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Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul
Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul
Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul
Ebook207 pages1 hour

Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul

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The soul needs no eyes to see. It recognises you as the other half of me.


"I love you, I'm terrified to tell you how I truly feel because words never seem enough to convey the depth of emotion which is thumped out by each beat of my heart every time I think of you. My mind has created a map of each part of your body which remains unexplored so I may never feel lost again,while my soul remains celibate in the shadow of your love."


Nia Anè


A collection of poems and insights about love, loss, poor personal boundaries and awakening to self. 


PublisherNia Ané
Release dateJan 19, 2023
Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul

Nia Ané

When Nia Ané is not  performing grammar raps with seven year olds or hugging 100 year old olive trees in the mountains of Valencia, you'll find her posting via Soul Spaghetti - Nia Ané on Facebook. She  has been an educator for over fifteen years both in the UK and Spain and contributes to storytelling and play based workshops in the hope of keeping fun and fiction alive. 

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    Book preview

    Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul - Nia Ané

    About the Author:

    Who am I? I am 207 bones, connected to 600 muscles wrapped in a pale white skin which holds ten litres of blood. I have a heart which is open to love. It pumps about eighty millilitres of blood around my muscles with each beat, nourishing a body I consider to be fit and healthy for its age. Deep inside, a soul vibrates at a level appearing to be younger and freer now than it did when the body was 21. My soul feels wiser in spiritual knowledge and experience since feeling a deep love for someone. This soulful and sacred love I feel has provided much inspiration and spiritual growth and is reflected in the writing contained in these pages and chapters. Although the meeting between the two of us was fleeting in nature the imprint of this soul upon mine will last longer than the ink and print on the pages of this book.

    Now we arrive to the part where I churn out the usual piece of information written in third person hoping to quench the curiosity of the reader. If you do have a curiosity about me as an author you can connect with me on my social media pages. Soul Spaghetti - Nia Ane (Facebook) and Nia_Ané_Author (Instagram).

    I spent my formative years in a south Wales mining village in a single parent household despite a non nuclear family not being the norm of the time. Later I became part of a blended family before moving to Swansea. I am a mother and have been since my teen years, I never cease to feel amazed because I gave birth to three humans who have taught me more than I could ever teach them.

    I defied the odds of becoming a failure. Avoiding failure was not a fluke, but the rejection of the negative self fulfilling prophecies attributed to me (and others' like me) in relation to growing up within a household absent of a father, in a council flat in poverty.

    Not content to accept others outside perceptions and labels I attended university in my early 30s and graduated at the top of my year with a first class honours degree in Law. After pursuing a traditional career in teaching for many years I now live an alternative off grid and ecological lifestyle in the mountains of Valencia, Spain. This type of lifestyle and ethos embraces aspects of permaculture and self-sufficiency and my creativity and writing is influenced by nature, the passing of the seasons, the phases of the moon and Druidry.


    Imagine, one day, just an ordinary day while doing nothing in particular but routine enough for the event not to be considered outlandish, you cross paths with someone; a stranger.

    At first it seems like a chance meeting, insignificant and lost in amongst all the other fleeting connections life can bring your way. Yet somehow you look upon their words and face and they feel familiar to you but you don't know why. You have never met one another before, at least not in this lifetime. Yet there is a feeling you can not verbalise into any kind of coherent vocal sensibility. Regardless of whether you ever see this person again you know beyond any doubt their presence will never leave you.

    As you examine their features more closely a recognition passes over you. You bravely take an opportunity to gaze directly into their eyes. Your stomach does a somersault, you breathe inwards as if struggling to breathe as a spark of recognition passes over your very being. You are indeed looking right at the other half of your soul. They return your gaze with a curiosity and in this one iconic moment you know life will never be the same again. Some unknown change has been sparked from deep inside of you. Like a domino effect it unknowingly sets of a chain of events you are not yet aware of.

    Later, in the aftermath of the come down from the adrenaline which has rushed around your body, you begin to wonder if you feigned everything in your imagination. You question whether your own vanity or sanity has led you astray and you ask yourself if it has all been some kind of made up nonsense. You sit and wonder in the replays of events if your mind wants to become the lead actor in the soul show of a lifetime. You question if your mind, decided all on its own your life was far too static and boring. You wonder if mind, as the self proclaimed boss of ego has declared you weren't important enough within the status quo of your own life to continue as you were before. You can not cease to question why your mind has written such scenes of love for your heart to star in. Only as time passes you realise neither your mind or your heart are as powerful as your soul. The soul knew exactly what passed this day and awaits the permission of mind and heart to be free to follow the true path which awaits.

    Welcome to Mind, Body and Just Enough Soul, a mixed compendium of thoughts, poems and insights. The author takes the reader on a journey of painful spiritual peeling, a stripping of internal layers surrounding the self. A journey of self loathing, pain, ego dissolution and transcendence. Transformation from the limitations of poor personal boundaries and abandonment of the self and onwards to a higher consciousness of self reflection and transmutation. This compendium has been written in harmony with the phases of the moon and inspired by a once in a lifetime love which passed by so briefly in comparison to the lifetime it will take to forget.

    The Journey

    I'm on a journey they say. They keep saying it, like the repetition of the words will make the final destination any clearer.

    You're on a journey.

    It's a journey, get ready, its a journey

    But where? Where am I going? What must I pack for the trip? Questions, questions;

    I ask them eagerly, I'm always one to look ahead to prepare myself fully; yes that's me, always taking the long view.

    "Oh it's not a trip" they say,

    it's a journey,you'll never return, and, if you do, you will never be the same person you were before you began.

    I don't dare to confess my confusion as I ponder what will change inside of me or where I will be at the final destination.

    Everything will change.

    They chime it factually in unity, as if this experience is nothing to worry about except I am to bid myself farewell.Unspoken thoughts float around my confused mind and I decide If nothing will remain untouched to change I had best take one last look at myself in the mirror. I squint my eyes to take measure of myself, I am far too vein to wear my glasses unless it is absolutely necessary. Even in the comfort of my blurred Vaseline vision I would still be happy to change a few outward appearances.

    Just as I'm sucking in my stomach and examining my rear end they chide me to hurry up.

    I begin to wonder, just how far into the distance this journey might take me. I look ahead as far as I possibly can, evaluating the road and wondering how many bumps there will be.

    I decide to pack what I think I will need for my journey, the one I'm being told I will take and not return from. What baggage must I take to ensure I am prepared for the never ending road ahead? I begin throwing everything in and launching my weight on the lid to squeeze it all down and fasten it tightly.

    What are you doing!

    It wasn't a question, but a shout of exasperation and it pretty obvious what I was doing. Their cries castigate me from all directions. I'm no quitter and I continued to sit on the suitcase with all my weight ensuring my hands worked in tandem locking the two halves shut.

    No! They shout even more loudly than the last time

    There is no baggage allowed.

    The sweat from the exertion of shutting

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