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One Step from Heaven
One Step from Heaven
One Step from Heaven
Ebook215 pages3 hours

One Step from Heaven

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Angelic guidance inspired Lindsley Cash to gather a group of channellers, mediums and healers with the aim of using their gifts to receive messages from souls in the spirit world who were ready to return to earth and begin their next incarnation. During these sessions, the group found they were able to ‘fast-track’ many souls through the protocol of departure. The returning energies came from all levels of society, had a wide range of former occupations and passed at all ages. Their stories are earthy and amusing, sobering or poignant - and some are very dark. Once reborn, and by personal intention, some of these fast-tracked beings are destined to hold the power of the future in their hands!
Release dateJan 27, 2023
One Step from Heaven

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    One Step from Heaven - Lindsley Cash

    Copyright © 2023 Lindsley Cash.

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    Cover illustration by Elliott Cash © 2023

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8676-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8677-4 (e)


    About the Book

    Who is God, and What is Death?

    Chapter OneWORKERS




    Chapter FiveA WOMAN’S LOT


    Chapter SevenTHOSE WHO DEFEND US

    Chapter EightTHOSE WHO HEAL & MEND US

    Chapter NineAN ACTIVE LIFE!




    The Energy of the Divine: A Meditation


    What is a Lightworker?

    Lindsley Cash began her spiritual development by trying mediumship but found difficulty in seeing, hearing or sensing. One day, however, she found herself speaking in a voice that came from spirit: the communicator identified himself as Lord Maitreya. Soon afterwards, Lindsley began to channel regularly.

    Spirit steered Lindsley into jobs where she worked with people from a wide range of backgrounds, many of whom were disadvantaged in one way or another. It was then she learned the profound importance of compassion and of understanding the reasons why some found themselves in less than ideal situations.

    At this point Lindsley became a healer and a teacher of spiritual healing. Through this, she met her business partner, physical medium Tracey Hood. In 2013 they set up ‘Clearly Destiny’ - a spiritual centre in London with workshops, circles, a retail shop, special events, outreach and courses. The name of the shop was suggested by spirit, who kept saying, ‘Anagram,’ to Tracey. Clearly Destiny is an anagram of Lindsley and Tracey!

    Lindsley lives in London and is married to healer and retired Blue Badge Tourist Guide and Father Christmas, Alan. They have two grown-up children and four grandsons.


    T his book has almost written itself, thanks to the help of our beloved guides and communicators. Through them, we were able to channel the voices of many souls in the spirit world who, while waiting to return to earth, gave us a snapshot of their past lives. Those who felt they had wasted their time in the past were now fully aware that they had a fresh opportunity to do things differently. Those who were reluctant to return had been encouraged and counselled by the loving spirit workers in their dimension. And others who had learned so much in the spirit world were eager to return to earth in order to do something worthwhile for humanity or the planet.

    Receiving these messages would not have been possible without the unstinting and committed involvement of people who spend their lives helping those on this side of life in their work as mediums, channellers, lightworkers and healers. I thank them all and dedicate this book to them. In alphabetical order: Janelle Campbell, Fernanda Castra, Luke Fazakerley, Kamila Hola, Julie Lewis, Marilyn Martindale, Jonathan Meenagh, Petra, Simone, Ann Marie Spittle, Stephen, Karen Tinney, and Susan Val.

    Please see the Biographies section at the end of the book to learn more about them and their gifts.

    Many thanks also to my husband, Alan, who has always been strongly supportive of my spiritual work and has only ever raised an eyebrow at the madcap things I have done. Also thanks to my son Elliott who created the artwork for the cover of the book and to my daughter Jane who helped me bring the technology all together.

    This book would not have come to fruition as a feel-good read were it not for Joan Deitch who, when I spoke to her about my desire to create a book, told me of her profession as a copy editor.

    My heartfelt thanks to all.


    A few years ago, I was asked by spirit to sit every morning and channel messages from some energies that were preparing to return to this side of life. My husband Alan, a healer, and friend Susan, also a healer and a lightworker, participated in the sessions and I recorded what was said.

    A small selection from many hundreds of these recordings have been used in this book.

    How it worked: my guide would come in first and say a few words, and then I would channel the message from a returning soul. The latter would come in from the left and leave to the right, which they always referred to as ‘going over there’. ‘Over there’ is when the soul goes to meet their higher self and their spirit guide, and that’s when they put the new contract together, the blueprint of experience to be undergone in the next lifetime.

    Most of these returning souls are the ‘game-changers’ who will set the rules by which humanity will live in the future. And that is Divine purpose at work, we were told.

    Months passed and the sessions continued. Spirit suggested that I invite some other lightworkers to join me. Together, we united our energy to reach a greater number of returning spirit energies and receive more testimonies from souls who were making ready to be reborn. Some of the group contributed by channelling returning energies, while others listened and occasionally commented on what they felt or saw as the communicators came in. We soon became a powerful collective.

    My guide explained that when we all moved into the vibration of the spirit world, the returning souls could see us as a group – which enabled them to ‘walk’ or ‘fast track’ through our combined energies or undergo their process of Reflection more quickly than usual before returning. Our work has in fact led to us being called ‘fast-track masters’. We were told by one spirit communicator that ‘One speaking helps ten others to be fast-tracked. And those ten do not have to speak.’

    ‘Reflection’ is the essential process undertaken by each of us when we pass over and return to spirit. We spend time with our number one guide and other loving energies in order to look back over our lives and see where we could have made better choices, or to understand where our actions adversely affected others. During Reflection we can also discover positive aspects of our past life: how kind we were, and how appreciated and loved we were by others.

    The returning souls who speak through us come from all walks of life as there is no status in the spirit world. No energy is barred from returning to spirit regardless of what they may have done in their past lifetimes. Everyone goes to God. Some have been in that dimension for a very long time, others just for a few years as we understand Time in the next world. An example of one energy that had been in the spirit world for several centuries is as follows:

    ‘I recall that in my lifetime my clothes were very different from those arriving in the spirit world now. I wore a wig, curled and powdered. I painted make-up on my face, and I was dressed in fancy brocade jackets and satin breeches that finished at my knee. My white stockings and buckled shoes completed my outfit and I was as pretty as a picture. Men adored me and I adored men. I have missed two opportunities to return to the physical life again, but now I cannot refuse. I have a calling from my soul to come back and this time, I will choose a different way of life – and I will not be such a dandy! Instead, I will do the very best I can.’

    Some returning souls only remember small parts of their former lives, but they have shared these memories with us. People who were once well-known have come to say they are returning and will assume a totally new personality. Some are quite clear about what they want to achieve in their new life while others are simply hoping to avoid repeating old mistakes or crimes, following a life-path that leads nowhere. Some who were abused or mistreated with violence in a previous life wish to come back ‘to make sure that the wrongs are finally righted. Not so much our personal wrongs but those that were meted out to others. It is time for those wrongs to be put right.’

    One particular communicator had possessed the ability to move between dimensions, to travel back in history and cross timelines. In the new life to come, the soul was unsure whether they would retain that ability, but were adamant that it wouldn’t matter, since rebirth was going to be a great experience for everyone.

    ‘Our next lives are going to be interesting for all of us coming back. We may have been nobodies in our last lives, but this time, we are going to be somebody. Everybody is going to be a somebody.’

    Before returning for another lifetime, we meet our future number one guide and together create a blueprint of what we want to experience as part of our soul’s growth. Once we incarnate, that blueprint is wiped from our memory. We hope that the lives we lead will keep us aligned with our agreed plan. If we wander off, our number one guide will help us but will never interfere.

    One soul who had spent her past life caring for a large family of children, with little time left over to develop herself, was very excited about her new contract. ‘It is a million miles away from the life I lived before. My mind has expanded, so thank you very much for helping me to grow.’

    Some souls, on arrival, do not come directly into the light but wander a little bit. Kindly guiding energies will go and talk to these beings, explain things to them and then offer to bring them into the light. Some will happily follow along. Others are more reticent. When that happens, the guides tell them not to worry, and that they will come back again. It might take three or four visits but eventually the newcomers will be ready to follow that energy into the light. And the moment they step into the light, there will always be somebody they knew, someone they recognise. If not a friend, it will be a family member – and this will immediately put the newcomer at their ease.

    It is worth noting here that sometimes, souls decide that they are not ready to return to another lifetime, and so they do not go forward to join the queue. A spirit worker tells us: ‘While there is no pressure to come back to a human lifetime, you will understand that you cannot stay in spirit for ever and ever. That is not how the Divine works. And the soul knows that, and the soul will wish to expand itself and have many experiences. And this is achieved through physical lifetimes.’

    Here are the words of a soul who is experiencing conflicting emotions about coming back to our dimension.

    ‘Good evening. I am here because I have a level of anxiety about my next life on earth. There is a considerable amount I intend to achieve next time, and the reason for that is because I have hashed it up too many times before. This time, I am determined to push forward to make up for lost opportunities, because when I return home at the end of that next life, I will be closer to enlightenment than I have been in a number of lifetimes in the past.’

    One communicator described their indignation about the abrupt method of their departure from life.

    ‘I was minding my own business when my tragedy occurred and I suddenly found myself in the spirit world. I was beside myself about this at first, and made my feelings known to anyone who would listen. But within a short time I had a conversation with this lovely being and it became quite plain that this was how it was meant to be. So once I got over that and sorted myself out I volunteered to become part of the welcoming committee, ushering those people who had landed up in the spirit world in a traumatic fashion to a place of comfort. I learned how to explain things to them and make them feel OK about having their life cut short. Now I think I’ve done my share of that and I am looking to come back. Strangely, I keep thinking I might like to become a cinema usherette, back on the earth plane.’

    Imagine a long procession of spirit energies who are jostling and anxious to get to the front of the fast-track line and speak, for once this has been achieved, they are closer to their goal of returning to the physical world. We received a lively description of the sensation that is felt when that happens.

    ‘Do you know that when we step forward, there’s like a whoosh!! that goes through our energy and it makes us feel a little bit as though we are back in the physical body – but only for a few moments. And I guess that’s part of the preparation for coming back.’

    One returning soul gave us their message of gratitude for our work in a most delightful way.

    ‘Thank you all greatly for giving me this opportunity to leapfrog into my next life.’

    Our guides

    My spirit collective is made up of energies from different realms. My number one guide presents as an Oriental man called Wong Foo. He has stood aside for some time now to allow other energies to work with me, yet he is always beside me, appearing as a shimmering energy.

    I have an angelic energy called Dominic and another called Selvon. Also, Archangel Michael is currently working with me as well as with some of the other channelling mediums who have contributed to this book. All of these lovely energies take it in turns to introduce events and explain things when we ask questions.

    When Dominic presented himself to me he told me his name and revealed that his vibration was connected to the angelic realm. But when Selvon connected to me he did not give me a name, nor did he offer one when I asked him what he would like to be known as. A few days later, as I was talking with my friend Jean and her husband (who is from the West Indies and has a very dry sense of humour), this same angelic energy came forward and asked Jean’s husband what his name was. When he replied, ‘Selvon,’ the angel said, ‘I like that name. May I call myself by it?’ And Jean’s husband kindly replied, ‘Me don’t mind.’

    So that was how my second angelic energy got his name!

    Dominic is very caring and loving, as shown by the way he makes me speak and the words he uses. Selvon, also caring, is more matter-of-fact, while Archangel Michael is charming and funny, and loves being front and centre when he makes himself known through any of us.

    The message

    I have tried to find a common thread in our communications. Overall, one message does come through loud and clear: it is that we all need more time to explore who we are as individuals, more time to be creative, and more time to spend outside with Nature. This is part of a collective move to make the world a better, healthier, happier and fairer place.

    Changes are on their way, and we want everyone to be part of them and to join the enlightened beings who already exist on our planet. Children will be a large part of these changes: particularly those young people who are currently labelled ‘autistic’ in its widest meaning. Their genius will be recognised. We have been told that the autistic spectrum will be the new normal.

    And as the Cook says on page 93, ‘We will create our new recipe for life.’

    The stories

    Some of the communicators have told our group how they have repeated the same mistakes over and over again in the lifetimes they have had. Although their stories are sad, on some occasions we have had to contain ourselves until that soul has moved on so that we could laugh till we cried at the way they had spoken.

    I did question why everyone spoke in English, and was told that it was just a matter of convenience,

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