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Finding Love Again: The Women of Saint Germain
Finding Love Again: The Women of Saint Germain
Finding Love Again: The Women of Saint Germain
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Finding Love Again: The Women of Saint Germain

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  • Finding Love Again" - is the second book written by Ms. Lucka in "The Women of Saint Germain" saga. However, it is not required that they be read in the order written. "Tour of Duty" is book one.


Release dateFeb 1, 2023
Finding Love Again: The Women of Saint Germain

C. Claire Lucka

Mrs. Lucka lives in Southern California with her husband of forty years. They have two adult children and six grandchildren. Mrs. Lucka had a thirty-year career in the legal field and holds an AAS degree in corporate paralegal studies and has studied interior design. Ms. Lucka has volunteered time to various organizations and attended fundraisers for causes meaningful to her. i.e., Eisenhower Medical Center, Palm Springs Film Festivals, The Riverside County Fair & Date Palm Festival; McCallan Theatre, The Parkinson's Group.Active in her community, she was involved with Neighborhood Watch, serving on special committees and volunteering in the 2000 presidential election and other local elections for the County of Riverside. Mrs. Lucka's father served in the military and she lived and traveled overseas most of her childhood until the age of fifteen. Diagnosed with Young Onset Parkinson's Disease in 2002, Mrs. Lucka journalized her experiences and in 2012 published "A Thorn in My Rose Garden. a Woman's Journal Living with Parkinson's; a poem "On Your Wedding Day," published in a book of poetry "Collective Whispers," for her daughter's wedding. In 2012 she re-released an Expanded Edition of "A Thorn in My Rose Garden with a pink rose on new cover in anticipation of the sequel "Thorns in Our Rose Garden, a Couples Journey Living with Parkinson's" expected to be released in 2023. This marks twenty years with Parkinson's disease for Ms. Lucka.Mrs. Lucka has made writing her hobby. It has given her a chance to express herself and use her imagination. There is no schedule to follow, timetable, or deadlines to meet. She is free to work on her projects at her leisure and when her health allows.Mrs. Lucka published her first historical romance novel loosely based on her parents' story. "The Women of St. Germain: Tour of Duty" (2018) is a story about a French woman during World War II and occupied France. In 2018 Mrs. Lucka published her first historical romance novel loosely based upon her parents' story. Her second romance novel, "Finding Love Again, The Next Generation," has just been expanded and published.Corinne likes to cook, paint landscapes, and spend time with her friends and family when she's not writing.

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    Finding Love Again - C. Claire Lucka


    It had been a long and emotional day for Simone. Friends and family had come to the house after her husband’s funeral and graveyard service to bring food and offer their condolences. The kitchen and dining room tables were covered with casserole dishes, dessert trays, and sandwiches delivered by many of Simone’s friends and neighbors. There was so much food that Simone would have to send some home with her guests. She was thankful that she and William had so many friends, but it saddened her to think that William was not here with her today to share and witness all the love and support she was receiving.

    Simone had gone upstairs to rest after the service. She had managed to fall asleep and take a light nap. A while later, she heard a tap on her bedroom door. It was her eldest daughter Jacqueline coming to look in on her.

    Mother, it’s Jacqueline. Are you awake?

    Yes, come in.

    Jacqueline walked into the bedroom carrying a box, placed it on the floor, and sat in the chair beside her mother’s bed. How are you, mother?

    I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. Simone told her daughter. What’s in the box?

    Well, it’s for you to open it and see. And she handed the package to her mother.

    Simone unwrapped the gift. She hadn’t expected to see what was in the box but was pleased when she saw her memoir complete and hardbound. Jacqueline had designed a beautiful cover entitled The Woman of St. Germain. Simone placed the book on her nightstand and then gave her daughter a warm hug.

    I didn’t know you had completed it.

    I finished it about a week ago but wanted to sit on it before doing anything else until Dad passed away. I knew I wanted to give it to you today, so I rushed it to the publisher." Jacqueline told her mother.

    Jacqueline had offered to help her mother write her memoir to commemorate her life in France as a young girl, including growing up during World War II and meeting their father, William. Simone agreed and enjoyed the time spent with her daughter working on the project over the past few years. William had been able to help her with some of the details she could not remember before he passed away.

    Simone was near tears. It’s beautiful dear. Thank you very much.

    Jacqueline could tell that her mother was pleased with the surprise. You’re welcome, Mother. Some of the guests are beginning to leave. Do you want to come down and goodnight?

    Yes, I do. Please tell my guests I will be down in a few minutes. Simone said she was determined to be the proper hostess she was.

    Would you like me to wait for you?

    No, thank you. I need to touch up my hair and put on some lipstick. She rose from the bed and squeezed Jacqueline’s hand.

    Simone touched up her makeup and hair, took one last look at herself in the full-length mirror, and grabbed a sweater before greeting her guests. She would be glad when the evening was over and could return to her room alone. She descended the grand circular staircase and met her neighbor Linda who usually annoyed her.

    Both women went over to investigate the sounds and chatter they heard coming from the direction of the kitchen. A few of the women were talking away while her daughters were busy washing and putting away the dishes and putting leftovers into storage containers. Suddenly, the room went quiet when Simone entered the room.

    Please, Ladies, take some food home with you.  There is plenty. She offered. She certainly would not eat it, and Jacqueline and Monica were leaving tomorrow.

    After they cleaned up and said goodbye to the guests, Simone made herself a cup of tea and sat in the living room with her daughters, quietly pretending to watch television. After a while, she exited her recliner and excused herself to bed.

    Good night, girls. I’ll see you in the morning. I’m exhausted now, she said.

    Simone went upstairs to her room and got ready for bed. She took a couple of melatonin, and while she waited for them to take effect, she picked up the book from the nightstand, turned the page to Chapter One, and started to read.


    The Movie Deal

    TWO YEARS AGO 1973

    Monica always enjoyed coming out to relax and unwind with her sister. She sat in a high-back padded swivel seat, made herself comfortable, and took another sip of her drink. She and Jacqueline quickly began to catch up on each other’s lives.

    Monica, your luggage is in your room, Patrick told her as he returned to his chair and newspaper.

    Monica smiled and nodded. She knew the room to which he was referring. She always stayed in the bedroom suite overlooking the pool decorated in a relaxed blue Mediterranean style.

    To continue with their conversation, Jacqueline tried to change the topic. Are you done with him now? She asked.

    Yes, Monica answered.

    Are you convinced now? He’s done this to you before, you know, a few times, matters of fact, and you always took him back. Jacqueline said.

    Monica confirmed what had happened. YES! I know what you are going to say, Jacqueline. Okay. I am sure this time. I’m through with him.

    We have all heard that before. We shall see. Did Jim take money? Jacqueline dared to ask.

    Monica just nodded, indicating that he had.

    OMG, Monica. He is such a creep. Jacqueline muttered. Okay, we will not waste more time on that subject. I have good news to share. Let me tell you what happened. Joe asked me to think about what he proposed and to call him back, which I did this morning.

    Well, what did he want?" Monica asked.

    Listen. Wait a minute. I’m not finished. Jacqueline told her as she continued.

    Yesterday, Joe came here to see me. It seems that he has read a copy of Mother’s Memoir, which is not entirely completed, and that he received the copy from you.

    Woops! Monica responded sliding down on her chair.

    Is it true?

    Yes, it's true,"

    Why didn’t you tell me that you gave him a copy? Well anyways. It is too late now. You are fortunate that Mother has approved this project.

    Monica’s mood changed instantly, excitement building in her voice, the sparkle returning to her blue eyes.

    Well, tell me what he said and what happened."

    Pack your bags and be ready to catch a plane to Paris in two days? Jacqueline told her sister.

    Are you kidding? I am completely packed. I left Pasadena and Jim. I was planning on hanging out here with you for a while. I even had Coleen put my house on the market. Monica squealed.

    Joe loves the Memoir and wants to do a screenplay. I told him that you and Danielle had to be a part of the whole thing. Danielle working for the U.S. Embassy in Paris will come in handy.

    They both began to laugh happily.

    Patrick put down the paper and asked. What is it that you ladies find so funny?

    Oh, nothing. I was sad when I walked through the front door, and now I’m happy. Monica commented.

    Isn’t that wonderful? Paris, here we come. Jacqueline chirped.

    Patrick winked at Jackie, came over to wrap his arms around her, and kissed her forehead. Well, it looks like my wife is off to Paris for the spring.

    Jacqueline and Monica rose early the following day, eager to begin their journey. Monica contacted Coleen, told her what was happening, and promised to keep in touch. Monica asked her for help finding an apartment to rent in Paris for a few weeks. They might return to France a few times, depending on how it went. If all went well, Jacqueline and Monica would spend time in France.

    The entire project sounds great. Of course, I will help any way I can, Monica. Coleen was happy for her friend. I will call you back later with some housing information.

    Invite her to Rancho Mirage for a farewell dinner tonight, Jacqueline said to her sister.

    Of course, the girls had shopping to do today. They were off to the mall to get new outfits and accessories.

    After all, you are going to Paris. It'is not like Paris has the Champs de Lyse or places to shop. Patrick said and laughed at their logic.

    However, he had expected that they would be doing some shopping today. Patrick offered to stay home and get Jacqueline's luggage. He had paperwork to finish up today. He was flying out to Canada for business in a couple of days.

    Monica was excited about the movie deal and did not sleep well the night before. There was so much to do to get ready. She could not wait to get to the airport and start this new project. She wanted to get on that plane before she lost her mind again.

    Meanwhile, Jim had returned to the bungalow last night to try to patch things up with Monica. He came home, finding all of Monica’s things packed up and gone. Jim had called twelve times, leaving messages wanting to know what was happening. He apologized and said that he did not mean to hurt her feelings. Jim wanted to know why there was a for sale sign on the front lawn. Where was she anyway?

    She returned his call late after Jacqueline had gone to bed. Monica explained that she needed a change. She had hired a real estate agent to sell the bungalow while she was in France. There was no sense in keeping it, and she didn't want to rent it. Going to Paris with Jacqueline for a few weeks was a good plan, she thought. Jim was not the right guy, she needed to get on with her life. But Jim was begging her to take him back on the pho e, Monica knew that eventually, he would figure out where she was right now and would drive out to the desert. She quickly hung up the phone. and went to sleep.

    Patrick promised to join the girls in Paris when he returned from his business trip in Canada. There's no reason to take time off work now. I'm sure there will be plenty of time to do that later. Besides, Jacqueline, I know that you have it all under control.

    "I think so, she said.

    You always do Honey. I'm proud of all you have accomplished.

    Jacqueline and Monica returned from shopping five hours later with a carload of bags. Patrick heard the car drive up and met them at the door.

    "Well, ladies, did you buy out the stores? He asked teasingly.

    Jacqueline chuckled. No. Not quite. She kissed Patrick, and he gave her a glad-you-home look. They both understood.

    Coleen called about two hours ago. She is on her way. She should be here soon.

    Patrick responded, She also called the house and told me. I made reservations for 7:00 at Sullivan’s Restaurant. That will give you ladies time to freshen up, and we can have a cocktail before we go.

    That sounds fantastic, Monica remarked. I am so hungry.

    That does sound good. I am famished. We did not have time for lunch today. Jacqueline told her husband.

    Patrick patted her on the butt and told her to change and relax, and he would come up and join her in a few minutes.

    When Patrick came upstairs, Jacqueline was out of the shower sorting clothes on the bed. He approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. They tumbled to bed in an embrace. Patrick knew he was starting something they did not have time to finish, but it was fun.

    Monica shouted out from downstairs, Coleen is here.

    We will be right down, Jacqueline answered, almost flustered.

    Patrick smiled and told his wife. Finish getting dressed, and I will go downstairs and make cocktails. Those two will have so much to discuss that I give you about fifteen to twenty minutes before they ask for you.

    Jacqueline laughed, You are probably right.

    He gives her another kiss and replies. I know I am right.

    Jacqueline thought of her mother, memoir, and an exciting new project. She could not wait to get started. She grabbed a pair of heels from the closet and a matching handbag, gave herself a last quick look in the mirror, and headed down the stairs. One thing about Coleen, she was always punctual.

    When she came downstairs, Patrick handed Jacqueline a cocktail and suggested they drink a toast.

    All right then, Jacqueline said. Shall we toast to Mother's Memoir and Paris?

    They all raised their glasses and cheered at each other. What an adventure this was going to be.


    The Premiere

    NEW YORK 1975

    Jacqueline was surprised by the emotion the film had brought out as she exited the theater with her husband, Patrick, at her side. She suddenly had an overwhelming desire to return to the country of her birth and connect with her heritage, hoping to find herself in the process.

    Since completing her mother’s memoir, Jacqueline felt incomplete, like something was missing. Simone had passed away in her sleep the night Jacqueline gave her a printed copy of the memoir. She passed away during the night with the book at her side.

    As Jacqueline walked out of the theatre, she overheard several comments about the film. They thought the movie portrayed strong characters and captured the realism of that historical period.  When Jacqueline saw her mother’s life so vividly depicted on the big screen, she, too, understood what the viewers had seen. Simone’s memoir had come to life, no longer just words on paper.

    Patrick guided Jacqueline away from the crowd to compose herself while waiting for Monica to leave the theater.

    While waiting for her sister, Jacqueline tried to help Patrick understand her feelings.

    I want to spend time in France and return to my family roots. I don’t know. I can’t explain it, but I feel that’s where I belong.

    And you think going to France now might help you find it?

    Yes, I do, Patrick. She answered him softly.

    I know you, and I discussed the idea of us moving to France last year, and you brought it up again a few months ago. But what is the urgency, Jacqueline?

    Because we’ve talked about it but haven’t moved forward. She said, becoming slightly upset. I’m ready now!

    I know, but I’m not sure about your plan, Jacqueline, Patrick said.

     You told me it was a great idea and promised to work on it.

    Okay, maybe what you need is a little vacation, Jacqueline. You’ve had a lot on your plate in the past year. You’re right; maybe going to Paris and checking things out would be a good idea. Patrick said, trying to calm his wife.

    Jacqueline smiled at Patrick, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. I love you, Patrick, she said happily.

    We’ll go to the airport and see if we can get a flight home tonight and pack. I’ll call my office and have our travel agent book the flights to Paris as soon as possible.

    Jacqueline wasn’t sure if Patrick understood what she was trying to tell him, but she hoped so. She and Patrick had discussed moving to France while filming her mother’s memoir. She, Patrick, and Monica had made several trips to various film locations throughout France. Jacqueline loved every minute. Patrick had agreed that the plan was intriguing and worth pursuing. They were going to do it. Jacqueline got up from her chair and began to pace, unable to hide her excitement.

    I wonder what is keeping Monica? 

    Relax, honey, and I’m sure your sister will be along soon. Bob is probably introducing her to some of his friends. Patrick responded.

    More like showing her off, but that makes sense, being the new girlfriend and all, Coleen commented.

    Monica’s best

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