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Book Four of the Carnacki Continuum. Three years after going missing in Putney, the famous ghostfinder Thomas Carnacki has been found in an abandoned London underground station. He has been found in one of hundreds of huge seed pods, a nursery of interdimensional invaders. Sir Barnard Buxton has been in charge up to this point, but there are people more important than him - politicians, military men, and fellow scientists. Over the next eighteen hours they gather below King William Street, in the heart of the City of London.

When Carnacki learns what they intend to do he knows he has to act. The establishment VIPs don';t understand. They are risking apocalypse. He makes his way across London. We get an insight into what it is like to be a seer of ghosts in a city decimated by war and the Spanish Flu. Crowds, living and dead, block his way to the abandoned tube station. Will he get through in time?

PublisherRoger Wood
Release dateJan 6, 2023

Roger Wood

I have graduated four times from three different English universities and have a PhD in Radio Drama. I used to be a local politician and ran an advice centre. Now I am a magistrate and write inflammatory political material for my local political party.

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    Chiasm - Roger Wood


    The Carnacki Continuum #4



    Copyright 2023 Roger Wood

    Published by Roger Wood at Smashwords

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    Table of Contents

    About this book


    About Roger Wood

    Other books by Roger Wood

    About this book

    The Carnacki Continuum develops characters originally created by the great British writer of truly weird fiction, the magnificent William Hope Hodgson (1877-1918). I have long felt a special affinity with Hodgson. We grew up in the same grim Lancashire valley yet we both derived much of our ancestry from Sheffield, Yorkshire.

    Carnacki the Ghost-finder came out in 1913. Psychic detectives were in vogue at the time; Carnacki’s rivals included Algernon Blackwood’s John Silence (1908) and Aylmer Vance, who was a Ghost-Seer rather than a Ghost-Finder, the creation of husband and wife Alice and Claud Askew. John Silence is already featured in the Continuum where Vance hopes to join him at some point.

    Hope Hodgson, whose eminence was recognized by H P Lovecraft no less, specialized in stories of sea horror. His best-known novel, where I first encountered him in my late teens, is The House On The Borderland (1908). I strongly commend it.

    Chiasm (n) – from the Greek khiasmos, a crosswise arrangement.

    From The Fourth Sigil

    The Sigil was the light source. He lounged against what had been the end-of-the-line buffers, in his motley and his disquieting baldness, radiating energy. He did not glow or even flicker, yet all the energy in this vast manmade cavern hundreds of feet under London unquestionably came from him. Dora broke into an unseemly gallop. She seized his hand. Where have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere. He grimaced, pulled a face. She laughed. Told the others: Sigil says we’re the latecomers. He’s been waiting for us for hours. He squeezed her hand. Didn’t we see the signpost outside?

    "He means

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