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Myosotis: The Bible as an Aid to Character Building
Myosotis: The Bible as an Aid to Character Building
Myosotis: The Bible as an Aid to Character Building
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Myosotis: The Bible as an Aid to Character Building

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Myosotis: The Bible as a Guide to Character Building compiles Bible verses and directs them to different areas of everyone's life. Since much is asked from those who follow Him, it's important to have a go-to for areas we all could use a little help. Since the Bible is the ultimate recipe book, we must continuously feed ourselves so that we may feed others. Throughout Myosotis, (forget-me-not), you will be encouraged with the words directly from the Bible. These verses focus on the many aspects of our daily lives, giving guidance that is timeless and so important. With all of the craziness and uncertainty of this world today, we all can use some encouragement to help us through. Walking with Jesus isn't just a saying. It is a possibility for each and every one of us every day. He has never forgotten us, so we can never forget Him.

Release dateSep 7, 2022
Myosotis: The Bible as an Aid to Character Building

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    Myosotis - Regina Brady Redfeather



    The Bible as an Aid to Character Building

    Regina Brady Redfeather

    ISBN 978-1-63874-880-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63874-881-6 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Regina Brady Redfeather

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All biblical citations were taken from the New International Version of the Holy Bible unless stated otherwise.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Mental Qualities Definitely Needed

    Physical Qualities Commonly Needed

    Spiritual Qualities Definitely Needed

    Virtues and Character

    Teaching about Some of Life's Problems, and How to Overcome Them

    Where to Find Help, When

    About the Author

    I dedicate this book to God because He is the author, and I am just a mere mustard seed and one of His tools. Our need for God's Word and love continues today and forever.

    Myosotis Flower:

    meaning: Forget me not!

    Greek word (Myosotis)

    My angels all around #@@@TM.

    Barry Clark, you are my earth rock from God, BFLME (Best Friend, Lover, Mate, Ever); thank you for helping all the way through the preparation and finishing of this book.

    My sons, Ariel, Aaron, Adam, Alexander, and Tyler, for all of the adventures and gifts through life, and always believing in your mother. Also to all my family and friends.

    My bonus, Mom and Dad, Dr. Sharron A. Clark and Lt. Col. Mark W. Clark, USAF ret. for accepting me as your daughter and loving me unconditionally.

    In loving memory of our son, Adam, who loved the Lord. You are so loved and missed.

    Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?

    —John 11:25–26 (NIV)


    With the turbulence of our ever-changing world and our constant need for the goodness of God in our lives, spiritual growth and study is just as relevant today as it was two thousand years ago.

    Myosotis, otherwise known as the forget-me-not flower, was brought up in conversation with my son, Tyler, when I asked him, What should we name the book? I was amazed that without hesitance, Myosotis came out of his mouth. How perfect it was to hear this child of God realize that we need to make sure we keep Him at the center of our lives and never forget the price He paid for us. There is a better way to live, and we can seek it through the ever-living Word. Our dependence on God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit keeps us ever-present and vigilant against the principalities that try to kill, steal, and destroy our love for one another, as well as our lives.

    This compilation of Bible verses, pertinent to our everyday lives, was written over a period of thirty years and finally completed during the pandemic of 2020–2021. Our lives were turned upside down and without concern for what walk of life we come. Everyone has been touched by fear being forced upon us through media outlets, and world leaders have left us with many unanswered questions and uncertainty. The elderly have been left in solitude and loneliness and told they cannot be with their loved ones. Our children have been separated from their classmates. Everyone has friends or relatives affected in one way or another by the current events. Many have perished, leaving holes in our hearts, and depression and suicide have become even more prevalent in today's society. Along with drug and alcohol addiction rates rising in our children and children's children, we have lost focus on what is most important. And the increase of sexual abuse and mental illness is barely mentioned as it infiltrates our homes, schools, churches, and care facilities. But these troubles are not new as of 2020. They have been steadily growing over centuries, ever since the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus.

    Artwork by Tyler Dean Clark, Photo by Regina Lee Brady Redfeather

    My Testimony

    Black Forest, Fall sunrise, morning after snowfall, Colorado Sprgs, CO. Photo by RLBR

    I am Regina, born and raised in Orange County, California. I was born with God's grace to a heroin-addicted mother and abandoned in a hotel room, only to be found by my loving grandfather at three days old in a shoebox. Wet, hungry, and crying, God heard my cries even then. My life didn't start as a normal little girl. I gave my life to Jesus when I was eight years old and traveled to church on a bus every Sunday. After being sent to live with various families and then brought back into the evil of my parents' lives and the sexual abuse by my father and mother, I lost all trust in adults. After the seeming eternity of their practicing of witchcraft and physical,

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