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Once Upon a Duke: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #3
Once Upon a Duke: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #3
Once Upon a Duke: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #3
Ebook245 pages2 hours

Once Upon a Duke: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #3

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About this ebook

"You're a duke?"


"Let me explain."


Living with a too-handsome-for-his-own-good roommate was trouble enough, but adding his royal title into the equation took it to an entirely different level.


And why stop there?


Toss in that Cameron Edward Alexander, Duke of Montclair, has just announced to an eager reporter that Janine Hughes was his fiancée. Granted, he'd said it in an accent that dreams were made from, but still . . . Engaged? To a duke? No way.


Janine didn't know if she should bow, curtsy, or call him Your Grace.


This wasn't in her plans. Janine wasn't ready to be engaged to any man, much less a royal—and one she barely knew. But after hours of Cameron's pleading (and a bit of shameless groveling), she agreed to pose as his fiancée and go to Montclair so they could do damage control.


Little did they know, the wedding plans had already begun.

PublisherCarina Rose
Release dateMay 20, 2021
Once Upon a Duke: Once Upon a Sweet Romance, #3

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    Book preview

    Once Upon a Duke - Carina Rose

    Table of Contents

    Other Books by Carina Rose

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30


    A Note from Carina

    Books by Carina Rose


    About the Author

    Stay Connected to Carina!

    Other Books by Carina Rose

    All books are stand-alone romances featuring a different couple.

    Once Upon a Sweet Romance Series

    Once Upon a Kiss

    Once Upon a Dare

    Chapter 1

    Turning the corner, Janine still couldn’t believe she’d traded skyscrapers for oak trees. Having moved from New York City a year ago, she expected to be running a large office on the outskirts of DC. Instead, there she was, among foliage and horse farms, driving to her new office on a narrow two-lane road, without another car in sight.

    She concentrated on the faded asphalt ahead and her car’s GPS, which had proved useless on more than one occasion. Couple that with the morning fog that still kissed the ground, and navigating the unknown area was even more difficult. Being late on the first day wasn’t the impression she wanted to make.

    I know it’s around here somewhere, she said to herself as she narrowed her eyes to focus on the small buildings that had just come into view. No sooner had she thought that than a sugary voice boomed through her car speakers, You have reached your destination. Looking up, she let out a breath, happy to see the familiar blue facade of the Reynolds Placement Agency.

    One thing she loved about Virginia was the ample parking. Finding a place in Manhattan that had free off-street parking was a rarity—finding a space at all was a rarity, but a free one? Never.

    Janine pulled between the two white lines, turned off the ignition, and gave herself a short pep talk before opening the door. Except it didn’t open all the way and instead was met by an audible, Oomph.

    Oh no! she screeched, sliding out of the car and looking at the man writhing on the pavement, curled up in the fetal position. Are you okay?

    He looked up, and ocean-blue eyes that captured the morning’s sun stole her ability to breathe. Internal heat pricked her neck beneath her cotton scarf.

    Footsteps finally pulled her out of her trance. Guy, a stranger who ran up to them said with fear in his eyes. I felt that in my own pants. Are you okay?

    Mortified, Janine looked at the new stranger before returning her attention to the one on the ground. When he raised the hand that wasn’t covering the zipper of his dark trousers—and gave a thumbs-up—she finally let out a breath. She didn’t know what else to do, because what could she do? It wasn’t as though a bandage would fix it. An ice pack, maybe, but she could barely look at him. Rather than make the situation worse, she closed her car door and stepped around Guy, who was now in an almost-sitting position.

    I’m really sorry.

    It’s fine, Guy choked out.

    With a nod, Janine pushed the lock button on her car’s fob and scurried into the office, hoping no one else had seen a thing.

    Welcome! Rachael, the almost-retired office manager of the placement agency, said, giving Janine a hug. I’m so glad you decided to move here and not the office up north. It wasn’t as though Janine had had a choice. For the past twelve months, she had traveled from New York to Virginia to help out in two of their branches, hoping her display in flexibility and being a team player would give her a promotion either in the New York office or the one closer to DC.

    When the owner of the company had given a similar position up north to his niece, Janine’s options were to leave the company, stay in the same office, knowing full well she’d never get a promotion, or move south. Deciding on the latter was what she’d done.

    For a brief moment, she’d considered starting over and returning to New York, but her apartment had been subleased to her best friend Grace’s sister-in-law, Missy, and one of Missy’s friends. Not to mention, Janine had begun to enjoy not living for her rent money. The city may have been wonderful, but it came with a hefty price tag.

    It’s such a relief that I don’t need to train someone new. How has your morning been?

    Janine followed Rachael into the break room, happy to be ensconced by the scent of coffee. For the past couple of years, she’d started her day off with coffee and chatting with her best friend and roommate, Grace. She didn’t let herself think about that for fear she’d get teary eyed. The only part of the relocation that had been difficult was moving away from her close friends Grace and Lacey.

    Aside from me just hitting a man in his nether region with my car door, it’s been great.

    You didn’t. Rachael choked back a laugh and sat in one of the chairs surrounding the table.

    Janine followed suit and took a seat across from her. I did. How embarrassing and awful… for both of us. Of course, I have no idea who it was, but I think his name is Guy. At least that’s what someone else called him.

    Hmm… Guy… I don’t know anyone by that name. She waved her hand back and forth. He’ll be fine. They always are. How is everything else?

    Janine smiled at Rachael’s comment. Everything is good. I’m excited to get started. Not that I want you to leave, she quickly amended.

    Honey, I have a condo in Boca calling my name. Don’t you worry about being eager to take over. That’s the point, right? Janine nodded. Heck, I might leave after I clock out tonight. Janine’s eyes widened. I’m just kidding, but you do know I am leaving at the end of the week. Of course, if you need me to stay, I can. Plus, Alan is pleased to have you on board. That man near cried when I told him I was leaving. Rachael winked, making Janine laugh. He’ll be in tomorrow.

    Although Janine would be managing the office, Alan managed their branch. They had met a time or two at corporate functions, and they had hit it off during her interview.

    Okay, and no, I wouldn’t want you to stay. I’m sure everything will be fine. I do have a favor, though. I found a few apartments that I’d like to go look at. Do you mind if I extend my lunch hour or leave a bit early a couple days this week?

    This is perfect! Rachael clapped her hands, startling Janine. Clearly realizing Janine had no idea what she meant, she went on to explain, You need a place to live, and I have a home to rent. You’d have a roommate. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of this sooner.

    Relief washed over Janine like a warm rain. She’d had a few sleepless nights searching the internet, looking for apartments and not finding many. It seemed the rural town offered homes more than apartments. Janine couldn’t imagine the upkeep, so she had planned to look outside of town. After all, she was used to long commutes, thanks to city life.

    Despite having had a roommate before, she paused to consider that this roommate wouldn’t be her best friend. What can you tell me about the home and other renter?

    Well, there are three bedrooms, naturally a full kitchen, family room, front porch, and a deck in the back. It sits on a two-acre lot.

    Did you say ‘two-acre’?

    Rachael once again waved her hand back and forth. Yes, but no worries, because about half of that is a pond and wildflowers… after they bloom. Right now they’re just brown sticks pokin’ out of the dirt. The other half is taken care of by Bobby’s son, Jimmy, who lives next door. He owns a landscaping business. And if he’s not around, then Lenny, who works behind the counter at the corner store, will do it. Janine nodded, feeling as though she should be writing all this down rather than making mental notes.

    Your roommate, Cammie, I’ve known since the child wore diapers. Cammie’s mother and I went to school together before she moved to Europe and got married. But you two will get along famously—I just know it. Neat as a pin that one is.

    Again, Janine nodded, thankful Cammie wasn’t a messy person. What about the rent?

    Nine hundred plus utilities.

    All she could do was blink. Did she just say nine hundred? Needing to voice that thought, she said, Did you just say ‘nine hundred’? Like, nine hundred dollars each? Rachael paled, and Janine felt like crawling under the table. I didn’t mean any disrespect.

    The sweet woman shook her head. "Sweetie, I think our wires are getting crossed. Let me start over. The total rent less utilities is nine hundred dollars. Your half would be four fifty."

    Janine had paid more than double the nine hundred in New York, and that had been just her half. And the apartment near DC wasn’t inexpensive either. Thankfully, that had been just a month-to-month lease.

    I’ll take it. Where do I sign?

    Do you want to go see it? Maybe meet Cammie?

    No need. I’m sure it’s fabulous. And if Cammie’s mother is a friend of yours, then I’m sure we’ll get along just fine. Thank you so much.

    She poured more coffee into her mug to reheat the barely touched beverage and followed Rachael to her office. Next week, this office will be all yours. You have no idea how happy I am to have you here and possibly in my home. I didn’t want to sell it, since it’s been in the family for centuries. That being said, please feel free to do any modifications you wish to it. Of course, per my attorney, I do need you to sign a lease. Janine nodded. She would have insisted on it regardless. Not just for Rachael, but for herself.

    It’ll be my pleasure.

    Rachael tapped away on her computer, and after a few keystrokes, the small printer in the corner whirred to life. Before Janine knew it, she had signed the lease, and by Friday, she’d have the key in her hand.

    Excitement pooled in Janine’s stomach as she drove down the country road leading to Rachael’s home. She wondered if she’d ever get used to seeing so much empty land. Loving how clean the crisp air felt, she rolled down the window, not caring that a chill ran through her bones.

    Once again, she followed the robotic voice leading Janine to Rachael’s. All week she had thought about her roommate. Was she an introvert or an extrovert? Did she like TV or books? Was she an early bird or a night owl? Did she have a boyfriend? That last question gave Janine pause. It wasn’t that she didn’t want Cammie to have a man in her life, but even if she hadn’t moved to Virginia, she would have had to make a change thanks to her bestie falling in love and eloping.

    Janine didn’t knock finding the person you were meant to be with. Both of her best friends had done just that over the course of a couple of years. But Janine preferred to live vicariously through them. Right now in her life, she wanted to focus on her career no matter how small it may appear to others. To her, she had worked hard and moved up the ladder… and she was proud of that. Having a man in her life wasn’t on the top of her priority list.

    She followed the directions and couldn’t help but smile when the pretty farmhouse came into view. The soft white exterior boasted a front porch that spanned almost the entire facade of the house. Pebbles crunched under the tires as Janine brought her car to a stop and turned off the engine.

    Wow, I’m definitely not in the city anymore, she said as she opened her door. Taking a deep breath, something she found herself doing more and more since living in Virginia, she noticed the air had a hint of smokiness. Memories of a bonfire when she’d gone to camp as a little girl sprang to mind.

    Janine looked up to see a stream of smoke wafting out of the stone chimney. Excited and a bit anxious, she grabbed a couple of her suitcases, a duffel bag, and her purse, then trudged up the walkway, ready to meet her roommate.

    The wooden steps and porch echoed beneath her feet as she made her way to the front door, where she stared, contemplating what to do. It felt weird just walking in, but technically, she did live there. And knowing Rachael, she would have told Cammie that Janine would be moving in today. But to be on the safe side, she knocked once and then walked in, pulling her bags behind her.

    Warmth enveloped Janine as soon as she stepped foot inside. After setting her things off to the side, she toed off her boots, unwrapped her scarf, and took off her jacket, then hung it on the freestanding rack in the corner.

    A broad smile spread across her face as she looked at the comfortable surroundings, including a woodburning fireplace that crackled with soothing warmth. Just then she heard the sound of dishes coming from the back of the home.

    Happy to meet Cammie, she headed in that direction. Not wanting to startle her, she said, Hello? It’s Janine, your roommate. She turned the corner, and her jaw dropped. No way. What is Guy doing here?

    You must be kidding me, he said in a sexy accent she hadn’t noticed before. Taking the small frying pan, he covered the area below his belt. Come to finish me off?

    A bit shocked and more confused, Janine placed her hands on her hips. Was Guy Cammie’s boyfriend? Did he come and go as he pleased? And where was her roommate? Needing to set the record straight, she explained, No, Guy, I live here. Rachael said I’d be moving in with her friend’s daughter, Cammie.

    The man chortled, set the pan aside, and crossed his arms in front of his chest… his very broad chest… meeting her defensiveness with his own.

    Where is she? Are you her boyfriend?

    If so, she was one lucky woman, because Guy was gorgeous. Stylish, neat yet messy, light-brown hair with those highlights women pay for and some men are blessed with, eyes that could make you forget what you were doing, scruff that looked expertly trimmed, and a smile that could earn a spot in a toothpaste commercial. Add all that to an accent that sounded straight out of a romance set in London and Janine was instantly envious of her new roommate.

    Guy pulled the dish towel that had been draped over his shoulder off and wiped his hands. He extended his right one. I’m not sure why you’re calling me Guy, but that isn’t my name. It’s Cameron… Cameron Edwards. Aunt Rachael is the only one who calls me Cammie.

    What? Janine felt as though she had just entered an alternate universe. Wait. The man in the parking lot called you Guy.

    The man standing in front of her tilted his head to the side.

    Oh my God. Not the name Guy but the term guy. Completely horrified and feeling a bit clueless, she added, I’m Janine Hughes. Sorry about my car door.

    "That’s okay. They’ll live to see another day." Shoot me now. Would you like some help with your luggage, love?

    Love? Janine’s heart flipped right before it flopped. Cameron winked and her heart returned to acting like a freshly caught trout that had just landed on a dock. I got it, thank you. But can you show me to my room?

    Cameron tossed the towel onto the counter. It’ll be my pleasure. It’s the one right next to mine.


    Chapter 2

    Cameron looked at the blonde beauty walking up the stairs. The morning he had first seen her, his mind hadn’t been focused on anything other than the pain that had made his stomach roil. But when she’d stood in the kitchen, looking confused and adorable, he was happy to be getting a second chance.

    Earlier in the week his aunt Rachael had called to tell him his roommate would be moving in—thinking to ask if it was a female never crossed his mind. When his aunt explained the person needed a place to stay, Cameron readily agreed. Except little did he know his housemate would smell like cherries and have eyes that could make the brightest of sapphires jealous.

    The next door on the right is yours, Cameron instructed Janine.

    He followed her in, they both set down the bags they had carried, and, when she turned, her smile lit up the room. It’s beautiful and so big, Janine said, strolling past the queen-size sleigh bed. Her pink-tipped fingers dragged along the dark wood of the frame before doing the same to a four-drawer dresser. This is unbelievable. It’s almost as big as my apartment in Manhattan.

    Cameron had little to add, since he’d never been to an apartment in New York City. The times he’d visited there, he’d stayed in a hotel, and even then it had been the penthouse. Janine walked over to the small wardrobe. When she pulled open the door, she let out a

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