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Blue Plague: The War Years-Uno: Book 9: Blue Plague, #9
Blue Plague: The War Years-Uno: Book 9: Blue Plague, #9
Blue Plague: The War Years-Uno: Book 9: Blue Plague, #9
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Blue Plague: The War Years-Uno: Book 9: Blue Plague, #9

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About this ebook

It's definitely heating up!

The race to take as much territory from the Blues as possible is underway
in the only way the relentless Clan does it.

Judiciously and without apology.

Join in the thrilling trip to Mexico in this latest installment of Blue Plague: The War Years.

Grab your tequila and lime! Bruce and the kids are heading south!

Release dateJan 24, 2023
Blue Plague: The War Years-Uno: Book 9: Blue Plague, #9

Thomas A Watson

Watson writes in several genres. Check out his fantasy books, Thanos, his dystopian books, Dark Titan, Forgotten Forbidden America, The Bonner Incident, and zombies in The Blue Plague series and Forsaken World. 

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    Book preview

    Blue Plague - Thomas A Watson


    Sabrina Jean

    Tina Watson

    James Mayo

    Beth Mayo

    Kathy Roberts

    Sara Andrews

    Leslie Bryant

    Jan Tice

    C W Franks

    Yalonda Butler

    Joseph Ruffolo

    Arthur Maybee 

    Tina Rush

    Jim Broach 

    Jaala Wickman

    Without all of your help we couldn’t get this done. Thank you so very much for all your help with getting these books out.

    Chapter One

    In Omega’s motor pool looking over his laptop, Jake saw the program was loading without problems. Dani wasn’t happy that her Trump could only do fifty-seven miles per hour, so Jake and Matt wrote a different engine program increasing the horsepower. Like the MRAPs it was replacing, a Trump could run on diesel or JP fuel that the military used. This was what the clan was producing on a small scale for now because it was stable longer and not affected by low temperatures as much.

    On the first test Dani hit sixty-eight, but the engine was six percent less fuel efficient. True to form, Dani didn’t give a shit but was happy with the extra speed. Jake was doing his rig now after doing all the other rigs driven by family, except his dad’s. His dad just added another set of fuel injectors that doubled the fuel sent to the cylinder at high RPMs, like drag racers used. Ted proudly proclaimed they’d hit eighty. Jake was certain once Dani found out, she would be doing the same.

    When his laptop beeped to signal it was done, Jake unhooked it from his rig. What he liked about the Trump that he and Matt had designed and integrated was the diagnostic system. The system monitored six thousand points over the engine and vehicle, so if something started acting weird you could just plug in a laptop. But more importantly, Trump could warn you something was nearing a breaking point. Yes, there were vehicles and even MRAPs that had this feature like civilian cars, but they only monitored a few parameters. Trump monitored everything down to the wear on the track and track pads.

    Putting his laptop away, Jake looked around the motor pool which was just a fifty-acre fenced-off space identical to Gamma and Beta’s motor pools. There were buildings for the troops to keep gear stored but the three largest were the repair buildings. Most commanders had offices here, but Jake had his paperwork sent to Oz.

    I fucking hate paperwork. I’d rather do twice the amount of homework from school, Jake mumbled. There were requests that ranged from transfers to ideas on weapons or tactics. Then there were the ever-present evaluations of everyone, inventory reports, supply lists, engagement reports, incident reports, equipment requests, equipment evaluations, etc.... it just seemed to go on and on. Jake was starting to hate paperwork almost as much as his dad did.

    When Omega first started, and he was only over one track, Jake thought there was too much shit to keep up with on the one track and crew. Each time he was promoted over a larger unit, the work increased tenfold with each transfer. Now he longed for the days when he was only over one rig. He had no idea how in the hell his dad kept up with everything, even with everyone helping, yet had time to sleep. Jake still wasn’t thrilled about Mary being put over a battalion. Oh, he knew she could do it, but he wanted to continue to run a battalion with her. Mary was much better with the troops and supplies than he was and Jake had no problem admitting that. After returning from Texas, Jake had asked Mary and she’d agreed, saying Jake was much better at troop movement than she was. Like Mary had said then, they complimented each other’s weaknesses very well and made a hell of a team. Now they were designing teams in their own battalions to take up that slack.

    One thing that was a silver lining to Jake was that Joe and Harry had been spot-on about the production of the Trump Assault Vehicle and were averaging twenty-six vehicles a day. Omega was being outfitted first, of course, because Omega was always going to be first at the front. Gamma was to be outfitted next, then Gene’s Beta.

    For the Mexico attack, Omega and Gamma would all be in Trumps and Beta would start receiving theirs by company in the field once work started on the southern wall. Only battle line companies were getting assigned Trumps until all units were filled. Then the Sigma scavenger units and Praetorians would receive Trumps. It would be a while because Omega, Gamma, and Beta were all expanding from two regiments to four, but that wasn’t due to commence until after summer. The headquarters elements for each regiment would continue to use the MRAPs they had, but that didn’t include the unit protecting his dad.

    Of course the first forty Trumps went to his dad’s headquarters detail, which most troops called Double Omega. The reason was because most had been in Omega during the early days and now the unit patch was two omega symbols.

    You done? Matt asked, walking up also carrying a laptop.


    Looking out at the rows of Trumps, since Omega’s first regiment of twelve hundred MRAPs were swapped out for Trumps and now the second regiment was turning in their MRAPs for Trumps, I like the awnings when it’s hot or raining but when it’s nippy, I kind of like the sun shining on me, Matt said, staring at the neatly parked vehicles under long metal awnings. Each row held one company, fifty Trumps, and like the vehicles the awnings were in neat lines and rows. 

    In a pissy mood already, In Louisiana, I’ll take the shade no matter when because the sun rapes your ass here, Jake scoffed.

    Ignoring the mood, Want to head to the runway and check production on the Spartans? Matt asked.

    No! Jake snapped, but headed for his and Matt’s electric buggy to drive them to the runway where the Spartans were being built. The two new polygraphenoid machines were up and running and just as Jake and Matt figured, when they turned on... Mike, Bruce, and Paul came running. There had been a thirty megawatt spike in electricity when they turned on the extra generators mounted on semi-trailers before the machines, then a massive dip of thirty-four megawatts as the polygraphenoid machines turned on. Oh.... did Paul freak out big time.

    Bruce had seen the other two polygraphenoid machines set up but they weren’t hooked up and running. He just shook his head at Jake and Matt. Not unless you can supply all the power they are going to use, he told them. Then Bruce and Mike had led Paul out of Oz.

    With Mount Hope complete, work on the thermal power plant was underway and would be done the first week of March. The prototype Paul had built worked excellently, so Jake and Matt were thrilled. Even with the five hundred megawatt plant running, they would have to keep generators going when the smelting plant started working. Since Mount Hope was a four-mile-long ridge, Paul had already planned on putting in a second thermal plant and that would supply enough they would be able to turn off the generators.

    Jake and Matt wanted the other machines turned on now so the armor for the Trumps could be upgraded like it was designed. Yes, the Trump was designed to add the armor anytime, but they really wanted it now. Trump could withstand a steady rain of small arms all the way up to fifty caliber. Twenty millimeter could chew through the armor pretty fast as it was right now. With the polygraphenoid plates, Trump would be impervious up to a 105mm tank round and most anti-armor rockets. The only round that could punch a side would be the 120mm sabot the Abrams fired.

    His dad had just said, Blues aren’t using those, but we’ll upgrade before reaching those that can use them.

    Not wanting to debate Bruce, Jake and Matt wanted to divert the machines they cranked up to produce the armor but were overruled. Bruce wanted the Spartans first and foremost. Each regiment would have its own Spartan, but Bruce was still considering increasing that to two. The reason was, each regiment had forty helicopters assigned but each Spartan only carried twenty-five or thirty helicopters depending on types. Jake and Matt reasoned the Spartan was right over the troops or very close and helicopters could be refueled, rearmed, and return to battle in a much shorter time. Because his dad was ‘considering’ increasing the Spartans, Jake and Matt had already planned ahead by increasing the size of the build area and expanding production. Everyone tried to stay one step ahead of Bruce, which was difficult, but now when his dad stated he wanted more Spartans, Jake could just grin and inform Bruce the changes had already been made. 

    In all reality, Jake understood where his dad was coming from and was making the best choices with what they had. There was one understood constant, but it was never mentioned by anyone. Bruce was worried about the Mexico expedition, and this was causing tension in everyone. Only those who knew Bruce could tell he was worried. They were traveling over a thousand miles from their closest support at Laughlin through heavy blue concentrated land. They were building a Fort and wall while in those lands with supplies for the Fort and wall being hauled in by rail. Bruce’s unacknowledged worry was in everyone but never spoken of because he was Bruce. If shit happened, which it always did, Bruce would figure it out and kick that problem's ass.

    Stopping at the buggy, Jake took a deep breath because there were many now looking at Jake and Matt to step into their father’s shoes, even though they were only nineteen years old. Mary and Dani were over other areas and Matt and Jake had to make plans and clear schedules to spend time with their wives. Getting old sucks ass, Jake spat and dropped behind the steering wheel.

    Thinking Jake sounded just like his dad but not about to mention that, I was going to say being a grown-up sucks ass, Matt countered getting in.

    Turning to look at Matt because he sounded just like his dad, Old! Grown-up is just politically correct bullshit, Jake informed him.

    Boy, you’re in a mood today, Matt smirked and looked off.

    Fuck yeah, Jake spat and stomped the pedal, squealing tires leaving the motor pool. Dani wasn’t the only one who loved to increase speed. We should be in college studying to do the shit we’re doing now, but Nooooo! Some rich cock-sucking sacks of shit wanted to live forever and tried to develop a means to do it. What happens? What always happens. The middle-class families of those who are really America, the regular working class, get FUCKED! Jake bellowed the last.

    Jake, you know the cops stop anyone near the runway who’s speeding, Matt said calmly as they blew past one of the Hope police cars. It pulled out with lights flashing. The speed limit was thirty here and Matt knew Jake was doing double that easy in their electric buggy.

    FUCK! Jake screamed, slamming on the brakes and just stopping in the middle of Berm Road. Those in the command group, advisors, and some supervisors were allowed to go over the speed limit related to work. Jake could and did qualify as all of those, Matt knew. Buffy was none of these really but the cops never pulled her over and there had been times, mainly with Dani, that Buffy had sped inside Base Hope. She was operating her vehicle with precision, just like when she took Trump out to test. The cops saw her little blond head sticking out of the new vehicle and just gave her an escort out of Base Hope. Other times, they all denied any knowledge of ever witnessing Buffy speeding, even if their dash cameras did.

    Throwing his door open and jumping out, Jake stormed back to the cop car as the cop was getting out to tell Jake to go on since he could see who it was. WHAT!!!? Jake screamed, stopping at the front of the cop car. When the cop just stood there with his mouth hanging open Jake stepped over, taking the ticket book and ripped one out. Tell ‘em to e-mail me when and where I have to go in front of the punishment board! Jake shouted, spinning around and climbing back behind the wheel. Tires on the cart were squealing before his door was even closed. 

    Glancing over at Matt to see him scrolling on his phone, Who are you calling? Jake snapped. I was speeding, I’ll do the fucking punishment.

    I’m calling my sister, and informing Mary she’s neglecting her duties as your wife, Matt informed him and Jake’s foot came off the accelerator. You need to get laid.

    Feeling his heart rate increase as the buggy slowed considerably, You damn well better not, Jake warned.

    Oh, I am... then I’m calling to have our chopper warmed up. I’m taking you out so we can kill some blues. That always seems to help. Then we can come home and my sister better put a beat down on your ass.

    Looking ahead, Jake punched the accelerator. Forget calling Mary, you’re right. Let’s go kill some shit. With any luck, some of the blues we kill might be former rich assholes or politicians.

    Matt lifted his cellphone to his ear as Jake headed to the helicopter depot at the east end of the runway. Hey, Mary, Matt said when she answered. Jake’s mouth fell open, his face went pale, heart rate spiked as his foot fell off the accelerator again. I’m just calling to tell you that you need to take care of business with Jake. By business, I mean hot monkey sex not the tender snuggle kind.

    Slowly, Jake turned as Matt listened to Mary’s reply as the buggy stopped again in the middle of the road. I’m not kidding, Mary, you suck! I’m the oldest so I can say what I want. Jake is ready to strangle motherfuckers, cussed out a cop, and is spinning off on everyone. I’m waiting for his ass to throw kittens off the wall, and Jake loves cats, Matt told her, then listened as Jake’s mouth gaped even wider in shock.

    No, I’m taking him to kill shit. That always calms him down, but I’m telling you to handle business, Matt said to the phone ignoring the catatonic Jake. Oh, go ahead and tell Mom I’m butting in your business, Matt scoffed. I’ll tell her what’s going on with Jake. Momma likes him better than both of us. The only one better than Jake is Momma’s baby David.

    Despite his catatonic state, Jake knew that was shit. Momma Nancy crooned over Matt. She loved Mary, but Mary could send Momma Nancy into a ranting storm with no problem. Snapping his mouth closed, Jake wanted to yank the phone from Matt but knew Matt would just head to where Mary was and continue. That was something Jake would avoid at all cost. One person who could irritate his wife at will was the brother speaking to her now.

    I’m just telling you how I see it, Matt told the phone. No, you can’t talk to him. I have his phone and like I told you, I’m taking him to kill shit. Pulling the phone from his ear, Matt winced at the screams coming out. Oh yeah? Matt snapped, pulling the phone back to his ear, how come David is always relaxed and I’m happy? Maybe it’s because Dani and Mindy be takin’ care of business. Slumping down in the seat, Jake let out a long groan.

    Now we’re goin’ to fight and that’s just going to put the lovin’ on hold, Jake sighed.

    I’ll call Dad right now! Matt shouted into the phone and Jake just wanted to get out and walk off, never returning. You aren’t brave enough to do that, Matt dared with a scoff. You do that, and I’ll admit to Mom it was me that scratched her SUV and not you, Matt challenged. Mary had been the one who’d scratched Nancy’s SUV. But you’re a prude and I have nothing to worry about.

    He yanked the phone from his head as Mary screamed at the top of her lungs that she wasn’t a prude. Jake blushed four different colors as Mary informed Matt she was going to throw Jake down till he couldn’t walk and what she was going to do to him in graphic detail to accomplish the task. It was the fact Mary rarely talked that way which worried Jake.

    When she stopped screaming, Matt brought the phone back to his ear. You don’t even know what half of what you said even means, so like you could really do it, Matt goaded with a smirk. You heard some of Omega using those terms and that’s the only reason you know the words are related to sex. Mary, you critique pornos, Matt grinned as Jake’s phone started buzzing and he lifted it, seeing it was Dani calling and just hit ignore. Before he lowered it, Mindy called and he hit ignore again. 

    Mary! Matt shouted startling Jake. I was there when you asked Dani if ‘reverse cowgirl’ was a lesbian! Snot flew out and Jake thrust his hand in his mouth and bit down hard to keep from busting out laughing. Opening his door, he got out because he remembered that day very damn well.

    In the background Matt heard Buffy’s voice. Yeah, I want you to explain that shit to Buffy, Matt dared and heard Dani tell Buffy to hush. Yeah, we’ll see, Matt told Mary as Mary paused for a breath. Mary, Matt said in a calm voice. Love ya, sis.

    With Mary still ranting, Matt hung up his phone and looked out Jake’s door to see him walking around laughing and other vehicles were just driving around them. Mary informed me you will have trouble walking tomorrow to prove she’s not a prude.

    Getting back in, Oh, man, Jake said wiping tears from his eyes. I feel better.

    "I’m betting tomorrow you’ll feel much better," Matt predicted and Jake again took off but this time didn’t spin tires.

    Matt, shit... when Mary and I get home, it’s late and we’re worn out, Jake complained. Tuesday, both of us sat at our desks catching up on paperwork until three in the morning and just passed out sitting at our desks. 

    Turning to Jake with a straight face, Get a coffee machine to put in your room and start drinking coffee to wake up. Then you can bump and grind to get rid of the caffeine rush, Matt instructed.

    Nodding at the idea, Never thought of that, Jake admitted. That’s what you do?

    Sometimes, Matt confessed. Most of the time, Dani puts on that camo bikini and I’m not tired anymore.

    You’re so weird, Jake laughed, stopping at their helicopter. Where do you want to head?

    Wherever there are blues, Matt said getting out.

    Getting out, "You know, blues can serve a purpose, Jake admitted. They are stress relievers until they call friends, then they just bring stress."

    Walking around checking the Black Hawk, You want to land somewhere and shoot or just fly around? Matt asked.

    Let’s go set up on that building in Dallas. We have two thousand rounds of FMJ unless you want to grab some magic bullets.

    Magic bullets aren’t meant to relieve stress, Matt reminded him, and Jake remembered Mary blowing blues away piece by piece with regular ammo when he’d pissed her off. Let’s do manly shit and help mankind, kill blues.

    Finished with the walk around, We are Omega and that’s what we do, Jake laughed.

    Chapter Two

    The next morning, already late with the meeting underway, Jake and Mary ran into the command bunker and dropped into their seats. Problem? Bruce asked from the end of the table.

    Hit the snooze too many times, Dad. It’s my fault, Jake smirked and Mary blushed. It was clear both had just woken up and tossed on clothes before running to the meeting. Raising his hand, Bill looked at Jake while opening his mouth to speak. Not now, Bill, Jake cut him off before Bill spoke. 

    With the much improved mood on Jake very apparent, Matt leaned over the table looking down at Nancy. Momma? Matt called out and Nancy looked up from the page she was reading, smiling at Matt. I just wanted to admit to you it was me that put that scratch on your SUV, not Mary. I had the hay baler on the tractor and got too close.

    The page slipped from Nancy’s hand as she gasped with the smile long gone and Dani’s face went pale. Jake and Mary were on the verge of passing out that Matt had really carried out his vow. It had happened months before the Fall and the scratch had extended on the entire passenger side. Nancy had unloaded on Mary, then on Dani, grounding both because they had been seen at the mall in Nancy’s SUV. Mary never had a chance to confess. Nancy convicted her on the spot. Because one daughter was guilty, both were.

    Pushing her chair to get up, Nancy was going to chastise her firstborn for allowing Mary and Dani to take that punishment but Mike grabbed her and looked down the table at Matt. Son, why are you lying? Mike asked and Matt tensed up because this was more than he’d bargained for, getting in trouble with Mom AND Dad, but a deal was a deal. When Matt went to speak, Mike stopped him. Son, who fixed the SUV? Stripped the entire passenger side and repainted it.

    Wondering if this was somehow a trick question because they all knew, Um, you and Daddy Bruce, Matt answered.

    Mike turned to Nancy, Sorry, babe, that’s why I didn’t make Mary and Dani do it or even help. I did it when I came home after a twenty-four hour shift, Mike told her and Nancy’s face started turning red. Hey, I’m sorry. I knew if I said anything you’d spin off and I wasn’t in the mood. Mary took one for the team.

    Anger clouded Nancy’s vision as she prepared to unload. Mike, the father of her children let her blame Mary for something she didn’t do. Mike, tell her the entire story, Bruce scoffed. You came home and I was on my four-wheeler and threw dirt on your stupid Ford. You got on your four-wheeler and chased me. It could’ve been either one of us that put the scratch on her ride, that’s why I had no trouble helping you fix it. 

    I don’t know, Steve said from the other end of the table. That was the morning I came home after Tonya and I went camping. I was pulling the boat and Tonya said I was too close when I drove past Momma Nancy’s ride.

    Looking around the table, Nancy didn’t know who to be mad at. Mary, Dani, I’m sorry I blamed you, Nancy finally said then sat down. It’s in the past and doesn’t matter but whoever did it, I can’t believe you let me yell at the girls like that.

    It’s okay, Momma, we did take it to the mall without asking so we earned that. Because the kid mobile was getting new tires wasn’t an excuse, Mary said in shock.

    Very proud of her daughter, Nancy leaned toward Mike. That one is mine today, Nancy informed him. She had no idea what was going on but when the family pulled together like that, she just couldn’t get mad at any of them.

    Jake, Bruce started as he got up, but Jake cut in.

    Already knowing what this was about, Dad, Jake replied, holding up both hands. I was in the wrong. I’ll apologize to the officer when I see him and do what the punishment board gives me.

    Will you let me finish? Bruce asked and Jake nodded. You were working, there never should’ve been a ticket. The only reason I found out is you ripped a ticket out and all of them have to be answered for. I went to the punishment board yesterday.

    Sorry, Dad, Jake sighed.

    Why? Bruce scoffed. First offense is fifty pushups. The board said they overruled the standards since it was a mistake, but I asked if they wanted me to do the pushups with one or both hands for your punishment.

    Drumming her fingers on the table, You know, Stephanie and I were trying to address the punishment board, Angela reminded him.

    Turning to look at both, No you weren’t, both of you were threatening to skin them alive after beating them to death with one of Carol’s switches, Bruce stated. There was no doubt Bruce was proud of them, but the two really looked at the kids as their own and nobody but the family got to punish them, and that punishment had better have been earned.

    Jumping up, Jake is exempt, that officer had no right to even pull him over! Angela snapped and Stephanie got up.

    How many motherfuckin’ electric golf cart buggies have a fuckin’ cyber ninja painted on the side?! Stephanie shouted, and Bruce gave a startle not expecting Stephanie to unleash so harsh and fast. She usually had to work up to harsh cursing unless PJ was a factor. Oh, just one. Jake and Matt’s! I should throw that son of bitch on shit detail for a year!

    Stephanie turned to Bill and he just slumped in his chair. Do you even test for intelligence in those you put on the force? Stephanie asked very loudly. Nobody was about to point out the command group had to approve each officer but Bill was the one who chose them. With eyes gaping in fear, Bill wasn’t about to say shit because it was very apparent Angela and Stephanie had chips on their shoulders and were in full momma-bear-mode.

    Crossing her arms over her chest and lifting her chin high, They are excellent boys and that officer was trying to tarnish their image, Stephanie declared.

    Girls, Bruce said softly and both turned. Let me finish please. Not liking the gentle tone for some reason, they both sat back down. As I was saying, Jake, Bruce turned back to him. I spoke to the board and demanded to know what the fine was. Like I said, it was fifty pushups. I asked if they wanted me to do them with one hand or two and they said there never should’ve been a ticket given. I informed them you took one for a reason so how did they want me to pay, one hand or two. Since they never answered, I did the pushups with two hands, but I had Angela and Stephanie sit on my back.

    Jake was grinning now along with the others. It was very hard because your stepmoms were chanting ‘Go down hard, baby! Show ‘em what real men do!’ I can’t tell you how many times my arms almost gave out from trying not to laugh, Bruce chuckled, then nodded over at Ted and Carl. Then my two primary security did handstand pushups, telling the punishment board that it was extra since it was Omega and Omega is the best.

    Thanks, Dad, Jake laughed, then tried to stop as he looked at Angela and Stephanie. You fit in perfectly with this family, thank you, he got out without laughing. Ted, Carl, thank you for being so eloquent.

    Looking at Dani, Matt, Jake, Mary, David, and Mindy, Starting tomorrow morning, you six have four days off, Bruce told them and all got wide-eyed.

    Dad, Jake started. I can’t, we ar-, he stopped when Bruce focused on him.

    Come on, Dad, we-, Dani clamped her mouth shut when Bruce shifted his eyes to her.

    Da-, Mary started but stopped instantly before Bruce even finished locking his eyes on her. Reaching down to his left side, Bruce unsnapped his predator machete.

    Pulling it out, Bruce put the tip of the massive blade on the table with both hands propped on the hilt. "I have never threatened to use a knife on any

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