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Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser: Finding Peace, Joy, and Prosperity
Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser: Finding Peace, Joy, and Prosperity
Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser: Finding Peace, Joy, and Prosperity
Ebook178 pages2 hours

Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser: Finding Peace, Joy, and Prosperity

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About this ebook

Globally, it is estimated that 107 to 240 million people abuse alcohol to varying degrees. Even if only one person is affected by an alcohol abuser, that leaves 107 to 240 million people battling fear, anxiety, anger, hopelessness, physical and mental abuse, depression, bitterness, and stress caused by a relationship with an alcoholic. People who are in relationships with alcohol abusers often do not know that there is a guaranteed way to overcome the debilitating trap of the enemy, who not only is setting up traps for the alcohol abuser, but he is also causing the loved one to be deceived into believing things will never change and get better.

God did not create His children to live in poverty, mental anguish, or spiritual defeat. It is time to make the decision to follow Christ and live a victorious life. This book will show you how you can live in peace, joy, and have prosperity even if you choose to remain living with the alcohol abuser. You will discover that you can dream and live again.

Your breakthrough into a confident, strong, wise, and maturing Christian requires work and determination; and the steps to lead you to freedom are found in this book. God is no respecter of persons; what He did for the author of this book, He will do for you. Let this book launch you into a life of freedom that you may never have had or imagined having before.

This book will also be a valuable asset for those living with or loving someone who has another addiction, such as drugs, overeating, pornography, sexual promiscuity, or is a workaholic.

Release dateNov 19, 2021
Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser: Finding Peace, Joy, and Prosperity

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    Book preview

    Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser - Tina Angel


    Forever in Love with an Alcohol Abuser

    Finding Peace, Joy, and Prosperity
    Tina Angel

    Copyright © 2021 by Tina Angel

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    To my God. May this published work bring you glory! I ask that it will be used as a weapon against the enemy and will bring healing and restoration to those who read it.

    I speak and declare over you reader, Victory is yours, now. I break the power of all despair and hopelessness; it must depart from you. I prophesy that no evil thing can steal what you read in this book, and you will see the generational blessing rest upon your children and loved ones! I decree, divine healing and financial prosperity over you. I command the angels to stand guard and war on your behalf. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    I am starting this book off with prayer because I personally know that your deepest desire right at this moment is, how do I get the alcohol abuser to stop drinking? It is followed closely behind with, what do I do with all this pain and anger inside of me? We will deal with these questions later in the book, but for right now, let us get God involved in our healing and the healing of our loved ones.

    Father God in heaven,

    I boldly bring to You my beloved (name/s), to Your throne. Lord, begin to bring dissatisfaction into his/her/their life circumstances. Bring him/her/them to a place where there is no fulfillment and no more pleasure or gratification in what he/she/they is/are doing. Make him/her/them aware what sin and what disbelief he/she/they have in their heart(s) that is causing the problem. Lord, bring an end to ungodly relationships in his/her/their life. God, interrupt those relationships and dissolve them quickly and powerfully. Place a hedge of thorns around those relationships.

    Lord, open his/her/their spiritual eyes so he/she/they can see You. Let him/her/them see Your goodness and truth. Create a hunger in him/her/them for You.

    Lord, have an encounter with him/her/them that will open his/her/their eyes to the vision and revelation You have for him/her/them. Show him/her/them Your plan(s) and purpose(s) for their life (lives). Let him/her/them feel Your love.

    Lord, I bind the spirit of procrastination in his/her/their life (lives). Encourage them inch by inch to move forward.

    In Jesus’s name.

    I have two prayers for you to recite over yourself:


    I dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in Your shadow.

    You are my refuge and fortress, and I trust in You.

    I know You will save me from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.

    Lord, You cover and protect me.

    You are so faithful; You are my shield and rampart.

    I fear not the terror of night,

    Nor the arrow that flies by day,

    Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

    Nor the plague that destroys at midday.

    Although thousands may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, it will not come near me.

    I will only observe with my eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.

    I make the Most High my dwelling place, and no harm will befall me.

    No disaster will come near my tent.

    You will command Your angels to guard me in all my ways.

    They will lift up their hands so that I will not strike my foot against a stone.

    I will tread upon the lion and the serpent.

    You, Lord, love me.

    You will protect me.

    I will call upon You, and You will answer.

    You are always with me.

    You will satisfy me in my long life and show me amazing things, do amazing things, lift me up, speak amazing things to me.

    In Jesus’s name.

    (Based on Psalm 91, personalized by me)

    Father God in heaven,

    I boldly come to Your throne. Lord, begin to bring dissatisfaction into my life circumstances. Bring me to a place where there is no fulfillment and no more pleasure or gratification in what I am doing. Make me aware what sin and what disbelief I have in my heart that is causing the problem. Lord, bring an end to ungodly relationships in my life. God, interrupt those relationships and dissolve them quickly and powerfully. Place a hedge of thorns around those relationships.

    Lord, open my spiritual eyes so I can see You. Let me see Your goodness and truth. Create a hunger in me for You.

    Lord, have an encounter with me that will open my eyes to the vision and revelation You have for me. Show me Your plan and purpose for my life. Let me feel Your love.

    Lord, I bind the spirit of procrastination in my life. Encourage me, inch by inch, to move forward.

    In Jesus’s name.

    Now that you have prayed for the alcohol abuser(s) in your life and prayed over your own life, we must contend with any children and grandchildren you may have in your life. If you do not have any children yet, do not skip this part; it contains valuable lessons.

    I have always been fascinated with my ancestry. On my father’s side, I discovered that I had a grandfather who died in 1713, and he was a reverend. For some unknown reason, I have been more attracted to him than any other grandparent or relative that I have uncovered in my past genealogical lines, from either my father’s or mother’s side. I inquired of God and asked Him why that is. I assumed the answer would be because he was a minister. I was shocked when God replied, He prayed for you.

    My grandfather’s prayers have been carried through family members for over three hundred years. Whatever he prayed to God for in faith about his future children has been awarded to me, and I know it will be passed down to my children and grandchildren and will continue being passed on to their children through eternity.

    Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations to those who love him and keep his commands (Deuteronomy 7:9 NIV). This is how powerful the word of God is. My children’s children through eternity are soaked in my prayers. I want to see all my descendants in heaven one day, to talk to them, hug them, laugh with them, love them. And not only my blood relatives but my in-laws, my stepchildren, my stepgrandchildren, all the wives and husbands they will marry and all their children. My goodness, I want a family reunion of massive proportions. Remember there is nothing too hard for God (Jeremiah 32:17b). Dream big. Have faith, and that mountain will move.

    Heavenly Father,

    I lift up all my children, their spouses, and any children they brought into their marriage or relationship, all my future descendants. Lord, in Jesus’s powerful and mighty name, I ask that each and every one of them come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. May they discover who they truly are in Jesus and walk in their true identity as a child of God.

    Thank You, Lord, that Your Angels are encamped around them, protecting them day and night. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for working in their hearts and minds. Thank You for preparing them for the battles of life that lay ahead.

    Lord, let all my children and descendants keep company with You every moment of their lives. Protect them from the evil one. Keep them from harm from evil spirits, evil men and women. Keep them from harming themselves with drugs, alcohol, sexual sins, the occult, books, and movies that teach occult behaviours and blaspheme the Lord. Keep them safe from bullies, loneliness, depression, suicidal thought, divorce, anger, false gods, and addiction of all kinds, escapism, and emotional garbage. Lord, teach them to love as Christ loves the church. Let them understand and work the law of sowing and reaping.

    Lord, let none of my babies belonging to me be born during the tribulation, or let no family member of mine kneel down and take the mark of the beast.

    I have asked in faith and know the answer is yes.

    I have been praying for future generations since my babies were infants. The other day, I listened to a sermon by Jesse Duplantis on YouTube entitled God’s Greatest Promise for His Children. I highly recommend you take the time to watch it as I cannot deliver the entire message in a couple of quotes, but I would like you to ponder from that message.

    First Timothy 2:3–4 (KJV) says, For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. Reverend Duplantis went on to say, It is God’s will that He wants All to be saved. If it is God’s desire, it must become my desire. To us, it’s a promise; to God, it is a prophecy. He went on to explain that when we claim a promise, God spoke it as a prophecy.

    So when you pray, do not plead and beg God to save your family members and friends. God said to ask in faith, and the answer is yes. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says prophecy means a prediction of something to come. So if God cannot lie, He means what He says—All men to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4 KJV).

    I chose prayer for the opening chapter of this book for a couple of reasons. One reason is because prayer should always be the first thing you do. If you do not ask for guidance, God’s will, direction, or protection, you will not have it. Another reason is, without prayer, you are going to go out there in your own wisdom and knowledge and be doing things in your own power and works. I am imagining that you have been doing that already, and that is why you have picked up this book.

    Faith plays an important role in prayer as well. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (James 1:6). You are probably exhausted from trying to do things in your own power and strength, tired of being tossed around by the alcohol abuser’s promises and your own hope for change. You are probably feeling depressed, lonely, lost, and tired of hearing people say, You should divorce the fool or He is a loser. Why are you doing this to yourself, girl? Or maybe no one knows what you are going through. Another reason prayer is so important is that you can release all your burdens to God. He helps you get your heart beliefs right. You are able to hear God’s voice of direction, and He will fill you with joy, hope, and gladness even if your circumstances do not change. God is not a respecter of persons. If He can change me, He can change you. It is going to be slow, painful at times. It is going to take your willingness to have God change you. It is going to involve your time and effort and a desire to follow God no matter what the cost.

    I tell you the truth; now I have peace and joy daily in my life, even while my circumstances have not changed. I have been around alcohol and drug abusers my entire life. I have had many family members and friends die from their addictions, even a husband. Today, I am still surrounded by people I love who abuse, but I am okay. They have gotten progressively worse, but I have progressively grown stronger, wiser, and more determined in the Lord.

    This is not a story about how to get the alcohol abuser to change; it is about how God can change you. God wants you to have a good life and have it in abundance. He wants to see that every need and want you have is met. He not only wants to see to your needs and wants, but He also wants to exceed what you need or want.

    As you turn the next page, state, I am no longer standing at the starting line. I am walking out in faith. Whether I run, walk, crawl, or stumble, I will move forward. I am putting my faith into action. Get ready to feel peace, joy, have prosperity, and abundance.

    Chapter 2

    We are the children of God. Period. No other name or label or crisis or addiction or the state of mind you are in can change that. I do not care if you are White, Black, Brown, Yellow, orange, green, or purple. You are a child of God. We are created in God’s image.

    So when I write alcohol abuser, alcoholic, abuser, codependent, or enabler, I am not placing a label on you or any person. That is what you do and not who you are. When I was self-absorbed in my husband’s alcohol abuse, when all my thoughts were on him, all my anger and frustrations were centered on him, when I lived and breathed

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