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The America Immigrants Don't Know
The America Immigrants Don't Know
The America Immigrants Don't Know
Ebook117 pages1 hour

The America Immigrants Don't Know

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The book titled "America Immigrants Don't Know" is a book primarily written for both Immigrants and prospective immigrants. It's also a book that may assist indigenous Americans to understand some thought processes of immigrants.

The book is full of information in helping the readers to get settled, and navigate themselves to successful life and to fulfilling their American dream.

In this book, description about America being a land of the free and the home of the brave, discourse on immigrant's entry point and community they reside being able to shape their destiny, what to do when immigrants are facing change, the role of good parenting in shaping their Children's Worldviews, the need to avoid being stuck in victimhood mentality, the need to practice religion as expected in America, and the imperative need to avoid criminal acts with few reliance credit bait. The book is concluded with some tips on how the readers can fulfill their dreams.

Release dateFeb 24, 2022
The America Immigrants Don't Know

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    The America Immigrants Don't Know - Delightsomelands


    We at Delightsomelands (Goshen Delightsome International Innitiave) are immensely grateful to our volunteers, donors, supporters, and clients for supporting our mission to reduce poverty and social and mental health illiteracy in America and abroad.

    Your selfless services and donations have brought hope to families.


    Enough of third world country! Enough of nation that kills dreams and ambitions! Finally, it is bygone to poor and underdeveloped nations where I am born!

    Those statements were uttered exhilaratingly by two different immigrants when they were individually given different types of visas. Without long, they took their flights and jetted to America. They got to America on different days in different environments and with varying mindsets.

    In no time, they found themselves in diverse communities and mingled with different types of people. Since both immigrants possessed great and laudable dreams, they desired to explore the American dream. Thus, they were determined with great fire within to fulfill humongous ambitions and to attain stardom in America, their newly found home.

    Shortly after taking off, one of them began to do well and was on track of realizing his dreams; the other individual seemed offtrack as he began to encounter great difficulties in navigating himself through societal demands and crises. He got stuck in a fast society with little to no information, left with punctured hope and dashed dreams. The initial excitement of a new world and the urge for the exploration of the American dream was dwindling.

    Many endless questions of regrets. Meanwhile, it was now much harder to go back to the home country. The case was like burning the bridge you used to cross the ocean behind you. It is simply an expression of no going back.

    The above two scenarios have happened over and over as immigrants come into America year in, year out.

    Many people migrate to America with little to no information about the land of opportunity or guidance or with ill-informed guidance or find themselves in the wrong team. They, as a result of these, find the pathway in living within America a serious challenge.

    The truth is that succeeding in America may be unfamiliar territory. You may be smart, intelligent, hardworking, sociable, and possess the right attitude, yet you’d still find it difficult to succeed due to missing salient tips to keep you aboveboard.

    The book you are holding introduces you into the American society and should be your first companion as you browse and explore America with all her intricacies. This book will light up your part, guide you on how to attract success, stir you to realizing your American dream, and get you out of undue crisis that many immigrants have found themselves in.

    It is a desire of every immigrant to do well in America; however, many people come into America with little or no information about the greatest country in the world. They are without guidance or are ill-informed. Sometimes, they find themselves in the wrong society, which eventually turns the American dream into a nightmare.

    The truth is that the roadmap to success in America may be unfamiliar territory. You may be smart, intelligent, and hardworking and possess the right attitude and be able to socialize but still find it hard to succeed if you miss some salient tips to keep you aboveboard.

    The book you are holding introduces you to the psychology and some intricacies of living in America. Although this book may not cover the total subject on America, the book can be a companion in exploring America with all her opportunities. It may help you to become successful in realizing your American dream and keep you out of undue crisis many immigrants have found themselves.


    America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

    It is generally known that Francis Scott Key is the author of the famous words The land of the free and the home of the brave. He wrote those words in 1814 and, ever since 1931, the wordings have been sung as the national anthem of the United States.

    When Francis Scott Key wrote the words, The Land of The Free And The Home Of The Brave in 1814, he did so in a poem called The Defense of Fort McHenry. The battle of Fort McHenry in Baltimore was a decisive one in which Americans truly demonstrated bravery and fought for freedom.

    Indeed, bravery was demonstrated to earn America the decisive freedom she possesses now. Since that time, American society has evolved greatly in all strata that truly show that an immigrant in America can become great and experience financial emancipation if only such immigrant can exercise bravery and fearlessness; thus, you cannot afford to be timid, fearful, and visionless.

    Therefore, resilience in facing challenges with the intent of getting positive results is an act of bravery. You should therefore avoid victimhood mentality like the plague. Victimhood mentality will make you feel like a caged bird.

    The Land of the Free

    In the context of the national anthem, America, the land of the free, its philosophy is that all men are equal, although some men may have more opportunities with inherited wealth or a better position than the other; but there are so many immense opportunities in America that could afford anyone to be successful.

    On that note, as an immigrant in the United States, you must adopt the freedom mentality and move far from victimhood mentality. Trip off any self-imbibing limitation and biases you might have been carrying all your life and demonstrate unequal bravery if you must come

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