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The Lost
The Lost
The Lost
Ebook263 pages3 hours

The Lost

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Rescue mission to save a royal family from the depths of hell.

Princess Charlotte knew this day would come, a day she feared yet couldn't stop. But preventing the attack that would blow her family into the far reaches of the universe is beyond her powers.


She's had years to prepare for what w

PublisherIdealist LLC
Release dateJan 28, 2023

JJ Anders

JJ Anders is the pseudonym used by the powerhouse writing duo of NY Times & USA Today bestselling author, Jill Sanders and her identical twin sister, Jody. Hailing from the Pacific Northwest, these two talented ladies have merged their creative forces to craft an amazing new fantasy series that will leave you begging for more. With over forty bestselling romance books and counting, Jill alone is a force to be reckoned with, boasting thousands of glowing reviews with a cumulative 4.5 star rating. Jody's powerful imagination and newfound love of writing has spawned the thrilling new world and enchanting characters of Genoa. As a furious reader and devoted mother, Jody's passion for storytelling reaches full bloom by teaming up with her talented twin to bring her magical stories to life for the enjoyment of readers everywhere. Follow J.J. Anders online at:

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    The Lost - JJ Anders


    The babe lay there staring up at the world from her crib while her family surrounded her. Clear baby-blue eyes blinked heavily before they closed in sleep. Tiny hands curled tight while her lips sucked at the empty air.

    Charlotte, her mother whispered as Kriston placed an arm around his wife.

    It is great to finally meet her, Kriston stated as he kissed his wife’s hair. A slow tear fell from his eye and hung on his dark lashes.

    Mine, Caylee, only four, said as she tried to peek at the new baby by standing on her toes.

    Not yours, Zander said with a pout.

    I get the baby girls, Caylee said with authority. You get the boys.

    That’s not fair, Zander said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

    Now, don’t fight my loves. Tresstéanna patted each of the children on their head as Kriston bent to pick up Zander and Caylee, one in each arm.

    Let’s let Charlotte sleep. She had a busy day. Kriston kissed his older daughter’s cheek and then his son’s.

    But I want to play with Scarlett. Caylee pouted. Her pronunciation of C’s always came out a wet S.

    Tomorrow, Tresstéanna said as she followed her family out of the nursery.

    The faint light of day filtered into the room through the sheer pink curtains. A warm breeze blew in from the cracked window as the baby slept on. Peace filled the room, much as it filled the kingdom outside the small cottage the royals were using while their vast castle was built several miles away, near the town of Pinewoods.

    The nurse who worked in the next room never heard the small pop, nor the sizzling sound the magic made seconds before a woman appeared in the room next to the crib. Quietly and slowly, she walked nearer and gently leaned over the sleeping baby.

    She was tall, and her long brown dark-blond hair was tied back in a single braid. Her dress was gray and covered in dirt and soot. There was a rip along the left shoulder of her sleeve, and fresh blood dripped down her arm, which hung limp at her side. Seeing the baby, the woman sucked in a small breath and grabbed her hurt arm. For a second, she just stood there, looking down at the child.

    I need, she whispered. She squared her shoulders and placed her good hand gently on the child’s head. I’m sorry. I did this to myself, she whispered, and magic seeped from the child’s head, drawing out and up, into the woman’s arm. As it went, the woman’s gaping wound closed, and a bright glow emitted from both child and woman.

    When the magical light faded, the woman stood tall, power emanating from her impressive figure. She studied the baby another second, then turned away. A single tear rolled down her pale cheek seconds before she disappeared from the room.

    Io Maltesea surveyed the cell with satisfaction. Soon, very soon, she would have guests.

    Turning, she inspected the Dark Vessels. The guarding orbs were in place, guaranteeing that the prisoners would remain secured behind the cell’s door. Her long robe made a hissing sound as she wabbled past the bars. Balt, her minion, bowed his head then closed the cell’s door as she exited the enclosure.

    Make sure I am informed the moment they arrive, she hissed. She exited the dungeons without a backward glance.

    She moved swiftly through her domain, which she had named the Drudge. When she reached the large courtyard, her eyes moved past the sharp top of the pyramid to the sky above, and a smile formed on her lips. The red moon Enwar was a sliver beyond the high walls, but soon it would be right above the pyramid. Then, with the aid of her goddess, they would rid this planet of the infection and her creatures and claim it for their own.

    Io Maltesea smiled as she thought back thousands of years to when her mother had sent her here. She had been entrusted with the most sacred job, to destroy the bond the goddess Genoa held over this planet.

    Turning her eyes from the moon far above, she surveyed her castle, her red eyes scanning as she thought back to her prior attempts. She had successfully opened portals into other worlds, allowing other goddess’s creatures to travel here. She had hoped they would succeed in attacking and depleting Genoa’s powers, but they had failed. No, she had failed. She had been trapped by the goddess, imprisoned within this portion of the land by ice glaciers.

    Just thinking of this failure made Io Maltesea bare her teeth in anger. But then she remembered how she had bided her time here, how she, with her own goddess’s power, had transformed much within Pon Hellz. The landscape, the creatures and even the air had been touched by her magic.

    Turning, she went to the far wall of her palace and surveyed all that lay beyond. The volcano belched out smoke and ash, which gave her pleasure. It reminded her of home, the moon so far above, the home she would never see again. When her eyes landed on the far-off town of Grestuél, she smiled, knowing that soon these little creatures would bend to her mother’s will, her mother’s power.

    She laughed, and the cold hard sound echoed down the stone walls and across the vast valley.



    Charlotte woke early. The cramp in her neck indicated she hadn’t moved much in the night, while the book covering her face told her she had fallen asleep reading, again. Sighing, she reached up and removed the book. She took note of the page number and gently closed it. After setting the book on the side table, she stretched her neck once then stood from her reading couch.

    Her room was littered with tomes and records. Some were opened to pages with bright paintings, while others had odd formulas and symbols. Several larger books were stacked in a corner, while smaller ones sat on a desk near the center. The fire had died out, but the room was still quite warm.

    Mary, her personal lady, hadn’t yet arrived with breakfast, so Charlotte went into her room to dress for the day. She chose a gray dress and had just braided her hair when Mary came in with a tray full of food.

    Here, let me help, Charlotte said as she rushed to take the tray from the woman. Mary, a woman six years older with deep brown eyes and black hair, clucked her tongue at Charlotte.

    Tisn’t your place to help, she scolded as she set the tray on the table near the windows. And I see you already dressed yourself.

    I like picking out my clothing, Charlotte replied as she eyed the oats and cakes on the tray.

    No doubt you wanted to hide the fact that you slept in the chair again, Mary said with another click of her tongue.

    How did you know? Charlotte asked with a smile.

    No night dress, and there tis a nasty crease along your face where the book lay, Mary replied.

    Mary, is Caylee awake yet? Charlotte asked as she sat at the table and dished up some fruit and a single slice of bread onto a pretty white plate.

    Erica was on her way to your sister’s rooms as I was entering, came the reply. Which crown today?

    I think the silver will be fine. Caylee tried the slice of bread with a dab of butter. Has the painting been delivered yet?

    I was told by the cook that she saw Master Dow arriving when she looked out the kitchen window, Mary said with a sigh. She said he carried a large package.

    Oh! Charlotte exclaimed. She rushed up to gather the books she wanted to return to the library that day. On an impulse, she grabbed the small package sitting on her night table and shoved it into her pocket, then she walked out into her outer room again. I must see it before it’s hung, and I want to show Dow the painting in this book. I feel he could have done a much better job of it, she told Mary as she rushed from the room.

    Master Dow had been impressed by the book, and Charlotte had been enchanted by his portrait. It had been several years since the family had sat for a picture, and Charlotte had been transfixed by the whole process.

    Afterwards, she rushed into Caylee’s rooms. The excitement of seeing the finished painting made her mood light. It remained so until Caylee spoke of the man she was engaged to. Charlotte didn’t just dislike Grant Worthington, she hated him.

    After a small argument, Caylee stormed out of the room, leaving Charlotte sitting around her sister’s small table, pondering her sister’s relationship.

    Caylee was so unsure of herself, of her powers and magic. Charlotte didn’t blame her sister for her fear of her magic. After all, Charlotte knew about the disaster many years ago above Tharian, even though Caylee hid the dark secret of the past well. Caylee hadn’t told her, but she knew. Charlotte knew of many matters she wasn’t supposed to know about.

    Charlotte knew that Grant was evil. He was a foul, misguided man who hadn’t any thought for others, nor did he have any values. He was a self-absorbed monster who took after the man that had sired Grant’s mother.

    Shaking her head, she thought of this secret and took another bite of the bread. She had spoken the truth to Caylee when she said the family didn’t like Grant.

    Zander would get a nasty look on his face whenever Caylee mentioned him. He was always polite when Grant was near, but Charlotte knew Zander had spoken to Caylee several times about her choice of men. Of course, those conversations hadn’t gone well for Zander, and the only result had been that Caylee hadn’t spoken to her twin for two whole days.

    Her parents also were uncomfortable with Caylee’s choice in men. But Caylee was headstrong, and Charlotte knew Grant Worthington’s true nature would soon come to light, so she set these thoughts aside for now.

    Pushing up from the table, she glanced around once and then slowly walked from the room. The library was calling to her. Not a single moment of the day passed without Charlotte yearning to be surrounded by books.

    As she rushed down the hallway with a new book in hand, she was so busy reading the description about a cooling spell that she bumped right into Rey.

    Oh! she said, her bright blue eyes wide with humor as Reyleen reached out quickly and helped her regain her balance.

    Sorry, Your Majesty, I didn’t see you, Reyleen stated as she retracted her hand from Charlotte’s arm.

    That’s okay, Rey, Charlotte said with a smile as she studied her. Rey’s dark eyes were clouded, and Charlotte saw a faint frown on the woman’s face. What bothers you today?

    After taking a deep breath, Rey wrinkled her nose and shook her head. I’ll give you one guess.

    Ah, my brother. Charlotte gave a quick smile as she thought of her brother’s future, which would, if the goddess allowed, be intertwined with Rey’s. But when she saw the red slash on Rey’s arm, her smile faded quickly, and Charlotte knew her peaceful time was at an end. Oh, what happened to your arm?

    Stupidity and rushing, Rey answered with a sigh. No, it’s fine, she stated as Charlotte moved to inspect it. It will heal quickly enough. But I must really find your brother now. She gave a quick bow and then sidestepped around her.

    Rey, Charlotte called out quickly. The small package felt heavy in her pocket as Rey turned back towards her. I know you’re in a hurry, but I have something for you.

    For me? Rey asked.

    Yes, Charlotte answered, her heart beating wildly now as the seconds ticked away loudly in her mind.

    I was going to give it to you on your birthday, but I think you should take it with you now. She took the small precious package from the deep pocket of her dress. You don’t have to open it now. In fact, I think you should wait. You will know when, but, well, happy birthday. Charlotte’s mind whirled with thoughts and the urge to rush, which almost overwhelmed her.

    After thrusting the gift into Rey’s hands, Charlotte gave in to the urgency and quickly spun on her heels, then raced down the hallway. She was only a few steps away before she remembered she needed Rey to be with Zander, so she quickly stopped and turned back.

    I think I saw Zander with Belent in the training yard, she yelled.

    With this said, she ran down the hallway, dropping her books and undoing her fancy hair as she prepared for the battle against time.

    The first thing she did after undoing her braids was head towards the kitchen. The braids had been a symbol of her youth, but with the pending attack, she no longer could use that camouflage. Some people believed you couldn’t have maturity without age, but Charlotte knew differently.

    For many years now, she had known about the pending attack on her family. She had known and been unable to thwart it, because in preventing it, she would have destroyed them all. Though she couldn’t stop it, she could prepare for it. And she had done just that.

    Years of planning still didn’t prevent her from being shocked at seeing the sign. It had always been Rey who would provide it. Charlotte had known Rey was destined to join her family and would one day give her the notice that the attack had already started. The cut on Rey’s arms was the sign, a symbol of unrest in the world that Charlotte couldn’t ignore.

    As she raced to the kitchen, she went over the next steps in her head.





    She chanted these four words in her mind as she ran along the lengthy corridors. Years ago, she had tried to hide food at different locations in the castle, but each store of goods had been discovered or gone bad with time. Instead, she discovered through her magic that she would have enough time to sneak down to the kitchens and grab a bag of provisions meant for the guards, if she was careful.

    As she drew near to the kitchen, the smells drifted towards her, and the sounds of a busy scullery could be heard. She knew she mustn’t be seen, so she moved towards the side entrance in hopes that she could find a sack of provisions without going into the vast rooms at the castle’s lower level.

    I don’t care for it; they are too old, she heard Waverly, the cook, scold.

    But the apples were stored correctly, came a high-pitched reply.

    Set them near the door. They may make good pies then, Waverly instructed.

    After hearing a soft thump from the other side of the door, Charlotte waited a few seconds, then slowly pushed the door inward. The bag of apples was inches from the threshold. They were sitting on the hard stone floor, and no one was nearby.

    With the bag of apples slung over her shoulder, she used the fastest route back to her rooms. She hoped she wasn’t too late and was thankful the other bag of supplies she had hidden in the tunnel was only four months old.

    She was thankful her luck was good—Mary wasn’t in her rooms and a large bowl of fruit sat in the center of her table. She added those to her apple bag and walked into her bedroom and right to the closet. She took a few minutes to change into the riding leathers and boots she usually wore while training with the dragons. Then she grabbed two nearby books and walked to the oversized wardrobe that sat in the center of her closet.


    Years ago, her mother told her and her siblings about an Earth story where the heroes escaped into another world by way of a magical wardrobe. It wasn’t long after this that Charlotte had asked her mother for a passageway from her rooms to the forest north of the castle.

    At first, her mom hadn’t taken her pleas seriously, but Charlotte knew this passageway would one day allow her to escape safely, so she had been persistent. Luckily, her mom had finally given in. She had also had a past where she had always needed an exit strategy.

    Charlotte released the hidden locks. She grabbed the lantern hanging on the back of the secret door and took a moment to light it. She checked her supplies, grabbed her warm coat, and shut the secret door behind her. She knew the passageway well, having traveled it twice a year to ensure it was still safe and no rocks had fallen to block her exit.

    Col had used both magic and his own skills to carve this tunnel, along with three others inside the castle. All were a secret and all only he and her family knew about them. Charlotte took her time adjusting her pack once safely inside. The last thing she did was feel for the wooden whistle hanging around her neck. Then she took a deep breath and started her long trek.

    It took her three hours to finally reach the end of her secret tunnel. The rocks and brush kept the little cavern well hidden. She listened for a minute, then walked out with confidence that no one was nearby. She dusted the dirt from her cloak, then lifted the whistle from her neck and blew two times. The sound was silent to human ears, but not to dragons.

    She settled on the nearest rock and studied the small clearing as the heat of the day continued to rise. She wanted to try the whistle again, but refrained, knowing Su Na would come when he was available.

    A half hour after stepping out of the tunnel, Charlotte smiled when a dark shadow glided over her. She and her mother’s dragon, Su Na, reached the clearing at the same time. The golden dragon turned and studied her before bowing his long neck.

    The sun meets you well, Charlotte said. She lowered her head then raised her right hand up to the sky, then to her forehead, and last to her heart.

    Child. Su Na’s words caused a frown on her face. She had discovered the special bond she had with her mother’s dragon years ago, a bond that was unheard of with dragons. Usually only one human could hear a dragon speak, the human the creature had bonded with. Yet Charlotte and Su Na had always been able to communicate. Both dragon and child had kept this to themselves, knowing somehow, they must keep it a secret.

    Druk, Charlotte said, calling the dragon by his title. I fear my time is short. The attack has happened, she said as blood red eyes studied her.

    Your mother? Su Na asked.

    By now, she and father are gone. She tried to stop the shiver from running down her back. Will you bear me to Tharian? she asked.

    It will be my pleasure, Su Na answered.

    "We should make the

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