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The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized
The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized
The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized
Ebook162 pages2 hours

The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized

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About this ebook

Humanity in the 21st century is asking... 

  • Is there a plan for world peace? 
  • Who will lead the world into peace? 
  • If there is a plan, how will it affect me? 
  • Will the Muslim world ever choose to live in peace? 
  • What will become of our money?&n
Release dateFeb 22, 2023
The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized

Gary Frazier

DR. GARY FRAZIER is a sought after speaker on biblical prophecy. His seminars are spiritually awakening experiences, giving new insight into current events in these last days, with an emphasis on the Middle East. Hehas appeared on numerous radio and television shows.

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    The Event - Gary Frazier




    The Dream of World Peace Realized

    Gary Frazier

    Greyscale Trilogy Publishing logo

    The Event: The Dream of World Peace Realized

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2023 by Gary Frazier

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Trilogy Christian Publishing Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, CA 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/ TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 979-8-88738-463-4

    ISBN 979-8-88738-464-1 (ebook)

    Table of Contents



    1. The Event: World Peace Realized

    2. The Terminal Generation

    3. The Attack

    4. The Miracle of Israel

    5. Bedouins and Arab Leaders

    6. Frank and Esther

    7. Going Woke

    8. David and Connie

    9. My Sweet Madelyn

    10. Covid and The Church

    11. Gabriele: Man of Peace

    12. The Religion

    13. The Iranian Connection

    14. The Jewish Temple

    15. The Rapture Debate Resolved

    16. The Mystery of the Open Graves

    17. Jesus: Myth, Lord, Liar, Lunatic?

    18. Katie McDaniel

    19. Survival

    20. The Tribulation Martyrs and Saints

    21. The Last Day

    We Will Stand

    About the Author

    Additional Books by Gary Frazier


    Gary Frazier has a passion for people to know Jesus! As a teacher, preacher, student of the Word, and author, he also operates under a deadline: the return of Jesus.

    Even a short conversation with the Fraziers leaves one knowing that he and his lovely bride, Sandra, serve Jesus wholeheartedly. They have committed their lives to the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

    In his book, The Event, Gary takes a novel approach to teaching end-times events through a fictionalized narrative. Throughout the story, he frames his work around Scripture and uses current events to support his fiction. The book is a fun yet harrowing read. Jesus will return. Will you be ready?

    — Dr. H. Edwin Young

    Pastor, Second Baptist Church,

    Houston, Texas


    I’ve known Gary Frazier for more than 25 years. He is a great communicator of the truths of God’s word. Gary has a passion to share the gospel of Jesus as well as encourage believers with a focus on the soon coming of Christ. The Event is a fascinating read that weaves a captivating story around actual events that will take place very soon. This is a call to be ready. Read it!

    — Dr. Robert Jeffress

    Pastor, First Baptist Church/Pathway to Victory

    Dallas, Texas

    My friend, Gary Frazier has written a compelling, historical, and exciting story that is a must read. Gary has authored numerous books and articles as well as producing several video series, but this may be the best. Gary is a Bible scholar and has spoken the world over about Israel and Bible prophecy. If you are the least bit curious about what your future holds read this today!

    — Dr. Jack Graham

    Pastor, Prestonwood Church/PowerPoint Ministries

    Plano (DFW), Texas

    As the Church Age races to a close, we can rely on trusted Christian leaders, scholars, and authors to interpret the times. Gary Frazier’s book will help you do that. He connects many dots as he reveals his years of solid biblical interpretation of some biblical themes being ignored by many churches today.

    — Jan Markell

    Founder/Director, Olive Tree Ministries

    The Event is a powerfully written work that immediately draws the reader in through the compelling story found within every chapter. As the narrative unfolds, there is an awakening within the spirit and many aha moments that bring present day events into focus and places them correctly within biblical prophecy. This book, masterfully written by Gary, is one that will live throughout the coming days and years until the return of Christ. I believe readers will reference this time and again as events unfold and will have a spiritual awakening and personal revival as they come to understand the Lord Jesus’ full intent to return with victory and power.

    — Stephanie G. Henderson

    Pastor, Author, Speaker, Podcast Host

    CEO, She Leads Ministries

    The Event is a page turner! I could not stop reading! This is a thriller with a powerful message.

    — Dr. Frank Harber

    CEO and Chief Legal Counsel, Defending The Faith Alliance

    Gary Frazier’s The Event sent chill bumps down my spine, as it is a clear depiction of what can, and I believe will, take place in the very near future. With the author’s exceptional knowledge of Scripture and prophecy, this fiction story will keep you riveted as you watch the pieces fall into place as The Antichrist attempts to fake real peace.

    — Donna Skell,

    Director, Roaring Lambs Ministries

    Citizens of the world have always longed for world peace. But when it comes, it sets in motion catastrophic events foretold in the Bible. Gary Frazier draws upon his experience of leading over 187 trips to Israel and the Middle East and decades of teaching eschatology in churches and schools. The events, told through the eyes of Frank Matthews, educates the readers about the key element of end times prophecy. We see how the world will be seduced by the Antichrist and believe peace is at hand. Instead, the Tribulation has begun.

    — Kerby Anderson

    President, Probe Ministries

    Host, Point of View radio talk show


    The Event:

    World Peace Realized

    The sky was clear, crystal blue. The sun was shining as brightly as I’d ever seen. But the crowd, the crowd was beyond anything I could have imagined!

    When I received the golden embossed invitation to the Vatican to report on what was being hailed as ‘The Event’, I was beyond excited. There was my name, Frank Matthews, United Press International! I was named after my paternal grandfather, whom I loved and admired. Years of reporting on war after war, lawlessness across the globe, terrorism, and some of the most horrific acts against humanity in history, I couldn’t wait for ‘The Event’ to become a reality! I’m like most people, at least I think I am, who long for world peace and an end to turmoil and this age of rage as it is called.

    I made my way through the sea of raucous reporters from virtually every news organization on the globe. Fox, CNN, Reuters, Associated Press, TASS, Al Jazeera: all the world’s leading news organizations were all present. As one of the leading news organizations worldwide, we had a table for our team of six only about 50 feet from the elevated signing table. Presidents and their cabinets, prime ministers surrounded by their staffers, and religious leaders decked out in their regale. What a sight to behold! The outdoor setting in St. Peter’s Square was a brilliant idea beyond description as the flags of the nations, hung from every window, flapped in the soft breeze overlooking the square.

    Suddenly a roar went up from the tens of thousands of spectators crammed into every inch of the square as a man appeared on the balcony above the crowd. He was dressed in a glistening white garment with a white and gold skull cap on his head and holding a gold staff. It was the Pope! His stature was stunning and as he waved at the crowd. The applause went on and on for what seemed like at least 15-20 minutes! Finally, without uttering a word, he turned and stepped back inside only to reappear on ground level a few minutes later and with the help of his aides, walked to the platform where the signing was going to take place. He stood for a moment before taking his seat as the crowd continued applauding so loudly there was no doubt that it could be heard in Heaven!

    Two figures then stepped out onto the balcony and once again the crowd burst into a frenzy! It was Gabriele, whose name means God is my strength, and the Prime Minister of Israel. The two stood side by side with their arms linked and their free hands making the victory sign. This time, I thought the applause would never end. On and on it went until finally they too walked back inside only to reappear on the ground level. Walking side-by-side to the resumed roar of the crowd they made their way to the platform and joined the Pope pausing beside the signing table before stepping up to their seats. Gabriele seated in the middle flanked by the Pope and Prime Minister.

    This was the ‘plan for peace’ Gabriele had shared with the world only a few weeks ago. He had worked behind the scenes following the missing of millions and then the attack on Israel to push his plan as the only viable window of opportunity for peace. The plan was immediately endorsed by the Pope and the Holy See, the New World Religion headquarters named Chrislam (opened in 2022), the Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council and leaders of virtually all the world’s religious and political leaders. Now the dream of world peace was only moments away from becoming a reality. It is a miracle of epic proportions!

    This was approaching the moment for which we had all been waiting. Wars, terrorism, death, destruction, famine, ecological devastation of our planet, not

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