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Claimed (Gem Creek Bears, Book 3)
Claimed (Gem Creek Bears, Book 3)
Claimed (Gem Creek Bears, Book 3)
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Claimed (Gem Creek Bears, Book 3)

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Sometimes strength blooms from darkness.

Tris Abbott’s life has come full circle. She’s back in the clutches of the coyote shifters. The difference is this time they know for certain she has what they want—Mystic magic. Even so, Tris isn’t willing to help them.

However, her stubborn streak might be her undoing.

After the unexpected happens, Tris is forced to look at things in an all-new light. One where safety lies in agreeing to something she never thought she would—obtaining a bear.

Release dateJan 25, 2023
Claimed (Gem Creek Bears, Book 3)

Jennifer Snyder

Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina where she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.To get an email whenever Jennifer releases a new title, sign up for her newsletter a It’s full of fun and freebies sent right to your inbox!

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    Claimed (Gem Creek Bears, Book 3) - Jennifer Snyder


    I was in hell. Fate, the universe, God, whatever you preferred, had abandoned me. One would think this thought would’ve come as Ezra wrapped his arms around my middle and slung me to the floor of the loft back at the old sawmill, but it didn’t. Instead, it came as I sat sandwiched between Ezra and Jessica in Marshall’s old pickup. Jessica sang TLC’s Waterfalls in her high-pitched voice while we continued toward the shitty farmhouse they lived in. She knew every word, even the rap verse. I would have been impressed if her voice didn’t remind me of nails on a chalkboard. If I survived this, I was positive that her rendition of the song—and the handful of other 90s classics on her playlist—would be all I’d hear whenever one played.

    What if I didn’t survive this, though?

    My heart thumped hard and fast, my mind spiraling with the possibility of the thought being true.

    How many times could I escape this pack? How many times could I survive them?

    I knew the odds were stacked against me this time. Liam was badly hurt. Rafe and Cato, too. I hadn’t even seen Billie when they’d shoved me in the truck, which couldn’t be a good sign. Penny had been injured, but she was also human, which meant I didn’t expect her to come after me alone.

    My teeth sank into my bottom lip. Everything had gone south so fast. I’d never expected to be back where I started—in the hands of these coyotes again.

    My gaze drifted to Ezra. His grip was tight on the wheel, his knuckles white. The telltale blisters creeping up the side of his neck caught my eye.

    Were there more since I first spotted them?

    I couldn’t be sure, but I knew it was possible. An old curse caused the sickness that was lethal to shifters and it had the potential to kill fast. Ezra would waste no time bleeding me dry to save himself from it the second we reached his farmhouse. My blood wouldn’t heal him though. It wouldn’t cure his sickness. This was something Ezra didn’t know. In fact, he didn’t know much of anything about a Mystic’s magic. Neither did his pack. Part of me thought I could use their lack of knowledge on the subject in my favor and stall them until Liam and the others came for me, but another part thought I needed to focus on escaping in case they didn’t reach me in time.

    Ezra turned the music down with a flick of his wrist. I shifted my eyes back to the road, thinking he might be about to call me out for staring.

    We’re not going inside, Ezra said as we turned onto the dirt road that led to the farmhouse. His words seemed pointed at Jessica. Maybe he hadn’t caught me staring, or maybe he didn’t care. His skin was clammy, and he looked nauseous as we bounced along the road.

    Jessica bristled on the bench seat beside me. She leaned forward and glared at her brother. What do you mean we’re not going inside? I need to pack a bag if we’re skipping town, Ezra. I’m not leaving with nothing except this frumpy dress and my cell phone.

    My stomach somersaulted. If we weren’t staying at the farmhouse, then where? My mind drew a blank when I tried to think of anywhere that might be suitable for what they planned. They had to know I wouldn’t be silent while being bled, that I’d put up a fight and try to escape if a chance came. One would think they’d take me to a place where I could do all those things without drawing attention—like their farmhouse. It was a few miles away from the trailer park in the center of town I grew up in, but the house was surrounded by thick woods. No one would be able to hear me if I screamed.

    A knot formed in my stomach as a new thought surfaced.

    Maybe they planned on drugging me so I’d be more compliant. Then, they’d be able to take all the blood they wanted, and I wouldn’t be able to stop them. I wouldn’t be able to scream.

    Alarm buzzed through my insides.

    I glanced between Ezra and Jessica, hoping they’d give more information about where we were headed after our pit stop at the farmhouse. Ezra didn’t seem willing to discuss the situation further with Jessica, and she seemed too pissed to talk. She hadn’t known they’d be skipping town or else she would have prepared. This meant none of the others knew either. Ezra had changed their plans.


    I just need to run in and pack a bag, Jessica insisted. I’ll be quick.

    No. We’re not going inside, Ezra reiterated. His voice was firm, his jaw tense.

    Jessica huffed and slung herself against the seat, but didn’t argue with him. Instead, she folded her arms over her chest and pouted.

    My heart thudded. Ezra would have to fill the others in on his change of plans. I hoped that when he did, I’d be able to hear him. Then, at least I’d know where I was being taken next. I chewed the inside of my cheek, deciding Ezra must have realized coming to the farmhouse was a dumb idea. It would be the first place Penny would have Liam and the others look. I prayed she’d already told them how to get here and that they weren’t far behind. Maybe they’d make it in time since Ezra would have to tell everyone of his new plan.

    When the farmhouse came into view, my chest tightened. What if Penny couldn’t get Liam and the others here in time? What if right now was my only chance to escape?

    I needed to come up with a plan. I needed to think of something. Anything.

    My gaze drifted around the interior of the pickup truck, searching for anything I might be able to use as a weapon. There was nothing. The ancient truck was devoid of trash and clutter. Marshall took care of it well. I’d seen the inside of the farmhouse, and it looked nothing like this. It was filthy, which had led me to believe everyone in their pack was a slob.

    I guess I’d been wrong.

    Let’s get her in my car, Ezra said as he came to a stop in front of the old farmhouse and shifted into park. Knots formed in my stomach.

    Then what? Jessica asked as the others piled out of the back.

    Ezra coughed. It was a horrible wet sound. The sickness was working its way further into his system. I stared at him, watching as sweat built across his skin.

    How long had he been this way?

    With any luck, he’d been sick awhile and would be dead in hours.

    Then we’ll head to Marshall’s cabin, Ezra said once he finally stopped coughing long enough to speak.

    Marshall’s cabin? Since when did he have a cabin? No one ever mentioned it before, not even him, which meant Penny wouldn’t know about it either.


    The reality of how screwed I was officially sank in. I had no weapon and no idea where they were taking me. Marshall’s cabin could be anywhere, which meant the chances of Penny being able to help Liam and the others find me there were slim to none after we left the farmhouse.

    Where’s your tonic? Jessica asked, leaning around me to get a better view of Ezra as he broke into another coughing fit. Specks of spit flew from his mouth and into the air. Instinctively, I held my breath even though I knew I couldn’t be infected with the sickness. Your cough sounds awful again. You need another dose.

    Tonic? Was Ezra taking medicine for the sickness? Was that even a thing? Liam hadn’t mentioned it. Was it possible he and his clan didn’t know about it?

    It’s not working, Ezra insisted between coughs. He pounded on his chest with his fist as though it would help loosen whatever was making him cough. She said this would happen. The sickness has got its damn claws in me too deep.

    Don’t say that. You’ll be fine. We have the Mystic. Jessica glanced at me. Her eyes glinted with all the hate she had for me before they shifted back to her brother. It still might do something. Don’t discredit it completely. Take another sip.

    I left my bottle at the mill, Ezra said, wiping his nose on the back of his hand. His eyes watered. There was a slight rattle in his chest that floated through the cab of the truck, but it appeared whatever had caused him to cough so much had passed for the moment. There’s another in the house though.

    Where? Jessica asked.

    When she popped open the passenger door, hope bloomed through my chest. She looked like she was about to hop out and tend to Ezra, completely forgetting about me being a prisoner.

    Maybe this was my chance to escape.

    If she was too focused on helping Ezra, she wouldn’t focus on me. I might be able to make a run for it and get away. The woods around the farmhouse were familiar to me. I knew where we were. I could head to a gas station, use their phone, and call Penny so she and Liam could come get me.

    The living room. Ezra coughed. On the end table.

    Jessica moved to slip out of the truck. My muscles tensed, poised and ready to run. Her eyes shifted to me at the last second, and something on my face must have tipped her off to my thoughts because she shouted for Demi, her eyes never wavering from me. Grab Ezra’s tonic from the living room. It’s on the end table. Everyone else, pack your crap. We’re heading to Marshall’s cabin.

    Damn it.

    Okay, I’ll get it, Demi called back, her voice husky and smooth. I’d always

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