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New Year, Schmooyear
New Year, Schmooyear
New Year, Schmooyear
Ebook291 pages3 hours

New Year, Schmooyear

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In episode 81 of the Action! Series we meet up with the men during Christmas weekend. Mark Richfield and Steve Miller are with Isaac and Jacob, Mark’s sons, to visit their sister, Lily, and dad, Stan Bergman, in New York. While they are in the Big Apple, Mark visits his New York office of his company, RMI. They meet Stan’s new beau, a producer his own age.
Stan is starring in a Broadway show called Joe Orton Slept Here and feels as if his life has taken a turn for the better.
Meanwhile, CPT officer, Joe Scarbino, hosts his family from Mesa, Arizona for the weekend. He begins to feel very ill, but keeps his symptoms secret, not wanting to upset his Hollywood actor husband, Jeremy Runner.
Actor Carl Bronson finds out he may not be able to host the late show permanently, because... he’s gay. But his agent, Adam Lewis, figures out a way to get the public aware of the issue. A bathtub interview with Josh Elliot.
Come back to the men from LA and Paradise, as they fly by the seat of their pants, and try like heck to make the holidays happy.
All the Action! Series books can be read as stand-alone novels but are much more fun as a series!

PublisherGA Hauser
Release dateJan 12, 2023
New Year, Schmooyear

GA Hauser

About the AuthorAuthor G.A. Hauser is from Fair Lawn, New Jersey, USA. She attended university at The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC, and has a BA in Fine Art from William Paterson College in Wayne NJ where she graduated Cum Laude. As well as degrees in art, G.A. is a Graduate Gemologist from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). In 1994 G.A. graduated the Washington State Police academy as a Peace Officer for the Seattle Police Department in Washington where she worked on the patrol division. She was awarded Officer of the Month in February 2000 for her work with recovering stolen vehicles and fingerprint matches to auto-theft and bank robbery suspects. After working for the Seattle Police, G.A. moved to Hertfordshire, England where she began to write full length gay romance novels. Now a full-time writer, G.A. has penned over 200 novels and short stories. Breaking into independent film, G. A. was the executive producer for her first feature film, CAPITAL GAMES which included TV star Shane Keough in its cast. CAPITAL GAMES had its Film Festival Premiere at Philly's Qfest, and its television premiere on OutTV. G.A. is the director and executive producer for her second film NAKED DRAGON, which is an interracial gay police/FBI drama filmed in Los Angeles with the outstanding cinematographer, Pete Borosh. (also the Cinematographer for Capital Games)The cover photographs of G.A.'s novels have been selected from talented and prolific photographers such as Dennis Dean, Dan Skinner, Michael Stokes, Tuta Veloso, Hans Withoos, and CJC Photography, as well as graphic comic artist, Arlen Schumer. Her cover designs have featured actors Chris Salvatore, Jeffery Patrick Olson, Tom Wolfe, and models Brian James Bradley, Bryan Feiss, Jimmy Thomas, Andre Flagger, among many others.Her advertisements have been printed in Attitude Magazine, LA Frontier, and Gay Times.G. A. has won awards from All Romance eBooks for Best Author 2009, Best Novel 2008, Mile High, Best Author 2008, Best Novel 2007, Secrets and Misdemeanors, and Best Author 2007.G.A. was the guest speaker at the SLA conference in San Diego, in 2013, where she discussed women writing gay erotica and has attended numerous writers’ conventions across the country.

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    New Year, Schmooyear - GA Hauser


    an Action! Series Book



    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2023


    Book 81 of the Action! Series

    Copyright © G.A. Hauser, 2023

    ISBN Trade paperback: 979-8367-9342-8-1

    © The G.A. Hauser Collection

    This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

    All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


    This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by underage readers.

    First The G.A. Hauser Collection publication:

    January 2023


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    Chapter 1

    The Nation’s Top Male Model, Mark Antonious Richfield, stood on a snowy sidewalk in Midtown, Manhattan. He had taken his two sons, Jacob Bentley Richfield, and Isaac Milton Richfield, to see their daddy Stan Charles Bergman, and younger sister, Lily Hayden Bergman.

    With them on their trip, was Steven Jay Miller, Mark’s husband. A man he had married for the second time last Thanksgiving.

    After flying in his private Learjet across country, Mark spent time with his young children whilst Stan Bergman worked in the theater.

    His ex-husband, a young actor in his thirties, was starring in a Broadway show. Mark had divorced Stan after learning Stan and Mark’s eldest son, Alexander Mark Richfield, had an affair.

    The two actors were cast to play in a Viking movie, and whilst they were on location in Denmark, they connected sexually.

    Daddy! It’s cold here! Seven-year-old Isaac or ‘Zak’ rubbed his mittens together. Steve carried Mark’s youngest, and only daughter, Lily Hayden on his shoulders. Since the boys lived in California, Mark had bundled them up for the cold temperatures of Manhattan in December. He had hired a limousine to drive them around in the chilly temperatures.

    Mark’s brown shoulder-length hair blew in the cool wind that whistled between tall skyscrapers. They were on 5th Avenue admiring the holiday decorations. This evening, when Stan was at home with his parents in their Upper East Side brownstone, Mark would drop the children off and he and Steve would sleep in a nearby hotel. The plan was for them to spend today and tomorrow, here in New York, then to fly back to California to be home for the guests arriving on Friday morning for the Christmas weekend.

    Jacob, his six-year-old blue-eyed blond, jumped up and down as they waited for a traffic light to change.

    Yellow cabs ebbed and flowed, horns honked, and pedestrians gathered at corners to dare racing between cars or wait in groups to cross the bustling avenue.

    Let’s go, Steve said as they were given a green light.

    Mark held both his sons’ hands as they crossed the street, finding their way to a department store where Mark could warm up and see if he could buy some lovely things for his three wonderful children.


    While holding Lily’s lower legs to keep her steady, Steve looked up between buildings at the white sky. Yes. White. Snow was predicted. So far, only a few inches. But this time of year, you never know.

    Steve was born and raised in Los Angeles, never spending much time on the East Coast. His and Mark’s business, Miller-Richfield International, had offices here, Paris, London, and Sacramento, where he and Mark’s headquarters were located. Tomorrow, he and Mark were planning on stopping off at their office in the garment district of Manhattan.

    Since Mark’s divorce from his second husband, Stan, they were trying to keep the children happy, connected to their two dads, and hopefully anxiety free.

    But he wasn’t a fan of winters… well, maybe snow.

    As Steve tried to find the sun, which was completely obscured from view, he wondered how people lived in this climate. Back in Los Angeles, California, it could get as warm as the seventies in December.

    Mark led them to a store window.

    Steve gawked as he looked up at the display of lights. Saks Fifth Avenue’s storefront was a magical image of a fairy castle, all in lights.

    Isaac and Jacob stared up at it, and he heard them both say, Wow…

    Lily giggled and pointed to it. Lights!

    Oh, my! Mark was in awe.

    Steve took in the whole area, and each store seemed to try to outdo the others. Animated animals, elves, and model trains showed off in shop displays unlike any he’d ever seen. It felt like Disney Land.

    Come! Mark roused them from their gaping stares, Let’s see what we can buy!

    A doorman dressed in fine livery, opened the door for them.

    Mark kept his clasp on both of his sons’ hands as Steve ducked down to make sure Lily didn’t hit her head. He set her on her feet once inside the lobby vestibule and unraveled his scarf.

    New York at Christmas. Wow.

    He felt like a kid in a candy store. He held Lily’s hand and they walked to the toy department.


    Adam Lewis, a talent agent for movie and TV actors, spoke on the phone while in his home office. He lived in Mark Richfield’s mansion in Paradise, California. The huge house had thirteen bedrooms, fifteen bathrooms, and a detached annex with four more bedrooms atop a four-car garage.

    While Mark and Steve were in New York for a few days before Christmas weekend, Adam continued to work for his stable of stars.

    He had recently signed on Henre Ward, a French actor who had gotten engaged to Mark’s ex-fiancée, and mother of his son Jacob, Sharon Tice.

    The two were getting married this coming Saturday, Christmas Eve Day. He and Jack, his husband, were invited, but Adam didn’t want to go.

    The wedding was going to be in Los Angeles. In other words, a schlepp. Travel on Christmas weekend? Are you insane?

    So? Henre said while on the phone with him, Actors do this?

    Yes. Josh’s video channel has gotten huge. Why don’t you take a look at the celebrities he’s interviewed? Adam sat at his desk and moved the mouse on his computer pad. While he spoke to the handsome Frenchman, Adam opened the link to Josh Elliot’s video channel. Josh and his husband Tanner Cameron were good friends of his and Mark’s, and were guests every year for their holiday dinners.

    Adam heard Henre clicking keys as he searched. Adam asked him via the phone, Do you need a link?

    No. I have found it.

    Adam scanned the list of videos, seeing only male actors, since the interviews took place in a bubble bath. Josh had millions of subscribers and hundreds of videos.

    Now that Josh was a sensation, Adam helped him book celebrities. Josh was flooded with offers to do his unique program. The Hollywood elite clamored for a spot to help promote their new projects.

    Oh! Mark has done it!

    Smiling to himself, Adam said, Yes. Mark has done one too. He did one of the first.

    Nothing shows, yes?

    Correct. Josh uses a lot of foam. Check one out. You don’t see anything below the chest.

    Yes. Yes. This looks like fun. I will enjoy this.

    Wonderful. I’ll let Josh know and we’ll find a day that’s convenient. I know this weekend you’re getting married.

    Saturday afternoon, yes.

    Cool. I’ll text you when I hear back from him. Adam sent Josh a text while he was on the phone with Henre. He didn’t want to forget.

    Very good! And thank you for the lead for the part in that romantic comedy. I love the script.

    I knew you would. It’s very clever!

    I will let you get back to your work. Thank you, Adam.

    My pleasure, Henre. Adam disconnected the call and smiled. He was glad Henre hadn’t asked if he was coming to the wedding. Adam probably should, but he hated weddings.

    A pair of open chat-boxes were visible on his computer screen. His two LA associates, Natalie Cushman and Logan Naveah stared at him through the camera.

    Well? Natalie asked.

    He’s doing a bathtub interview to promote his new film. Adam thought it was funny. He loved the fact that these men were naked in a bathtub with Josh. And so did millions of fans.

    Ha! Henre is so cool, Logan said.

    He is. A model client. Adam noticed his inbox loading up with more emails. Back to work.

    Natalie and Logan answered ringing phones.

    Adam checked the time and figured Jack wouldn’t be home from work for a few hours. He’d gone to Sacramento to work even though Mark and Steve were in New York for a few days. They were coming back Thursday evening, however.

    Just in time for the Christmas weekend.

    Adam called the new casting agent for PGP studios. Since Buzzy Katz’s death, Adam needed an insider. Through a common friend, Adam had been notified Buzzy’s replacement was a very reliable, competent person. Celeste Combes. He had not met her in person, but when he looked her up online, she had quite the resume. Adam smiled as he dialed her number, happy Buzzy’s position was filled with a delightful lady, and not a homophobic creep.


    Blake Hughes, a former Los Angeles fireman, gazed at the gorgeous noble pine tree in the living room in Mark’s home. His husband, Butte County fire captain Hunter Rasmussen, cut down a tree on their property. It was a yearly tradition.

    Mark, the boys, and anyone who wanted to join them, chose a gorgeous evergreen to adorn their home for the holidays.

    Hunter would chop it down, and Mark and Jack would secure it to one of their horse’s saddles. Bollward’s Tempest was a Percheron-mix, and a big sturdy draft horse. Bull effortlessly dragged the tree across the wide meadow to the back of the home.

    While the children were in New York, Blake had time off. He was Mark’s fulltime nanny, retired from the LAFD.

    He sipped hot chocolate while holiday tunes played on the living room music system. The house felt empty with just him, Hunter, Jack, and Adam here. Yes, their two servants, Sierra, their cook, and Warren, their manservant, were here, but they didn’t have nearly the work to do when the house cleared of residents.

    Blake relaxed, holding the warm mug in his hands. The lights were rainbow colored and twinkled and blinked. He had helped the boys decorate the sixteen-foot pine. The scent was delicious. It smelled like Christmas.

    Yes, Mark was Jewish, so what? He loved this tradition too. On the eighteenth, Mark lit a candle on a menorah. He was trying to keep the faith and intended to give both his sons bar mitzvahs.

    A gas fire glowed in the hearth, under clear marbles, warming the room.

    Mark’s deceased father’s portrait hung above the mantel. Some thought Milt Richfield haunted this place.


    Hell, when he died, Blake wouldn’t want to leave here either.

    Warren entered the living room, smiling sweetly at him. Can I get you anything?

    I’m good, Warren. Thank you.

    Sierra will have lunch ready for you soon.

    That’s fine.

    Warren left the room.

    Blake sighed in contentment, but he couldn’t wait for the boys to come home. He only wished Lily were coming with them.


    Community Police Team officer Joe Scarbino had taken a few extra days off. It was the week before the holiday weekend and his family was coming to visit from Mesa, Arizona.

    His parents, his two brothers, their wives, and children.

    Joe was married to an actor, Jeremy Runner. Jeremy was out doing last minute errands. Not shopping for gifts. He’d done that ages ago. He was getting Hazel, their cook/maid, more last-minute items for her recipes.

    Joe ran around the large mansion once owned by silver screen legend Greta Gable. After he peeked into their ‘man-cave’ a fun room with pinball machines and videogames, raced to the upper floor of the home. He never spent time on the second level, so he made sure the guestrooms were perfect. His mom and dad were staying in a large bedroom with the screen legend’s portrait hanging inside it. His dad loved this room and admired the stunning star.

    Joe sprinted in and out of the bathrooms, seeing if there were enough towels, supplying soap, toothpaste, and other stuff. His nephews were sharing one room, his nieces the other. Five bedrooms in total were going to be occupied. He and Jeremy slept in the only bedroom located on the first floor.

    He was a nervous wreck because he didn’t see his family often. It’d been a while. Too long.

    Joe scrambled back down the flight of stairs and lost his footing. He fell down the last few and landed on his butt.

    Dazed at being so clumsy, Joe did a mental check of his limbs to see if he’d fucked himself up.

    When he looked up, Hazel was standing there in her apron, holding a wooden spoon.

    At the same time, the front door opened, and Jeremy entered the foyer. He stopped short, his arms full of shopping bags.

    Joe felt his cheeks grow warm and scooted to sit on the first stair. He rubbed his knee and felt embarrassed.

    What happened? Jeremy asked.

    Hazel took the bags from him and returned to the kitchen.

    Joe? Did you fall? Jeremy looked concerned.

    Just a little.

    Jeremy crouched down and inspected him. Let me make sure you’re okay.

    Joe pouted. Ever since he’d gotten a brick to his helmet during a riot protest in downtown LA, he was even more accident prone than normal. I’m okay. He let Jeremy help him stand.

    Joe inspected himself and Jeremy rubbed his knees and ankles. Any pain?

    Only my pride. Joe sighed.

    Come here. Jeremy hugged him. Stop worrying. The house is perfect. We’re ready for them.

    Okay. Joe kissed him and squeezed him close.


    LAPD Lieutenant Billy Sharpe helped roll the heavy rubber mats up in the gymnasium at the police academy. The previous class had graduated and the new one wasn’t expected until after the first of the year. So, while the building was vacant, the maintenance crew was going to polish the floors and repaint the walls.

    Billy’s office was also getting a fresh coat of paint.

    After he helped the workers, he entered his office and placed files from his desk into boxes. He didn’t have much of his personal belongings here. Just a change of clothing and one uniform.

    Billy checked the time and put his glasses on. He sent his husband, Hollywood star Alex Richfield, a text, ‘I’m almost done here. Anything I should pick up on the way home?’

    ‘Yes. Dinner. Tadzio’s texted that she may be working late at the studio.’

    ‘Okay. Any preference?’

    ‘no. and maybe lunch too, since there’s nothing to eat in the house.

    Billy pocketed his phone and glasses and then filled his duffel bag with his personal clothing. Once he’d emptied the space of his items, and stowed the files in boxes, he shut the light and left.

    Walking to his black Corvette in the nearly empty parking lot, Billy thought about this coming weekend. Christmas at the estate in Paradise. He was very excited to go.

    After Alex and Stan’s unholy affair, Billy and his naughty husband had been omitted from Mark’s guestlist. But it appeared they were once more welcome back.

    Billy was grateful. Without Mark’s amazing parties for the holidays, he was stuck with either Alex’s mother’s meals, or his nephew Matt’s dad’s place.

    Neither were a substitute for Sierra’s gourmet food, or the manor house’s spa, pools, ball courts, and the invigorating run across the meadow.

    Billy popped his trunk and left his duffel bag in it, then sat down in his low-slung car and started the engine. He scanned around the place, looking at the buildings with workers visible through windowpanes. A few of the instructors were here, no doubt also clearing their offices for the painting job that was occurring.

    Billy loved working at the academy. It was a great ‘retirement’ gig. He was physically fit, an army veteran, had been in the police since his twenties, and was able to train the recruits in defensive tactics.

    Even though it was only mid-day, Billy drove to Bel Air, thinking Chinese food would hit the spot for lunch and dinner on a cool December evening.


    Robbery detective Mickey Stanton sat at his desk at the Los Angeles Police Department. He had a videotape from a minimart. This poor little shop had been held up again and again, so the owners installed a high-quality surveillance system.

    With full HD color video from three angles, Mickey was able to get a decent view of the suspect. This robber used a pistol, a black one, that appeared to be high caliber. Maybe a forty or forty-five. Mickey tried to zoom in on the hand holding the gun, when it occurred to him the man was a lefty. He held the weapon in his left hand. That helped identify him.

    Since this weekend he and his husband, homicide lieutenant Jeff Chandler, were headed to Paradise to spend the holiday with Mark, he figured he’d do what he could today and tomorrow, and then, it would have to wait for Monday or Tuesday next week. Christmas fell on a Sunday this year. Some offices were closed Monday, but not the police department.

    Mickey took a screen shot of the suspect using his left hand to threaten the shop owner with a gun, then he moved on to view the second video. He had three to help him identify this dude.

    As Mickey fast-forwarded the video to get to the correct time stamp, he slowed it down when he noticed a man wearing the same color jacket as the suspect, enter the store an hour earlier. It was distinct. It was black with a red collar and a separated, frayed seam on the right shoulder.

    Huh. Mickey was able to clearly see the man’s face. He purchased a pack of cigarettes, again, favoring his left hand.

    You cased it before you hit it. Bingo. He zoomed in on the man’s face, which was clearly visible without the ski mask he had used in the actual armed robbery.

    Once Mickey had a good profile and frontal view of the suspect, he ran that image through his facial recognition program.

    As it zipped through thousands, if not tens of thousands, of faces on file, Mickey read

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