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Taking My Friend’s Son’s Offer : Desperate MILFs (Milf Erotica Breeding Erotica): Desperate MILFs, #16
Taking My Friend’s Son’s Offer : Desperate MILFs (Milf Erotica Breeding Erotica): Desperate MILFs, #16
Taking My Friend’s Son’s Offer : Desperate MILFs (Milf Erotica Breeding Erotica): Desperate MILFs, #16
Ebook30 pages20 minutes

Taking My Friend’s Son’s Offer : Desperate MILFs (Milf Erotica Breeding Erotica): Desperate MILFs, #16

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About this ebook

My friend's son Devin drives a hard bargain, but you don't accumulate the wealth he has at age twenty by playing fair.  The offer I put in on a house he's selling isn't quite enough, but he tells me there's a way of sweetening the deal.  Read as I do something unspeakable, taking his c-shot inside me and closing the deal!

PublisherTori Westwood
Release dateAug 25, 2022
Taking My Friend’s Son’s Offer : Desperate MILFs (Milf Erotica Breeding Erotica): Desperate MILFs, #16

Tori Westwood

Tori Westwood writes short erotica whenever she finds time between her day-job and her family.  She is still searching for her niche, not yet limiting herself to any particular sub-genre, having penned all manner of fiction.  She is happily married and delights in exploring her own fantasies through her writings.  For updates, follower her on Twitter @ToriWestwood1

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    Book preview

    Taking My Friend’s Son’s Offer - Tori Westwood

    Read An Excerpt

    My body was a trembling mess of excitement when the orgasm finally burst out of me in an impassioned cry.

    I writhed on the countertop, rubbing at Devin’s scalp and pushing my contracting pussy out to meet his fervent licks.

    Devin!  Oh fuck, Devin! I gasped.  I hadn’t felt such an intense wave of pleasure in so long and it was causing me to lose my sensibilities.

    He pulled his face off me with a wry smile.  I’m not sure I’ve ever heard you curse before.

    I took several deep breaths.  How’s this for cursing: put me on that table over there and fuck the life out of me.

    Devin stood up and started to unbutton his shirt.  I watched his impressive physique be revealed button-by-button.  In the meantime, I shivered out the last of my climax until my pussy started to hunger for him again.

    I jumped down off the counter and helped him with his pants.  I was so impatiently desperate for his cock and it just didn’t make sense.  I’d been so reserved until now, but it was like the shackles were off and I was in full-on bimbo mode.  The second his cock became a possibility I never looked back.

    Devin threw his shirt off to the side and looked down his body as I tackled the front of his suit-pants.  His belt came off and Devin stepped out from his shoes.  I stripped his legs of his pants and took his socks off with them, leaving him in only his boxer-shorts.  He looked like a Calvin Klein model as he stood there looking down on me.

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