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Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car: Part 1
Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car: Part 1
Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car: Part 1
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car: Part 1

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Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car: Part 1 is a story about second chances, time travel, romance, and faith. Elizabeth made bad choices in her life that she regretted. She said things she wished she could take back. She ran into bad people who cared little about anyone. They tried to make sure she and other people would not exist in the future. They sent people to a dystopian world that was upside down, where there was silence everywhere and people had blank expressions and were empty inside. Elizabeth wanted her life back and began to fight back. While in this hopeless time in her life, she met some wonderful people who shared the gospel of Christ with her and reminded her that love, the grace of Christ, and forgiveness are powerful. Most importantly, we should never be too hard on ourselves. What people intend for evil, our heavenly Father will turn it around for good for those who love and obey him. Throughout this journey, Elizabeth learned to hope and smile again while meeting her future husband, who was clearly godsent.

Release dateJun 3, 2022
Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car: Part 1

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    Book preview

    Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car - Alexa


    Elizabeth and the Time-Travel Car

    Part 1


    ISBN 978-1-63903-944-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68570-021-8 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-63903-945-6 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Alexa

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24


    About the Author

    For my cousins, Samara, Alyssa, Sophia, and Jackson

    And for my mom for helping me write this book

    Chapter 1

    In the dim light of the day, looking up to the sky, I saw the clouds moving north toward the mountains. There were dark clouds coming from the east. The light shining through the rain from the west revealed the most beautiful rainbow I had seen in years. The color was intense as it appeared to come from the cornfields, making a half arch up to the clouds above. The rain was pouring outside. It was a matter of time before it would begin to pour here more intensely again.

    It rained all last night. The sound of the rain hitting the metal roof and the wind blowing through the trees outside had put me to sleep fast. I had already had a long day. It did not take much for me to fall asleep. When I woke up, I was surprised it was still raining. But it was more of a soft and misty type of rain. Since I was only walking down the street to the café, I did not bother with my raincoat or umbrella, hopefully thinking the weather would clear up by the time I left the café to return home. As I began my walk to the café, I found myself picking up speed as the rain started to come down faster, like it did last night. Since I had obviously misread the weather, I had to move fast to avoid walking into the café drenched, as if I had just gotten splashed by a massive ocean wave. The dark clouds appeared to grow more intense by the second as the wind began to pick up. Strong wind currents started to come from the mountain area. This usually caused the streetlights and traffic lights to flicker and the street signs to waver back and forth.

    When I arrived at the café, it surprisingly had more people than I anticipated. I thought for sure the weather would keep most people indoors, watching a movie or gazing at the rain from the window. The rain began to pick up as I found a table. The café made the best breakfast combo with pancakes, eggs, and hash browns, with a choice of a thin slice of beef or bacon on the side. As the waiter walked toward my table to take my order, the rain began to beat against the window very hard.

    The café was a unique restaurant. It had been owned by the same family for over three hundred years. Over the years, they had done some remodeling, but it remained a very central, important, and pivotal presence in the town. Many generations had grown up celebrating many events there, such as birthdays, weddings, graduations, team meetings, prayer nights, and even movie nights on some occasions. Some townspeople whispered of unusual activity going on at the café. The whispers were believed to be nothing more than whispers and rumors, because nothing had ever been substantiated or confirmed. There were many shared and fond memories that anyone from town could recall, as the café was a place where many had common experiences.

    Above the café were apartments. There weren't many apartment buildings in the town. The other apartment buildings were next to and across the street from another brick building with vinyl siding that had a travel shop and art store below, and the apartments were built above the stores. Another beautiful thing about the café was that it continued its theme of the 1950s. When you walked in, it always seemed like you were walking into the past. The café had a 1950s design, which created an old-fashioned atmosphere around it. There was an old familiar, sensational feel when you were inside. It was well-built, with customized architecture that appeared to be not only priceless but also timeless in many regards.

    Outside the café, there were also streetlamps that appeared to have been built back in the early 1900s. They brightened up the whole street. They were placed throughout the main street within the area of the Vantashore, Santa Valley community. Along all the sidewalks, there were also birch, maple, and evergreen trees around this town area of Vantashore. These trees gave the community a mystic feel that was very welcoming and automatically made you feel at home. The local church was built on several acres of land. It was surrounded by a stream and many trees and plants; many had commented on how it looked like a botanical garden that people often see in magazines. There were many trails on the property that the community church would open up throughout the year when it would host festivals and many different community events. During the month of December and during the celebration of Christmas, it was quite the sight. The beauty left many speechless.

    The local community church also had a white tower with a bell that rang on the hour every day. It was located at the back of the church. It sat high enough that it could be seen for quite a distance no matter where you were in town. The church had a black tented rooftop that was so unique that many new buildings and modifications used the same design. I do not recall what it was made of; however, there was talk that the wood came from a sacred forest and could endure any season or storm. Many had made comments on the good luck that it attracted, adding more to the unique and welcoming feeling that locals and even people passing through reference often. With so many things that were right about this town, there were some locals that took it for granted or walked around untroubled. It often made you wonder if we all woke up to see the same beautiful landscape or even drank from the same water.

    Inside the café, there was a brown table that sat along the wall near the exit. The table was not often used, for many reasons. Some say this table had existed for as long as the Republic had existed and was forged as a testament of a new era where the rights, liberties, understanding, and freedoms that came down from heaven were true and nothing on earth could take them away. The table also had carvings and other wordings in Latin and Greek. The designs along the side and outer circle gave you a feeling of awe for the history and life that had existed prior to my birth. Along the way, next to the table, was an old copy of the Lord's Prayer. The copy was protected by a glass cover to preserve its quality. It was written in Old English, similar to the King James version of the Holy Bible. I had always admired books and other writings in Old English. It always seemed mystic to me in a way.

    Next to the table adjacent to the hanging of the Lord's Prayer sat

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