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Anxiety & Me
Anxiety & Me
Anxiety & Me
Ebook80 pages41 minutes

Anxiety & Me

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About this ebook

An open and honest account of my four-year battle suffering from mental health, anxiety and panic attacks with uplifting stories, tips and advice that has helped me with an added self-belief confidence boost added for good measure. If you are struggling or know of someone suffering from mental health, then this book will most certainly help and inspire you to deal with your mental health and come out a stronger person for it.
Release dateFeb 3, 2023
Anxiety & Me

Nikita Pancholi

Hi, My name is Nikita, I am 25 years old, and I am currently doing my Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Special Educational Needs and Early Childhood. Welcome to my journey around mental health. I am a mental health sufferer of Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Growing up in an Asian family and suffering with mental health is something that has been one of the hardest things to face. Mental health within the Asian community is hardly ever spoken about and can be perceived quite negatively. It is seen as a way of pitying the individual or belittling them in the eyes of the parents, especially within the older generation. I was so scared of telling people because they may have thought I was ‘ill’ or ‘crazy’, and even though there is so much more awareness now, there is still a lot of stigma behind the words ‘MENTAL HEALTH’. After 4 years of battling, I have come to terms of living with it, and I came out with it to my family. I wanted to share my stories and experiences not to gain sympathy, but to make people aware of what it is and how I dealt with it. Hopefully, there is something in here that can help you too. I want to say that it is ok to talk about mental health issues. I'm not afraid to say I suffer from mental health. I hope after reading my book you realise, learn, and become aware of what it is like to live with mental health, what mental health is, and how it can affect anyone on a daily basis.  Instagram- @Anxity_and_me95

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    Book preview

    Anxiety & Me - Nikita Pancholi

    About the Author

    Hi, My name is Nikita, I am 25 years old, and I am currently doing my Interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in Special Educational Needs and Early Childhood. Welcome to my journey around mental health. I am a mental health sufferer of Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Growing up in an Asian family and suffering with mental health is something that has been one of the hardest things to face. Mental health within the Asian community is hardly ever spoken about and can be perceived quite negatively. It is seen as a way of pitying the individual or belittling them in the eyes of the parents, especially within the older generation. I was so scared of telling people because they may have thought I was ‘ill’ or ‘crazy’, and even though there is so much more awareness now, there is still a lot of stigma behind the words ‘MENTAL HEALTH’. After 4 years of battling, I have come to terms of living with it, and I came out with it to my family. I wanted to share my stories and experiences not to gain sympathy, but to make people aware of what it is and how I dealt with it. Hopefully, there is something in here that can help you too. I want to say that it is ok to talk about mental health issues. I'm not afraid to say I suffer from mental health. I hope after reading my book you realise, learn, and become aware of what it is like to live with mental health, what mental health is, and how it can affect anyone on a daily basis.

    Instagram- @Anxity_and_me95


    This book is dedicated to you, the reader of the book.

    Copyright Information ©

    Nikita Pancholi 2023

    The right of Nikita Pancholi to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781398477377 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781398477391 (ePub e-book)

    ISBN 9781398477384 (Hardback)

    First Published 2023

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    I want to say a BIG thank you to my family, especially my parents for supporting me throughout this journey of mine whilst writing this book, my friends and my counsellor George Thank you to my late Grandparents for sending their blessings from above and for being part of this journey with me. Thank you to Humble The Poet and Khaled Hosseini who have inspired me to pursue my passion in writing my first ever book. I would also like to thank my professor Alan Hodkinson for making me realise to believe in myself more.

    My Journey


    Hi, my name is Nikita, I am 25 years old and welcome to my journey around mental health. I am a mental health sufferer of anxiety and panic attacks and I wanted to write this book to help others who suffer with mental health, but also to raise awareness and reduce the

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