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It's a Bugs World
It's a Bugs World
It's a Bugs World
Ebook218 pages1 hour

It's a Bugs World

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About this ebook

Welcome to the world of bugs!

These fascinating insects are often misunderstood and squashed at the earliest opportunity, meeting their end under a rolled-up newspaper or choking to death on a poisonous insecticide that man has created.

Here's a good way of judging how the insect population is rapidly dwindling. Do you remember when you would drive along a road in the sunshine and then have to clean off the windscreen because of the pile of bug bodies that were splattered against it? Now think about the last time you had to do that! Why is that population dwindling so fast? What happens when humans kill off these 'pests', only to realise what we shouldn't have done?

I collated this book so that anyone, especially the kids, gets an interest in and better understands our buggy friends. When we increase our knowledge, we increase our awareness, and only then can we and our creepy crawly friends live together in harmony to our mutual benefit.

The book is an educational resource.

Get your copy today.

Release dateJan 13, 2023
It's a Bugs World

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    It's a Bugs World - Trevor Blake


    Spiders have been around for at least 380 million years.

    The world's most poisonous spider is the Brazilian wandering spider.

    Spiders can live underwater by trapping air bubbles on their web.

    Spiders don't have wings and can't fly.

    Instead of chewing their food, spiders inject their prey with digestive enzymes and suck out the liquified remains.

    Most spiders have poor vision and use their sense of touch to locate prey.

    Spiders have eight eyes, two of which are usually very large. (8 eyes but poor vision?

    Spiders can reproduce asexually, meaning they don't need a mate to produce offspring.

    Some spiders use their webs to make musical vibrations to attract prey.

    Spiders have an uncanny ability to detect air currents, allowing them to sense prey from a long distance.

    Not all spiders make webs. Some hunt their prey directly.

    Some spiders can change their color to blend in with their environment.


    Here are some multiple-choice questions about spiders. See how many you can get right

    (Answers at the end of the book. No peeking!)

    What is a group of spiders called?

    a) a colony

    b) a cluster

    c) an infestation

    d) a clutter

    How many eyes do most spiders have?

    a) 2

    b) 4

    c) 6

    d) 8

    What is a spider's web made of?

    a) silk

    b) cotton

    c) wool

    d) nylon

    What is the main function of a spider's web?

    a) To protect the spider from predators

    b) To catch insects for the spider to eat

    c) To attract a mate for the spider

    d) To help the spider move from place to place


    What type of venom do spiders have?

    a) Hemotoxic venom

    b) Neurotoxic venom

    c) Both hemotoxic and neurotoxic venom

    d) Neither hemotoxic nor neurotoxic venom

    What is the average lifespan of a spider?

    a) 1 year

    b) 2 years

    c) 5 years

    d) 10 years


    Alderflies are a species of aquatic insects belonging to the family Sialidase.

    They are related to mayflies and stoneflies and can be found in fresh and brackish water habitats.

    Alderflies are found in most parts of the world but are most common in temperate regions.

    Adult alderflies have a wingspan of up to 2 inches and a long, slender abdomen.

    The larvae of alderflies are worm-like and can reach up to 1.5 inches in length.

    Alderfly larvae are carnivorous and feed on aquatic invertebrates.

    Adult alderflies feed on plant nectar and other small insects.

    Alderflies lay their eggs on vegetation near the water surface, and the larvae then drop into the water.

    Alderflies are important members of the aquatic food web and provide food for many fish, amphibians, and birds

    Alderflies are essential for maintaining the balance in aquatic ecosystems.

    Alderflies are an important indicator species for assessing water quality.

    Alderflies are sensitive to pollution and can be used to monitor water pollution in an area.


    Here are some multiple-choice questions about alderflies. See how many you can get right

    (Answers at the end of the book. No peeking!)

    What is the scientific name for alderflies?

    a) Ephemeroptera

    b) Plecoptera

    c) Megaloptera

    d) Odonata


    What do alderflies look like?

    a) Large, colorful butterflies

    b) Small, black flies

    c) slim, green grasshoppers

    d) Stout, brown insects with long antennae


    Where are alderflies commonly found?

    a) In forests

    b) In deserts

    c) In grasslands

    d) In aquatic environments


    What do alderflies eat?

    a) Nectar from flowers

    b) Other insects

    c) Small mammals

    d) Algae and detritus


    How do alderflies reproduce?

    a) By laying eggs in water

    b) By mating in flight

    c) By laying eggs on leaves

    d) By giving birth to live young


    What is the lifespan of an alderfly?

    a) Less than a day

    b) Several weeks

    c) Several months

    d) Several years


    Ants are regarded as one of the most successful creatures on the planet, with more than 12,000 species known to exist.

    Ants can lift objects up to 20 times their own body weight.

    Ants communicate with each other by releasing pheromones.

    Ants can populate colonies of up to 20 million members.

    Ants can survive extreme temperatures ranging from -30 to 70 degrees Celsius.

    Ants have a highly organized social system, with each colony having a queen, workers, and soldiers.

    Ants have an exoskeleton, which protects them from predators and the elements.

    Ants have the ability to build complex nests consisting of multiple chambers and tunnels.

    Ants are able to navigate their environment using scent trails and landmarks.

    Ants can live for several years. Some have been known to live up to 30 years.

    Ants live on every continent except Antarctica.  (That’s kinda strange – ants don’t live in Ant – artica!)

    Ants are important pollinators and help to spread seeds and disperse fungal spores.


    Here are some multiple-choice questions about ants. See how many you can get right

    (Answers at the end of the book. No peeking!)

    How do ants communicate with each other?

    a) By making noises

    b) By touching antennae

    c) By using body language

    d) All of the above


    What do ants eat?

    a) Mostly plants

    b) Mostly other insects

    c) A mixture of plants and insects

    d) Mostly nectar and honeydew


    What is the primary role of ants in their colonies?

    a) To defend the colony

    b) To forage for food

    c) To care for the young

    d) To maintain the nest


    How do ants reproduce?

    a) By laying eggs

    b) By giving birth to live young

    c) By cloning themselves

    d) By transforming into new individuals


    What is the average lifespan of an ant?

    a) A few days

    b) A few weeks

    c) A few months

    d) A few years


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