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The Angry One
The Angry One
The Angry One
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The Angry One

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Tale of Terrania legend the legendary The Angry One surviving disaster happening to the planet to modern time technological advances as typed by him on recorder.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateJan 27, 2023
The Angry One

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    The Angry One - Beth Hoyer

    The Angry One

    Edenia Series Terrania

    By Beth Hoyer

    File permitted to be downloaded on the permission of the author I Wind in Hair.

    I’m as dubbed named identification publicity as Wind in Hair other than my original name as given at birth was used already multiple times. The uses of names passed down aren’t just among my family members are among other people the restless natives of Terrania.

    The Terranians said Enough of passing down names use a different naming sound!

    They didn’t protest to first names like Tom carried down among family members as long as there’s variety to that name like Tomas. I’m officially named identity publicity as Wind in Hair from my unusual status. I remembered I was born in Terrania a planetary world not found or identified by galaxy’s sisterly planets orbiting the Mother Sun. I’m given all sorts of memories of myself born despite I have a discovered I have a computer like memory that doesn’t forget much. I have one vivid memory of after I was born I only to be wrapped into blankets hearing voices sounded either disapproval or agreement I could never figure it out. I thought that meant I was born with a full head of hair frowned upon by offs springs to have among Terranians as bad luck. I have memories of another got transported by a species I could never identify as appeared from open doorway to an unknown destination while holding me as remembered this memory as myself as a wrapped bundle. I felt myself placed down on the floor then figure disappeared through the open doorway by click noises.

    Yes they did create him successfully! I recalled hearing as I heard They did it I knew it they came through with that status! Pause followed You to pick the offspring up for scanning.

    I squirm as a bundle while moving feeling me picked up. I felt the coverage unwrapped myself to reveal me as male offspring while displaying an unnatural side towards the figure holding me.

    I heard the doctor I figured was the voice as said Of course he’s the offspring as dubbed.

    Doctor added Place the offspring onto the bed. which the order is obeyed as I get tested mentally and physically by laser scanner that said Made me itch and cry.

    Doctor said Tests I say the offspring has inherited the visible side. You’re expected to teach him how to use it as said by talk said broadcasting to me.

    That’s what I remember involving me as an offspring which I remembered nothing else involving myself growing up to adulthood.

    I remembered I’m given a name as said Your dubbed The Angry One.

    The memory I remembered myself as the Angry One was based on a legend in Terrania. This was during the planet’s primitive timed interval of Terrania as said by archaeologists looking to exploring the planet’s historical events after the great death. This was during the timed interval of the Terranians the survivors focused onto living with technology that got advanced after the great extinction said to medically kill off great numbers of Terranians with Brianna’s Syndrome identified as old age never before seen in Terrania’s historical documentation. The archaeologists exploring the regional southern part of the planet Terrania’s island continent territory island nation of Shadan as named. Shadan is famous for survivors of the Great Death said to survive to keep records and pass down historical events of Terrania. There are survivors elsewhere planet side that survived dubbed First Ones for human species that didn’t seemed to have an extinction problem. It’s seemed the extinction focused onto non First Ones species mainly humanoids that killed them off. The archaeologists found among an underground cave passageway like vault in the forest like jungle with lengthy violent roaring like river dubbed name of Amazonia that cuts through the continent in half. There in Shadan is a section of the continent island nation’s forest the territory said sacred for Terranians not to be recorded down but explored and examined with artifacts left where their found. There in one forest section of Shadan dubbed Terra Nova containing multiple passageways containing multiple like safe vaults found by explorers exploring the area said to be containing historical documents written in Aikido language said to be the official language of the planet Terrania.

    There was a warning note in each vault accompanying each document talking about each five declared regional areas of planet Terrania that detailed a warning Watch out for The Angry One. You don’t anger him for he’ll be your hand of death.

    I’m remembering myself as a version of The Angry One from legend passed down tales from people encountering him as said He was an assassin an unknown on his identity.

    The Sun Lords group titled Nova Terra from the northern planetary regional area as another continent island nation of Americania said We’ll be the guardians of preserving Shadan and her historical documentation like the vaults.

    This was agreed by the Terranians who as said We recognized the warning of The Angry One originated from Americania.

    The legend started with His Holiness the titled Sun Lords’ leader headquartered in Americania in the nation’s capital city of Atlanta as said There was a Sun Lords’ group we’re sworn not to identify left documentation of points of origins of the legend The Angry One said name of Mindbender.

    The allowed story as said by His Holiness permitted to be shared The Angry One was an orphan that didn’t have any parents or anyone. The Sun Lords of a group we’re sworn to secrecy not to identify them took him in.

    I recalled the story as detailed like my own memory as said. I identified Master Jin as dubbed one of the survivors of the Great Death from Shonsurra’s islands unsure of where he came from. He was on a chance or coincidence traveled to the monastery’s location where I was living like guided to there. Master Jin introduced himself by getting involved fighting off younglings that were targeting another youngling identified as The Angry One as myself. He fought off the bullies with movements said where he in his advanced age invented the fighting body’s combative art of karate’s sport.

    You are to show me where your staying I’ll help you out further. He told me after helping me get up from the ground as in one handed pull me up.

    I admit back then I was knocked onto my seat pushed onto the ground I forced to roll around struggling to get up till Master Jin taught me the acrobatic way of getting up I followed religiously.

    I said I live in a monastery with the Sun Lords.

    Master Jin said I’ll go visited the monastery with you accompanied me. I have something in mind for you.

    I obeyed to lead him to the monastery where I was raised by the monks another title for Sun Lord.

    One of them by colored orange robe was outside sweeping the stairs said You’re late.

    I meant to protest I’m not late.

    Master Jin said I’m to ask if I can to teach him as a student of combative art. I found others targeting him in a rude way and had to interfere.

    The Sun Lord said Certainly you may teach him.

    The Sun Lords later said We didn’t know Master Jin’s intentions of making The Angry One into a weapon of war just assumed for physical health.

    It was the Sensei dubbed teacher Master Jin himself that trained me to get up acrobatically from the ground after knocked down a move I practiced religiously. He also taught me to become a warrior like soldier that I became an assassin that started the legend.

    I was said by the Sun Lords of that monastery We dubbed you The Angry One from your always angry attitude.

    Sensei Jin refused to accept that term instead said I give you the name of Mindbender.

    I said I accept the name Mindbender.

    Sensei Jin once he said I declare the teaching done my duty is over. You to practice the movements of the combination over and over dubbed Japan as the naming movements are called. The Japan will keep your fighting ways up.

    I obeyed to practice the movements up even after Sensei Jin left without a word like I’m done my duty I have others to find to teach.

    The Sun Lord that said the lateness comment got me said Name is Mindbender towards him who said That’ll be your name.

    I as Mindbender once I was grown up to reach legally aged appearance of adult full grown to aged appearance of two decades age.

    I’m told by the Sun Lords said You reached the age of choice decide on what to do with your own life. We don’t decide for you.

    I was living on the continent island of Americania for the monastery was in taken residence there I’m forbidden to record location by certain factors. I came upon ideas as decided to travel around kingdoms’ territories before they got annexed as Americania in the continent island of same name.

    The kingdoms were said Final frontier for natives to seek their fortune and find a purpose to do.

    I was permitted to walk out of the monastery anytime I wanted but I had to carry only a bagged purse containing coin to live on while earning anything else. I walked out one sunrise to left the monastery as said. I found during my travels I wasn’t talkative towards people for I refused to give a name to anyone whenever I met on travels by to only silently become a wall refusing to talk to anyone giving me greetings.

    Good airs to you. someone as said towards me hoping to get me to talk that assumed He’s mute.

    I don’t know why I didn’t talk much but I figured I’m shy or not too talkative to babble my mind’s contents. I would salute hand fisted arm diagonal across my chest in greeting with a bow towards people refusing to verbalize words or speak much.

    I did recognize the insult said towards me You’re a dumbbell for being mute.

    I shrugged that off and walked away without a comment ignoring them than commenting to the person yelled Mute!

    I was reaching my coins end unsure of what to do to earn extra coins. I didn’t at first take the idea of assassination job onto a gang of triplets robbing travelers taken the pathway a trail location marked to be a location leading from Cambecca’s kingdom territory to another kingdom Canbella like a mapping arrow.

    This is when a Sheriff as titled peacekeeper law group bordering Cambecca to Canbella territories ordered Reward for those three idiots brought to me dead for their crimes.

    The idiots were able to outwit groups trying to find them in the forest territory of Ella Ville said to be where they home based.

    I was asked like any of the males said by Sheriff You find those idiots and get the reward.

    It’s when a female answering to the name Mali Ball came into my camp I sitting at an eater minding my business not doing anything.

    She came stumbling into the camp on coincidence she finding me to collapsed in front of me getting up What the depths?!

    She begged Save me!

    She looked like was traveling through the forest lost from her ripped bramble leaf like clothes.

    I didn’t take her seriously but I said I’ll get you to town where you can get help but that’s not my business.

    I took Mali Ball to the route to the city for medical help by horse with her sobbing hysterically clinging to my back Why?! Does this has to happen to me?! she wailed including Save me someone! the horse collapsed from a noise of a gunshot I didn’t recognized.

    The noise turned out to be a newly invented by another nation’s handgun weapon of one projectile fired from the triplets that tracked her. Mali Ball acted scared when my horse collapsed recognizing the noise of a gun I didn’t know at the time.

    Oh no they found us! she howled.

    The triplets arrived onto their horses one fired the gun weapon at the ground I recognized it as a weapon Stand fast!

    One of them with a sneering attitude said Get on the horse you woman.

    The triplet gestured for her to obey but she refused backing up clutching my arm ironclad like No I’m not doing that.

    One of the triplets aimed their weapon at me and fired that knocked me backwards to a still position. Mali Ball’s screams of terror haunted me as one of the triplets grabbed her onto his horse and rode away.

    I during my status of stillness unable to move saw a door into my mind said Mindbender the Berserker.

    I with a hand mentally opened the door followed by my body’s sized appearance grew to its height now with the muscular look. I didn’t get my facial or hair changed but I did get the knowledge of the mental mind movement’s telekinetic abilities of the Berserker downloaded into my mind. The Berserker’s ability did include the monstrous morphing look and eyed appearance of colors changed I recognized how to use.

    Berserker forwards projectile out. I commanded mentally from the information.

    I found that look involved an eyes’ change to an entirely sunlight eyeballed glowing like color whenever I had the Berserker in control. I have developed First One’s appearance of golden eyes naturally with or without the Berserker in control that marked me as touched by the sided abilities. I felt something in my stomach like a projectile sitting onto the skin as the sun set when I woke up to move. I found once the sky was nighttime the night vision of purple for objects and pinks for living beings. I discovered I had the night vision easily which didn’t matter if my Berserker’s side was in control or not. I removed the object from my chest examining the projectile was made out of metallic silver shaped like an arrowhead. I examined where one of the triplets’ fired their weapon to find a twinning projectile. I tossed them aside and went to attend to my horse I found was deceased with items I had onto the saddle taken off by the triplets.

    I felt rage anger hitting me roared Rah fly!

    The ground erupted around me went up into a tornado like storm as mysteriously found by travelers to the area who said Deity lord finger of the god’s anger.

    I can still use that ability with the monstrous side as I roared angrily losing to my rage that caused a clearly like damaged area travelers found later on. The tornado didn’t last long instead I calmed myself down and figured I’ll find the triplets and personally assassinate them.

    Fly stop. I mentally commanded issuing the tornado like storm to quit as I obeyed to my instincts screaming at me I blame Meritanians said Keep the Berserker in control!

    I with practice of tracking gonoids and using my newly mental abilities managed to track the camp where the triplets where keeping themselves in a clearing by lighted solar powered battery lighters illuminating the area. I saw Mali Ball herself tied up lying on her side with eyes open looking still like dead to the world while wearing ropes on her wrists. I sensed she was deceased by her own body naturally killed her, the triplets clueless of her death’s status assumed she was shocked speechless.

    I wanted to charge the triplets to attack but my training by Sensei Jin Be patient and wait for an opening to attack an opponent.

    I referred to the training came to mind made me hold myself back. I jumped climbing a tree acrobatically I observed didn’t have ropy sound alarms to signal intruder’s arrival. I observed the triplets keeping a watch when I could attack when they indicated them sleeping. I didn’t have long to wait as one of the triplets sat up like keeping watch. I climbed down the tree and slowly with alertness made my way to the camp’s clearing edge. It’s at the bushes hiding by a large bushy like rosebush plant a Meritanian in black as identified later. I used mental hands’ movements to make objects around the camp hit the awaken male. As in pointing towards an object and moving a finger towards the item to hover and with a fast flick of the finger hit the male onto the back of the head.

    The guard kept rubbing his back snarling Enough!

    I kept using mental movements got one of the objects from the sleepers hit the guard onto the back of the head who roared That’s an enough of that joke so stop that!

    The sleepers hearing their companion’s noises woke up sputtering What the depths?! said one while the other said What are you talking about?! I’m sleeping!

    The guard lifted up the gun weapon that was hit onto the back of his head snarling Stop the joke of throwing things at me with this thing!

    The one not identified as the thrower said Handle this by yourself I need my sleep.

    He rolled over thrusting the blanket over his head. The guard darted towards the one identified as the thrower and threw the gun onto the ground in front of it.

    I made the gun land firing itself hitting the sleeping one who groaned Ooh!

    The awaken one got up from his bed yelling You idiot!

    The one who tossed the gun onto the ground said I didn’t do anything! The gun did this!

    The awaken one darted towards the sleeper that I commanded the one shot by projectile Down!

    The awaken one went to examine the shot sleeper who remained unresponsive making him snarl You idiot you killed him with that gun of yours!

    The thrower of the gun held up his hands in surrender gesture saying I didn’t mean to do that!

    The awaken one grabbed the gun weapon from the sleeper’s bedroll and darted towards the thrower while snarling You’re paying for this!

    The thrower said No! No!

    The, awaken one shot him point blank range with the projectile by gun.

    I used the command Down!

    The command was obeyed by the shot male collapsing a death status as I patiently waited as the shooter threw the gun onto the ground.

    I commanded with telekinetically to make the gun turn firing the shooter’s foot who groaned Ouch!

    The shooter limped himself to his bedroll to collapsed onto it groaning This smarts!

    I waited as the shooter collapsed from the pain groaning and moaning then the male pulled out his own weapon to fire it point blank range at his chest. I sensed the male deceased himself from the shooting. I got up and examined the camp undoing the traps and examining the males.

    I went to each one as I found were in dead status from both my command and the projectile weapons fired at them. I went to find the horses two of them finding the third broke off ropes and ran off. The remaining two were panicky pulling their ropes while in a clearing bordering the camp with a lone wagon for traveling carrying items.

    I willed aside the Berserker by command mentally Berserker away.

    I went to each of the twinning horses calming them down then went to the camp putting the items onto the horses and cart including the bodies of the deceased onto the wagon then hooked the gonoids up to pull.

    I recalled the sheriff’s office camp ordered the horses with the reins Giddy up!

    The horses obeyed without questioning me which took till after sunrise sunlight to ride them to the travelers’ depot camp after the Mother Sun rose starting a new journey. I saw people at my arrival looked at me suspiciously that widen their eyes seeing the deceased in the wagon. I found the Sheriff standing in front of his office’s jail residential housing like waiting for me as word spread.

    I got off the wagon tying the horses to the stand with the crowd gathered watching me they muttering Mute one!

    I ignored them verbalized as said Situation taken care of involving the triplets. I found her along the way.

    The crowd gasped hearing me speak as the Sheriff went to inspect the wagon’s deceased bodies’ the male said Yah their, the triplet ruffians I’ve been seeking causing trouble along the trail.

    The crowd gasped in response as the Sheriff added Good that you found her she was reported missing declared disappeared from her horse returned without her. Her family assumed her horse threw her off from spooked status. They’ll be relieved to attend to the remains.

    I kept my silence as the Sheriff with a glare at the crowd said Move along this isn’t a peep show!

    The crowd obeyed some chattering to themselves Mute one can talk.

    The Sheriff spoke addressing me Come along sir while I see you’re rewarded as oath.

    I obeyed to go inside the building as the Sheriff got me into a jail cell saying Take a rest you look like your about to drop. I have to make arrangements to make this legal.

    I obeyed to lie onto the bed of the jail cell sideways shutting my eyes resting finding my body agreed to the stillness position.

    My mind like always with that mumbo jumbo of computer mind contents whirled thoughts and information What should I do next?

    I recalled my karate training by Sensei Jin said You’re like obsessive with the fighting and training of yours. You have potential to become a Samurai a warrior trained to fight for others like assassins and guardians.

    I am to become an Assassin? I thought to myself.

    I sensed from my obsessive habit of practicing the training added I can put to practice what I learned doing this literally with the Berserker.

    This is when the legend said to made up mind to become an assassin to kill a targeted person which was done. The Sheriff kept his word paid me the monetary value of the triplets’ themselves brought dead with the female Mali Ball’s family paying for finding her remains. The legend as said began at first to focus onto the ruffians the Sheriff called the law breakers robbing people on the trail in Cambecca’s territory than anywhere else.

    I remembered I would yell Rah! whenever I finished a job of assassination onto a targeted victim like I celebrate!

    The legend became known for insanity targeting criminal law breakers in Cambecca said to be robbing people’s things on their way out of the territory to other location. This started the legend known as The Angry One doing killing jobs as an assassin was radar focused without mercy finding the criminals and bringing them dead to peacekeepers’ forces’ buildings in locations focused into the state. One of the peacekeepers of a city territory Torrid that was large city big sized was said to be the one that had other ideas for the legendary The Angry One. I traveled one part of Torrid said to be where the peacekeepers’ garrison was in the area in a forest like park like area. The city was before annexing and then later the state’s capital. The Commander in title as dubbed took notice of The Angry One thought of something for me to do instead. I entered the garrison’s vicinity area with targeted twins’ ruffians’ bodies onto a horse dead to the world with the stolen items. I rode the other horse with additional bags of stolen money items.

    Human One Bank. The bags were clearly labeled as I entered the road to the garrison noticed by spies of the Commander who communicated by talky devices in their hands as said There’s an assassin carrying the robbers we’re seeking by horse with him on the way to the garrison with the stolen goods.

    I saw travelers’ noticed me and darted away shooed by the Commander’s spies and Mounties that followed me to the garrison castle. I got off the horse once inside in the courtyard as the Commander walked out seeing me for I was feeling like a braggart proud of myself when I shouldn’t flaunt. This is another lesson of Sensei Jin not to flaunt oneself doing something.

    The Commander a male with shoulder length blonde hair eyed me with a glare of scrutiny like with brown eyes unkind Who are you?

    I took the reward paper from my pocket that said Reward dead or alive troublesome twins!

    I walked up towards the Commander and unfolded the paper showing the male the contents who glared but I like the male both remained silent.

    One of the guards standing next to me spoke politely Sir may we examined what your horses are carrying?

    I spoke Go ahead.

    I remained eyeing the Commander as the Mounties I figured were the guards’ title gave the horses a through examination of the contents they carried by placing them down onto the ground in front of us.

    The horses were empty of their burdens the Mounties’ speaker asked me The horses are you willing to let us stable them while we examine them for their health?

    Go ahead. I said for I wasn’t talkative.

    The Mounties obeyed to get the horses stabled into the stable nearby.

    The Commander spoke sounding disapproval in voice tone The items and bodies what are they?

    One of the Mounties was seen examining them said The criminal twins and stolen items are all accounted for.

    I had folded up the paper to hold watching the Commander talk to the Mounties You to depose the bodies and see the items are returned to where they belong.

    I watched as the bodies were taken away including the items leaving me remaining with the Commander and guardian Mounties standing around watching us both.

    The Commander addressed me Come while I get your reward legally set.

    I obeyed to follow the Commander into the garrison castle’s inner workings to the male’s office who said towards a guard Shut the door while I talk to our guest privately.

    The Commander sat down at his desk ignoring me to my annoyance who poured two cups of brown liquid into two glass cups.

    I saw the Commander take a sip of one of the cups then gestured me Drink you earned this.

    I obeyed to lift the cup despite my Berserker’s side kept itching to become in control by door into mind becoming ajar. I sniffed the cup to recognize the scent of a sleep drug from the smell as taught by the Sun Lords from the perfume stink.

    I placed the cup onto the desk and spoke Drink is drugged with sleep drug.

    I saw the Commander didn’t look at his cup instead gently placed it down onto the desk while having a twitching jaw like his trick of drugging me wasn’t going to work.

    I said Just pay me my reward and I’ll leave without protest.

    I felt my urge for the Berserker being in control got too much for me flared the monstrous look while eyeing the Commander.

    The Commander smirked and said I thought so.

    I found I couldn’t verbalize words when I attempt to say Pay me.

    I signed in Aurelia’s as taught by the Sun Lords Just pay me and I’ll leave.

    The Commander in response threw his drink at me with cup aimed my way in a fast blurring move.

    I quickly with Berserker’s side hand up palm out saying mentally Shield!

    The cup and liquid harmlessly fell to the floor like glass was unbreakable.

    I lowered my hand awkwardly fisting while thinking to myself This guy isn’t going to pay me but make me to leave without the payment.

    I narrowed my glowing eyeballed eyes with a glare aimed at the Commander waiting for confirmation of my thoughts.

    The Commander with fiddling with his desk drawer pulled out a packet of papers said You can read the language can you? Read them before I pay you.

    I obeyed picking up the packet undoing the binding to pull out the papers. I saw to my relief were in Aikido the common written language the Sun Lords at the monastery taught me to read and write. I growled GRR when I read the papers was a proclamation of hiring one to service of the King Lukas Torrid ruler of the kingdom territory of Cambecca as a Ranger as dubbed the assassin’s title in a legal way

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