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Chapters Of Life Book 5
Chapters Of Life Book 5
Chapters Of Life Book 5
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Chapters Of Life Book 5

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Bromyard in the 1960’s as seen through the eyes of a group of local motorbike-riding teenagers, who alternate between the local cafe and pub in their quest for adventure and excitement. The novel is based upon extracts taken from a set of 4 diaries that were kept by 4 different local Bromyard girls at that time. All 4 were teenagers in the 1960’s, though one of them turned 20 in 1964. Follow Luke and his friends through various escapades in and around the small market town of Bromyard in Herefordshire.
Note: Suitable for over 18’s only due to its graphic content.
Release dateDec 20, 2022
Chapters Of Life Book 5

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    Chapters Of Life Book 5 - Ed Harris

    Chapters Of Life

    Book Five


    Ed Harris

    Published by

    The Bancroft Press

    This book is dedicated to Jill

    A picture containing background pattern Description automatically generated

    First Published in April 1983

    1st ebook edition published in 2023

    Copyright held by Ed Harris.

    No part of this work may be used in any format without the prior written consent of the author.

    Chapters Of Life comprises 12 separate books in total, covering the years 1962-1968 of teenage Bromyard life.

    The set also includes the following volumes:

    Chapters Of Life - The excluded Chapters - Books 10-12

    Chapters that were omitted from the original 9 Chapters series for various reasons.

    Chapters of Life - The Return  - Books 13-22

    Luke’s return to Bromyard

    Chapters Of Life

    Book Five


    Ed Harris

    This novel is based upon daily diary entries kept by 4 local teenagers at the time in the 1960’s, who lived in and around Bromyard town.

    The story is woven around the events described within these diaries.

    All characters portrayed in this work are fictional, and any connection to a living person is purely coincidental and non intentional.

    The town of Bromyard is portrayed and described as it was in the 1960’s and offers a true representation of the shops and locations there at that time.

    Chapter 1

    Betty looked over at Luke from the juke box and he smiled at her, patting the seat beside him.

    Hi, baby.

    Hi, Lou. You look happy?

    Yeh. Am now, cos you’re here.

    Lou. Shh.

    S’okay, babe. No one’s listenin. Get home okay on Friday?

    Yes thanks.

    No hassles?

    No. I went straight to bed when I got in.

    And straight to sleep?

    Huh. No way, Lou. Like hell I did. It must have been gone five before I dropped off.


    Yes, Lou. Lot’s of it, too.


    And I’m none the wiser now, really.

    Me too, baby. Coffee?


    Jane. Shove us two coffees over, girl.

    I’ll fetch them, Lou.

    Naw. Let her earn her wages, babe.

    There’s another dance this Friday, Lou.

    Is there?

    Yes. It’s a Christmas one, though.



    Wot’s that mean?

    It means that all of our parents will be there, too. It happens every year, the whole family goes.

    Jeez. So, will I get to see you, babe?

    I don’t know.

    Huh. Oh, cheers, Jane.

    Jane handed Luke his change without speaking and turned quickly away as he continued.

    Don’t fancy it a lot, by the sounds of It, girl.

    Will you go though, Lou?

    Want me to?


    Okay, lover. I’ll be there.

    I won’t be able to come outside though, Lou. Nor talk to you, either.

    Fuck me, baby.

    My parents will be there, Lou, watching me like a hawk.

    Can’t I even fuckin well dance with you, Bett?

    We’ll have to see what sort of mood they’re in, Lou. They don’t exactly like troublemakers.

    Fuckin cheers. I shan’t bring me bike in, then.

    Lou. You know what I mean.

    Oh yeh. It’s us they objects too, right?


    Fuckin shit heads.

    Now, Lou. Don’t get huffy. You lot are a bit, well, wild.

    Not with you I ain’t, babe.

    No. Well. That’s different.

    " I’ll say it fuckin is, baby.

    Luke bent forward and kissed her cheek lightly, but Betty pulled sharply away from him, blushing as she looked around.

    Relax, girl.

    I’m embarrassed, Lou. I’m sorry.


    I may not be down again this week, Lou.

    Oh yeh?

    Yes. Nothing to do with us, silly. It’s the concert on at school. We break up this Friday too. I’ve lot’s on, Lou.

    Bit different to last Friday, girl?

    Lou. Please.


    Oh. Stop it, will you. Or I’ll go.

    So-rry, baby. I’ll keep me fuckin mouth shut from now on, then.

    Oh, Lou. Behave then.

    Arsehole, girl.

    Stop it, will you. You don’t have to swear.

    Listen, Bett, baby. I does wot I wants to, okay? If I fuckin well wants to swear, I will. Okay?


    Right. Cut the fuckin rabbit then.

    I’m going.

    Luke lit up a smoke, drawing the smoke into his lungs savagely.

    You want one, babe?

    No thanks.

    Oh. Jolly ho. Wot?

    Stop taking the mick as well, Lou. It shows your ignorance.

    Aw. Piss off will you, Bett. You sound like some fuckin toffee nosed parent with a broom shoved up her twat.

    This time, Betty rose and left without a word, the door banging loudly behind her. Tom’s head appeared around the corner of the next booth and Luke heard Lesley giggling.

    Fuck me, Lou. And you goes on to me about tellin them to get fuckin rebores. Huh.

    Jane swung her head round to glare at them both and banged her way over to collect the empties.

    Are you goin to drink that coffee, Lou?

    Naw. You have it, girl. You looks like you needs some refreshment.

    Stuff it, Lou.

    Pushing Jane out of the way, Luke took off towards the Queens Arms before he hit someone, as he knew that he would, and was soon settled into a calming game of crib with Jack in the far corner of the back bar.

    Jack gazed at him sagely, after listening to Luke’s tale.

    Thing is, Lou. You never knows how women will take things. One day you can tell them that you’ve been shaggin half the town and that you thinks she’s the ugliest fuckin bag that ever lived, and they just shrugs, has a weep and then cooks your tea for you as if nothin’s happened. Another time, you only says, half in fun, piss off, to them, and they goes fuckin mental.

    Yeh. tell me about it, mate.

    So. This latest piece, she the one you brought in here last Friday night?


    Well. She needs coaxin, Lou. Nurturin, like. Give her plenty of sweetness and mushy stuff. Then, fuckin , wham. Slap it into her, head first like. They likes that, mate. Butter her up the right way, and you could piss in her stew and she wouldn’t say boo to you.

    Yeh. Cheers, Jack. I was wonderin where to piss. Glad you mentioned that. I’ll just pop into the kitchen for a mo.

    All part of the service, Lou. Listen to Uncle Jack, you won’t go far wrong in life then, mate.

    Although Lesley still came in the Doors to see Tom for the rest of the week, Betty didn’t and, when Tom mentioned her to Luke, was told to keep quiet, in no uncertain terms.

    By Friday, Luke had finalised a few more deals, much to the monetary benefit of both himself and the Moorhen, but his temper wasn’t much improved, Jane getting the full benefit of it as Luke waited impatiently to be served in the Doors.

    Fuckin hell, woman, ain’t we got no service in the effin place now?

    Wait your turn like every one else has to, or do you think that you’re special, Lou?

    Fuck off. If you did less fuckin rabbitin and more work, we’d all be happy.

    Oh. Would we?

    Yeh. Instead of scratchin your fanny and mopin round lookin miserable as sin. Get your arse into gear and earn your fuckin wages, girl.


    Arsehole, Jane. You’ve fuckin well gone to pieces lately. Can’t even keep poor old Tom happy .

    " Lou.

    And you bangs around like a fuckin goldfish on heat. You ought to have a permanent fuckin rest, woman.

    Huh. Just because your silly little school friend’s upset you, there’s no need to take it out on me. Grow up, Lou, will you. Or are you already in your second childhood?

    Piss off.

    No. Why don’t you, piss off, for a change?

    Listen, you poxed up fuckin bitch. You’re goin to get clocked in a fuckin minute.

    I’m sure I am, Lou. But so are you.

    Bollocks, you silly cow.

    Even as Jane threw the sugar bowl at him, Luke’s sweeping hand caught her around the ear and she banged heavily into the side of the counter.

    Ow. Lou. You bastard.

    The milk jug, he didn’t dodge, and it caught Luke fully on the jaw, soaking his whole face and making him gasp as its white coldness ran down his chin and neck.

    Next, came the tea pot, its hot contents spilling everywhere. Then, cup after cup rained down on him as he slipped amongst the debris.

    Saucers followed, and soon, he was trying to fend off handfuls of metal spoons, knives and forks as he struggled to regain his feet.

    His face was now bleeding from the many direct hits, but still Jane kept up the barrage, emphasising her words as she launched more cutlery at him.

    Lou- Brown,- you- are- a- bastard.

    Bitch. I’ll fuckin well destroy you for that.

    Several cheese sandwiches took him on the bridge of the nose and Luke blinked away the tears as he reached Jane.

    You fuckin fat cow.

    Piss off.

    Her teeth sank into Luke’s arm, his leather protecting him, but her knee found its mark, and he instantly let go of her as he reeled back, clutching at his injured testicles, as the agonising pain coursed through his tortured body.

    Slap after slap followed to Luke’s face as Jane hit him and yanked his hair hard. Then, freeing him, she picked up the metal fire extinguisher and aimed it at him.

    Jane. Don’t you fuc…………

    The rest was lost as a roar issued from it, enveloping Luke in a cloud of white powdery foam. Unable to see now, he crashed around again until he fell headlong and hurriedly crawled away on his hands and knees, making an undignified exit through the kitchen and rear door, reminiscent of a fleeing frog.

    To say that Maurice was displeased was a severe understatement, and it cost Luke £50 to even half pacify him.

    Luke, still being in a rage, threw the money at him and stormed off through the back yard in a mess of falling foam and sticky food.

    It took Luke over two hours to clean himself and his clothes and, apart from El’s first hilarious outburst as he entered, accomplished it in total silence.

    Even Tom, who had witnessed the whole event, wisely kept quiet for once in the bar that night as he gazed at Luke’s face, the various cuts and marks still visible there.

    Neither Julie nor Sally could cheer him up and, when told that Tramp was at home, ill in bed, Luke became even more depressed, so they left him alone altogether.

    Tom tried gently to talk to Luke, fully aware that he could be in the direct firing line should Luke decide to erupt.

    Dance tonight, Lou?

    Stuff your fuckin dance right up your arse.

    Booze and women, and, free grub all night, so I hears?

    Stuff your fuckin grub, too.

    Wot about Betty?

    Even she ain’t even speakin.

    Aw. She will tonight, Lou.

    Fuck her, man. Fuck all women, they’re a pain.

    Yeh. I noticed.

    You was there?


    Why didn’t you fuckin well help me, then?

    No way, man. I saw, and I left well alone. I remembered when she flew at Hawk, Whew.  You should have clocked her harder.

    Yeh. Well. I didn’t like to. Not Jane.

    Goin soft, Lou?

    Luke flew around and faced Tom, his face a mask of anger.

    Bollocks, Tom. I’ll fuckin well dismantle you in a minute. you chicken- shit, yellow bastard.

    Okay. Okay. Only fuckin sayin, Lou.

    Yeh. That’s all you ever fuckin does, is talk. I’m goin to Worcester, fuck you lot. About time I had some fun with Spot and the crew again.

    Come to the dance instead, mate.

    Fuck off, Tom.

    Sally stood before him and smiled as she handed over a lighted smoke.

    Come on, Lou, we’re your mates. Stop treatin us as if we was shit. It ain’t our fault that Jane got the fuckin pig with you, is it?

    Naw. Guess not.

    Well then. You got me and Julie whenever you wants us. Poor Tramp’s ill, so you can’t have her tonight. I s’pect Betty will be up there, too. So, all in all, Lou, you’re spoilt for choice really, ain’t you?

    Luke sighed and embraced Sally, and, as they broke from their kiss several minutes later, he turned and grinned at Tom.

    Yeh. Sorry, man.

    S’okay, Lou. It was funny today though, even you has to admit that?


    He looked at Jack’s grinning face and scowled.

    And wot the fuck is you laughin at?

    Oh. Nothin, Lou. Nothin at all, mate.

    A fresh wave of customers burst in then and Luke crossed to sit in his usual corner as the noise increased. Reading through the paper, he ignoring them all, with his pint beside him.

    Glancing up as he turned the page, he saw Jane leaning against the bar further down, Tom trying his best to shield her from his eyes.

    Glowering at Tom, Luke rose and rolled the Daily Sketch up into a hard rod.

    Reaching Jane, he wapped her smartly on top of the head, making her start, and drop her smoke to the floor.

    Seeing Luke, she gasped.

    You again, you bastard.



    Piss off, Tom. I wants a few words with this cow-faced bag.

    Huh. Better than bein a scar-faced, old, cradle snatcher, ain’t it?

    I ain’t.

    Not much you ain’t, Lou.


    Oh, shut up and hit me if you’re goin to, Mr big man, get it over with, then piss off back to your play bricks.

    Turning her back defiantly on him, Jane lit herself another cigarette and leaned on the bar.

    Luke stared at her for several long seconds before turning away and returning to his seat in the corner, in an even fouler mood than before.

    Rising, Luke set the empty pot down on the counter and went out to his bike without a word to anyone.

    Riding off in a roaring cloud of gravel, he sped off through the town and revved to a halt outside Tramp’s house.

    After his second knock, her Mother stood smiling at him and ushered Luke into the kitchen.

    How’s Sarah?

    Oh. She’s not too bad. In bed with flu. You got time for a cuppa, Lou?

    Yeh, Cheers. How’s Hawk?

    Oh. he’ll live. I’ll tell him you asked.


    You look a bit down in the mouth, Lou?

    Yeh. Just one of them days.

    Lou. Lou.

    Tramp stood in the doorway, her pink dressing gown wrapped tightly around her, staring at him.

    As Luke’s face broke into a huge smile, she flew across the room and stood before him, concern in her eyes.

    Your face, Lou. Wot happened?

    Fell out with a few cups, and saucers. And Cutlery. And cheese sandwiches.


    Yeh. Jane and a fire extinguisher.

    God, Lou. Where, in the Doors?


    Haha. Wish I’d been there.

    Where’s your slippers young lady?

    Oh. Upstairs somewhere, Mum, don’t nag.

    Tramps arm rested lightly on Luke’s and her Mother eyed them both as she poured the drinks.

    Coffee. If you can spare the time to drink it, that is?

    Oh, Mum. Be quiet.

    I thought that you were supposed to be ill, Miss?

    I am.

    Well, you sure shot down the stairs when Lou arrived. Anyway, shift, will you, I’ve work to do. Go and play some records, or somethin.

    Luke followed Tramp into the front room and closed the door. Immediately, she was at his side,

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