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How to Get Things Done
How to Get Things Done
How to Get Things Done
Ebook110 pages2 hours

How to Get Things Done

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About this ebook

My name is Barbara, and I'd want to introduce myself.
And I know you have a lot on your agenda, so let's get straight to it...
This course will teach you productivity tactics for getting things done.
Here are 26 BIG Ideas that will assist you in accomplishing this.

Turning tasks into mini goals
A big strategy for mini goals
Make plans for tomorrow's action now
Check Morning emails
Choose the right work at the right time
Wake up early in the morning
Your day map to the future
The mother of all productivity
Boost Up Your Energy
And many more.
Who this book is for:
Those who are being buried alive by the activities and demands of daily life.
Overwhelmed, worried, unorganized, and exhausted
Anyone who is tired of pushing oneself to the bone with little to show for it
Writers, professors, company owners, or anybody who develops, brainstorms and manages ideas, people, and projects on a regular basis

Release dateDec 21, 2022
How to Get Things Done

Barbara Morgan

Barbara Morgan was born in June of 1969 in Vancouver, British Columbia and has lived, learned and loved throughout Canada, US, and the UK. She has travelled to, and also quite willingly informally studied the lesbians in, Central America, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Netherlands with great interest. She has given sex seminars in Canada and the US in various kinky dyke practices and has worked in women's sex shops in the UK as well as aiding in the design of women's sex toys. She resided in London, Brighton and finally Oxford, UK where she wrote, blogged, practiced massage therapy, went to the pub and despaired at the lack of available local dykes "with the requisite parts." She moved back to Vancouver in November of 2012 after 10 years trotting about Europe and deciding that west coast canucks are pretty damn sweet people. She now resides by "The Drive" in the East End and can eat as much sushi as her little heart desires. She's presently doing uni level massage therapy and working on another book of short stories. If you'd like to write to her directly about any weirdness you like, you can contact her through:

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    Book preview

    How to Get Things Done - Barbara Morgan


    So to get the most from this book, let me explain the basics of how to navigate and use it. First of all, as you review the book content, you're going to see that each video Lesson focuses on a single idea. Next, that idea is broken down into smaller chunks and each chunk represents a unique aspect of the bigger idea of the lesson and this is to help make that bigger idea easier to understand and to put into action. Now, speaking of action, at the end of each video Lesson, I share with you some next actions. And this is where I provide you with some specific suggestions and Options for putting the essence of the idea into action in your own life. Again, you're not simply going through the book, to fill your head with knowledge. That's not the goal here. You want to do something with it and this is where you're going to get help in order to do that. So, consider these suggestions, these next actions, carefully and focus on doing them, that's where you're going to get the most benefit. Now, while each lesson can stand on its own, as far as giving you something of value to use the overall purpose of all. These video lessons is to teach you how to master the art of daily productivity and to help you to achieve this bigger result. Here's a simple project to work on as you go through the doors. I want you to grab a piece of paper or start a digital document, whichever one you prefer. This could be Word document, Google doc and ample note or something, very similar to that. And then as you go through the book, you want to identify three key ideas that mean the most to you, it could be a new habit or behavior that you want to adopt. It could be an exercise, you want to complete, it could be a tool that you want to use, whatever it may be, right? These three key ideas down in that document. A simple bullet points. You want to capture the basics of the idea why it's valuable to you and the basic steps for putting it into action. And this is where those next actions. I mentioned just a second ago that are going to help you and they're going to come in handy. Now at the end of the book, you want to select one of these top three actions that you've captured and focus on putting it into action, over the next week. You want a daily spend, one minute reviewing, the idea, itself thinking about why it matters and get clear on how to use it and then go to work and uses get benefit from this book of its material. At the end of a week. Select another one of your top three ideas and simply repeat the process. Very simple. Now, this simple project is going to help you to change, how you think, what you say, and what you do, which should be the goal of any learning experience. Now, of book, I'd love to see what you come up with and what you find valuable. So please share your project results.

    Timeboxing- turning task into mini goals

    So now I want to share with you. One of the most powerful strategies for getting things done that I've ever found, it's called time box. Now, you might be thinking time what it sounds. It's got a weird name strange name, but it's very powerful and what it's based on is this idea of turning your list of tasks into many goals and those mini goals having deadlines that you accomplished using a timer. Just like you would do with a regular goal having a deadline Mind giving yourself amount of time, or to accomplish. Now, one of the best ways to explain, what time boxing is to Simply show you how it works. So here are the seven steps that it takes in order to implement the timeboxing process. Step number one is that you want to decide on the size of your time boxes. Now, A Time box is simply a chunk of time that you focus on work before taking a break. For example, let's say that you have Eight hour workday and you want to split it into chunks of 50 minutes of work. Time, followed by ten minutes for a break that's 850 minute time boxes or you can split it into chunks of 25 minutes of work time. Followed by a five-minute break that would give you sixteen twenty five minute time boxes. Now, the size of the time boxes that you set up or you that you choose in order to implement this process is Is totally up to you. It's a personal preference. Step number two, you want to list your tasks. So think about what you want to accomplish for the day. And you're going to write these down, either on a physical document or a digital document. It doesn't matter. Again, whatever is your preference. Next, you want to do your assignments, meaning that you want to assign time boxes for each task. Here's a simple example, let's say that your preferred time bomb. Ox that you chose was 30 minutes. And let's say that you have a sales presentation, that's going to require three hours of work. So you're going to have six 30-minute time boxes in order to complete that presentation. So, right. Six next to the task. Now you want to repeat this process for each task on your list. So the total of all your time boxes should fit within the total hours of your work day.

    Next Step. Number 4 is that you want to grab a timer. Now this is the easiest part of the whole process I think but you just want to grab either an egg timer or a countdown timer that you can find on your phone or your tablet use. Either one that you prefer. For step number five is you want to select a task for the list, set your timer for the length of your time box. So let's say that that's 30 minutes, start the timer and then get to work. And as you're working you want to do nothing but work on that selected task now that you want to be distracted by anything. Text messages, email notifications, social media notifications, nothing do nothing but work on the selected task. Next is Step 6 which means that when the timer Expires after that 30 minutes or 25 minutes or 15 minutes. However, long your time box is, you want to take a five or ten minute break again, based on your personal preference? And then step number seven, you want to move on. So if the current task that you're working on requires another time box in order to complete then just simply repeat the steps five and six. And if not you're ready to move on to the next task, then select it from the list and work on that task and that's it. That's timeboxing. A nutshell. Now, there are three elements of power here and why time boxing is so amazing. And so effective. First of all, there's clarity. Now, when you create a list of tasks, this gives your brain Direction and Clarity. And when you have that direction and Clarity, it's going to minimize your brains resistance to taking action. So, making that list is the first element of power when it comes to using time box. Number two, is Is motivation. So each task on your list. As I mentioned earlier, is a mini goal with a deadline and this creates positive pressure to put your mind in a higher state of focus which creates a positive pressure in order for you to act and it gives you positive pressure so that you focus to avoid distractions. You're in the zone, your focus. You want to get things done. So motivation is another element of power. And number three is Bentham. So, when you Pleat a time box when you work for 25-30 minutes, 50 minutes, whichever you prefer and you complete a Time Box by going through it and doing nothing. But work during that time box you experience the sense of accomplishment and when you experience that sense of accomplishment and drives you to want to do. So here are some next actions how to put this into practice. First of all you want to choose a timer again, this could be a physical timer, it could be a digital timer. And then next you want to decide on the size of your time boxes, 25 minutes, 30 minutes, 50 minutes, 90 minutes, whichever you prefer. And then each morning, you want to spend a few minutes, creating a list of tasks. If you haven't done that already, if that's not part of what you're doing in your morning routine. Anyway, this is a great place to start. And then once you have your list of tasks, you want to assign each task a number for the time boxes that it's going to require in order. To complete that task, start your timer and get to work on your first task. Put this into practice, and I think you're going to find that. It's one of the most powerful things you can do to have a productive day. So now, I want to share with you. One of the most powerful strategies for getting things done that I've ever found. It's called time box.

    Small Tasks – A big idea for handling small tasks

    The life is full of small tasks is things such as maybe doing a research on Google or ordering a part for your stove, or making a doctor's appointment or Watering your plants, or even checking social media. And you can probably if you tried list a dozen or so. More right now, without even trying. Now, these are tasks that typically only require about one to three minutes to complete and many of them are very important and they need to be taken care of now. While they may not take a lot of time to complete They can be major and I mean, major disruptors for getting real work done. How? Well, because if you consistently have to stop doing real work in order

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