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Death Treasures
Death Treasures
Death Treasures
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Death Treasures

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While searching for a lost Spanish treasure believed to be in the Pike National Forest in Colorado, two friends are catapulted into a terrifying search in an alternate time dimension.

Large creatures occupy this dimension along with the Sasquatch, once known by local tribes as Watchers.

Journey along with the two treasure hunters in their dangerous quest for the King's treasure.

Release dateDec 29, 2022
Death Treasures

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    Death Treasures - Janice Halladay

    Death Treasures


    Copyright © 2022 Janice Halladay

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2022

    ISBN 979-8-88505-232-0 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88505-234-4 (hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-88505-233-7 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    In loving memory

    Janice succumbed to cancer prior to this book going to print. She dedicated eight years working on it. It was her dream to finally complete something she had started though she did not realize that she had completed one of the most important tasks of all—to touch the hearts of everyone she met.

    A loving, caring soul has now received her angel wings. May she forever watch over us.



    The Journey

    Not Too Far Away

    The Hunt

    Message from Above

    Strange Things Happen

    The Door

    Beams of Light

    In the Thick of It

    Monuments and Other Things



    The Old Pine Tree

    Going Home

    Hindsight Is Always Twenty-Twenty

    Shadows and Darkness

    Watchers in the Forest

    The Eagles Return

    Out through the Indoor

    When Planets Align

    Out of the Frying Pan (and into the Fire)

    Nightmares and Visions

    The Second Attempt

    Ready or Not, Here We Come

    Déjà Vu

    Gold Fever

    Scary Things in the Night

    Fangs and Claws

    Love and Greed

    New Beginnings



    To Scott, Jimmy, PJ, Lisa, and Tucker for inspiring me in more ways than you will ever know. My love to you all.

    To Scott and Jimmy, the treasure hunts you go on are what inspired me to write this story. Although no treasure has been found yet, the hope that one day you will achieve your dreams is always there.

    A special thank you to Mr. Robert (Bob) Gosnell for guiding me in the right direction with your experience and knowledge. And to your son, Mark, if not for him, I never would have had the honor of your wisdom.

    Centuries ago

    He watched as the deer nibbled on what was left of the fall grass; she was unaware of his presence. As he prepared to lunge at his prey, the sound of voices interrupted his hunt. The deer spooked and ran off, leaping over the brush and fallen trees that were in her way. Within seconds, she was gone. He crept closer, curious as to what was making all the noise. The moon was full and giving off good light, so he stood in the shadow of the pine trees, watching. Although he couldn’t understand their language, he listened.

    You steal from me? Your king! King Roberto Del Fuego circled the two slaves that were on their knees. Haven’t I taken care of you and your families?

    Both slaves began to weep and were poked in the back by a warrior’s sword.

    This is how you thank me? King Del Fuego’s voice got louder. You take my precious treasure?

    Still watching, he felt the strange creature’s anger and wondered what all the shiny things were. The loud, angry one had a shiny thing on his head and in his fur, which was short with many colors. The other two had shiny things around their middle and held shiny sticks. They weren’t as shiny, and their fur didn’t have the colors in it. He thought it odd that the other two didn’t have anything that was shiny.

    Please forgive us, Your Majesty. We did not know what we were doing! one of the slaves pleaded.

    The loud one moved his arm, and the ones with shiny sticks stood the two up and headed out of the clearing. He moved back behind one of the trees and watched as they were taken away from the rest of their herd. He decided he would follow.

    Suddenly, they stopped. He heard them cry out, and then there was silence. His eyes widened. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Why did the two shiny creatures knock the heads off the other two with their shiny sticks? He’d never seen a herd turn against their own, at least not for anything other than breeding rights. These creatures were strange. He took a step back into the shadows and then followed them back to the clearing. As he stood in the shadow of the trees again, he heard the loud one still speaking.

    My God, and I call upon my father’s father and his father’s father who all look down upon on me now. Show me where my precious treasure will be safe from those who wish its glory! King Del Fuego had had his arms outstretched toward the moon. Guide me with your infinite wisdoms!

    The moonbeams began to fill a hole in a boulder above him on a hill. The beams cast their light against a large boulder sitting on the opposite side of the clearing. The king got down on one knee and watched the light waves begin to dance.

    Bring my treasure! he ordered.

    His warriors gathered around him with servants carrying four small chests and three bags. The light waves increased in intensity until a large doorway of sorts took form.

    My God and fathers have opened this door. Come, let’s enter! The king, who would never admit to being afraid, walked bravely behind his warriors.

    He watched as the strange herd gathered their things and left the clearing through a passageway into his world. He couldn’t believe they found a way in! He raised his head into to air and let out a loud cry to alert the two that had come with him to this world. His cry was answered. He let out a loud grunt and took off running to his passageway.

    Once he was back in his world, he held his head high and sniffed the air for their scent. He was joined by the other two, and they followed the scent until they were back at the clearing. They were unaware of that passageway and were surprised to see the strange creatures still there. They continued to watch them until the sun began to rise above the mountain peaks. The loud one was pointing at something, and then most of his herd left, carrying the strange objects. He sent one of his herd members to follow them at a safe distance while he and the other herd member stayed behind and watched.

    The sun had gone down, and the moon was high in the night sky. Two of the strange creatures left their camp without him seeing them leave. A short time later, they were surprised by the two who tried to stab them with their shiny sticks. He and his fellow hunter charged the strange creatures, swinging their massive arms, cutting their flesh with their razor-sharp claws. They fell to the ground, and their cries were silenced by their massive feet crushing their heads and chests.

    The moonlight once again shown brightly, and the passageway reopened. The king and those who stayed with him heard the warriors screams and in fear fled back through the door, leaving his treasure and those who were hiding it behind.

    The herd leader let out a loud roar as the strange creatures ran. He would deal with the rest of the strange creatures that were still trespassing later.

    The Journey

    There was an eerie quiet in the old forest. The dirt road leading into it was overgrown with tall grass and weeds, but you could still see where the wagon wheels once rolled. The sides of the road were so thick with pine trees and brush that you couldn’t see more than a few yards into the forest. Clouds hung close to the ground and swirled in the light breeze, wrapping their misty arms around the trunks and branches. The moon was full, and periodically, the light would shine through, only to be engulfed once again by the mist.

    In the distance, the silence was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Janice was trying to run but couldn’t keep her feet moving. It was as if she were running in slow motion while being dragged down by some mysterious force. She was only able to run faster by grabbing the grass with her hands to pull herself forward, almost as if she were running on all fours. Her hands stung from the cuts she received with every handful. She finally managed to make it to an open area just as the moon made an appearance. It was a good-sized area, and she could hear a stream just off to her right. This place gave her a sense of peace and safety, yet being out in the open scared her.

    Janice looked at her hands in the moonlight. She had blood running down her fingers, and her hands felt hot. A cold chill moved up her spine, and she knew that someone was watching her. She wanted to take off running, but where would she go? Running had already proven to be a difficult task. She turned around and looked in the direction she had just come from. There was a big pine tree that sat as a cornerstone for the old road and the clearing. If she hugged the tree, her hands would not have touched. It must have been hundreds of years old. She didn’t recall seeing it when she entered this area, but then she was fleeing, but fleeing from what?

    As she approached the tree, she heard small branches snapping as if something were coming toward her. She turned quickly to see what was there but saw nothing. As she turned back toward the tree, she saw some markings on the bark. She moved closer and saw it was a symbol, but she had no idea what it meant. The moon disappeared into the clouds, and once again, she was in darkness. A larger branch snapped, and she turned to the direction of the sound. As she peered into the cloudy darkness, she was met with red glowing eyes from across the clearing. Janice wanted to scream, but the sound wouldn’t come. She wanted to run, but her feet wouldn’t move. The eyes came closer, and…bang! Janice woke up, her heart pounding.

    Damn it! Scott picked up the dining room chair that had fallen over when his backpack caught it on his way to set it in the laundry room.

    Janice got up and checked her hands; they were red and throbbing from where her fingernails had dug into them. Her skin was damp with sweat, and she was trembling. She put on her robe and headed down the hallway.

    The morning had come, and Scott was bustling around the house, checking to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. He had a few more minutes before his buddy, Jimmy, would come by to pick him up. It was ten minutes past five in the morning on November twenty-first, the annual day that began this year’s treasure hunt.

    What did I do with my GPS? Scott mumbled to himself while he looked around the living room and scanned the kitchen and dining area.

    Look on your belt. Janice said as she walked into the living room.

    Scott looked down, and sure enough, there it was.

    I hope the rest of the day doesn’t go like this. Good mornin’, love. He kissed her cheek.

    Janice, who was still trying to wake up and shake off the nightmare, smiled and headed for the coffee pot. Good morning. It won’t. Do you want something to eat?

    The sound of an engine could be heard outside.

    No time, Jimmy’s here! Scott looked out the kitchen window, and sure enough, Jimmy was at the gate.

    In Janice’s eyes, Scott was the image of tall, dark, and handsome and had long, dark hair with just enough gray to give him that distinguished look and kept it in a braid down his back. Jimmy was six years younger than Scott and was also good-looking, with shorter sandy-blond hair. They had known each other since the late eighties and were now more like brothers.

    Jimmy had always had a desire for treasure hunting, and Scott started going with him twelve years earlier. Each trip brought back stories of long hikes, steep terrain, snakes, coyotes, and on occasion, the feeling they were being watched.

    Jimmy had made sure that Scott and Janice both understood the dangers in treasure hunting. If you make a mistake, he would say, it could cost you your life, and no one would ever find your body.

    They usually came back with arrowheads, crystals, and other gemstones. At times, they would find fossils, mostly seashells and, on occasion, bottles from old trash pits they would stumble across, but so far, no treasure.

    I need to talk to you before you leave, Janice said while pouring a cup of coffee, her hands still a little shaky.

    I really don’t have time, babe, Jimmy’s here! Scott was taking a last look around.

    A knock came at the door, and Jimmy poked his head in. The dogs went off, barking like they were going to tear someone apart.

    It’s just me, guys, he called to the dogs.

    Bandit and Diesel rounded the corner and lowered their hackles when they saw who it was. Jimmy came into the laundry area and closed the door behind him.

    You ready? Good mornin’, Janice. How are you on this early mornin’?

    Too early to tell…you look chipper. Janice smiled and raised her coffee cup.

    Jimmy raised his back. He was beaming with excitement.

    Let’s get you packed and get outta here, it’s almost five fifteen. We shoulda been gone by now.

    Just waitin’ on you, sunshine…if you’re done talkin’.

    Jimmy gave a big smile and grabbed Scott’s backpack.

    I’m done. He winked at Janice.

    It wasn’t long before Scott’s things were in the truck and he was saying goodbye.

    I might not have cell service, but I’ll check from time to time and give you a call if I can. I love you. He leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

    I love you too. Be careful.

    Oh, I marked the map so you’d know the general area we’ll be in, send the sheriff to find us if you need us, love you. Scott turned and headed for the truck.

    Scott, I really need to talk to you about something before you leave.

    Scott stopped and looked at her. He knew that look and gave a heavy sigh.

    Hey, Jimmy, gimme a minute.

    Jimmy mumbled something and hopped into his truck. Scott walked back into the house. What’s goin’ on?

    I had a dream. I was running from something, something with red eyes. Her words were quick. It was foggy…I was on an old trail or road in a forest that was overgrown. There was a clearing with a really big old pine tree with a symbol carved into it.

    Slow down! What was the symbol? Scott was wondering where she was headed with this.

    I didn’t see it clearly. It was a circle with something around it or in it, I think.

    Don’t worry about it, it could mean treasure! Scott tried to reassure her with a smile.

    No, you don’t understand. It was a nightmare. I’m worried about this trip!

    Scott put his arms around her and gave her a hug.

    You’re trembling. He kissed her forehead and hugged her again. We’ll be extra careful, I promise.

    Scott had tried over the years to listen to his wife when it came to her dreams and premonitions, but most often, he didn’t and regretted it later. She was usually right on target or very close.

    Why don’t you get out our treasure books and see if you can find the symbol. If you do, call me. I gotta go, babe. He kissed her again. Everything’ll be all right, you’ll see.

    Scott went out the door and got into Jimmy’s Chevy truck. Jimmy gave a wave, and they headed out the driveway.

    This is gonna be a great trip. I can feel it in my bones! Jimmy was all smiles. I think this year is the year for us, my friend!

    Scott stared blankly out the window. I hope you’re right.

    Not Too Far Away

    For the last twelve years, Jimmy and Scott had gone to New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah looking for lost Spanish treasure. Even though Scott had the ability to dowse a map to pinpoint possible locations, they still hadn’t found any. He used a gold-chain necklace with a ring hanging from it. The ring had belonged to his mother, who had died years earlier. The gold chain belonged to Janice’s mother, who had died the year after. He would sit for many hours concentrating and pointing at certain areas and asking, Is there treasure here?

    This year, they hoped their hours of research would pay off with a treasure that not only intrigued them but was close to home if the legend were indeed true. The information they collected brought them to the Pike National Forest, near their homes in Conifer, Colorado.

    The legend stated that perhaps no one would be able to find this treasure due to the strange forces that surrounded it. It was written that the King’s Treasure, consisting of the purest gold and largest precious gemstones ever seen, was hidden behind a closed door and in one of three gullies that were parallel to each other. Unless you were at the correct location and at the right time, you would not be shown the door. If you did find the door, the trail would lead you to three gullies where the Pillar of the Gods would point to the treasure. The legend also stated that monsterlike creatures protected the treasure.

    There was no real proof of the creature’s existence, only tales of tall dark shadows moving through the forest. Many tried, but no one had ever been able to find the door or the trail that led to the treasure.

    When all things came together, the area in the Pike was narrowed down to around one and a half miles. Unfortunately, this part of the Pike was considered more dangerous than other areas, and it would take someone survival savvy to be able to have a chance of finding the treasure, let alone surviving if necessary.

    The drive was somewhat quiet this time. Scott had been thinking about the dream that Janice had and was trying to decide if he should tell Jimmy.

    We’re gettin’ close to the turn off, Jimmy said as they drove along. I’ll tell you a couple stories, but not just yet. I’m not sure, but I think they might be connected somehow.

    Scott looked at Jimmy and wondered what he was going to tell him. He took the map off the dashboard and unrolled it. A few months earlier, he had downloaded and printed that section from the Earth Up Close site to get a detailed picture of the section they intended to search. He then dowsed it and marked it, but now there was a new mark, not far from the one he made.

    What’s this mark on the map? He tilted the map a little so Jimmy could get a glance.

    I put it there. I was sittin’ in the tepee and had it laid out on the floor. I don’t know where the light came from, but a little stream of light hit that spot. Somethin’ told me to mark it.

    Sounds like you’ve been talkin’ to Janice.

    Jimmy looked over at Scott and nodded yes. They drove on in silence for another half an hour.

    There should be a road up here on the right. It’s kinda hard to see. Jimmy was leaning on the steering wheel, straining to see where he wanted to go. Just a little past this outcrop of rocks.

    Scott looked out his window and could barely see some space in between the trees and underbrush. Jimmy pulled off the road and waited for several cars to drive past them and out of view before slowly driving through what seemed to be a curtain. There was an old road in front of them. It looked like something that covered wagons traveled on hundreds of years before.

    Wow, this is cool. How’d you find this road?

    I pulled off on one of my day trips to take a leak, and a little deer poked its head out then turned and disappeared. I went over to see if I could see ’em again, and there was this road.

    That was a God thing. Scott was looking behind the truck and watched the curtain of growth close.

    It used to be a part of the Colorado Trail but was too dangerous, so they moved it to where it is now. Do you wanna grab your metal detector and sit on the tailgate?

    Just don’t bounce me off.

    Jimmy gave Scott a wicked smile and stopped the truck. Scott got out and went to the back of the truck and opened the topper glass and lowered the tailgate. He grabbed his metal detector and sat down.

    Let’s go!

    They headed down the road with Scott swinging the metal detector back and forth. The road was narrow and overgrown with grass and weeds and at times almost pulled the metal detector from his hands when it got caught up in the growth. There were places where small pine and aspen trees hung over the road, probably bent from the weight of the snow over the years. The going was slow, and there were a lot of rocks and large roots protruding from where the road had been washed out by heavy rains and run off.

    The sun was getting ready to go behind the mountain peaks. The clouds had a golden hue, and it was a beautiful afternoon. Unfortunately, Scott’s metal detector was quiet. They drove on, winding in and around the valley and were now in what was considered back country. Scott finally broke their silence.

    How much further, Jimmy?

    Jimmy, who had just lit a joint, hollered back, A little further! You want some? He held the joint out the window and waved it at Scott.

    No thanks!

    They drove on for almost another hour. Jimmy finally stopped the truck and motioned for Scott to join him in the cab.

    Good call. It’s gettin’ a little chilly out there. Scott leaned over and turned the heater on. No hits on the detector either.

    Bummer, yeah, it won’t be long till the sun goes down. Jimmy could care less as he had the beginnings of a good buzz.

    Neither one noticed the dark figure standing twenty feet away in the shadow of the pine trees.

    He watched them closely as they slowly began moving again in the loud thing that put an awful smell in the air. He’d seen these creatures before, trespassing in his territory, and he didn’t like it. After watching for a few moments more, he let out a grunt and disappeared into the forest.

    After a few minutes of silence, except for the occasional snorting and choking from Jimmy, he’d lit the joint again; he started talking.

    I was twelve and livin’ in Canon City with my mom. I had a real attitude problem with her ’cuz I didn’t like the guy she was datin’. We got into a big argument, and I told her I hated her. That night, I snuck out of my room and headed for the Pike. I thought it would be easy to live there without seein’ anyone ever again. Jimmy looked over at Scott who was listening intently.

    Jimmy had never gotten this personal before, so Scott thought it must be important.

    Stupid kid, but what can I say? He chuckled a little. Anyway, once I got my camp set up, I started explorin’ a little. I saw a tree that was cut, so it’d have that hook that points to water, you know, like the ones on your property?

    Scott nodded his head yes.

    Anyway, I headed out in the direction it was pointin’. Jimmy cleared his throat and took another hit off the joint. I slipped and fell down an embankment and hit my head on a log. I guess I hit it harder than I thought ’cuz I saw… he paused, trying to figure out how to explain it, like a big square in front of me, and it was shimmerin’…like on hot days…heat waves! Like that, but only in that one area. Everything else looked normal.

    That’s definitely a hard hit, buddy. Scott took one of his water bottles from the cooler that sat between them and took a drink. You sure you weren’t high?

    I didn’t start smokin’ till I was nineteen. Anyway… his voice was louder, trying to get Scott back to the story. I walked up to it, and I remember I felt a weird pullin’ sensation. Nothin’ seemed different, so I just walked through it.

    That’s weird.

    Everything seemed the same, so I kept walkin’ till I saw an old road. It looked like it hadn’t been traveled on for decades, kinda like this road. I decided I better walk on it for a while till my head cleared. I don’t know how long I walked for, but I eventually came to a clearing. I remember there was a really big pine tree that had markings in the bark. I was too short to see it, but I’m sure now it was a symbol. There was somethin’ about that clearing that felt different too. I can’t describe it. It felt almost…sacred. He looked sharply at Scott to see what his reaction was to that statement.

    Even though a feeling of uneasiness came over him, Scott had no reaction other than a keep going look on his face. Jimmy put out the joint and grabbed a beer from the cooler. He popped the top and took a drink.

    Anyway, I found a really cool fossil and some crystals. I also felt eyes on me, and it made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end, and then I saw a tall dark figure movin’ through the trees. I got scared and left everything there and headed back. When I got back to that big square thing, I tried to walk back through, but it kinda pushed me back. So I went around to the other side, the side I first walked through, and tried again. I felt it pull on me and was able to walk back through.

    What was it?

    I don’t know. I never saw one before. Jimmy paused, lost in his thoughts.

    Finish your story. Scott was intrigued.

    I really don’t remember goin’ back to my camp, but when I got there, I found the stuff I brought, scattered all over the place. I figured it was a bear.

    That sucks.

    Yeah, well I decided I better get what was left picked up if I wanted somethin’ to eat so… he glanced over at Scott who was looking out his window.

    The sky was now getting darker, and the shadows danced around them from the headlights on Jimmy’s truck. The road took a hard turn toward the north, and they drove on at a slow pace.

    We’re almost there.

    Continue with your story. Scott wanted to hear more.

    So I noticed there weren’t any tracks in the dirt, not around my camp or the tree I’d hung my food in, nothin’…except for mine. He glanced over at Scott who was lighting a cigarette.

    What are you sayin’? Scott gave a grave look, recalling Janice’s dream.

    I think somethin’ spiritual happened. Don’t ask me why, but that’s what I think.

    Jimmy had never talked about God or anything spiritual before, so it took Scott by surprise.

    Where is this place? Scott was starting to get an uneasy feeling again.

    We’ll be there shortly.

    What? Scott looked at Jimmy.

    Just kidding! Jimmy said with a chuckle. To tell you the truth, I don’t know where it is. I’ve never been able to find it again. I’ve spent alotta time lookin’ for it too. That mark I put on the map, near yours…besides the vision or whatever it was, I kept thinkin’ about that spot. I thought it might be where I was, so I marked it, just in case. He paused. Janice once told me, if you think of somethin’, there’s a reason and you better not ignore it. He looked at Scott. She actually scares me…her and her dreams. Jimmy finished his beer.

    Scott understood Jimmy’s thoughts on Janice; there were times he felt the same way.

    There’s supposed to be a place somewhere up here that opens up, that’s where they used to give the stagecoach horses water. We’ll camp there, and do some metal detectin’ tomorrow.

    Sounds good. Scott yawned and stretched his back. It’s been a long day.

    The night had set in, and it was very dark, darker than it got at home even though they both lived far enough away from any town to be bothered by the lights. Within a few minutes, they drove into a clearing. Jimmy pulled off to the side and turned off the engine.

    We’re here. Whattaya say we sleep in the truck tonight and get camp set up first thing in the mornin’?

    Sounds like a plan. You want the back of the truck or the front seat? Scott was fighting off a yawn.

    You’re taller than me Scotty, you can have the back. Jimmy set his little cooler in the back seat.

    Scott grabbed a flashlight, and they both got out of the truck. The night was quiet except for the sound of a stream that seemed to be close by. After Jimmy grabbed his sleeping bag and pillow, he got back into the truck cab to make his bed. Scott unrolled his sleeping bag and climbed into the back of the truck and closed the topper glass. He shinned his flashlight through the window for one last look around but didn’t notice the eye shine that had been obstructed by the reflection in the glass. Jimmy slid the window between the cab and truck bed open so they could talk. Before long, both men got settled in and fell asleep.

    Watching from the tree line, he listened to Scott and Jimmy’s conversation. He knew deep down that these creatures were going to trespass. He let out several low grunts then turned away to look for a comfortable place to keep watch.

    The Hunt

    Janice had spent the entire day trying to decide if she should tell Jimmy’s wife, PJ, about her nightmare. PJ lived across the road, and they’d become good friends. She was close to Janice’s age, height, weight, and blond hair color but not as long. PJ was a beautiful person, inside and out. Janice introduced her to Jimmy years earlier, and they’d been together ever since, marrying just a few short months ago. Knowing PJ as she did, Janice was afraid if she did tell her about the dream, she would want to go and bring them home. Janice didn’t want to ruin their trip, so she decided to stay quiet, for now.

    After taking care of the morning chores, feeding the horses, goats, dogs, and cat, she sat down with a cup of coffee and their treasure books. If she could find that symbol, it might shed some light on her nightmare.

    While looking through the treasure books, she found several symbols that were similar. The only problem was any one of the symbols could have been what she saw. She didn’t get a clear look in the nightmare, so it seemed the only thing she could do was hope she would have the dream again and hopefully see more than she did the first time. It was an unsettling idea, and she didn’t want to dream it again.

    Evening rolled around, and the animals were fed and put up for the night. Janice figured they made it to where they were going. There was no call from Scott, so she figured he was out of cell range. She made herself a bacon sandwich and called it dinner for the night. After staying up for as long as she could, she finally went to bed, a little fearful of falling asleep.


    During the night, Scott and Jimmy woke up to what sounded like wagon wheels rolling along.

    Jimmy! Did you hear that? Scott whispered.

    Yeah, I heard it. Jimmy sat up.

    Scott held his hand up to quiet him. They both sat still, barely breathing, waiting to hear the sound again, but nothing happened.

    Did that sound like an old wagon to you? Scott was hoping he dreamed it.

    It did. Well, maybe it just sounded like wagon wheels ’cuz were on a old wagon trail, Jimmy said with a nervous chuckle. Ghosts still travelin’ or somethin’.

    Maybe. Scott was trying to not overreact.

    After marking his territory, he moved quickly behind a tree when he heard the strange creatures talking quietly. He waited for them to do something, but they got quiet again. He decided to move where he could get a better look from a safer location.

    Morning came early. It was four thirty when they were awakened by a scream. They both jumped into full awareness and leaped out of the truck with guns and flashlights and looked around. There were no sounds or any movement outside the truck other than the sound of the stream.

    That scared the hell outta me! I bet it was a lion. Jimmy shone his flashlight all around the clearing. Well, I don’t see nothin’. You wanna sleep a little longer? I’m really tired. Jimmy yawned.

    That’s fine. I just hope I can get back to sleep.

    Scott and Jimmy got back into the truck, making sure they kept their guns close.

    He heard the cry and knew what it was, but when the strange creatures jumped out of the loud thing, he almost charged them. His heart was pounding, and his nostrils were flaring, shooting out steam like an old locomotive. But his instincts had told him to wait. They didn’t come after him. They got back into the loud thing and got quiet. He decided once they found his mark, they would leave on their own. If not, it could be a challenge to his breeding rights, and he was prepared to fight to the death.


    Janice was still asleep, dreaming of the red eyes watching her. At first, she thought the eyes were coming closer to her, but in fact, she was being pulled toward the eyes. She tried to scream, but no sound came. The eyes went dark, and the moon disappeared and once again; she was in total darkness. She turned back toward the tree but wasn’t sure in what direction it was. The clouds allowed a little moonlight to shine through, and Janice saw she was on the opposite side of the clearing. The big tree was on the other side. Did she really get pulled across the clearing? She struggled to run back to the tree and was only a few steps away…when the phone rang, waking her up.


    "Hey, girly, sorry to call so early, but I have to leave for

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