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Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; on the Pathway to Deep Peace
Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; on the Pathway to Deep Peace
Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; on the Pathway to Deep Peace
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; on the Pathway to Deep Peace

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The crystal skulls contribute toward enlightenment on all levels, because connecting to their high frequencies brings each of us into the realms of super consciousness. In Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; On the Pathway to Deep Peace, author Susie Sutton discusses the importance of the crystal skulls and shares her experiences with them.

She tells how crystal skull consciousness is a high vibration that connects to any crystal, especially when the crystal is shaped like a skull. This automatically occurs because the super consciousness is here, in the physical. It has joined us because the high frequencies are now able to connect to all, because of mother earth, by raising her heart frequencies.

Sutton discusses how mother earth holds us and our physical bodies; she’s always a central part of each of us. Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; On the Pathway to Deep Peace communicates that we’re able to connect to these high energies by using meditation each day. We’ll remember who we truly are, if we choose to be silent for specific periods. We are spirit in the physical body. Our memory of this will be channeled gradually through the devotion in stillness.
Release dateFeb 2, 2023
Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; on the Pathway to Deep Peace

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    Join the Rainbow Crystal Skulls; on the Pathway to Deep Peace - Susie Sutton

    Join The Rainbow Crystal Skulls;

    On the Pathway to Deep Peace

    Susie Sutton


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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/01/2023

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    As the veil of secrecy and domination

    is lifted, all will be revealed


    This book has been written to inspire each one of

    us, to realise that there is more than the physical

    world. Each one of us is a divine spark of the divine.

    This realisation is your most powerful pathway.

    So, I invite you to;

    ‘Join The Rainbow Crystal Skulls;

    On the Pathway to Deep Peace’


    I give grateful thanks for being chosen to remind us all of our truth that all Star Nations are joined in love. We can be together again in Superconscious; we are all on our way to wholeness of being.

    I thank the blessed Crystal Skulls and all Crystals, all my guides, Ascended Masters and the amazing band of Angels that guide me and bring their love into my work. Special thanks to Babaj for all his love and support always, Kwan Yin the Goddess of compassion, and all my guides in Spirit.

    Please take the Sacred Essence of this work without judging the lack of academic ability.

    Blessings Susie

    Special thanks to Dawn Hall for all her hard work and advice in bringing this book together, without her it would not be in print.

    All my loving thanks to Chris my partner for his amazing support and trust in my work.




    The Thirteen Skulls

    Crystal Skull Energy

    Cosmic Community

    Journey Home to the Stars

    Earth Changes and Sacred Crystal Skull Collective Consciousness


    Soul Secrets

    Genetic Imprint


    Global Communication

    Great Skull

    Super Consciousness

    Joining Skull Consciousness

    The Master Djwal Khul

    Peace on Earth

    The Four Goddesses

    Star Nations

    The Way Forward

    Crystal Skull Consciousness

    Collective Crystal Skull Consciousness

    Activate your light body for Ascension into Super Consciousness

    Christos our Divine Connection

    Channellings from Kwan Yin the Goddess of Compassion

    Physical Journey

    Returning to Love with The Skulls

    Working with Crystal skulls

    Crystal Skull Lotus Meditation

    An Insight into Susie’s Pathway to Enlightenment


    The crystal skulls explain in simplicity that we come from the ONE, the nucleus of LOVE. We cannot come from anything less, everything that exists good or bad comes from the divine source of all love. The whole of the enormous cosmic universe is spawned from the nucleus of divine love

    We incarnate as young souls to learn every possible situation in the physical, good or bad. To experience all physical and emotional situations over and over again in the body, is more powerful learning than anything else on this planet and all other star planets throughout the universe. We are truly honoured and blessed to incarnate here on mother earths body.

    Each one of us is chosen by the great and powerful elders at source. We are here over many, many, lifetimes reincarnating without memory of past lifetimes, allowing us to improve our souls progress.

    All of our lives here present us with soul growth on all levels. We are each given the opportunity as young souls to learn every situation. We each experience being the robber, the murderer also being killed by another, we will all have been in every situation good or bad over many lifetimes. All manner of life experiences is powerful, as we progress from young souls to older souls, we know each one and this learning increases our progress into higher levels of being, we can then return home to pure love, only after many incarnations where we put right the many things our young soul has done.

    Karmic penance must be paid and as we grow higher as more learned souls, we are happy to be loving kind and helpful to others. When we have completed all our education here on earth, we can return pure to the source of all love, this is completion.

    The crystal skulls have never revealed their true identity and location before, but Susie is honoured by them and the simplicity of her work is truly to help others to understand without complication, who we are, and that is we are all Star people.

    Each one of us comes from the Star Nations. It is time now to remember who Star seeded humans are. Susie points us in the right direction, we are here to join mother earth as she realigns into her highest position of absolute love.

    We will automatically raise our frequencies as she does, simply join her in stillness, as this is the super charged fast lane for each and every one of us, to move into super-consciousness.

    Mother is calling us, each one of us belongs to her, we are her and she is us

    Join her today

    Sit in stillness

    Regain your birth right

    Love is who you are


    Susie lives dreams and teaches Reiki and Meditation in a very beautiful village in North Devon.

    Searching for many years her chance meeting with Sammy Mitchel-Hedges and the skull of Doon, answered her spiritual quest. Also working with the Goddess energies of compassion, archangel Michael and Metatron are all powerful allies in her life, always.

    Crystal skull consciousness is completely connected to Susie and has given the knowledge that Susie is a star seeded here from Sirius, her true home.

    Here to help with the great extension of great love that is being created by mother earth. Susie is a direct descendant of the Sirius Star Goddess Sothis, she is joined here with her star seeded soul partner Atlan (Chris).

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