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The Kingdom: A Channeled Text
The Kingdom: A Channeled Text
The Kingdom: A Channeled Text
Ebook339 pages9 hours

The Kingdom: A Channeled Text

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The third book in the transformational Beyond the Known series, The Kingdom is a stunning and powerful conclusion to the trilogy.

Paul Selig’s profound gift is to channel the unfiltered wisdom of The Guides—higher beings who exist beyond the borders of traditional human understanding—and share it with the world. The Kingdom is a transcription of Paul’s channeled messages, direct from the Guides in their complete and unedited form.

With beautiful language and profound wisdom, The Guides share an awe-inspiring glimpse into an understanding apart from and above our own. The first two books of the Beyond the Known series urged readers to step beyond their own understanding and enter into the transformational work this knowledge demands. This process of growth and transformation finds its ultimate completion and fulfillment in The Kingdom as readers are invited to dwell in a world transformed by a new understanding.

Release dateAug 17, 2021

Paul Selig

Paul Selig attended New York University and received his master's degree from Yale. A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant. Selig is one of the foremost contributors to the field of channeled literature working today. He is the author of Beyond the Known: Realization and the Mastery Trilogy. He offers channeled workshops internationally and serves on the faculty of the Esalen Institute. He lives in Hawaii where he maintains a private practice as an intuitive and conducts frequent livestream seminars. Find out more on his website.

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    The Kingdom - Paul Selig




    We ask you questions now about what you believe, and who you believe yourselves to be. The identity you hold that has been claimed by you has been claimed in several ways—through your upbringing, yes, indeed your culture, but primarily through history, that which you have acclimated to without knowing it. You walk into a world with a sky and an earth and a sea. Everything has been named by those who came before you. And you acclimate to what you see, including systems of agreement, how things should be, based upon what they were. And you assume these things to be real. You go into accord with them, which means you align to them and know yourself in regard to their presence.

    Each of you who comes before us has had a name given to them by a parent, by an authority, by an occupation, by a way of being seen in the world. And while this is not who you are, you appropriate the meanings of these names to be real. This is what a banker is. This is who I am supposed to be, given the names I have carried. And you acquiesce to the meanings of the names, the articulation of the name, the merit or mis-merit of the name, that you have been claimed by.

    Now, the idea of identification also claims what you see. "I know a mountain by the name mountain. I know an evil man by the name evil and all that it conjures." And you are in commerce with the self and with the landscape you express in through the language of history, which has been endowed with meaning. Your idea of evil, your idea of benefit, even your idea of God, is weighted with meaning, and, indeed, doctrine, that tells you what to feel and how you should respond and claim an identity with. And with is a word that we speak intentionally. When you are with something, you are in accord to it and in alignment with its meaning. The idea of who you are, the subjective self known by name—I am Arthur, I am Alice, I come from this place, I am this of that many children, I do this for a living, These are my beliefs, These are my aspirations, These are the things I know to be true—would be claimed by you separately. It is not a collective inheritance. It’s a collective idea of what you are, in agreement to a world, through the language that you’ve assumed and been in agreement with.

    The teaching of today is, indeed, freedom. And with freedom comes faith. But when you know yourself as free, you are not denying what was. You are moving beyond it. You are lifting in strata and vibration beyond the codification of identity that you have utilized to get what you think you should have through the mask that you have worn that you believe to be real. The idea of who you are, identity, persona, is, indeed, useful. But you are not what you think. In fact, you never have been. The small self, who has aged, who has gone into agreement with things at different ages, has understanding born through experience and commonality through the collective agreements that she was born into. In my home, we did this. In my country, we do that. In my religion, we believe this or that. And your agreements to these things, in density, claim value, and value is meaning, what you give credibility to, credence to, meaning to, and what you see is always predicated on what you were taught to believe.

    Now, our agreement to you, and our students as a whole, is to reclaim you beyond the persona or small self’s idea. But this cannot be done without permission. And if you wish to engage with us at this level of agreement, you will go on a voyage to the Upper Room, or to a new sense of self that is not predicated upon the ideas of history, which is always should—who you think you are and should be, based on prior agreement born in historical data. This is not a comfortable journey. Because you seek comfort, you want to bring your easy chair up to the Upper Room, and your television, and all the food in the refrigerator. You want the comfort of the old, when what is being asked of you now is to release an idea of who you have been so you may fully claim who you are.

    Now, he¹ interrupts the teaching. What is wrong with who we are? There is nothing wrong at all, but you mistake the mask you wear for the truth of the being you are. You mistake the landscape that was claimed in history, and endowed with meaning in truth. You believe yourself to be lifting through a spiritual practice, when, in many cases, you are acting pro forma, speaking nothing and deciding what should be, based on what you were taught and have not experienced.

    This is, indeed, an experiential teaching. We will not tell you what to believe. We will invite you to claim it, and then know it for yourself. To know is to realize, and when you are truly in your knowing, you express in the Kingdom, which is, indeed, the awareness of the True Self in expression, and the realization of the Divine in the manifest world.

    We say these words to some of you and you invent a fairy tale. Oh, how lovely to be in the Kingdom, where everything happens my way. In fact, the Kingdom is the knowing of the Divine where it has been denied. It is an acclimation to the vibration of God that is, indeed, in all things, but has been denied in almost all things. You are not walking around watching the flowers bloom. In fact, what you are doing is operating as a doorway to a higher octave, the Upper Room, to call what you experience to it through your faith, through your knowing, and through your acclimation to what is always true, and must always be true.

    What is true is always true. You think your opinions are truth. They are, indeed, your opinions. You may have them. But what we will say is true is that the self that you truly are exists beyond the monikers, the descriptors, the emblemizations that you have utilized to accrue a sense of self. I am the one who is never loved, who always has more than enough, who never has anything. I am the one who must be better than others, who must refute desire, who must give in to the crowd. These are ways of being known. You act upon them, believe them to be real. They are attributes, yes, ways of being known, but they have never been who you truly are.

    Now, the True Self expresses in the body you sit in, and beyond the body as well. The misnomer has been, the confusion has been, is that you await the Kingdom in heaven when you release the form you have taken. You believe all things are of God, but nothing can be when you deny God in form. Indeed, your experience of God or divinity is increased in a higher octave, beyond the density of manifestation that you have accrued in this form and through collective agreement in this shared landscape. But the antidote to this is really a very simple one. Release the density. Release the fear that is the basis of the density. And be lifted, one and all, to your true natures—beyond the masks worn, beyond the identifiers or emblems that would decrease you or diminish you, because the true value of who you are bears no weight upon your profession, your special gifts or your lack thereof. The True Self you are knows itself beyond history, beyond subjugation by others, beyond the fear that the collective has used to manifest control.

    The times you sit in are fraught with fear, and also with great potential. How you identify through these times will support, not only you, but all you encounter in a much higher way than you can imagine. To become the doorway to what we call the Upper Room is to be assumed by it, by the True Self who expresses in manifestation, and through vibrational accord lifts all things she encounters to a higher strata—beyond fear, beyond claims of separation, and beyond the reliance of historical data to tell you what you see and what it means.

    This is a teaching of assumption. And the text we will write next will be the text of assumption, the true assumption of the Monad in expression that manifests the Kingdom. And the title of the next text, The Kingdom, will be sung by us as we direct the dictation and teach the Kingdom to those who will abide there.

    Now, realization, as you have understood it, has been codified by manifestation. That is a teacup, that is a doorway, that is a hinge, and that is a good man or a bad man. The names things have been used to, have taken, are occupiers of space and identity. Everything you see in form is in space and holds identity, inclusive of the self you know yourself as. And the realization of the True Self is in some ways the dissolution of the idea of who you are, and the reclamation of who you have always been, beyond the idea of doorway or hinge or any name given. If you can understand that there is indeed one note, one tone sung in the universe that you can call God, and God is in manifestation as everything you see—the door, the doorway, the hinge itself—you can begin to walk through what you thought was a closed door into a realm of magnificence.

    What does that mean, he asks, "a realm of magnificence? You equate magnificence, Paul, with splendor, as it has been described through history. The magnificence we speak to is the manifestation of the Divine. Imagine stepping through a doorway and what you experience is that one note, sung in infinite ways And the claim of the Kingdom, and the manifestation of the one who has come to it—Behold, I make all things new," the alchemical claim of assumption, the Divine assuming the material realm—is known by you, not only in experience, but in a new tongue, a new way of speaking, of invocation that actually reclaims the manifest world in the high octave that exists simultaneously with the one you have understood yourself in.

    Now, the trajectory of this teaching that we will be giving for several months is not a solitary teaching. It will be a collective act. And the students that are present for this, and for these dictations, will reach a level of vibrational agreement that they have not known thus far. And this may not be an easy passage, because the new comes at the cost of the old, and the idea of who you have been has been held sacred by you, but at the cost of your true divinity. So you must become willing, if you wish to share this journey, to undergo this passage of reclamation. To be assumed by the Divine does not mean you forget your old name, don’t know the occupation you’ve had for years. It really simply means You Have Come, You Have Come, You Have Come as the expressed Divine that may, indeed, know itself in all things.

    This is not to dissuade you from accompanying us. It is to create the invitation in honor. We only teach those who wish to hear our words. The manifestation of the Monad, the Divine Spark, the Christed Self, in form and field, is a level of alignment and nothing more. You are not re-created as much as transposed from one octave to another. And the music of your expression may be sung by you in significance that will actually alter the vibrational realm that you have occupied in density.

    To become the doorway to the Upper Room, where we will soon take you, is to claim authority over the manifest world. This is not to control, not to get what you think you should have, but to know true dominion. And the claim of dominion, which will be the title of this chapter, must be understood by each of you. Your level of realization that you have claimed thus far is, in fact, an invocation to a reality that you are in conference to. To be in conference to means to contribute to through your consciousness. How you hold anything in consciousness is how you are met by what you see. This is the law of energetic accord.

    Realization comes, again, at the cost of the old, and the lifting to the true nature of the being you are disassembles aspects of self that seek to be known in a higher octave or new way. What is disassembled is what has been in compliance to doctrine, to agreement in fear, to control, and to the manifestation that fear has wrought in the manifest world.

    What does that mean? he asks. Everything created in fear must now be re-known. The level of vibration invoked by fear, the claim of history in fear, the doctrines of fear that you have assumed in religion and in law and in bias, are all decrees of separation. The action of fear is to keep you separate from the Divine Self, or the Monad, and to relinquish the true authority that the Divine Self has in claiming a manifest world in a higher vibrational field than you would assume to be so. Our agreement to you is that this process of lifting beyond what was claimed in fear will be a pliant one, an agreeable one, because in fact the manifest world, through the claims we will offer you, will support you in releasing the reliance upon the old, and re-knowing who you are, and, consequently, who all are, in the higher octave that is, indeed, the Upper Room.

    This is a teaching of truth, and what is true is always true. And our congratulation goes out to each of you who wish to attend to this class, to read these words, to know this being that you have always been and, in fact, denied, in agreement and coherence and compliance to the idea of fear that would tell you it is not allowed, can never be, and never could have been. The Divine Spark in its risen state is the resurrection, the Christ within, the Monad, the flame of the Source of all things that assumes the being you are and dismantles the old. The ability to know who one is and to claim a world through new eyes is the agreement of this class, and this class will not end when this teaching ceases. It will be the lives you live in accordance to a new way of being, if, indeed, you are willing and are agreeing to be on this journey.

    We wish to take you now to what we call the Upper Room. The Monad, or the Divine Self, is the aspect of you that aligns you here—and the invocations we offer by way of attunement, and, again, attunement means vibrational accord—to a transmission of energy, the Divine as all things, that is present for you each. You may say these words, if you wish:

    I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free. I am free. I am free.

    And, now, if you wish to be lifted, to agree to be lifted, invite the Monad, or the Christed Self, to be the one who lifts. And you may say these words:

    I am in the Upper Room. I Have Come. I Have Come. I Have Come.

    The Upper Room, or Christ consciousness, is the level of vibration that you are assumed in. You become the flame. You become the expression of Source, beyond the old, beyond the known, beyond the stigma that you may attach to the idea. You are lifted beyond reason to the truth of your being, and you are released from your complicit nature to the creations of fear, the monikers, emblemizations that you have utilized to disown your true nature. Our requirement for you is only one thing, your agreement to be lifted and to be assumed.

    The claim I Have Come, I Have Come, I Have Come is the Monad in articulation and manifestation. And when this claim is invoked, it seeks to re-identify itself through every aspect of you, which quite simply means that the idealization of the True Self re-creates itself at every impasse, in the face of every fear, in every obstacle it may encounter, the action of the Divine to assume itself in form and field and re-create itself in everything it witnesses. In the claim we will teach, Behold, I make all things new, a new world will be born, beyond fear, beyond acquiescence to fear, beyond the treason you have held against the Divine through your refuting of it. And the refusal to see the Divine in your fellow, in your world, in yourself, is the one pain that you continue to claim. And we will say the time has come to release the cause of suffering, which is the denial of the Divine in every aspect of self and in the world you see yourself in.

    In the Upper Room, where we abide as we teach you, where we come to you to learn, to sing, and to be in an experience of you, is the place of knowing that you may now abide in. But to abide in the Upper Room indeed requires a transition of the vibrational field from lower to higher, and the body is included. The claim I know what I am in truth, the manifestation of the Divine as form, will be of benefit to you here. You do not exclude form. You do not exclude breath. You do not exclude anything you see from the tapestry of God that is unfolded before you and will be seen by you in the new eyes, in the new light, that you have come to see with.

    We sing your songs for you so that you may know the words. We know who you are in truth. We know what you are in truth. We know how you serve in truth. You Have Come. You Have Come. You Have Come.

    This is the introduction to the new text. We thank you for your presence. We will return after a pause for Paul. Period. Period. Period.


    Foundation and the Old




    When you sing your own song, when you are in full amplitude, you become a transmitter of the Upper Room. The True Self as you, in his embodiment, in her agreement to be embodied, translates what she sees in vibration to a higher accord, where, indeed, it is re-known. The accountability you have in the lower octave, knowing things as they have been, how you have named them, is actually transformed, because you are in the presence of the Divine, and that is where you live and move and have your being.

    Now, what it means to be accountable in the lower vibrational field is the alignment of will through choice, and everything you choose, every act you engage in, indeed you are accountable to. You understand this as karma, perhaps, but quite simply it is cause and effect. When your vibration lifts to what we call the Upper Room, the act of creation is actually rather different. Choice is different as well, because the attunement you hold is to your true nature, the Divine as self that knows who it is, and operates in accord with its own requirements.

    Now, you doubt this. You cannot imagine yourself without a small self saying, It’s time for dinner, time to wed, time to have children, perhaps, time to die. You cannot understand that there is an aspect of self who is already fully engaged in a higher level of awareness and claims what it encounters in the Upper Room.

    Now, cause and effect in the Upper Room are somewhat different than you have known them. The challenges you face in the lower vibrational plane are the accountability to prior choices, and we will say this is true for the individual and the collective as well. The collective as well quite simply means that when humanity decides to claim itself as separate from Source, it announces itself in accountability to its lower creations. You are accountable to war. You are accountable to deceit of yourself and others. When you lift to the Upper Room in a singular way, which quite simply means the Divine Self, or the Monad, in expression, what you have done is lift above a lower vibrational field, and the choice that is made as the True Self is never contrary to Divine Will.

    We will explain this for each of you. The idea of Divine Will is confused to you. You still think there is a God with a beard who would have you do this as opposed to that, or, prior ideas, that there is a God who will punish you for your poor choices. When you align in the True Self, as the True Self, in what we call the Upper Room, the alignment you hold is inclusive of will. Now, you have been gifted with will. You all have choice. But as will itself is lifted, in octave or vibration, you move to a level of alignment that exists beyond separation. You are no longer deciding in opposition to, but in agreement to your own true nature.

    Now, the escalation of vibration that you experience as you ascend has requirements. The True Self, as itself, is not encumbered by the choices of history, or your idea of what has to be, and the liberation you undergo is in some ways a peeling away of that which has vested you in denial of the Divine. In other ways, what it is is a transcendence of, a rising beyond, what was claimed in fear, or perhaps anointed by the collective as what you should expect or have be. This idea of transcendence, which we call resurrection, must be understood, not as an act of will as you have known will, but an acquiescence of will to its true nature. Understand, again, that all things are of God or may be re-known as of God, and the denial of Divine Will, which you perceive to be outside yourself, is actually reclaimed by you when you know who you truly are. Underline the word know. It, again, means realize.

    The realization of true nature, of your own true nature, comes in stages, lest you fear it, lest you decide to run. In fact, what you are doing is, ideally, reclaiming what has always been that perhaps you have denied, or, better still, re-deciding that who you have always been is not what you thought you were. This re-decision is done as the small self, because it is his willingness, her agreement, to undergo this challenging journey of resurrection, regardless of outcome. Yes, we said this correctly—regardless of outcome. The caterpillar does not know, when it enters the cocoon, how it will emerge, and the process it undergoes is indeed challenging to the organism that claimed itself as caterpillar. The release of the mold of the cocoon itself emerges a butterfly in a translated state. It has been transformed by undergoing an alchemical process of becoming its True Self. Now, what this does not do is disregard what the caterpillar has been. The caterpillar was perfect in its prior state. But what has emerged, what is now announced as new, holds different properties. What crawled the earth now lifts above it. And the incarnation you undergo as the one in the Upper Room is somewhat different than what you would think or expect, which is why we say for you regardless of outcome.

    Paul interrupts. I don’t want to get a plane ticket unless I know the destination. Well, this is a teaching of faith, and what you undergo must be undergone in an awareness that the true nature of your being—underline true, and know what is true is always true—is of the Source of your being. Underline of. You are not separate from your Source, but in the lower octave, where the collective has invested in separation, you believe yourselves to be.

    Now, each of you says yes to the journey before you at the level of agreement that you can come to. You decide as a small self to reclaim your true identity, but presume it to be what you want. In fact, your true identity has no career, no name given by her parents, does not age, and does not die. Your true nature, the eternal self that exists beyond form, but can indeed be known in form, is what you become. So your criteria for what it means to be enlightened or ascended must be released, because the journey you will undergo not only requires agreement, but agreement to the unknown. What you have known, what you have collectively known, has claimed you in the predicaments that you find yourselves in. Again, cause and effect. When a civilization wars against its brothers, it incurs what you call karma, and you understand yourself in any moment as the result of all your prior choices. Your prior choices, individually and collectively, has claimed you where you sit today, humanity at a crossroads, where what is new indeed may be claimed, and what is old seeks purview, seeks to conquer, seeks to defend itself in the ways it has had.

    We will explain this. When you have a king who rules in fear, you have a kingdom ruled by fear. You find what it is to be fearful of, to confer and agree with the kingdom you abide in. A kingdom in fear expects to be afraid, and you mandate fear as its own currency. You will be made afraid, or taught to fear, or taught to abide in fear, because the ruler you have is fear itself. When you lift beyond the old to what we would call the New Kingdom, you must release the attachments to what was, the belief that it must be so. But because you have been party to fear and all of its creations, through self-identification through fear and through identification of what you see, who you see, what could happen, as fearful, the alignment you have held will seek to denounce the freedom that is before you. And the freedom that is before you does not resemble what you’ve known. You have no document, no certificate or diploma to tell you who you truly are as a free being. So even your ideas of fear and your ideas of freedom are born in historical data that soon may have no relevance.

    We will explain this for Paul. When you understand yourself as having been a citizen of an old kingdom, one known in fear, you really don’t know anything else. Perhaps you have a fanciful idea of what it means to be fearless or liberated from fear, but that remains something conjured until it is made manifest or realized as so. And this process that you undergo in this teaching is not only the relinquishing of your citizenship in a lower octave of vibration, it’s actually reclaiming the citizenship of your birth, or your true inheritance. You don’t have to earn the Kingdom. It has always been there for you, but it was mistaken. It was thought to be in a heaven that you attend to when you die. You never thought that you could know the face of God, witness the face of God, as all things. Underline all. Everything you see and can even imagine is of one tone, one Source. In the beginning was the Word, the one note sung.

    When the one note is sung into manifestation, everything you see becomes it, as it has always been, known by the names it has taken. Everything you see—yes, in vibration—is this one song played at different levels of vibration, some in density that you may know of in fear or you could not imagine to be of the light, and some in higher ways. Because you are co-resonant beings, because your vibrational field, individually and collectively, aligns to a reality in physical manifestation, all things that you see before you, you understand yourself in every way as an occupant of a manifest world that you are concurring with. In the field that you hold and know to be yourself, the active principle of the Divine is still present. It has not been abandoned. But because you’ve confused yourselves with the idea of the false self, and you have claimed a kingdom—a small kingdom, yes—in a requirement of co-resonance with the small self, you cannot understand what it means to lift.

    Now, the speaking of the Word into being is the gift of the Divine that has been bestowed upon humanity. You have become creators—indeed, you have—but you’ve created in a kingdom of fear, and that is the separation you believe yourselves to be in, as a small self and a collective citizenship that lives outside of God. Now, once you understand that your true inheritance, the Divine as who and what you are, is what claims the Kingdom into manifestation, the true Kingdom, we say, may be met by you in an articulated state. Articulation is manifestation. You are in an articulated state, in a body, in an energy field, and everything you perceive is an articulation of consciousness in agreement to you—or, simply put, vibratory accord, a-c-c-o-r-d, a-c-h-o-r-d as on a piano. As you lift in tone, the chord that you play as the resonant being you are confirms itself in the manifest world, and the world is actually changed by nature of your presence. You idealize this because the small self has an idea of what this should be and look like. In my heaven, we do this. We certainly don’t do that. That is the heaven of the hypocrite who wants it to be a country club where her rules are obeyed. What you perceive in the Kingdom is the presence of the Divine where it has been faltered, failed, by the small self who has been veiled in fear, in deceit of her own true

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