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Unmask: The Unveiling of You
Unmask: The Unveiling of You
Unmask: The Unveiling of You
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Unmask: The Unveiling of You

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Are you ready to remove the mask?

Freedom in America allows us to protest and refuse the wearing of a mask. How much more should we fight and strive to refuse the masking of our true selves? It's time to discover something deeper within you. In a period when the entire world is wearing a mask, it is difficult to recognize anyone. We are experiencing how God has seen us, His children who live behind a mask, for generations. This mask has been cultivated by our society, peer pressuring us to be more like those around us. Captivated by the trends of success, we can lose sight of who we truly are, staring in the mirror at a distorted image of ourselves and wondering who we have become.

My prayer is that we as people are uplifted and inspired to enter the process that will eliminate the need for the mask. Behind the mask is a chosen, peculiar, and royal child of God made in His image and likeness. As you read through the pages, you will begin to discover how to unmask, thus unveiling the real you.


Release dateJan 24, 2022
Unmask: The Unveiling of You

Michael Huffman

Michael Huffman has taught and mentored youth as a youth pastor and religious education teacher for the past ten years. He resides in Turkey with this wife Isabel and his four children. Michael earned his BA in biblical studies from The Master’s College and his MDiv and ThM from Princeton Theological Seminary.

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    Unmask - Michael Huffman



    The Unveiling of You

    Michael Huffman

    ISBN 978-1-63903-322-5 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63903-323-2 (digital)

    Copyright © 2021 by Michael Huffman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5


    Igrew up in a military family of the United States. The government forces us to move every four years. This was difficult as a young child, always having to make new friends and adapting to a new environment. I was always trying to fit into a new crowd to feel accepted. Unknowingly, this seemed to alter my character. Without realizing it, I was creating a mask that I could hide behind, which I could use whenever needed. As I got older, these masks remained. I became so numb to the mask and unaware that I was walking in mistaken identity. Any social interactions would cause me to switch masks like a chameleon changes his color. I became a faceless man without an identity.

    Now in adulthood, something was missing. I began to wonder, Who am I? What is my purpose? I asked myself these questions for two days, still no answers. It wasn’t until the third day I began asking God, thinking, Well, maybe He has the answers. That night, I heard the voice of God, and it changed everything. This catapulted my understanding as to why I am here. I realized I was made to serve God. In this new reality, after hearing the voice of God clearly, the mask began shedding from my face like a snake sheds its skin. I felt new, I felt whole, and I felt my purpose rising. The next day, I left the old me behind to start a new chapter in my life. Nine years later, walking with the Lord has exposed me to whom I truly am and my purpose in this life. The exciting thing is, I feel like I’m just getting started.

    Along my journey, I have crossed paths with many people who have the same struggles as I did. They look to fill the emptiness with vanity. We allowed these meaningless items to take precedence over our existence. Dependent upon temporary satisfaction, we start suppressing ourselves, hiding under a shroud, and seeing only what’s right in front of us. With fervor, we dig deeper, only to end up with the feeling of mundane. When we look around, we say, There’s more to life than this, right? Some may experience the feeling of being stuck punching a clock day in and day out, merely existing. But then, hunger for change sets in.

    Something is hindering you from being who God destined you to be, a blockade that has deterred God’s route to your purpose. Some don’t want to know who they truly are because then they have to give up what they want to do. However, accidental ignorance is just as detrimental as willful ignorance. Living life without an identity will cause us to live beneath our full potential while possessing the ability to influence others to live without their true identity. Unmasking will help with the removal of the blockade. It will expose you to God’s idea of mankind’s true image, giving us the knowledge of embracing our identity.

    If these are things you can relate to, let me present you with the idea that nobody will satisfy that hunger but God. As our nourishment of the truth digests within us, our body starts to realign to our Creator’s design. Emerging forth from our cocoon, we peel off our mask, unveiling who we are and see God face-to-face, leaving behind that generic version of who you were. When you look in the mirror now, you behold the real you! This generic version of man has spread across the world like a virus, infecting all who fall prey to its deception of an erroneous life, which results in mankind operating out of mistaken identity.

    The cure is hidden within the heart of our Maker. To find gold, you must dig. It is not on the surface. Finding treasure as valuable as this requires unparalleled determination, digging deeper within to know who you are and who you are meant to be. This is the greatest adventure you can have in this life, the adventure of self-discovery. This discovery unfolds over time, but the journey will answer the question as to why you were put here on this earth. It’s never too late or too early to discover your identity and purpose in Christ. We must come to know who we are! God said, My people are destroyed from the lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

    Today, some would think having an infinite amount of knowledge with computers is an advantage. We now have access to information faster than we could have imagined. So how do we lack knowledge? There’s a difference between knowledge of information and knowledge of truth. God is the absolute truth, and refusing the truth will guide us further from our destination or worse. This knowledge is what makes us free. However, outside entities endeavor to disrupt this message, saying, You are a nobody. You will never amount to anything. You can’t accomplish your dreams. This generation is exposed at an early age to many voices, which can steer their mind from truth and self-confidence to a false reality. They soon believe these lies and lose sight of themselves.

    I pray this book will reach everyone who suffers from this dilemma because as you look through God’s Word, you will discover your identity, capabilities, potential, gifts, and, most of all, the nature and character of God, transforming you into a complete image and seeing with clear vision. In the kingdom

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