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Setting Worthy Goals
Setting Worthy Goals
Setting Worthy Goals
Ebook461 pages8 hours

Setting Worthy Goals

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About this ebook

I wrote about goals and parables because I love to write. I wanted to change lives, plus I wanted to give people something different. I also wanted to give them Christ like parables. There are 170 parables together.

Release dateNov 17, 2021
Setting Worthy Goals

David Smith

David Smith is Economics Editor of the Sunday Times and the author of a number of books including The Dragon and the Elephant [9781847650474] and classic guide to economics Free Lunch [9781781250112].

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    Setting Worthy Goals - David Smith


    The Parable about Utah

    Now there was a certain man in the land who had slept for many years, and then finally, he got tired of it. He couldn’t sleep any more. He then decided that he would take a long journey clear around the Utah plains. He wanted to also journey many mountains. He gathered all his material that would help him while he traveled. His suitcase was full. He then got started on his journey. After a while, it looked like a storm was moving in. He saw thick dark clouds coming in from the north. He then gazed at the mountains and could tell where he was by the shape that they were in. And then, finally, it began to rain. He looked around and saw this old shack. There was just a crack of light inside of it. There were spiders that had spun webs all over the side of the walls and moths eating up the curtains. It looked like the wood was decaying, and it looked filthy inside. Also, the shack looked like it was out of its normal place.

    And then, finally, it began to clear outside, and he started once again on his journey. And then, while traveling, he saw this big steamroller where a building was being built. It made the foundation more solid. There were rocks and small branches on the ground, and he watched the steamroller push the rocks and branches in the ground. And then there was the wide steam shovel. It got the loose rocks and shoveled them to the side. And then while journeying, he noticed the more he wandered off, the lower the mountains were. As he gazed at the mountains, he saw that the foundations were spotted with snow. And then all of a sudden, he saw this guy on top of the mountain. He was dressed in white, and he had a telescope on the top of the mountain with special lenses. The man said that you can really be surprised investigating a little bit of yardage. At first, he had his telescope focused on a hill, and then he finally decided he would focus it more on a mountain this time. He said perhaps on one side of the mountain it could be spotted with snow, but then perhaps on the top, it could be all white, and also on the other side. And then finally, he left him and started on his way again.

    And as he would climb on up the mountain, he would grab hold of certain roots to pull himself on up. Some roots were weak, and they would break. Others were strong, and then he could pull himself on up. And then there were other roots, and they grew for a while, and then they rotted, and they broke also. And then all of a sudden, the atmosphere began to brighten, and he saw this great man. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters (Rev. 1:14–15).

    And then he said, You have traveled far. You have come a long way. You have journeyed many mountains. And then he stretched out his right hand, pointing with his left finger to his right hand where there were many lines. He told him that he had journeyed clear around the Utah plains, around his hand. And then he stretched out his left hand, and pointing with his right finger to his left palm, he told him to go on down now for rest. And then he began to sing a song, and the name of it was There Is a Land Whose Sunny Vales. And then he looked up and saw thick white clouds resting up on the mountaintops. He saw the mountains, and they were all white and no more spotted with snow.

    Okay, now the interpretation: The spiders represent sin, and the web represents a snare. When there is sin, then there comes also the snare.

    The moths eating up the material represent sins that eat up the spiritual material. The moths represent sins.

    The sleep represents the spiritual sleep. He slept for many years, and then he got tired of it. He finally awakened from it.

    Okay, now those lines on the Lord’s hand didn’t get there for nothing but by hard work, and those were the courses that he took.

    The thickness of the white clouds resting up on the mountaintop represent the thickness of his reward and honor for trying so hard.

    Now he could tell where he was by the shape of the mountains. This represents his spiritual heights, his goals, his mountains—he had to look around them more while he traveled.

    Them, this is something which is hard to comprehend, but he couldn’t look right at them while he journeyed them, plus these mountains didn’t show any mercy. He had a difficult time while traveling them.

    It was after a long journey, through hard trials, then he knew his spiritual heights. His mountains, his goals, that after all that, they would be back into their normal shape. Don’t be misled by the wrong type of goals.

    But then those were his goals to overcome—the bad and to conquer self-control. Now the reason why I said that was because their foundations were weak and they were spotted with snow. They really didn’t turn all white until a long time.

    Also, while he journeyed the mountains, after a while, he could see how they began to change while he journeyed them. He could see more improvements, and the mountains were more merciful and easier to travel. He began to see the mountains more clearly. They would change by the shape. You really don’t know what is on top or what is on the other side of the mountain until you have investigated it out. And then you’ll know what is on top of the mountain and what is on the other side. Perhaps on one side, it could be spotted with snow, but then perhaps on the top, it could be all white and also on the other side, and try to look on the bright side.

    Now trying to journey a mountain is something we should all try to do every day. Remember it takes desire and ambition to make step-by-step progress toward your goal to be able to conquer it. There are really three ways we make spiritual progress toward our goals. One is self-control. Two is having the self-discipline to move forward and not slip. Three is a strong desire and eagerness. Try to examine your progress toward your goals, and be sure that you have all these good qualities that can help you to progress. Without self-control and self-discipline to move forward, our spiritual progression becomes limited and cut short. It takes persistence and commitment and a repetition in the mind to pursue the ultimate goal, the ultimate heights that are all white and pure.

    Having motivation and self-control to move forward heightens one’s spiritual progress toward their goal. Having good understanding also heightens one’s progress. It takes a higher amount of patience and understanding than the ordinary person to be able to conquer the highest goals. There are some people who slip so much in their upward climb that they never accomplish their greatest goals.

    Okay, now remember that guy that was on top of the mountain with a telescope? Now, don’t you think it’s ridiculous if we don’t investigate it out first? Remember what that guy said? Perhaps on one side it could be spotted with snow, but then perhaps on top, it could be all white and also on the other side. Remember that? And then at first, he had his telescope focused on a hill, and then he focused it more on a mountain this time. And then he said that you can really be surprised investigating just a little bit of yardage. You can really be surprised.

    Now his journey represents his spiritual journey, and the snow represents his purity. Some of it was spotted and not all white the foundation.

    Now the steamroller represents a spiritual symbol that makes the foundation more solid.

    The rocks, which stood in the way and then pushed in the ground, represent sins, which stood in the way, and then they were eliminated.

    The small dead branches that stood in the way represent also sins, which stood in the way, and then they were eliminated. I hope in the near future that the churches sins will be eliminated.

    The big, wide steam shovel represents a symbol that makes the good wide and the bad narrow since it gets the foundation smoother from rocks and dead branches.

    Now remember the shack and it was decaying? This represents the condition that his spiritual life was in. Not all of it was good. Some of it was decaying. It wasn’t all really clean. The condition of his spiritual life was so bad and filthy that he needed to clean it up. Also, not everything was in its proper condition. This represents a spiritual change. He needed to change again spiritually. He needed to live a better spiritual life. It was needful for him to get his spiritual life back to normal like it should be. We should all be sure that our spiritual life is not out of place. Let’s keep it where it should be.

    Now also, this shack was really unstable and not solid. This represents his spiritual foundation. Some of it was unstable and not solid. It was really weak. What we all should do is restrengthen our weak spots and make our foundation more stable and solid.

    Okay, now do you remember the roots that he grabbed onto? Those were his spiritual roots. Some of them were strong and others were weak. He would grab the strong ones to pull himself on up. Whenever the way seems too steep to climb and your feet start to slip, try grabbing onto the strong roots to pull yourself on up. These roots give us good moral support so that we don’t slip, and they uphold us so we won’t fall. These roots help you achieve your goal. They help your spiritual progression so that you can climb upward.

    Okay, now you might have noticed the more he wandered off, the lower the mountains were. They became like hills. And then he journeyed around them more. Those were his spiritual heights—his goals. I’m sure he must have known better goals to go around them. I believe if his goals had been bigger—I mean his spiritual heights, his mountains, his goals—he probably wouldn’t have had so much trouble. But then, let’s all be long-suffering, and they’ll make it a mountain for all of us, and in this day in age, that’s what we all need. Let those be our spiritual heights and our goals and then praise the Lord.

    Let’s all try always to be patient and long-suffering toward the goals, walking uprightly and not looking back.

    And be vigilant of the wrong type of goals. Too many times it’s tempting to put things off and procrastinate our goals. Try to see how those goals influence you and then check how your influence is toward the goals and then see how you’re progressing. Try to overcome all obstacles and ascend to the top being triumphant.

    Some goals take a lot of laborious work to achieve. And some take less work to achieve. Some goals may be very emotional and sensitive and lack a lot of good principles. Try to achieve the ultimate goals—the ultimate heights that are pure and white. Try to walk uprightly toward the goal without getting tired or weary. Some goals are stronger than others, and they have a lot better understanding than others. Always try to be persistent toward the right type of goals. Sometimes it’s hard to achieve the right ones when one fails to be accomplished—it’s normally because of a lack of understanding.

    Sometimes it helps to write down your goals. Some people have weekend goals. Others may have school goals of which they are trying to accomplish. Try to value your goals, and be affectionate toward the right ones, and have a positive mental attitude, which is good. Some goals may lack a lot of good principles only because of the lack of power of positive thinking.

    When one or two goals fail, spend a little time each day reviewing your goals. Meditate it out, and think positive with the power of positive thinking and being able to understand it. You should be able to achieve better goals. Some goals aren’t all that positive. They seem to doubt too much, and they lack a lot of good qualities.

    The best way to achieve goals is the patience and concern that you have when trying to accomplish goals. Try organizing your time by planning weekly goals and long-term goals. It’s by planning that one reaches his goals.

    Every goal is different. Some goals take longer planning than others and more effort and work. Try to review your goals at least once a week. It is by hard work and motivation that goals and plans are best accomplished. When a goal goes unimplemented, then the next goal is set with less sense of reality, and then the next goal is set with less purpose. Don’t degrade good goals, but always esteem the right type of goals that have achieved good qualities.

    Always think positive with your actions. Believe that you can do it. Don’t think negative thoughts. You shouldn’t think negative toward goals but always think positive. Don’t think negative about yourself. When one goal fails, try building it up with the power of positive thinking. Once a person has climbed steps one, two, and three, understanding one’s self and understanding the goal, step four comes into focus believing that you can achieve it. Also, it’s by the power of motivation and vigor that you possess that goals and plans are best achieved.

    Always try to be consistent, always unfailing and unchanging exceptional goals. Always achieve these good qualities. Don’t put yourself down by degrading yourself. Remember not to think negative thoughts but think positive. Always try to achieve the highest goals, which are all white and pure without spot.

    Essentially, there are five elements that help make goals more ambitious so you can achieve the right ones. One, the vigor and motivation that you put forth toward the goal to achieve it. Two, exercising good plans that you formulate to lead you toward the goal. Three, the work and effort that you exercise toward the goal. Four, exercising the mind with patience toward the goal. Five, keeping yourself in good shape physically and spiritually against the adversary.

    Okay, now to be able to do that takes brain muscle. Try exercising the mind and develop it strong with more brain muscle so that you can achieve these goals. Also try learning self-discipline. This should help you to conquer self-control.

    Always remember, try building your goals up. Don’t degrade them by thinking negative. Always be specific when you write down your goals. Try to update your goals when you write them down.

    The hardest goals to achieve and update in this day in age are good moral goals, probably because of the pornography that’s on TV and magazines. One of the highest goals to achieve is self-control. It is the steady effort and planning that good moral goals are updated.

    Always try to update the highest goals that are pure and white, and walk uprightly without getting tired or weary. Try to update good, worthy goals, and be persistent and work toward it. And I know if you’re a continuator, going forward and not looking back, the Lord will help you achieve worthy goals.

    Always remember to set your goals high also. Keep yourself clean morally. Reach for the best goals. Exercise your mind and make it strong. Now to be able to do that takes brain muscle, and that means exercising the mind to keep it strong, having a clean mind always. Be vigorous, possessing vigor full of physical and mental strength—keeping yourself active and not idling but keeping yourself busy all the time. This should help you to update good moral goals.

    In one beautiful passage of scripture, the Lord tells us His goal. Moses 1:39 says, For behold this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. It’s good to know if we live a good enough life, we can live with him some day. It’s amazing to know that setting goals can do all that for us.

    I believe it’s the concern and understanding that we have that helps us to update goals. Always set your moral standards high, reaching for the highest goals, which are pure without spot. Also, try to set yourself intermediate goals, which will help you reach your righteous desires. Work hard at it. Try to overcome obstacles and give moral support to those who want it. Always set yourself good moral goals. Try achieving them, and when it’s appropriate enough, start updating them.

    In this day in age, there are so many temptations the devil puts before us. There’s cable television, unclean movies, all sorts of dirty magazines. This is why it’s so hard to update good moral goals and then being able to keep them without slipping. We have more temptations in this day in age than there ever has been before. We’ve got to overcome the obstacles that get in the way and exercise good morality. These are the most important goals to achieve so you can keep yourself clean morally and virtuously.

    In this day in age, the adversary is working harder than ever to gather his elect. He’s always trying to deceive all that he can. But the Lord is merciful and gives us many chances. Try accomplishing a goal that has good moral standards. Also, exercise good moral language toward the goal.

    I believe it’s important that we don’t use the Lord’s name in vain but keep your mouth clean all the time. This is one of the Lord’s commandments that you don’t take his name in vain. Try to be courageous, showing good moral courage toward society. Try understanding the moral importance when you get out into society—dress modestly.


    Having Enough Wisdom to Overcome Evil

    Try updating good moral goals that have a lot of excellent moral qualities about them. Exercise sufficient moral behavior toward the goal. These types of goals always have a lot of good moral qualities.

    Also, have a good moral appearance, being well-dressed and having a modest appearance. Don’t go out into society exposing yourself. This puts immoral thoughts into the minds of others.

    Really there are so many ways the devil works in this day in age. There’s immoral jokes. There’s pornography. Lucifer likes to work through immaturity and through filthy jokes so that we won’t take our mistakes very seriously.

    And then there’s other times he may go against the bad so that you’ll think it’s good. A religiously experienced person understands these things. This is why sometimes it’s so hard to judge the good from the bad.

    Now the reason why he goes against the bad is because he wants you to be discouraged, confused, depressed. He wants to make the way complicated and make you mentally confused, not knowing what path to pursue. He wants you to be indecisive so he can deceive you and not know what church to choose.

    The immoral jokes have a great influence toward your moral goals. Don’t be misdirected by the wrong type of goals. You’ve got to take your goals seriously to improve them. Put forth a lot of integrity and ambition so you can achieve them and be guided by the right type of goals going in the right direction. These types of goals always achieve good results. And grab a hold of the good roots to help pull yourself on up. They can help you get to your destination. Now, these roots can uphold you from slipping. They can help you from falling.

    Exercise good obedience toward the relationship goal. Don’t be irresponsible. Have faith toward the goal. This should help your spiritual progression. Having faith will help you achieve the goal that you’re searching for. Try to be invariable toward the goal, always going forward without ceasing. Obedience is one of the Lord’s commandments. If we obey Him, we will have a great reward. He wants us to be obedient to our parents that our days may be long. This is really a great reward.

    Old people have something that young people don’t have, and that’s old age. I believe also that the older they are, the more wisdom they have. This could be why our most important leaders of the church are old people. They’ve been through a lot of experiences that they’ve learned from.

    Try setting some Christian goals that may help the elderly and handicapped. Once you’ve achieved one, try setting another goal that can help them. Maybe this time, one that’s a little bit more difficult and more vigorous.

    Don’t try to get your reward on earth, but try achieving it in heaven. I can assure you that the Lord will remember your good works. If you seem to have a problem setting goals and your days and hours seem to be wasted, try facing your goal with ambition and understanding. Exercise your faith toward the goal with enthusiasm. This will get the goal motivated and going in the right direction.

    Don’t be ignorant toward the right type of goals. And don’t be indifferent toward moral goals—not really caring. You shouldn’t be lacking moral deficiencies. Try achieving a goal that has excellent moral behavior.

    Now I assume you’ve already tried updating a good moral goal. Now you wonder how to achieve it. You achieve what you think about. That’s just normal. If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. I believe anyone can achieve good morality if they’ll exercise their mind.

    In this day in age, the morality of the world is plunging itself into chaos. I believe that good morality should be exercised while going out on a date, especially after you’ve been going out for about a year or two.

    I remember the time I went to Salt Lake and stayed there for about four months. I couldn’t believe all the pornography that was up there. Everyone set their moral standards high, but trying to achieve it and keep it was difficult. I had two friends that were highly moral men. I thought that was really unusual for as much temptation as there was up there.

    Really, it’s hard to keep a good moral goal updated without any slipping when you look at pornography. It really does take a lot of work to keep yourself morally clean. Pornography is addictive. First of all, you should admit to yourself that you do have a problem so that you can overcome it. One way that can help you so that you don’t look at pornography is by praying and fasting. I believe man becomes what he thinks about.

    By now, you can probably see why it’s so hard to update good moral goals without slipping. The best thing to do is stay away from pornography. That will help you to keep your thoughts morally clean.

    Now, I live in a small town, and we don’t seem to have that big of a problem with pornography. That’s one good thing about living in a small town is you don’t have to worry about pornography all that much. I really sincerely believe if you’ll exercise your mind and stay away from the pornography, the moral goals that you do update won’t be slipping any more. You’ll soon see the goals that you set and updated being well fulfilled without any problems. You’ll develop more brain muscle in your mind, and you will be a lot stronger.

    Try to strive for good moral obedience toward the goal. Check your priorities toward your goals and see if you need to adjust. You should have at least two or three goals that you are working toward. You should make a list of your most important goals and activities, and then take a good look at your goals and activities and see where you need to improve. Try organizing your time so that you’ll have time for planning your activities and your goals. Try doing this when you first get up in the morning. This will help you to start the day out right. This should better your activities and your goals.

    Don’t be afraid to participate in good activities with your friends. This will be good for you. The one good thing about friends is they always try building you up. They don’t put you down by degrading you.

    Remember to work hard toward the goal. Don’t be irritating and unfaithful. Face your goal with integrity and ambition. Try building it up. Don’t be putting it down by degrading it. Remember to look on the bright side. Don’t think negative toward the goal. That won’t always help, but think positive. That will build it up.

    Don’t be finding fault in others, but remember to look on the bright side of others and not finding fault. Let them have their free agency. And don’t judge harshly. In Matthew 7:1–2, it says, Judge not that ye be not judged for with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye meet it shall be measured to you again. Perhaps on one side, it could be spotted with snow, but then perhaps on the top, it could be all white and also on the other side.

    Try looking at your goal with a positive mental attitude. Try working your mind and exercise it so you can achieve the most difficult goals. You’ve got to look at your goal directly without a doubt. Don’t be discouraged if you make a mistake. Find out how you went wrong and then correct it. Try not to let it happen again so that you can build your goals up and keep progressing.

    Everyone has had at least one enemy at one time or other, and then trying to face them and being able to get along with them isn’t easy. It takes a lot of ambition and integrity to be able to get along with them. It really isn’t easy to get along with people all the time. It does take vigor and strength, especially with your enemies.

    Sometimes you might find it hard getting along well with people you work with. Of course I think, too, that it can depend on what type of job you have. Maybe one uses bad language and then cracks dirty jokes, but whatever the case may be, the best thing to do is just do your work and then just ignore them, but whatever you do try getting along with them. Jobs are really hard to get these days, especially in Utah. But try minding your own business as much as possible.

    And then, another thing is, remember to try to forgive them of their trespasses. Maybe you might have one or two bring in filthy magazines during break time. The best thing to do is try to ignore it just as much as possible.

    I remember this one job that I had. We would go out and work with the forest rangers. I really liked the job. It was one of my favorite jobs. We lived at soldier creek for about three months. Everyone got along with each other really good, all except every once in a while one would bring in a filthy magazine, but I always tried minding my own business as much as possible, and it always worked out okay. They never did try forcing that type of material on me.

    You remember earlier how I said it’s by the power of motivation and vigor that you possess that goals and plans are best achieved. Always try to be consistent—always unfailing and unchanging. Exceptional goals always achieve these good qualities. This means to be long-suffering and patient toward one another. In Matthew 5:38–39, it says, Ye have heard that it hath been said and eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but I say unto you that ye resist not evil but whoso ever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

    If someone gets really upset with you, don’t get angry and start defending your pride. If there’s anything the Lord can’t stand, that’s pride. If someone gets upset at you and your pride is offended, don’t try to defend it by getting angry. I knew this one guy, and he fought another guy, and then when it was all over with, he kept on wondering why he did it, and the only thing that he could come up with after thinking about it for a while was that he was defending his pride. He felt really bad about it.

    Try setting some goals that will help you in your spiritual life. Try setting some activities that will keep you busy and not idling so that you’ll be able to keep a strong mind.

    Me and my friend Ronnie Huff would go hiking. As I would hike, I could tell where I was by the shape of the mountains we’re in. As I would hike, I found good grips made from a hand in the foundation. It helped me to climb upward, and then I would grab strong roots to help pull my way on up to the mountain. My friend Ronnie Huff would huff and puff and huff and puff his way on up to the top of the mountain. He wasn’t in as good of shape as I was.

    This other time I was walking in the pet shop. As I looked around, I noticed that the animals were fighting. It looked like the reason why they were fighting was because they were mixed up. They had the bad animals mixed up with the good animals. It looked like there was a miser in the cage, and it was fighting.

    The right type of goals influences you to achieve the best types of qualities that can help you in your everyday life. Setting the right types of goals can help you on the job. They can influence you to get along better with the people you work with. They can influence you so that you can achieve a raise on the job and maybe a promotion. Also, setting the right type of goals can help you to get along better with your parents and your family. The right type of goals really does have a great influence in your everyday life.

    Try to use wisdom when you choose the right type of goals that are for you. Use good judgment. Always remember to be wise on how you achieve your goals because they really do have a great influence toward you. Don’t be misled by the wrong type of goals. If you want to achieve good principles that will help in your everyday life, you’ve got to achieve the right type of goals so that you can be a success in life spiritually, mentally, and financially.

    Now, you can achieve the right type of goals if you’ll just set your mind to it. You’ll see better influences in your everyday life as you begin to achieve the right type of goals. You’ll have better abilities on the job. You’ll be able to get along better with your parents and family. You will have better understanding and wisdom.

    Now just think, setting the right type of goals can do all that for you. Now this doesn’t mean that you despise the wrong type of goals. You’ve got to learn to overcome the bad so that you can improve them. You’ve got to learn to face the bad so that you can improve the bad points. Now even the right type of goals can be hard to achieve. And then when you do start doing really well, don’t be self-righteous. In Luke 18:10–14, it says:

    Two men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a Publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself. God I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust adulterers or even as this Publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the Publican standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

    Even when you set your good goals, they have their weaknesses that are difficult to achieve. Another thing, when you do your good works, don’t get up on top of a mountain and blow a trumpet. The people who do that do get their reward, and it’s the praise of men. But try getting your reward in heaven. It will be more rewarding.

    Setting the right type of goals can be challenging. The thing that I find so challenging about it is the unexpected problems that you run into, and then you turn them into opportunities that can help you in your spiritual progression. Remember to try to have self-confidence. This will help you to believe in your abilities. Setting the right type of goals are good for you. They give you self-confidence. They can help you so that you can believe in yourself. With self-confidence, you’ll be able to achieve better goals. Setting the right type of goals can guide you throughout the day. They can help you to reach the right destination. Setting the right types of goals can be a good experience. They can increase your faith. They’ll help you so that you won’t become discouraged or depressed. They won’t make your faith fail for you. They’ll try building it up. Good goals have a good influence toward you. They won’t lead you into temptation. You won’t be overcome. They can bring happiness to you. You’ll be filled with the joy of the Lord. The right type of goals can influence you to overcome obstacles. They won’t hurt your conscience. They’ll always want the best for you without jealousy or envy. They won’t lead you into trouble. Good goals can bear all things, even the bad influences of the world, and they’ll still remain strong. They’ll give you guidance when you need it. They will comfort you in tribulation. The good goals are forgiving. The bad type of goals, the bad influences will discourage you. They’ll direct you into temptation. Don’t be misdirected by the wrong type of goals. Don’t be misled by them.

    They won’t consider your good abilities. You’ve got to overcome these bad influences and be directed in the right direction. You’ve got to overcome your weaknesses before you can make it to heaven. Try getting your spiritual guidance from the right types of goals so that you’ll be directed in the right direction.


    The Subconscious Mind: How It Works

    The right types of goals are not filled with pride when they are accomplished. They’ll comfort you when you’re discouraged. They don’t doubt they know the Lord’s commandments, and they keep them. They’re not full of deceit. The right types of goals are long-suffering and patience, and when they’re set, they are achieved.

    The good goals keep progressing. After achieving one, they achieve another one more difficult. The good goals are always helpful. They’re not self-righteous when they are achieved. As you set the right type of goals, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself. You won’t have a guilty conscience. The wrong type of goals will lead you away from the truth. They lack a lot of good qualities that can influence you in your spiritual life. But the true and faithful goals don’t do that. They have a lot of true qualities that will help you to keep progressing.

    Setting the right type of goals can be rewarding. You’ll be able to develop a personal relationship with the Lord. You’ll be closer to your parents and family. You’ll be more religiously experienced. You’ll know the truth from the false. You won’t be discouraged. Setting these types of goals as you can see can be rewarding. You’ll find more rewards such as peacefulness and having patience with one another.

    Good goals can bring forth an abundance in life and much fruitfulness. You’ll have much endurance, and your faith will be stronger. Setting your goals high on the job can be rewarding. Also, you may be able to get a raise that you’ve been wanting for so long, or a promotion. You may be able to get along better with the people whom you work with. You’ll feel a lot better about yourself and your efforts. You may be able to buy what you’ve always wanted, and your attitude will change and be better. Try setting your goals high so that you’ll be able to achieve some of these things.

    Okay, now we’ve talked about true love and friendship. Good friends don’t lead you into temptations. They don’t tempt you into doing something that you would be ashamed of and something that would really hurt your conscience. True friends always want the best for you. They’ll comfort you.

    Now, just because bad friends can be a bad influence toward you doesn’t mean that you be ignorant to them, but try to be a good acquaintance toward them. I believe that true love is more than words can subscribe. One of the most common bad influences among young people is the Word of Wisdom. There’s cigarette smoking, alcohol, chewing tobacco, and even drugs.

    Cigarette smoking causes lung cancer, and chewing tobacco causes lip cancer, and drugs and alcohol are addictive and are hazardous to your health also. Alcohol is what causes a lot of the accidents on the road, and it nearly always breaks down a home and a close family.

    Now, this does not mean that I think that all young people are bad. There are some people who are good people who smoke, and they don’t try to influence other people to smoke. They can make good friends, and then they may have their good points also. And even people who chew tobacco can be good friends as long as they don’t try influencing their friends into doing it. Alcohol can be addictive so bad that a person may try taking it to work and try hiding it. It’s really hard to control, but they do have medication nowadays for it, which helps a person so that they’re able to stop.

    Cigarette smoking can be addictive also. I remember the time I was watching this film, and this one lady couldn’t stop smoking. She had lung cancer, and when she couldn’t talk anymore and she had trouble with her breathing, but she still couldn’t stop smoking, they put a hole in her throat so that she could keep on smoking. It looked really gross to watch.

    When you don’t obey the Word of Wisdom, it can hurt you physically and spiritually. You can’t enter into the temple of the Lord. The Lord does not want any unclean thing to enter the temple. Try setting yourself some good goals that can help your health. Try setting yourself some physical goals, and set them high so that you’ll be in good shape physically, and then the Lord will bless you. The Lord will bless you if you’ll set your spiritual goals high also.

    Eating right will help us to keep our bodies in good shape physically—eating such things as fruits and vegetables and wheat. These things keep the body in good shape.

    Now just because you may drink or smoke, this does not mean that I’m condemning you. I really don’t think they’re really serious mistakes. In the Mormon church,

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