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There is one interview in hell that you do not want to read about... yours!

Nothing can make the reality of hell more personal than to have dozens of people tell their story as to how they wound up in hell.

The stories that you are about to read are about situations that you could have been in or you may even

Release dateJan 13, 2023


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    INTERVIEWS FROM HELL - Lafayette Tolliver


    Copyright @2022 by (Lafayette E. Tolliver, Attorney)

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    REV. DATE: 10/24/2022





    These fictitious accounts of people in Hell whom are awaiting their final judgment from God was written in the hopes that if only one person reads this book and repents and follows the living Jesus, the effort and time to publish this book was well worth it.

    All of the accounts herein are fictitious. I did not draw from any factual accounts of any living person. All of the interviews were of my own invention for the purpose of conveying that neither the age, gender, wealth, status, position, race or religious affiliation of any of the interviewed persons gave them any immunity or favor from being held accountable to God through his Son, Jesus the Christ, because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23.

    The interviewer is simply identified as, Ron. We do not know how Ron was able to access these people bounded in Hell but I used the story line as found in the Book of Luke chapter 16 to illustrate the gist of this book.

    As that Bible story graphically illustrates, the rich man was able to communicate with father Abraham, and he was able to think, recollect and make petitions based upon his perceptions of consciously knowing where he was and the status of his still living family members.

    That story, as recounted by Jesus, shows that being in Hell is a place of consciousness and remembrance; and not one of oblivion nor is it a cessation of feelings and thoughts as some religions would have you to believe.

    There is no annihilation in Hell or afterwards in the Lake of Fire where both Hell and Satan will be deposited after God’s final judgment. Read the Book of Revelation for the description of the grand finale of both Hell and the real person of Satan.

    Jesus was a hell raiser in the sense that he brought up the subject of Hell many times in his discourses with the disciples or with the listening people and crowds who followed him around.

    He would make flat out statements about the reality of Hell and who would populate it.

    Hell is not an abstract ghost place or a boogeyman drummed up or created in order to scare people into making decisions for Jesus Christ.

    Like the reality of Heaven, Hell stands as an unyielding marker to the righteousness of God that he must allow people to make decisions, on their own, either against him or for him; and also for them to live out the consequences of that important and everlasting decision.

    Freewill involves a Heaven and a Hell. A just God who promises to right wrongs and to punish evil doers has prepared Hell for such wayward (sinning) people who have exercised their freewill to choose against the salvific teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Without a Hell, there would be just a Heaven for the born again believer and a termination of the existence of one’s consciousness at the other end of the spectrum for the person who dies and has rejected Jesus Christ. Heaven is the dwelling place of God who is a holy God and who will not tolerate the presence of sin in Heaven.

    For those persons who choose not to follow the person whom God has shown is the only way back to a right standing with him, Hell is their choice; and with advance notices repeatedly given by Jesus and recorded in the Word of God that Hell has consequences which are eternal, excuses for not knowing will not be entertained!

    There is no reset or a delete button for those who died and are now in Hell or for those who currently reject Jesus and will be in Hell when they die...if they do not repent and believe the good news which is the gospel.

    There is no appeal or escape from either being in Hell (awaiting judgment) or later, when Hell and its sentenced population is placed into the Lake of Fire which burns forevermore.

    Regardless of the frivolity of the countless jokes that the world may speak about the literal place called Hell, Hell is affirmed by God and it is not a matter to be taken lightly when you consider where you could spend eternity.

    It is my hope that if you read this book and have not received Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord, that you will read to the end of this book to see how you can receive his grace gift of mercy and you can be born again and receive eternal life now; and that you would follow the teachings of the risen Jesus the Christ ( A Greek word which means, anointed one).

    I have given you my e mail address. Feel free to comment to me about your reactions to this book and especially so if you have made a decision to confess your sins before a holy God and receive his absolute pardon and forgiveness; and thus you are immediately welcomed into his eternal kingdom and you will, one day, rule and reign with him!

    God is a sovereign God and he does not utilize polls as to how he should reign and rule in his eternal kingdom. He will not go against his nature and character and forever permit evil and sin to have the final victory or dominance over what is righteous, good, pure, just and fair.

    Cultures and philosophies come and go. Nations rise and fall. Governments rule and then they may fall out of favor. Opinions change as quickly as the weather. Fickle is the heart of mankind but God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

    Judgment is coming for all peoples, both the living and the dead and all will have to give an account of their deeds done in the flesh when they lived on planet Earth. No exceptions.

    I believe, as the stories below illuminate, that all peoples of all nations and tribes will have had opportunities to know this eternal God and to make a decision either for him or against him.

    God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, to the Earth to be the perfect reflection of the Father so that mankind can not ever say that they did not know the character and nature of the Father or what the Father expected from them. When you see the Son, you have also seen the Father.

    Jesus is God in the flesh and is equal part of the Triune or the Trinity of God which is composed of the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Not a God of three manifestations but three separate and distinct and co-equal persons but all in one and all act as one.

    Any excuses that people may try to muster or argue against being judged by a holy God will be of no avail. There will be no crackerjack legal team on standby that will argue on your behalf.

    There will be no appeals to any higher authority for there is none! Finality will rule the day. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

    In this age of modernism, mankind does not embrace and accept such statements since much has been said by many religious pundits and religious leaders that, All roads lead to God or that God is in you and thus you are a, god.

    Such foolish and obtuse mystical thinking only detracts from the truth that God is sovereign over all man made dieties and religious formations regardless of their origins, history, humanistic appeal or how many adherents they may have.

    Mankind severely bumps its head on the claim of Jesus that he is the only name under heaven given to men by which they can be saved or be rightly brought back in proper relationship to God the Father.

    Many may take umbrage at that statement claiming that such exclusivity leaves out other religions of the world and their claims regardless how virtuous, pious, self sacrificing, self-effacing or noble they may be.

    Jesus never acknowledged any other religions or relationships other than that only through him is one able to be restored back to a righteous relationship with God the Father and without, guilt, sin or punishment.

    You will find that humankind rejects the claim of a holy and just God because they want to be in sole control of their lives and not be submitted to or be required to live by the commandments of God as revealed in the Bible, which is the inerrant Word of God.

    I hope with the reading of this book that you will come to the realization, brought on by conviction of the Holy Spirit, (the other co-equal member of the Trinity) that Jesus the Christ is the only means by which you can satisfy the sacrificial requirements of God because it is only through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, his Son, that such sacrificial requirements of holiness and sinlessness as required by God can be perfectly fulfilled.

    Mankind (including women and children of the age of accountability) can not enter into a right relationship with God on their own terms and conditions. There is nothing mankind can sacrifice to God that will atone for their sins but God made a way by which that bridge between God and mankind can be closed and that was and still is through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross at Calvary.

    That death of Jesus on the cross fulfilled the requirements of both the law and was a perfect substitute for our death due to our sins. Jesus paid the price and as such we are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb of God and have received eternal life!

    And now... The Interviews From Hell!

    copyright(c)2017LafeTolliver all rights reserved both domestic and foreign

    Name: Nora Castiolia

    City: Topeka, KS

    Married, three kids

    Occupation. Librarian

    Age at death: 67

    Cause of death: fall from hiking trek

    Religious affiliation: Quaker

    Ron: Hi Nora...can we talk for a moment? How long have you been here?

    Who knows how much time I have been in this place. They don’t keep clocks in here. No need to. You are not going anywhere! You can not leave.

    You can not communicate with anyone on the outside. You can not see what is going on outside of this Hell.

    Any need for lying or pretense is gone. There is no one to impress here.

    They can’t help you. They are here forever... just like me.

    You spend your whole time reliving your life and what could have been and you get to relive all of your choices that you made and you see that you chose them because you wanted to.

    Ron: Nora how were you raised?

    I was raised in a good Quaker home. Of course, what is good is now what I see to be a relative term! My mom and dad were both practicing Quakers and we went to meeting every week.

    For me, going to weekly meetings was a social time to flirt with the boys and chat with my girl friends.

    Anytime someone said something about God and Jesus, we were polite to listen but our thoughts were a million miles away planning a sleepover party or buying the latest rock n’ roll records and hiding them from our parents!

    Ron: What are you now thinking about Hell?

    Thoughts about Hell? We heard about Hell in some of the Quaker preaching but it was never stated that it was for all of eternity and you would be in constant conscious anguish and suffering.

    One of the worse parts about this Hell? It is hearing all of the people around you crying and yelling and screaming that they do not belong here because they were good people when they lived on the Earth.

    Ron: How would you describe yourself?

    I never saw myself as a bad person. I did favors for people. I was always polite to everyone and was never convicted of any crimes. The worse thing that I can remember was helping to burn draft cards during the Vietnam War years at a demonstration at the local draft board.

    I was against the war and thought that civil disobedience was a good way to exercise your conscience against evil.

    Ron: Did you think about matters of eternity and judgment?

    Did I ever think about my soul and things about God? Yes and no.

    I would daydream about what Heaven was like and how God made the universe and how great it was to see a forest or see a mountain valley but as for God being a personal God, not much thought was given to it.

    Topeka had a lot of churches. When I was about seventeen, my best friend Darla and I visited during a particular summer, a different church each Sunday.

    We visited the Episcopalians, Baptists, Methodists, Unitarians, Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists, Pentecostals, Jewish synagogues, Congregationalists and Lutherans.

    Nothing really caught my attention except in some of the black Pentecostal churches. The preachers were very entertaining with a lot of yelling and running around the pulpit and the people would shout and dance and run up and down the aisles.

    We laughed and laughed when we got home about the antics we saw at a lot of the churches. In some churches, it was like being in a cemetery. Everything was ghastly quiet and when someone spoke it was from a book. Nothing spontaeneous. Real spooky at times.

    Ron: What decision did you make, if any, about Jesus?

    When did I hear about Jesus and He being the Son of God? I guess the Quakers talked about that but there was no personal direction that you had to receive this gift of grace from God and be born again.

    Down here in Hell, everyone remembers the times that they had a chance to accept Jesus as their Savior but, for me, I thought what’s the rush? There will be a time when I am older so that I can thoroughly examine this faith stuff.

    Ron: Nora, what was going on in your thinking when you died?

    When I died, what did I think? Well, it is as fresh now as it was then.

    I was on a sabbatical from my job and saw an ad for a guided hiking trek in Northern Oregon. The kids were raised and out of the house and my husband was not interested so I talked up some fellow librarians to go with me.

    There was a total of eight of us in the guided group. We were the outdoorsey types and after we saw a video of such trips, we were keyed up to go!

    The trip and the scenery was to die for…pardon the pun. I was last in the line when we traversed up a rocky outcropping to get to a plateau and there we would unpack, rest and have lunch.

    Things were fine until I accidentally dislodged a bee hive that was hidden in the rocks where I was placing my feet for support.

    Before you knew it, out flies a horde of yellow jackets and I am swatting them like crazy and not thinking too clearly, I was not watching my next steps and I stumbled, fell and rolled down the side of the rocky hill.

    I remember rolling down the steep enbankment and screaming and at the same time, knowing that I was about to die; and all I could think of in that short time was I was about to miss out on a great lunch of freshly caught salmon with a dill sauce, roasted potatoes and spring water.

    That is the last thought that I can remember…missing lunch!

    How crazy is that!

    I did not feel the impact of hitting the large boulder which stopped my roll.

    Immediately I was in this forsaken place and when I got here, I knew right away that it was not Topeka!

    I had a body but it was a different body. I could immediately communicate with others down here and I could move around but the sense of dread and foreboding was like an ever present stench. You got the sense and knew that your then life was over but you also knew that you were going to live forever.

    I guess that is one of the reasons that people here are always weeping and screaming. There is no alternative. This is it, living like this and in this place forever!

    My memory is enhanced and I can revisit the many times that people approached me about the gospel and about being saved and I shrugged them off or mocked them for such fundamental nonsense.

    Ron: In retrospect, what did you learn?

    Looking back, there were so many times, that I could have made a choice and received God’s grace gift of Jesus Christ but I kept putting it off and off. You just never know when your time is up! You think that you will always have a tomorrow.

    Ron: Goodbye Nora.

    Name: Mario Bretan

    City: Hartford, CT

    Age at death: 79

    Occupation: boiler operator

    Marital Status: Divorced and remarried. No kids

    Cause of death: suicide

    Ron: Hi Mario, can I ask you about your story?

    You want to know my story? Not much to

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