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Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone
Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone
Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone
Ebook70 pages59 minutes

Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone

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About this ebook

The final book in the series.
Arthuria continues to rule Camelot, with Marilyn and Lancitel helping her.
But the ships of the Saxons, led by the leader Alfred, arrive to the shores of the Kingdom. What? Does Alfred also have an artifact? The same as the Queen and her two court ladies? Is there really another smartphone in the Singularity 20-01? But how?..

Release dateMar 31, 2023
Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone

Elena Kryuchkova

Elena Kryuchkova started her creative path in 2012. She writes in different genres, such as: esotericism, fantasy, Slavic fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, post-apocalyptic and others. Has several graphic works. A number of her novels were co-authored with Olga Kryuchkova.She is inspired by various fantasy and science fiction.Loves cats and draws.

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    Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone - Elena Kryuchkova

    Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone

    Camelot. Singularity 20-01. Or the Adventures of Three Girls in Another World Book Series.

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Book 3. How it all Ended and the Story of how the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone (‘Camelot. Singularity 20-01. Or the Adventures of Three Girls in Another World’ Book Series)

    Written by Elena Kryuchkova

    Copyright © 2023 Elena Kryuchkova

    All rights reserved

    Cover Design — Cover created by AI (Stable Diffusion, NightCafe)

    Elena Kryuchkova

    Camelot. Singularity 20-01. Or the Adventures of Three Girls in Another World

    Part 5. Another ‘Epic’ Battle

    Chapter 1. Saxon Troops are Coming to Camelot!

    Part 6. How It All Ended and the Story of How the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone

    Chapter 1. End of the Reign of Queen Arthuria

    Chapter 2. The Secret of Minerva of the Herminia family, and how did the Leader of the Saxons Alfred Get a Real Smartphone?

    Book 3

    The final book in the series.

    Arthuria continues to rule Camelot, with Marilyn and Lancitel helping her.

    But the ships of the Saxons, led by the leader Alfred, arrive to the shores of the Kingdom. What? Does Alfred also have an artifact? The same as the Queen and her two court ladies? Is there really another smartphone in the Singularity 20-01? But how?..

    This story is fiction and any similarity to real people or events are coincidental.

    The characters of mythology are also changed: their characters, relationships and family ties are fiction. This story is completely fiction.

    Book 3. How It All Ended and the Story of How the Singularity 20-01 Got Another Smartphone

    Part 5. Another ‘Epic’ Battle

    Chapter 1. Saxon Troops are Coming to Camelot!

    Earth, the Singularity 20-01, year 5548 from the Creation of the World according to the calendar of the Etruscan Empire, Britain, two years after the death of King Uther Pendragon, a year after the ‘suppression’ of the rebellious Lord Tristan

    Venus retrograde indicates that problems are coming soon, Lancitel said.

    Venus? Not Mercury? Marilyn was surprised. After all, her friend used to mention Mercury.

    Venus. Not Mercury, the young esoteric confirmed.

    And what kind of trouble are we in for? asked Arthuria.

    She was not surprised at the mention of Venus retrograde, because she knew about such an astronomical phenomenon. It just so happened that it was Mercury retrograde that became the hero of various memes.

    Marilyn knew it too. But still, she couldn't understand the change in Lancitel's mood. Although she decided not to go into details, and therefore simply asked the same question as Arthuria:

    Yeah, what kind of trouble?

    All three girls were sitting in the Queen's chambers, in the royal castle of Camelot. It has been two years since the death of King Uther, and a year since Lord Tristan swore the oath of allegiance to Her Majesty.

    Since then, the reforms carried out by the Queen and her two court ladies have become a familiar part of life for everyone.

    During this time, a wall painting appeared inside Arthuria's chambers depicting her favorite characters from the films and her beloved dog Dinah, whom the girl really missed. The painting was done according to her personally developed sketches. And the fashion to paint the walls with ‘non-canonical’ images (canonical ones implied certain ornaments and symbols with deities) quickly became fashionable.

    Many court ladies and lords wanted to have paintings in their chambers with images of pets, heroes and heroines of antiquity in pretentious poses, etc. Conservative-minded people like Igraine did not accept such innovations, but they could not help but admit that art workshops have been flourishing lately. As well as artisans who make working materials and paints for artists. And this is good for the economy of the Kingdom. In addition, such paintings began to come into fashion among wealthy citizens. Simply, they ordered works from lesser-known art workshops or from apprentices.

    In addition to wall paintings, another new detail appeared in the Queen's chambers — curtains made of beautifully embroidered green fabric. Curtains also quickly became fashionable, first among the courtiers, and then among the townspeople. That gave additional work to weaving and sewing workshops, and also had a good effect on the economy.

    Of course, Arthuria, Marilyn and Lancitel would not have given up the rest of the amenities of the modern world they were used to, but alas, the girls were limited by their own knowledge and abilities. Although it was in their power to gather skilled masters from all over the Kingdom, they could not explain to them how to make, for example, an electric lamp. Or cook many dishes, because they simply did not know the recipes (besides, there was a problem with the transportation of a number of ingredients).

    But, about six months ago, Arthuria was reading one of the books she had downloaded on her

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