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Divine Providence
Divine Providence
Divine Providence
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Divine Providence

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When asked if I am a Democrat, Republican, or an Independent, my response is that I am a Roman Catholic. I have maintained that the message of the Catholic faith does not always reflect the activities of the messengers. In America, the scripture saying "Seek first the kingdom of God" is playing second best to a secular society dependence upon the power of man to solve problems. Without the one true God, as presented by the Church, established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ some two thousand years ago things are headed from bad to worse. The people of secular persuasion know nothing of Satan and his followers. Evil has been diagnosed as good. A secular government with the use of reason, science and manufactured evidence has done what nonbelievers in the past have done made, "Man the measure of all things." The Catholic Church teaches that humanity has a fallen nature and is capable of using reason in way that produces evil results. With the US government as the chief source for determining right from wrong, confusion reigns and violence isn't far behind. The world is in dire need of help from the God of creation. Governments from all over the world seek an advantage based on corruption and fraud. America has made treaties and agreements with countries out to destroy our way of life. I believe American was founded as a Christian nation where unity and not diversity ought to be our common bond. God is impartial so people of diverse beliefs who seek common perspectives which stress the dignity of all life from conception until natural death. A woman does not have right that demean life producing inequality between women, men, and children including children in the womb of its mother. In the United States Constitution, life, liberty, and other benefits are being taken to extremes. The meaning of life is to be protected not brought to finality by devious means. Livery is more than license to do what one pleases. Liberty as understood by our forefathers is more than the pursuit of pleasure, but ought to see truth and goodness which is reflected in the mandates of the Christian faith. Divine Providence will investigate God's will where basic tenants of faith blend with nine components that are instrumental in the understanding needed to begin the faith based journey. The Catholic faith's paramount concern is the salvation of all of humanity. Let us read this text with optimism for a proper outcome.

Release dateMay 21, 2020
Divine Providence

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    Book preview

    Divine Providence - H. M. Hyra


    H.M. Hyra



    ISBN 978-1-0980-2452-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-0980-2453-6 (digital)

    Copyright © 2020 by H.M. Hyra

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Divine Providence

    Arc of Existence


    The Cross


    To all those people who search for the one true God, know that with sincere intention and purity of heart your prayers will be answered. For the God of love created you in His image and likeness. All powers in heaven and on earth are available to provide you with the proper path to eternal happiness.

    Divine Providence is God’s plan for the salvation of all souls. However, the God of love has granted humanity freewill to make proper choices where God’s will provides a safe journey from this world of good and evil. All means have been given so that all evil persuasions are diminished by God’s grace where with victory achieved we wait patiently for our Lord to escort us into His heavenly kingdom.

    Divine Providence

    Modern-day society has determined that the separation of church and state is the way America is to deal with important facets of the real world. The text Divine Providence makes the case that without the one true God to sustain and care for all of His creation our society will slowly perish and go the way of empires of the past.

    Divine Providence views God’s will investigating nine components with the intention of providing the reader with enough information to enable one to comprehend the fullness of God’s plan for humanity. The writer’s intention is to provide enough information to enable one to add their own thoughts in a holistic way.

    The text begins with some basic considerations from a real world with spiritual implication. Our first component investigates a transcendent God who creates, sustains, and cares for each person in a unique way. The text reflects upon the formation of the Roman Catholic faith and its part in God’s overall perspective. The text then delves into the modern culture and society and the various concerns involving a real world with and without God’s presence. Materials dealing with apologetics are dispersed; challenging secular notions of life lived by reason and scientific facts alone.

    The text speaks of the alpha and omega, the beginning and end of the world as we know it. The human condition speaks of man’s fallen nature where good and evil are evident and how humanity must understand and cope with various outcomes. One component compares reason and faith and revelation as necessary in order for humanity to live a full, prosperous life with eternal considerations.

    Another component introduces the Bible as a key reference to understanding the relationship between the real world and eternity. The text studies Jesus and Mary as models for a society in need of guidance. Finally, the concerns of life after death are considered in a way that reflects possibilities in relationship to an all-powerful and loving God.


    When asked if I am a Democrat, Republican, or an Independent, my response is that I am a Roman Catholic. I have maintained that the message of the Catholic faith does not always reflect the activities of the messengers. In America, the scripture saying Seek first the kingdom of God is playing second best to a secular society dependence upon the power of man to solve problems.

    Without the one true God, as presented by the Church, established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ some two thousand years ago things are headed from bad to worse. The people of secular persuasion know nothing of Satan and his followers.

    Evil has been diagnosed as good. A secular government with the use of reason, science and manufactured evidence has done what nonbelievers in the past have done made, Man the measure of all things.

    The Catholic Church teaches that humanity has a fallen nature and is capable of using reason in a way that produces evil results. With the US government as the chief source for determining right from wrong, confusion reigns and violence isn’t far behind. The world is in dire need of help from the God of creation. Governments from all over the world seek an advantage based on corruption and fraud. America has made treaties and agreements with countries out to destroy our way of life.

    I believe America was founded as a Christian nation where unity and not diversity ought to be our common bond. God is impartial so people of diverse beliefs who seek common perspectives which stress the dignity of all life from conception until natural death. A woman does not have rights that demean life producing inequality between women, men, and children including children in the womb of its mother.

    In the United States Constitution, life, liberty, and other benefits are being taken to extremes. The meaning of life is to be protected not brought to finality by devious means. Liberty is more than license to do what one pleases. Liberty as understood by our forefathers is more than the pursuit of pleasure, but ought to see truth and goodness which is reflected in the mandates of the Christian faith.

    Divine Providence will investigate God’s will where basic tenants of faith blend with nine components that are instrumental in the understanding needed to begin the faith based journey. The Catholic faith’s paramount concern is the salvation of all of humanity. Let us read this text with optimism for a proper outcome.

    Divine Providence

    In theology divine providence is God’s intervention in the world. God created man in His image and likeness and placed him on this earth with a plan for his eternal salvation. However, scripture reveals that God gave man free will, and it is man’s choices that eventually determine his eternal destination.

    People make plans because life needs to be organized. Many situations may arise. Preparation is one of the components needed for success to be achieved. Life as we humans know it can be confusing, and the best of intentions often cannot assure our plans will be brought to fruition.

    However, God’s will involve a plan called divine providence and when implemented by the faithful, it provides eternal life for those who seek a better way. It is the purpose of this text to expose the reader to the fullness of God’s purpose for creating man in His image and likeness.

    The Catholic Church is a faith-based institution created by Jesus Christ during the final three years of his ministry while here on earth. From the beginning of time God has directed humanity toward the realization that Jesus Christ was the savior of the world, and that his coming, his death and resurrection leads man to their final destiny, life eternal.

    The word Catholic refers to a faith-based life of Jesus Christ who is the light of the world in need of the saving power of God. The power of the Catholic faith is the realization that faith is the human gift from God that directs all of humanity to the fullness of the real world based on a spiritual perspective which sustains us on our journey to God’s heavenly Kingdom.

    The Catholic faith is a structure where the pope, religious, and laymen form a grace-filled institution whose mission is the salvation of souls. The modern-day community has lost the true value and meaning of life. Very few people have eternity as their final goal. To the nonbeliever this world is their only refuge and therefore faith and revelation is foolishness to be sure.

    Apologetics: To the believer, Catholic teaching seems relevant and in tune with the will of God. To the nonbeliever, difficulties arise causing disagreement. Therefore, Divine Providence demands that the power of God, often referred to as grace, enlightens the believer, but leaves skeptics doubting the veracity of various claims being asserted. Catholics believe that God is in charge and that the guidelines He has established will lead man to his ultimate destination where he will live with God and a community of believers in peace and harmony forever.

    The Catholic Church understands that Satan exists and plays a huge role in the downfall of people and society. We will expand upon evil and the sinful nature of people who have abandoned God. Our Lord is always present to those who, in the purity of intention and the simplicity of purpose, accept His grace which is able to convert even people with the gravest of doubts.

    It seems that from the time of birth and the death of Jesus, societies have changed. Secular societies have developed drastically in the fields of psychology and science. Change then has been awarded to all human endeavors, yet, the Catholic Church teaches that faith and morals remain constant throughout the generations. Of course, Catholic moral codes have been expanded to meet the rush of modernism. The Catholic Catechism makes expanded observations of the Catholic faith, not changing doctrine, but developing where explanations are needed. At this time in history, the practicing Catholic Church membership has diminished. We seem to be in a remnant stage where faith has taken a back seat to a variety of forms of self-indulgence.

    Catholic versus Catholic

    The Roman Catholic Church is an institution established by Jesus Christ while he walked on this earth. Catholic then infers a church distinctive from the many religions that also claim a uniform adherence to God. The Catholic Church claims to be the institution established by the one true God from the beginning of time.

    The use of the word catholic also refers to one of universal appeal. And so it is that the Catholic Church desires that all humans are welcome with the hope of someday bringing mankind together as one faith with the one true God as its creator.

    The Catholic Church teaches that at the end time there will be the acceptance of the one God and that the battle with Satan will produce the unity among humankind before the final days of a world that finally will be one with its creator.

    Crisis: The Catholic Church today has suffered through secular adherence to the meaning of life. Satan has produced societies where instant gratification marks a trend away from spirituality where God has become a second-class citizen to societies that favor the separation of church and state. Such nations have lost their moral compass and feature violence as a means to an end. History confirms that life without the one true God becomes devoid of true meaning and value. Catholics are asked to live their faith and not just speak of its benefits. Jesus and His Church are alive today and provide the inspiration needed to promote God’s kingdom right now.

    There is an historic Jesus, one who lived over two thousand years

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