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The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust
The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust
The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust
Ebook56 pages43 minutes

The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust

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Because of his role in deporting European Jews to concentration camps, Eichmann became the target of a fifteen-year search by Israeli agents. Like other Nazis, his defense was that he was following orders.

Eichmann was the mastermind behind the exodus of Jews from their homes into ghettos and concentration camps. He established himself as the Nazis' foremost Jewish expert. His ability to organize, categorize and supervise allowed him to execute over six million Jews. He sent millions to their deaths by piling men, women, and children into cattle train cars.

One of the remarkable aspects of the Eichmann trial was that no one knew much about the Holocaust when it began. Until the trial, Holocaust survivors did not speak about their ordeals at the hands of the Nazis. To many, the Holocaust was an indescribable memory, but the trial provided a catharsis, and people began to tell their stories.

Eichmann was found guilty on all 15 counts of the criminal indictment against him after an emotional 16-week trial. He was executed by hanging, and his ashes were scattered in the Mediterranean Sea.

Release dateFeb 6, 2023
The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust

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    The Pathetic Adolf The Escape And Capture of Nazi Eichmann, The Mind Behind the Holocaust - Davis Truman

    Eichmann the Nazi

    OTTO ADOLF EICHMANN was born in Solingen, Germany, on March 19, 1906. Eichmann moved to Linz, Austria, when he was seven years old. His early childhood was somewhat traumatic; his father was frequently absent due to his job, his mother died, and his father remarried soon after. Eichmann grew up in the shadow of WWI. Regardless of the difficult times he had as a child, there is no evidence that Eichmann was disturbed or affected by what happened to him as a child. Eichmann attended the same school as Hitler in Austria from 1900 to 1904. Growing up and in school, Eichmann was not anti-Semitic, and one of his closest friends, Mischa Sebba, was Jewish. Even after joining the Party, Eichmann maintained contact with his Jewish friend. Despite not being anti-Semitic in his early life or growing up in a particularly anti-Semitic household, where Eichmann grew up and how he was raised shaped his worldview. Protestantism, German-Austrian nationalism, and right-wing politics coexisted peacefully and greatly influenced Eichmann's viewpoint. Eichmann's childhood and adolescence show that one does not have to be or be bred to be an ardent and zealous Nazi.

    The Nazi party was not well-liked in Upper Austria. Furthermore, the party was in turmoil in the early 1930s. Despite these concerns, Eichmann joined the Nazi Party on April 1, 1932, and the S.S. a few months later. Eichmann claimed he joined the party because he believed it was the only political party capable of defeating the Communists and Socialists. He also believed the party would solve many problems that afflicted Germany and Austria, such as unemployment and food shortages. He also believed, like many others, that the Nazi Party was the only political party capable of restoring Germany to the position of power that the Versailles Treaty had destroyed. While being held captive in Argentina, he told Mossad Agent Peter

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