return to the tavern of souls where I first met Echo, and meet yet another vampire ruler, named Isis.

    Do not venture out Will, ‘tis too cold and the river sends us more terrible snow storms.

    Ah, Ann I dream of a land of endless summer, and the warmth of the Mediterranean.

    Stay with me Will, in our bed and go there only in your dreams, drift off to sleep with me now Will, avoid the cold of winter and its awful chill, love is a cure for all sickness an irresistible pill.

    No, Ann, I must go, I must venture into the ‘Vampire Village’ again.

    No Will come to bed with me now, and dream, dream a sweet and endless love, of you and I— not Isis.

    Alright, Ann, I will rest tonight with you but do not force me to stay when my creative spirit tells me to go, this is why I stayed in London those years away from you. I need space, Ann, as well as time alone with peace and quiet.

    No just rest, lay your burdens down Will, do not lie to me... lie with me!

    Fine then Ann, I Will drift off to sleep with you now.

    Will was pulled back into bed with his wife Ann and slowly drifted off to sleep. The room was cold and filled with a cacophony of crying and cringes of crisp winter air. He thought of his new muse Isis away in the ‘Vampire Village’ and what she had said to him. Then he dreamed of the palace of Cleopatra during the fall of her great empire of Egypt. Then William dreamed of her love affair with the powerful Caesar and Antony of Rome:

    Antony’s broad shoulder and strong muscular frame towered over Cleopatra. His arms were chiseled with lean muscle and his brawny chest was strong and bronzed from years of battlefield experience.

    On his thick golden bronze skin, the scars of a warrior were wrought on his flesh. He would not hide from war or be warned not to tear the tender flesh of love and lust... for lust for love and power was life. Death was the lack of want of food and fighting. The lack of fear and courage inspires madness in men who crave glory.

    Antony removed his Centurion helmet, the symbol of Roman rule, and let his dark curly locks stick to his slick forehead. Perspiration rained over his brow. As a man spoke, the Queen of all Egypt spoke. Cleopatra looked on, Antony waited to speak his words of brutish love and loss, no matter what the cost.

    Everyone in the palace looks on while Cleopatra and Antony enter the lavish opulence of the room. Men fall at the sight of her form and dream of her desire, like a woman who comes to men in their sleep and seduces them to love’s fire."

    Now Cleopatra entered with Antony, her ladies in waiting, her train and some eunuchs fanning her. Cleopatra was adorned in the finest Egyptian cotton. Her sheer white tunic draped across her lean-muscular body... as the contours of her voluptuous and firm form shown beneath her clothes. Her ample chest panted veiled under the heavy heat of Egypt and the weight of an entire empire was on her strong sinewy shoulders.

    Her mouth made the shape of a heart. Her moist plump lips were filled with wisdom, love and the power to rule a kingdom. Her thighs were firm and taunt stretched across silken, skin of golden bronze that shimmered in the dim light of dawn. Her eyes were Egyptian, painted with layers of black that circled the massive windows to her soul.

    Her teeth shone as bright and white as pearls gleaming upon the sea of words that flowed from her mouth. Her hair was thick and full around her face. Her head was adorned with plates of braids that flowed down the curvy small of her back and tiny waist as her gracious hips made the shape of a fine vase.

    Cleopatra speaks of love and war; she is torn. Her heart is where both love and hate are born. Her emotions are worn, she is humbled by conquest and conqueror; to Egypt she is sworn. Her need to be loved had gone forlorn, for this ruler of Rome spoke... and of danger or treachery she was warned.

    The fleeting fantasy of love and lust swarmed like bees upon sweet honey. Queen Cleopatra was torn. Her Egyptian advisers forewarned. The sweet savor of Egyptian authority was what she mourned. In her heart Antony was opportunity and victory. A sea of uncertainty lingered in her watery eyes filled with pent up tears and sighs. Would the queen listen to her nation’s cries? Inside her mind she had formed Roman ties. Old Egypt dies upon a bed of lust and lies.

    She gazed at her enemy with eyes of desire. She should have despised a liar, throwing his passion and anger to rule to the fire. Cleopatra could not help but to admire, the ruler and lover that she had learned to desire, her power was complete, but not entire. She was still queen but only in jest and attire.

    As a ruler of Rome, I profess my love for you!

    Yes, my vampire ruler of Rome, you may enter my Egyptian palace. Just remember that the only limit to physical love is the death of the mortal flesh.

    My messengers are trying to deliver news from Rome. I don't want to hear news from Rome. My sweet Cleopatra, I want to ignore Rome and suck the sweet Egyptian blood of a queen!

    Will and his Muse Isis: Does Evil Exist?

    Now Will was aroused in his bed and the images of his players were stirring his head. The moisture of anxious sweat coated him like a mask of glowing dew upon his pale skin. His bright brown eyes were wide open as the moonlight danced into his sight. Will would visit his muse tonight!

    Tossing the crinkled white sheets from his agile, muscular body Will placed his feet on the frigid floor. The wooden floor boards creaks and moaned and immediately Ann was stirred in their bed. The dark outline of the old oak and snowflakes drifting down to the cold frozen ground cast a shadow on the wall...the urges to chop wood for a fire and pull close to Ann did call— but Will drifted away. That old oak would be filled with messenger pigeons for him from the King, for the roads were sometimes impassible in the dead of winter.

    He dressed slowly, covering himself with wool and leather layer after layer. Soon he crept down the stairs in the great house that he had built for his family, called New Place. New Place was the largest and grandest house in all of Stratford-Upon Avon and his pride and joy, besides his two children Susanna and Judith.

    Will had been privy to frightening premonitions and foresight One of his terrible nightmares came true when Hamnet, his twin son of Judith died suddenly. Some prediction had come true and taken his only son away from him. It was God’s will for his son to go on to heaven, as Will said it in Romeo and Juliet, the child was too good for them, too good to be here on earth. Will had thought it would be Susanna that would be taken from him, instead it was his

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