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Snippets Frae the Heather
Snippets Frae the Heather
Snippets Frae the Heather
Ebook146 pages54 minutes

Snippets Frae the Heather

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About this ebook

I was born in 1934 at Grains in Crawford, Scotland. My Dad, William McKay, was a shepherd and I later became a shepherd’s wife, when I married Tom Murray. I have enjoyed writing poetry for many years, mainly for my own pleasure. Most of my poetry is about my family, friends and my life growing up.
Release dateJan 27, 2023
Snippets Frae the Heather

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    Snippets Frae the Heather - Agnes M. Murray

    2023 Agnes M. Murray. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 01/27/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8016-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8017-0 (e)

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    An Island


    Winter Holidays in Perth


    Campshead: Lambing-Time 1975

    May Ritchie

    A Shepherds Wife

    Me Being Me

    A Name

    I’m an Orchid

    The Carron Valley Rally

    Group C

    An East Calder Dug

    Miller’s Xmas Pies

    Dewar at Grains

    The Spider

    Childhood Times

    The College Boy

    The Mcdonald Family

    The Late Willie Gilchrist

    Elaine at Xmas 2021

    To Marshall Allan

    An Eiled Ewe

    The Murray/Mcdougal Feud

    A Postage Stamp

    Third Time Lucky

    Fat Boab

    On Moving to Stirling

    The Moss Cottages

    Jeanette & Tony




    Princess Whatsmaname

    Knowepark Caravans

    A Lost Love



    If’s and Why’s

    To George Harris

    A Letter to Aaron

    Number 157

    Hill Shepherds

    Newtongrange 1983

    A Christmas Present


    Mothers Day Card

    The Station Hotel Maud

    Dad’s Life At Grains

    The Table



    Holiday ’85

    To Mary and Jock


    Robin Redbreast

    Mr Nelson (Crawford Minister)

    Wee Snowman

    Sgean Dudh

    Dear Santa

    Nursing in Carlisle

    Hope You are Well

    Janice’s Driving Test

    It’s My Glen

    To Neil Mackenzie

    A Letter to Ron



    The Big Chop

    Lachlan and Elaine

    Return to Maud



    Lakeland Holiday

    Twinning Time at Campshead

    Fiona and Matt




    A Red Poppy

    Liam’s Saloon


    Liam and Lachlan (At Newtongrange)

    Newtongrange Racing

    My Reflection

    Line Dancing at Mid-Calder

    Tough Times


    The Question

    The Caravan

    The New False Teeth

    Our Coffee Table

    The New Mechanic

    The New Year Meeting

    The Old School Bell

    The Ring

    The Ruby Wedding


    Elaine Boxall has been advisor, typist and general helper throughout most of this procedure, without her this book would never have happened!



    We thought we’d take a holiday

    and to Wemyss bay we did go,

    To a caravan at Parkdean

    where the sea lay right below.

    We were talked up through the huge park

    by Debs as she cooked dinner,

    For her verbal instructions

    in my book she’s a winner.

    Her caravan is super

    with extras for each guest,

    I’ve never been so happy

    this I do not say in jest.

    I’m sure that we’ll return there

    when the weather is much kinder,

    So a booking for a future date

    will not need a reminder.

    An Island


    You can be a flower so fragrant and fair

    in the midst of life’s garden of people,

    You can be an be a church, so steadfast and strong

    with its heavenly point the steeple.

    You can be a lion, so strong and so brave

    and in the jungle of life, be a king,

    Or you can be a mouse, so timid and small

    who is scared of everything.

    You can be a bird and fly high and free

    with its wings through the air vibrating,

    Or you can be a swan, so graceful and white

    with the waves around it gyrating.

    You can be a lake, so deep and dark

    where your thoughts are yours alone,

    Or you can be a reed so slender and fine,

    that grows in the lakeside park,

    You can be all these, but there’s one thing for sure

    no-one can be an island.



    He did fencing all round the country

    on farms both large and small,

    But in every type of contract

    one’s apt to suffer a downfall.

    On this one special occasion

    to the castle he did adjurn,

    To collect his cheque in payment

    for work that he had done.

    He suspecting that he ‘d have to enter

    the hall of this stately place,

    He brushed down his clothes, knocked the dirt from his boots

    then wiped the grime from his face.

    He approached the front door, rang the door bell

    and by the gent was told to enter,

    The most ostentatious hall he had seen

    and there he stood in the centre.

    Mid the persian rugs, and

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