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Book 2. “I Don't Want to Be the Queen!” Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle
Book 2. “I Don't Want to Be the Queen!” Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle
Book 2. “I Don't Want to Be the Queen!” Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle
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Book 2. “I Don't Want to Be the Queen!” Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle

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About this ebook

The second book in the series.
Arthuria does not want to become Queen of Camelot, but in the end she has to ascend the throne.
She, along with Marilyn and Lancitel, begin to implement reforms unusual for the Singularity 20-01.
Meanwhile, Lord Tristan refuses to recognize the authority of Camelot and the new Queen.
What will Arthuria and her friends do? Looks like an ‘epic’ battle is coming...

Release dateMar 31, 2023
Book 2. “I Don't Want to Be the Queen!” Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    Book 2. “I Don't Want to Be the Queen!” Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle - Elena Kryuchkova

    Book 2. I don't Want to be the Queen! Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle

    Camelot. Singularity 20-01. Or the Adventures of Three Girls in Another World Book Series.

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Book 2. I don't Want to be the Queen! Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle (‘Camelot. Singularity 20-01. Or the Adventures of Three Girls in Another World’ Book Series)

    Written by Elena Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2023 Elena Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover Design - Cover created by AI (Stable Diffusion, NightCafe)

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Camelot. Singularity 20-01. Or the Adventures of Three Girls in Another World

    Part 3. I don't Want to be the Queen!

    Chapter 1. Preparations for the Coronation

    Chapter 2. King Uther Ruined Arthuria's Plan

    Part 4. Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle

    Chapter 1. The New Queen of Camelot, Her Court Magician and the Fortuneteller-Knight

    Chapter 2. What? Smartphones?

    Book 2

    The second book in the series.

    Arthuria does not want to become Queen of Camelot, but in the end she has to ascend the throne.

    She, along with Marilyn and Lancitel, begin to implement reforms unusual for the Singularity 20-01.

    Meanwhile, Lord Tristan refuses to recognize the authority of Camelot and the new Queen.

    What will Arthuria and her friends do? Looks like an ‘epic’ battle is coming...

    This story is fiction and any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    The characters of mythology are also changed: their characters, relationships and family ties are fiction. This story is completely fiction.

    Book 2. I don't Want to be the Queen! Reforms in Camelot and the ‘Epic’ Battle

    Part 3. I don't Want to be the Queen!

    Chapter 1. Preparations for the Coronation

    Earth, the Singularity 20-01, year 5546 from the Creation of the World according to the calendar of the Etruscan Empire, Britain, the city of Camelot

    Lady Arthuria, please stand straight! We need to take measurements so that the coronation dress looks perfect! said one of the dressmakers who was taking measurements from the girl.

    I just can’t understand: are you really not opposed to being ruled by a foreigner? Arthuria asked for the umpteenth time in the last week.

    She stood in a simple gray dress in the middle of the spacious chambers allotted to her.

    And one more thing: a week has passed since she pulled the sword from the stone, and King Uther declared her his heir.

    The people present at that moment in the main square of Camelot, oddly enough, reacted quite positively. It turned out to be a complete paradox: people reacted more negatively to Minerva, even though she was the granddaughter of Ambrosius. But Arthuria was received positively. Perhaps the reason was that the people liked her music, or her speeches during discussions with Uther. Or maybe they were impressed by the ‘magic ritual’ performed by Marilyn. Or maybe because some took the girls for ‘maidens of the Fair Folk’. But in any case, the reaction was, though surprised, but positive.

    Arthuria then exclaimed:

    Wait, Your Majesty! With all due respect, I can't be your heiress! I am a foreigner! My friends and I just wanted to find a patron lady! We don't have the skills to rule a kingdom! And we are hardly familiar with the customs of these lands!

    Lady Arthuria, you spoke wisely during our discussion! And you were able to pull Caliburn out of the stone! Uther answered. This is just the providence of the goddess Danu and the god Dagda! What more evidence is needed?

    Right! supported by one of the people.

    Yes, we don’t mind being ruled by the wise maiden from the Fair Folk! someone else shouted.

    No, I can't rule! And I and my friends are not from the Fair Folk! We're just itinerant singers! Arthuria tried unsuccessfully to object.

    She did not want to become a local ruler and take on the cumbersome responsibility for the lives of a huge number of people. And what about the space-time continuum, which is so much talked about in films and books? Even if they are in another Singularity, but will this not affect the history of the local world?

    You are so modest and not greedy for power! You will become a great Queen! Uther nodded.

    No, I!.. Arthuria tried to object again.

    This is destiny! Marilyn unexpectedly supported the King.

    Wow, it’s all Mercury retrograde! said Lancitel. Her face took on a knowing expression. Now I fully understand the meaning of the horoscope and Tarot card predictions!

    So that's what my astrological calculations meant about wanderers from afar who would bring prosperity to these lands, Viviane perked up.

    Exactly! So be it! supported by someone from the guild of merchants.

    Merchants saw in the candidate for the Queen a benefit for their business. In addition, the famous local fortuneteller Viviane, apparently, also supports the girls. The rest of the people echoed them:

    Yes exactly!

    Yes, we don't mind!

    Your Majesty! With all due respect, will you really accept the foreigner as your heir? the loud voice of the Queen shook the square.

    Igraine had an almost superpower: to speak very loudly without screaming.

    Yes, Your Majesty! Listen to Her Majesty! She is right! Arthuria perked up for a moment.

    "The Queen will be able to appeal to their minds!" a thought flashed through her head. But her hopes were shattered the next moment when the King declared:

    Yes, for I consider her a worthy candidate. She passed the Royal Trial, she spoke wise words and was able to pull the sword from the stone. Do you need any more proof that she is worthy of becoming Queen?

    Arthuria stood in complete shock. She looked at her friends with timid hope. But Lancitel was talking to herself about Mercury retrograde, and Marilyn's face showed a suspicious and bad-actor innocence.

    "That's her!" suddenly it dawned on Arthuria. Apparently, there is some trick in the stone! She understood this and arranged everything so that I would draw the sword! Of course, Marilyn also allegedly tried to draw the sword, but in reality it was just acting!

    The guess of the girl turned out to be almost correct. The stone that Caliburn was inside was indeed not a simple stone. It was a theatrical mechanism, created several centuries ago by an Etruscan master, known by the nickname ‘Great Master’.


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