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Nanosecond captures what the so-called present moment (now) means amid environmental issues (especially sound pollution), small talk, and language barrier. This novel basically broaches the potential era when man-made time might have been wholeheartedly rejected. That is to say, Nanosecond neatly frowns upon the new and popular idea that every moment is worth it or vital. Greer renders searching for an unpoetic, untouched ground zero where human imagination can finally be taken seriously. Just as every second matters, every month, year, and ten years matter collectively or categorically. Greer kindly discovers that the present moment is, of course, future material in terms of the past; past material in terms of the future.

A simple play of words, this book somewhat mends the fringes of faith and culture. A sure voice for environmental reform, Greer does offer space for elementary self-reflection amid the formal informalities we put up with daily. The finishing quote from the Bible's book of Revelation seems to be the final pitch for legitimate mysticism, newfound "eye" communication, authentic beginning/end, etc...

Release dateJun 10, 2022

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    Book preview

    Nanosecond - Douglas Greer



    Douglas Greer

    ISBN 978-1-68570-689-0 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68570-690-6 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Douglas Greer

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Part 1

    No Such Presentation

    Time Is Number (Now)

    Earth To You!

    Words and More Words—Time Frames or Breath Frames?

    Humanity First


    Part 2

    Volume=Persuasion, Brief speech Is Good Speech!

    Unlearning Is Here… Do Humans Really Need Goals?

    Preference Is Presence!

    Synonyms…Fall Asleep and Dream? Or Fall A'Dream and Sleep?


    About the Author

    Part 1

    Genesis 2

    So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. (Genesis 2:20)

    Chapter 1

    No Such Presentation

    Toiling through the Bible, I was looking for personal status, a personal report. Hiding in bed would only sometimes assuage my desire for up-front answers. Ironically, words can't describe this, even though I've now learned that words are never wrong. It was like fingernails screeching on a blackboard. It was awful. Everything was too much or too little. Really everything was too late—everything was far-fetched. I had no need for a clock. Both a.m. and p.m. were the same to me, but for all the wrong reasons. I was too naked to wonder what to do next because next juxtaposed everything all at once. What was really next? I asked.

    What was really next was the continuous personal attack we know as cycles of sleep, meals, bowel movements, dishes, masturbation, gas and bloating, shaking my head, nodding my head, etc. All of these things were blatantly past and future. That is to say, presence was not natural, moments I anticipated stayed blatantly anticipatory or backwashed (throughout completion of task). The physical cycles that both hinge and don't hinge with language came in absolutely flat and unsparing—there were so many, and they were so predictable. I was constantly in circular motion, though my biological blood circulation didn't exactly feel on par. Metabolism was foreign language. Diabetes probably around the corner. The associated pictures of what I was hearing and feeling had only one outlet—literature, language, word on paper dying to be read aloud in a macho way. What would happen if I failed and ignored my daily routines? I was tired of reading between the lines, tired of thinking hard, tired of the poetic communication spectrum. One important question I had was whether or not I would fall even deeper into cyclical natures—the possibility of going through stupid things, not just once but two or three or four times…

    Then I got it. Nothing is personal, nothing will ever be personal, because the past, present, and future are actually non-self-supplementing. The present is simply future material in terms of the past—it's ahead of the game, while simultaneously, the present can be past in terms of future. We're actually looking at an entire past/future scenario—with daily life. That is to say, our present may not be the experimental moment we so often comply. We might not even be able to apply for the nanosecond present, or the present may not even apply current genre and landscape. Falling out of both fiction and nonfiction, identifying true presence is the submarine we so often don't need. Yes, we know that the middle of the ocean is deep and wet. But we also know boats and planes nicely circumvent and with just as much narrative perspective as harrowing submarines.

    Often enough, rubrics (like the present) are there to merely begin or mimic a so-called a conversation, plan, or whatever jump-off dialogue. Reenactment culture we are… It all goes back to speculation of what came before Genesis 1:1, which says: In the beginning Gd created the Heavens and the Earth. Between two posts is where all the action can be found—between Kabbalist perfection and past, between past and present, between present and future, and between future and Kabbalist perfection is where the real future of human rhythm, spunk, and eventual completion develops. All we have to do is breathe into things. Though we often fill space with word and number, we haven't been officially assigned to. Please refer back to Genesis 2:20 at the beginning of my novel.

    Language is just the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture (Google). Words used in a structured and conventional way…yes…gesture… Essentially, the entire threesome (past, present, and future) is spontaneously bolstering some kind of unobtainable image or poetic nuance—maybe both. The only possible way we have emboldened structures or gestures, like the past, present, and future, is because our world has split into 195 nations, with 6,500 different language gestures! Let's just say that the past, present, and future is human language gesture number 6,501… Do you understand? If you don't, please claim 6,502—6,503 might be my nanosecond manipulation… That is to say, no communication seems set in stone. No suitable helper(s) besides Adam!

    Who knows, perhaps our current past (i.e., nonfuture) points to the historical immigration or emigration of peoples and what they encountered, how they felt as they hastily left the farm. At any rate, the past, present, and future essentially eliminate each other as a blatant counting, tallying, or checking of words, with honest commas, teeing up whatsoever shall temporarily fit in. Two of the three are often discarded as a more flat usage brings outside elements to the table… Yes, the past, present, and future link up so weakly that they have combined into some kind of nonword visual—nothingness. I knew there was always a vague image of the past, but that competence gets overburdened by politically correct language—rhetorical blueprint or contrast. I began to see past this (no pun intended). Maybe the notorious past, anxious present, and irrelevant future do correct themselves—and maybe that correcting is done by a source other than the now…195 proud human nations. Perhaps an unpoetic organization of general nonword sound (background noise) combined with an analyzation of the perfectly associated visuals will uncover a new construct of real auto time—conventional time. Way overdue… I knew. Francis Bacon said, Words are but the images of matter, to fall in love with them is to fall in love with a picture.

    As the past, present, and future studiously flirt with the void, a new direction is demanded. Welcome to the international language we specify speech and communication. Welcome to soundtrack Earth, currently not so far off from a Ponzi scheme—any simplification of past/future points uncompromising median… As far as we can go indeed…mystical, binary clockwork (past/future) does seem to purposely reveal the more vicarious nuts and bolts of man-made time, portraying blandly whatsoever continues to regularly rate something so intrinsically unratable and basically fantastic. We're often physically spinning our time wheels—yes, each time with a bit more nonchalance and okayed confusion. Theoretically speaking, our simple shaking and nodding of the head fulfills both clockwork rhythm and fair communication as well.

    Humans breathlessly wait for the futuristic future with data from both the past and present. Why can't

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