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Faith Is King in Love and Kindness
Faith Is King in Love and Kindness
Faith Is King in Love and Kindness
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Faith Is King in Love and Kindness

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Americans connect the dots to the journey of true messages, which begins with Biblical spiritual history, prophesying America’s current events and solutions to healthy living.

Faith is King messages gives instructions to reflect a national round-up plan of knowledge, wisdom and understanding for corrective cognitive thinking to create a better prevention and intervention wellness for Holistic living.

Faith is King becomes a fueling agent, the center of belief and hope that energizes positive results. Faith alone has an electrifying orbit in a Holistic way to bring truth to the light to mange a healthy lifestyle with harmony.
Release dateFeb 2, 2023
Faith Is King in Love and Kindness

Chinita Oliviá Dukes

I grew up in a small City of Inkster, Michigan, governed by Two wonderful parent , who treasured family values and morals in a Holistic settings. My parents taught me that educations is the gateway for opportunity and the navigation of life. My appreciation also goes out to a magnificent sisterhood shared with by beloved sister VonCiele Dukes. My educational achievements begins with B.A.(Phycology, Education) University of Michigan, M.A (Instructional Edu) Central Michigan University and receiving Humanity certifications at 4 other Educational Institutions. The growth of my professional experience in multicultural settings, prompt my passion in creating true messaging as gateways to teaching higher learning, to open doors and pathways to equip the mine with valuable knowledge and resources to create healthier living.

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    Faith Is King in Love and Kindness - Chinita Oliviá Dukes

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    Published by AuthorHouse   02/01/2023

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5597-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5596-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022905633

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    A merica is a beautiful country, God’s masterpiece, a rainbow nation comprised of many different ethnic cultures. The founding fathers sealed a declaration on July 4, 1776 making America about 246 years old. History tells us that the English ships were one of the first ships to hit the shores and colonized what they named America. A land previously owned by native culture, everyone else came to the shores of America were of Immigrant decent.

    Americans has little to no time to waste in repairing a wounded nation, to pull themselves back together and fill the cracks that’s breaking America apart. To unify themselves and stand fast honoring past human sacrifices made from America’s ancestry to overcome this division. America must live out its realities and connect the dots for seeking a healthier lifestyle.

    The world has experienced many disasters resulting from selfish acts against mankind. Today men and women has forgotten how to maintain practical ethical duties along with spiritual duties to maintain healthy living. Many men and women who has reached successful living, has lost their divine spark for human justice because greed has blinded the course towards humanity.

    There is something more precious than money, noted in Proverbs 20:15 There is gold and a multitude of rubies; but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel. Seeking knowledge for natural and spiritual wellness is an asset for successful living.

    America’s middle-class workers are the driving force to turning the wheels of this country. Middle class participants are the primary stakeholders feeding the federal and local state agencies with their hard-earned revenue keeping this country in operation, safe and moving forward.

    The American people has forgotten what Democracy stands for and find themselves caught in the web of the spider, grabbing on to smoking mirrors, and authorities speaking with false tongues. Setting aside Jesus the one who really loves you, noted in Proverbs 8:7 I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me We have to seek and practice the principle of love to get positive results, noted in this scripture, l John 4:19 We love because he loved us

    People who really love America are steadily losing their trust, faith, voices and power in the America’s dream. The working-class families are being dismantled with false trues, false promises and hidden sink holes. Elected national and state officials down playing certain communities to stop funding services, but yet those elected officials are responsible for the warfare of communities they represent.

    Messages presented in this writing is a national round-up for all mankind to "Soldier-up in building a new Infrastructure necessary to restore and build a better America along with our spirituality supporting the way, noted in Psalms 16:11 Thou will show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy, at the right hand there are pleasures or evermore" why can’t everyone feel the fullness of joy? Remember human beings make the world go around!

    Faith is King was written to give you courage to take this spiritual walk to tackle whatever it takes to stay in the right direction and to allow God’s help in your dreams. Remember if you want to live the dream, you have to work towards your dreams.

    Plant your vision in your mind, apply the vision to accomplish your goals, depend on no one to support your vision, especially when efforts come from the heart. Faith is king can be that force in messaging factual information to take the lead to building a true Christian vision.

    Faith is King sets up a wellness agenda for a Biblical diet of scripture nutrition to initiate spiritual growth and understanding holiness, to stimulate the thought process, triggering "Cognitive Thinking" which empowers the brain to act, this ideology helps the brain to process information. In return this process should give you guidance and direction in decision making, that gives energy needed to improve healthy living and build a solid personal portfolio for you and your family.

    It is also important that these messages be presented through the content and context of narratives through descriptions and explanatory languages. Some messages have actual dialog from Bible scriptures allow you to visualize the similarities attached to natural living. To recognize the truth of the importance of your existence with God today and the need to harmonize your lifestyle with natural and spiritual harmony.

    The narratives written provides the reader with realities leading to highways to positive change. Faith leads the way only if you believe in yourself to accomplish strong faith during healthy living. To take the journey for change, knowledge will be your best friend Noted in Proverbs To know wisdom and Instruction; to perceive the words of understanding Always remember change takes preparation, you must have the tools to develop a healthy livelihood.

    Important pathways to faith introduce exploratory readings focused on facts, references and resources to help give direction towards building personal portfolios, which allows you to create your own masterpiece in healthy living. Knowledge makes you a "Champion," bringing honor and service into your journey.

    Faith is king looks through the lens of Kerygmatic history, a history that describes the act of preaching to encourage students to encounter the pathways of Jesus Christ, which is centered around structure of truths in a systematic study to directly and immediately serve in preparing and promoting resourceful truths for Christian guidance. In resetting our lives, we need more avenues for the right continuous learning to live a natural life with a spiritual orbit.

    In understanding Kerygmatic history orchestrates scientific theology, because we live in a natural world where science plays a major part in problem solving America’s solution for living and the window for understanding.

    The Covid 19 is a perfect example of utilizing Kerygmatic history because it allows you to look through the lens of science to understand bible scriptures prophecy, that shed lights on today’s America’s events. America’s contributes to Kerygmatic history, when trying to cure an invisible killing epidemic virus, that Biblical history has noted would happen both in the past and present in one’s timeline.

    Kerygmatic history prepares and promotes holistic teaching used for daily living, including theological systems representing its main focus on positions in God’s setting of doctrinal statements and scared scriptures. Kerygmatic history shines a light on religious or moral commandments in the same frame work of God’s purpose for daily living.

    The scope of theological systems represents positions which contains mythological characteristic to living in a natural world and respecting that spirituality is also a characteristic in our daily living.

    Collectively with the right insight of knowledge you can see through the lens of holistic behaviors from Christian maintenance. It is important to nourish a missionary learning to respect the value of Biblical history. It is important to note in Proverb 24:14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul, when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

    Educational networks in natural living, offers a piece of the American pie (American Dream) through pathways of education. Your educational knowledge will determine how big the piece of the American dream you will own. Spirituality’s messages are designed to give you an invitation to explore the truth on how to live with a spiritual orbit in a natural setting.

    Working with factual knowledge helps explain important words, draw parallels between specific occurrence past and presents. Describe historical and textual content messages that puts a light on passages that shed light on one another. Certain natural and spiritual tools are used as devices to equipped you to stay on course to healthy Living.

    The expectations and accountability of all individuals is supported by our society’s norms. Society norms have been set in place since ancient times. We live in a society that expects everyone to be self-sufficient, independent and accountable for building their own healthy life style. You are responsible for building and managing your own welfare, therefore everyone needs the necessary tools and skills to maintain that life style.

    Nothing is free in America, knowledge is your best friend to be self-maintained, knowing how to stay in charge with continuous learning. Knowledge is the key to being a true Christian, without Christian knowledge your life will have limitations. Noted in Proverbs 18:15 The heart of the prudent gathers knowledge and the ear of the wise seek knowledge. In America you have to seek out your American dream.

    Accepting a New Day approach for change, carries important tools to advance thinking, but first you must empower the Brain, the greatest asset a person owns to regulate corrective thinking. The brain is like a sponge which can absorb unlimited amount of Information. Igniting the brain sends important messages to your cognitive thinking tool box, signaling for the right decisions. The bottom line to achieving successful performance, is learning how to build and harmonize natural and spiritual living for a healthier life style through corrective thinking.

    The times and events you experience in one’s life will be similar to past Biblical history. God will not change his doctrine, whatever is needed to navigate one’s life, the Bible scriptures has already written principles and guidelines to accomplish the experience. All through past and present Biblical history, men and women have tried to change God’s order to benefit themselves, depending on what drives them. The only thing that changes in time for the present generations is modernization and not God’s word.

    Keeping an open mind during this journey for change, will allow you to experience true realities in making better decisions for your own tailor-made lifestyle. The bottom line to successful living is learning how to build spiritual platforms around natural living.

    Before anyone can achieve healthy living, one most look at the entire spectrum of the American experience and events to determine positive pathways for better living. Preparation for change is a solution to healthy living, corrective learning is your benefactor, which is crucial for harmonizing life towards spiritual maturity.

    In this world everyone is responsible for carrying their own cross, both naturally and spiritually, why not be prepared Noted in (Tim 4:3-4) The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teacher, having itching ears; Why not depend on self and what is true, people in power will turn away from the cry of the people after being elected. Have these ruthless politicians turned our lives upside down?


    T oday’s fast-tracking world must include God’s purpose and plans in conquering the world. No one knows when God’s work will be completed noted in Matt 24:36 But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven nor the son, but the father only. You must be faithful until the end of your time. Stepping away from God’s theology will bear hot everlasting consequences. Noted in Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.

    God continues to observe behaviors and actions of his people during their timeline, God will judge a person’s hearts by the fruits of their labor. It is wise to harmonize your living to include working on one’s eternal life, a kingdom ruled by God. Eternal life is important because we live to die so pay attention to Jude 1:21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life, when you believe God is God, then you will soldier up to stand in the right lane of life.

    God has gone to extreme measures in demonstrating his purpose, noted in James 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only forgotten son, that whosesoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life All you have to do is believe you can empower yourself, to be that new creature to build a healthier life style. God promised to keep your mental and physical body healthy to manage and build healthy living if you only believe!

    There is no other human being in this world who can give you this type of agreement, guarantee, promise of assurance but God, noted in (Rev 21:3) He will dwell with them and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God

    Looking back at Biblical history reflects human’s conduct starting with the existence of Adam and Eve, a great creation. God made a perfect union and added the garden of Eden as a perfect environment for Adam and Eve needs and pleasures. Now let’s examine the real messaging and the facts of this situation for the true understanding.

    Life began with Adam and Eve where everything from the garden of Eden was given to them. The only restriction in the garden of Eden was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. There was no evil in the garden of Eden until the devil entered as a snake to deceive God’s order with his first born. When Adam disobeyed, he restricted his relationship with God by eating the forbidden fruit given to him by Eve.

    Bible History gives a self-explanation on how Eve was approached by Satan, disguised as a talking serpent questioning Eve. The serpent asked Eve Why have you not eaten from the tree standing in the middle of the garden? Eve explained to Satan That is the tree of knowledge of good and evil and God said, (Genesis 3:3) But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. "Adam and Eve was already warned by God.

    The devil at his best chose Eve to do his dirty work, to help influence Adam participation in the deviance of God’s expectation of Adam. Satan’s influence and persuasion convinced Eve to pick the fruit from the tree of knowledge and also gave some to Adam. Adam and Eve had violated God’s word which opened up the world to evil behaviors and wickiness.

    Now Adam in trouble with God through Eve, who Adam named Mother of all living, has also violated God’s commandment stated in (Genesis 4: 16-17) Image having the opportunity to be in your home, with no responsibilities, knowing all your provision would be taken care of for the rest of your life, if you only had to trust in the Almighty God and his instructions.

    When Adam and Eve violated God’s commandment instructed for both, this activated the meaning of Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil., causing a new revelation, introducing and creating the atmosphere of good and evil, now identified in the world through the acts of Adam and Eve.

    Adam and Eve refused to listen causing life to change, listening is a skill, not listening bears consequences. God took back his promise because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. From that day forth, Adam and Eve disobedience caused men and women to work for their living until life ends.

    In the beginning of the world, another revelation takes place, on earth men and women spoke only one language, there in a city

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