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Prosperity Affirmations
Prosperity Affirmations
Prosperity Affirmations
Ebook89 pages46 minutes

Prosperity Affirmations

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About this ebook

A Powerful Book with over 1000 Affirmations. 

The Most Powerful Suggestions to help you achieve your best self.

Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Attract Healthy Relationships 







Improve Communication Skills

Release dateJan 25, 2023
Prosperity Affirmations

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    Book preview

    Prosperity Affirmations - Vanessa Monahan

    cover-image, Prosperity Affirmations Vanessa Monahan

    Table of Contents:

    Title Page. 3

    Credits. pg. 4

    Table of Contents. 5                                                                                            My experience with Affirmations. 6

    Introduction to Affirmations. 7

    Hype vs Research. 8

    Research and Hacking Your Own Brain. 9 - 10

    How To Begin Your Affirmations. 11 - 12

    How do I know if my Affirmations are starting to work. 13.                    Writing Repetition Examples. 14 - 16

    Affirmations for Self-Esteem. 17 - 36

    Affirmations for Health and Healing. 37 - 47

    Affirmations for Wealth Abundance. 48 - 66

    Extra Affirmations. 67 - 91

    My Experience with Affirmations:

    Let Me First state that using Affirmations Changed My Life. I am now a breast cancer survivor with full complete response to treatment as of Oct. 5th 2022. During my healing journey I would fill a page in my favorite journal with affirmations that stated the results I wanted or certain events to go accordingly. I called the journal, My Book of Affirmations and on the cover it said Believe In Yourself I wrote in it once a week or as often as I could remember. Every time there was a cancer scan coming I would write in my Journal as if the results I wanted had already happened or been stated from my Dr. as facts. I made sure to keep my affirmations to my self as to not let anyones doubt enter them. I would close my book and forget I wrote the affirmations and trusted the process without second thought. As I look back through the year of affirmations I wrote, I saw that every single affirmation had came true, and that to me is POWERFUL. Thank You God!!

    I am now a firm believer in affirmations and I included many of the affirmations I wrote down during my healing journey within the health and healing section of this book that inspired it. I think of Affirmations as Sure Prayers to the Universe and Co. creating my reality with God.

    May you find multiplied healing, strength, courage and success in every aspect of your life through the affirmations provided in this book. I ask God to prosper you through your efforts in your life's journey to heal every aspect you seek healing over. Thank you God Amen!

    Introduction to Affirmations:

    Why affirmations and what will they do for me?

    Affirmations are one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. Affirmations help to break negative self talk loops that you may not even recognize you have going on in your thoughts! Often these negative self talk loops originate from our childhood and current memories either from siblings, parents, co.workers, exes or bullies from schools. They are the mental loops that tell us we are not good enough, smart enough, thin enough or how we look comparing ourselves to others.

    Saying something positive that you'd like to see manifest in your life is the first step at seeing your dreams through. Positive affirmations are used to inspire a mindset that helps you take control of your thoughts, emotions, and to take action on your goals.

    Hype vs Research:

    First off you might consider affirmations to be unrealistic or wishful thinking. But try looking at positive affirmations this way: Many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind and outlook. Positive mental repetition can reprogram our thinking patterns so that overtime, we begin to think- and act- differently. Evidence suggests that affirmations can help you to perform better at work. According to researchers, spending just a few minutes thinking about your best

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