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In the Midst of My Struggles God Said
In the Midst of My Struggles God Said
In the Midst of My Struggles God Said
Ebook69 pages41 minutes

In the Midst of My Struggles God Said

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About this ebook

God sees us in our struggles. His desire is not to see us fail or be overwhelmed by them. God knows the way forward, the answers to the hard questions, the next move you should make, and the path to victory. God is speaking words of wisdom and knowledge to all those who will listen.

This book is meant to be a lifeline, a go-to practical

Release dateFeb 22, 2023
In the Midst of My Struggles God Said

Claudia Dickson-Jankee

Reverend Claudia Dickson-Jankee has served as a pastor for twenty years. Pastor Dickson-Jankee surrendered her life to Jesus as a teenager, and then she began pursuing God's purpose for her life with great passion. She has encountered many difficult experiences that have all worked to deepen her intimacy with God. It is her testimony that what God has said to her has always been what has kept her and brought her victory. Pastor Dickson-Jankee has been married to Doodnath Jankee for twenty-five years, and they are blessed with two amazing children. Together, they have worked to care for the people of God with hearts of compassion and love.

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    In the Midst of My Struggles God Said - Claudia Dickson-Jankee


    Job said in Job 19:23 (KJV), Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book! I am very proud of one of my daughters, who has taken the time to put pen to paper. It is a joy to see the words God has given her in print.

    In today’s world, people listen to many voices. These include political voices, religious voices, Hollywood and Bollywood voices, and the list goes on. I am very pleased to hear a young, bright and dynamic woman saying, My sheep know my voice. Claudia Dickson-Jankee has positioned herself to hear the voice of God and has boldly echoed, God said.

    This reminds me of the great evangelist of our time, Dr. Billy Graham. Throughout his sermons, he repeatedly says, God said, The Bible said, Jesus said, and The Word of God said.

    In this book, God Said, Claudia shows that during life’s experiences, she was able to hear the voice of God. In difficult situations, we must listen for that still, small voice. In 1 Kings 19, Elijah was running from Jezebel. He was hiding in a cave. There was a strong wind, but God was not in the wind. There was an earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake. There was a fire, but God was not in the fire. However, there was a still, small voice, and Elijah, during his difficult period, listened to that voice. That is therefore, what prophetess Claudia is trying to bring to our attention.

    In her poetic language, she competently and simply displays her trials. She opens up to the world and shares her testimony without holding back. She shows us all how we can listen to God’s voice amidst tribulation and say, "God said to me."

    In this age of false prophets, prophetic voices have become pathetic! Oh, how we need to learn the voice of God. This book is easy to read, yet contains deep soul-searching statements and revelation. I trust that as you read, it will whet your appetite to read again and again. Congratulations to Claudia and her husband for writing such a necessary book.

    Reverend Vickram Hajaree


    Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

    Jeremiah 33:3, ESV

    Just as earthly parents greatly desire to be active and present in the lives of their children, so does our heavenly Father. Throughout my life, God has been a present help in times of trouble. He has never left me nor has He abandoned me, and most importantly, He always speaks to me. He has provided me with sound counsel, words of wisdom, and insight that go beyond my human understanding. His timely words have been my guide through rough waters and deadly valleys. His words have charted my course in my moments of uncertainty.

    I received these words of wisdom and harkened diligently to what God said to me. As a result, I was led down the right path. As I reflected, I realized the words God spoke helped me avoid the traps set by the enemy of my soul to take me out. Now I clearly see that what God said to me provided the steppingstones that have led me into places of blessings, breakthrough, and victory. Even more than that, those words that came from the heart of God helped mend my

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