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The Globalists
The Globalists
The Globalists
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The Globalists

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In a world where everything is controlled by the government, rebels must hide underground to stay safe and plan for their attack, until team ZAP is created, a group that led the infamously largest rebel Movement of its time.

The government elite aims for complete and total control of humanity by implanting Microchips into the human wrist, they stopped their experiments on rats and mice and switched to humans, they recreated a world fit for the rich, and ever a dangerous and deadly struggle for the poor. Branding everyone beyond the Centric with bar codes on their hands, necks, or wrists, they had total control over people's lives, this leads them to become a superpower that dominates the world and forces the world under one law.

The story follows a girl named Silver who in a crazy turn of events finds her path crossed with the world's most wanted criminals, and through a series of miracles, ends up being one of the most important members of the rebel team.

Release dateJan 24, 2023
The Globalists

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    The Globalists - Lionel Eddy

    Chapter One:

    Team ZAP was dedicated to the Movement, not worthless bloodshed. They weren't Globalists. But in many cases, when violence was unavoidable, they knew exactly what to do and how to get it done. Even with their excellent precision and exceptional timing, however, there are always a few unprecedented hiccups. This one hiccupped itself into Bones' shoulder.

    Hold still mate, Ghost hissed. The rogue pulled the string up with another long, painful tug, making his patient gasp. Bones was a lanky one with plenty of hidden muscle. But no matter how intimidating he was, with his big arms and black face paint imitating a skeleton face on his own, he still hated needles.

    Fucking hell, he groaned. This morphine is complete shit Fuse!

    Don't look at me, the pyromaniac of the group said calmly, characteristically flicking on his lighter to smoke. Even at the end of the world, there'll always be cigarettes, Fuse would constantly quote. Look at Bambi. He's the one that pocketed the pills.

    Its pill morphine Bones, they're not going to do much. Low-level shit was all I could get, Bambi sighed. He and Braveheart had raided a Vanted supply house days ago, managing to get plenty of antiseptics and burn ointment. But they didn't have a chance to look at the pill section; the soldiers caught on.

    The skeleton-faced one grit his teeth as Ghost pulled another stitch into his arm. Damn Vanted fucking security dogs fuckin hell, Bones continued to curse. He pulled his beanie off, his blond hair sticking to his forehead, and brushed through it with the fingers of his other arm. The dogs had given them away, Bones and Fuse, on a run to wreak a little havoc out on the docks. There were all kinds of Vanted boats and crates just lying around out there, so how could they resist? They figured, what they didn't steal, they'd at least get to burn. They were in the middle of borrowing ammo when the dogs' barking got them caught. They were convinced they were home free once they got back onto the street and headed for the buildings for cover, but were sadly mistaken when a bullet bit into Bones' shoulder. This was not an uncommon occurrence, however. Just another day of being a rebel in the 1D Movement.

    Team ZAP, they were called. A group that led the infamously largest rebel Movement of its time. 2055, the New Age they're calling it. Around 50 or so years ago, humanity erupted in another World War. WW3, which was the obvious name for it. It took out most of the population, leaving only about 32% unscathed. The remaining people of the planet found a few areas within Europe, Asia, and North America that remained untouched by the radiation and the deadly wintering effects of the nuclear war, and established cities in these small spaces. Here, New London is run by a totalitarian government titled Globalists.

    The globalists’ aims for complete and total control of humanity by implanting Microchips into the human wrist, it's so small, almost impractical, devices that would contain a small amount of data corresponding to the wearer. The idea is to sell microchips as a form of convenience, but as with all technology, at the expense of certain freedoms, they use those microchip implants to track, monitor, and record directly the daily lives of everybody who lives in new London.

    The control of money by what it’s called the International Fund (IF), an organization controlled by the globalists, they make money by issuing loans called 'credit'. Everybody can take out a loan and do whatever they want with that money. Then the banks apply 'interest', to the issued credit. Now, not just paying off the credit in full, but also paying an additional the longer the debt is. Debt is control. Governments must be in debt for the (IF) to control the government, and thereby the people of the country.

    Microchips are serving as the de facto method of control, and all of which previously described is there for a reason. Humans are serving microchips, therefore humans are serving artificial intelligence, and will eventually become it. By now most communication is being done by artificial intelligence.

    The end goal for the globalists is to wire humans to artificial intelligence, and microchips bridge that gap. The government is open about this as a form of making people 'super human', it will not make us superhuman, it will make us subhuman if that. This form of automation by deep-learning artificial intelligence will destroy billions of jobs, but that doesn't matter because the globalists' agenda of taking the world will destroy half the population anyway.

    The Government is supplying microchips through the Vanted which is responsible for the actual implants and makes sure that the microchips are able to track the blood flow of the user for collecting medical records, and also track the nerve impulses going to and from the brain and to be connected to all electronic devices using DNA for security

    In order for the microchips to do as the system intends, there must be drastic transformations to current society that people would object to en masse if done without any justification. And that is cashless which replaces credit and debit cards and encourages virtual transactions which have drastic implications for freedom.

    In a purely cashless world under the impositions of a one-world bank, they restrict everyone's purchasing habits.

    DNA is used for security, and regardless of what microchip anyone has, DNA is the encryption key. In other words, all the microchip will do is tell the receiving computer what the DNA of the carrier is, and then bring up the necessarily related records in order to make an electronic transaction. If the microchip breaks, it doesn't matter. All the data used for DNA matching.

    DNA collection is for the tracking of every human being, the idea that privacy is a concern barely scratches the surface of the reasons they intend to use this data. Collecting DNA has become mandatory, they use it to track health, movements, what to eat and don't eat, what to accept and don't accept, what information is allowed to know and not, where are allowed to go, etc. DNA collection is not about privacy, it's about ensuring no one gets access to things they don't want the public to know about.

    All those people who do not live in New London are the poverty-stricken masses, these are the people currently on the dole on government benefits just to get by, who are either on the streets or on zero-hour contracts currently.

    There are miners and farmers in the poverty-stricken lands, and they are heavily guarded and on military curfews. There are highly dense villages serving as part of a slave network to gather resources for new London to further enslave and maintain the status quo.

    New London will only be granted to people of loyalty to the system, who embrace the technology and will give their souls willing to help build the slave machine for the poverty-stricken masses. They are the office workers, the engineers, the developers, and the architects. Everyone was given a microchip that will be connected via a massive 6G network that uses ultra-high frequency microwaves

    The advent of computer technology and video game consoles has seen a rise in children being bombarded with sex and violence. the government passes a law effectively rendering parents' influence on their children ineffective on sexual or gender preference matters, criticising their child's life choices when they are susceptible to coercion, is part of the disciplinary process by both parents and academia. now children have no clue what the difference between right and wrong having blind faith in an education system that teaches nothing more than completing exams with an A grade.

    The people are legal entities to the government. When registered at birth, the parents hand over their child to the government and are considered legal entities. Technically, if no one registers his child at birth the government will not be able to impose its laws, because that person wouldn't legally exist.

    Globalists recreated a world fit for the rich, and ever a dangerous and deadly struggle for the poor. Branding everyone beyond the Centric with bar codes on their hands, necks, or wrists, Globalists had total control over people's lives within the four sectors of the city: The Centric, Chelsea, Zone B, and the Slums. They also controlled the Vanted, a military comprised of genetically altered super soldiers. The Vanted base was stationed in Chelsea and counted as the law enforcement of the entire city. Cruel, violent, and relentless to keep Globalists in power and the people in line, the Vanted were feared, terrorizing the people for years until the 1D Movement came to light. Stationed in Zone B, Team ZAP led a grand-scale movement to tear down Globalists and rebuild New London into democracy.

    The segregation in New London dictates who lives and who dies. Conditions decline from the Centric; Chelsea is livable and fairly civilized, albeit much poorer than the Centric. Zone B is an all-out free for all, with broken-down warehouses and empty lots, and no police. Nothing like Chelsea. And the Slums (called Old London by Globalists, as a way to make them feel adequate when they weren't) are even worse. Some call it Birth into Hell because of all the children who are born into slavery there. Car parts, mining, everything that the centric needs in produce is leeched from the Slums. Barely anyone survives there, but surprisingly, the Slums are better than the Far Out. The Far Out is everywhere beyond the city, places no one comes back to talk about. The Far Out is a suicide, but some choose it over this.

    Fuse, just a little ten-year-old kid who grew up in Zone B with his seven brothers and sisters, found Bones, a skinny little eight-year-old with nothing but the clothes on his back. The two became brothers, and as they grew up, they always talked about changing things. Making the government pay for everything they had done; making New London better and equal for everyone. Back then, it was only words. Now with over 150 rebels across New London, the original dream Bones and Fuse once had for the 1D Movement grows into reality.

    At least the bullet went all the way through, Ghost commented, snipping the last of the string off with his blade. You're all good mate.

    I need a goddamn drink, Bones groaned. He stood up on his thin legs. He was a

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