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Scrambled Eggs on Paper
Scrambled Eggs on Paper
Scrambled Eggs on Paper
Ebook170 pages45 minutes

Scrambled Eggs on Paper

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About this ebook

That’s the grand thing about the mind
and how we process things,
there’s an infinite possibility of thoughts and conclusions.

Scrambled eggs are forgiving,
like poetry.

Aspentera understands that healing is never linear and that we owe ourselves forgiveness, even when it seems impossible.

In a debut collection of poems, Aspentera shares reflections that address trauma, love, the overwhelming intensity that accompanies having a soul mate, and the exhausting focus to recover after heartbreak. While candidly exploring the emotions that can accompany varied life experiences, Aspentera reminds all of us that words can become the missing puzzle pieces that put our lives back together again, that healing eventually comes with time, mindfulness, and self-love, and that new dreams are always waiting in the wings to transform our lives once again.

Scrambled Eggs on Paper is a volume of free verse that reflects on a young woman’s journey through life, love, heartache, forgiveness, and healing.

Release dateJan 20, 2023
Scrambled Eggs on Paper


Aspentera was born and raised in Florida. She is a writer, motorcyclist, and YouTuber who sometimes cries in the shower. She embraces the vulnerability to wear her heart on her sleeve and passionately believes in the power of words to heal.

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    Scrambled Eggs on Paper - Aspentera

    Copyright © 2022 Aspentera.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by

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    without the written permission of the author except in the case of

    brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents,

    organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products

    of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Archway Publishing

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    Bloomington, IN 47403


    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or

    links contained in this book may have changed since publication and

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    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-2557-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-2558-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-2559-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022911498

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 12/29/2022


    Inspired by L,

    A thank you louder than the first concert I attended at 7, to my mother for continuously loving and supporting me while having the sincerity to always be honest with me. Thus giving this manuscript the push it needed to transform into a delicate extension of my heart in your hands.

    A dedication to my best friend for the unconditional support you have given me, from making me feel like my writing had purpose and could move mountains, to helping me create a diversion story that included a racoon and a banana. (A story for another time).

    Lastly, always, an overwhelming warmth to you, the reader who can relate to my story and find comfort or the avid poetry enthusiast who can enjoy the rhythm of my words. Thank you for bringing my book off the shelf and into your home.

    Time is truly a healer: we will get through this.


    I’m obsessed with this idea

    that things happen for a reason.

    I’m trying to determine

    if I really believe


    and if so,

    how much?

    If the universe just makes

    things happen

    for a reason

    how does it live with itself?

    It can control that some are

    experiencing the happiest day of their life:

    a newborn, a new house, a first kiss.


    others are mourning their devastating losses

    they’re homeless, wandering,

    wondering if

    they will be able to have dinner,

    and some are saying goodbye

    to their soul mate

    over something petty.

    Why is the universe the way it is?

    Why do things just happen?

    I continuously think of this

    on smaller scales….

    "Why is this rock placed in my path,

    instead of two inches to the right

    where it can hide among the grass?"

    "Why is it I happened

    to see this rock and notice it?"

    I continuously think of this

    on larger scales….

    "Why is it that we humans,

    mere cells in the vast expanse of combined

    cells that form the universe,

    try to live such meaningful lives

    when, one day, we won’t be

    remembered for honor roll,

    holding the door open, or the words we got published.

    one day there won’t be

    anyone to remember

    if we lived or if we died.


    I’m not suicidal

    and I’m not

    trying to find tHe MeAniNg to life.

    I have my own personal meaning, as do we all,

    but this big picture haunts me as I try to understand


    Why I noticed

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