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Earth Plan 4C: The Aquarian Plan of Peace
Earth Plan 4C: The Aquarian Plan of Peace
Earth Plan 4C: The Aquarian Plan of Peace
Ebook319 pages3 hours

Earth Plan 4C: The Aquarian Plan of Peace

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"In my everyday system of living I have discovered many things that deal with the body, mind, and spirit of all mankind and a balance in health, wealth, and happiness. In my endeavors to fulfill the cosmic purpose of the self, I find deep importance in writing of the truth I know of the dawning new age of Aquarius," says Breeze.

The patterns of world-peace lie before us. Understanding is our goal and as consciousness grows it will occupy minds that are now idle in paranoia, releasing this energy toward positive economic rehabilitation and achievement of the Aquarian American dream.

Earth Plan 4-C is a book about the new age revelation. It will enlighten your search for true inner peace of the total self, which can become a positive timed force of regeneration for both yourself and all who share your existence.

Release dateJun 28, 2021
Earth Plan 4C: The Aquarian Plan of Peace

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    Book preview

    Earth Plan 4C - Robert Emmett Burke


    Earth Plan 4C

    The Aquarian Plan of Peace

    Robert Emmett Burke

    Copyright © 2021 by Robert Emmett Burke

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    This book is dedicated to the masses of people who have believed by a thread of truth, hoping that what they know by their sixth sense would someday become the reality they had dreamed it would be, to the thousands of beautiful people who have physically brushed against my existence, to the millions who have mentally vibrated into my spiritual being, and to the special who have melted within me to mold the hope of tomorrows Aquarian Age.

    Right-arm thanks and appreciation must go to Carol Suzie Wallace for her dedicated donation of personal mind and energy in the typing process of the material. Without her Taurean love and patience and her organized Indian spirit, the material in this plan might have been doomed to remain lost, lost in the hundreds of notepads and various-shaped and colored pieces of table scrit upon which it had come into being. Through her efforts what started out to be a ball of confusion became the positive reality of Earth Plan 4-C.

    Copyright 1975—Made in USA

    All rights reserved


    Love and Glory to God, Creator of our majestic and infinite universe!

    Appreciation to the native peoples who pioneered the raw Earth,

    To the immigrants who carved their paths of progress,

    To the elite and the laborers, the commoners, the poor and the enslaved,

    To brave souls who charted the heavens,

    To the fearless, who charted the seas,

    To the battle scared who fought for justice and truth,

    To the blind and deaf,

    To the deceased who rest in peace.

    Poem: The Aquarian Man

    Green is learning and truth

    The Aquarian Man is a phantom in youth

    Towering above a shadowed ball

    That now echoes nature’s call

    His form rises and passes through

    Three levels of the cosmic hue

    The center of his growth is in the Sun

    As it rests on top of step number one

    It casts glowing lines as it rises

    Showing strength in higher spheres

    And though only a Child of The Universe

    He has been growing and growing for years

    His left hand of Love holds universes unseen

    His right hand the power to create his dream

    His head is in the top level

    For it is from there he is controlled

    By the Stars in the darkness

    Telling the greatest story ever told

    That truth is now—it is you and me

    Growing together in a family tree

    Where we can all live free in harmony

    Physically, Mentally and Spiritually.

    Open Letter 2 U

    To whom it may concern,

    The story you are about to unravel before your eyes is the story of you, a newborn child of the universe, on your way to New Age consciousness as a student of life. You are who you are and where you are by this plan, Earth Plan 4-C, the Aquarian Plan of Peace.

    The civil violence, public disarrangement, political, economic and resource stress that has come to the surface in the United States of America in the past five to ten years, coupled with the near and far east disruptions have necessitated the formulation of a positive Aquarian cosmic plan for preservation of the planet Earth and an adjustment course for human planes of being.

    Earth Plan 4-C is a symbolically translated expression of the positive transmigration of soul dust energy from the universal Astro-Energy Centers through the manifested human form. The ultimate or end product of this transference is peace on the globe Earth.

    The plan of adjustment deals with balancing and leveling of the consciousness of each individual to complete the link of self realization. This basic seed will extend to realization of the cosmic actuality of the total environment in which the karmic patterns have formed the matrix of each one’s individual destiny.

    This mass educational process is within the program of the universal cosmic macrocomputer and is now being transmuted to products of creative genius as are necessary to fill the needs and dispel the anxious vexations of the physical human forms on Earth. Evolved consciousness, programmed within the living human entity, has been buried below the alpha and beta levels of brain activity and exist as an ever-advancing complete form of positive expression.

    The many forms of violence we read about in the paper are energy expressions converted to negative aspects of a destructive nature due to an ignorance of the total plan of life. In our New Age of Aquarius, such negative expressions will serve only as benchmarks or measuring points to gauge our progress and success in building a world naturally controlled by an International Entity of Love. Expansion in understanding of the natural cosmic order of actuality of our being is a quantity that is elusive to current technological and social measuring devices as it deals with vibrating forms of individual energy centers. For proper, complete, and just analysis, each case must be worked separately and evaluated on the basis of the cosmic program and the existing realm. The measuring techniques, therefore, must be sensitive to the dynamics of nature first and, secondly, they must encompass study of the various interactions of an ever-changing environmental situation. Each moment and each circumstance can thereby be symbolically converted to total understanding through the Science of Form and the laws of nature. Total understanding of any given moment of time presupposes not only recording and interpretation (cosmic) of the experience itself but also becomes relative as regards to the receptor methods, techniques, and values of the observer.

    This single element of distortion is the source of most of the misunderstandings in the world today. People simply are functioning as they are intended to function, but the activity of change is so intense that a true meeting of the cosmic minds can only be achieved through the application of total trust. If we were to stop and make calculations for each thing or moment so as to discover the energy truth patterns of that moment, we would not have time enough to live those moments. Because of this demand of time, we single out single days, dates, or periods of our under-foundation history and assign or identify certain aspects and characteristics to those memorable dates based upon our own personal involvement and cosmic nature. Actually, we are accumulating trend samples as we move forward in man’s recorded time.

    Astrology has already proven and passed its sampling test. It is a workable tool of understanding for a single living entity, and it similarly is a workable tool of understanding for group energy bodies. As the spiritual expressions of divine channel become increasingly manifest in the everyday activity of life, the production of individual progress becomes related to more than just material goods and services as it produces additional intangible factors of unmeasured value that are nonetheless the building blocks of the world of harmony we seek as individuals, as a country, and as a mass of humanity.

    The creation of an air of positivity is as real as the creation of a painting or building. How do we measure such an asset? How do we tally the sheet on a commodity that is worth more than gold? Love is the cement that will build and rebuild our countries form in true democracy, of E pluribus unum (One out of many), of purpose and being. It is all around us as it is being generated by the positive purposeful souls who have had the good fortune of having found it within themselves and are willing to share it with their brothers and sisters in the common goal of balancing and preserving all the resources of the planet Earth. These energies flow in all planes, types, and forms but best flow and most efficiently flow through a natural system or entity that has been spiritually awakened.

    Conscious or subconscious knowledge of this single principle has led a large number of people to let go and attempt to find an existence of balanced health, wealth, and happiness that is compatible to both them and their environment. Cooperative and harmonious interaction of these forces can only be realized through direct and positive identification with nature.

    Narrow-minded or ill-informed people seek to destroy the very breath and cornerstone of our new world of peace in the Aquarian renaissance. The enactment of the ego gratification and programmed insecurity tactics do not create the stuff we need to build the world we pray for. These tactics are simple acts of foolishness which, out of ignorance and lack of understanding, deplete the bank of love in a selfish, greedy way.

    The fact is that everyone is helping to build a world that most closely represents the world we would like to personally experience. There is a group of positive and involved people who are working, expending their energies, using their time to create this Mercurian expression, only to be harassed by do-gooders who do not have their act together from the start and do not care enough to take the time out to acknowledge or understand the source and future purpose of the catalyst of peace that they are unknowingly trampling upon with their shortsighted bigotry.

    The instant gratification people who do not appreciate the value of the vibratory energy achievements now taking place in our country are the same people who unjustly project their anxieties and negativity by worrying that man and his world are going to be destroyed or depleted. Not only is this negative element adding nothing but confusion and chaos to the solution of our problem, but they attempt to stamp out the love on deposit and are thereby undoing the very hope and being of a united world.

    Now who are the culprits?

    Well, they are people who have seemingly good intentions but fail to seek understanding of the deeper purpose of it all! The reason they fail to seek is sometimes because they believe to have found. Dangerous indeed is such an attitude, for it closes minds to new realities. The only way to truth is total truth itself. Those who truly know realize that all that exists or ever will exist is truth; so if you doubt or cannot understand the positive significance of a thing, idea, person or action or if you feel fear, anxiety, anger or frustration, then it is time to seek the cosmic truth concerning the relative depth of the understanding you believe to have found. It (whatever you have found) may not be the true key to inner peace. The question is, do we really seek to understand or have we, due to lack of a sincere love and interest in our brothers, created mountains of waste and a chasm of negativity separating the unity we profess to seek? Have we built a wall between ourselves and the truth as it is seen and experienced by others, the universal truth?

    Each one must ask these questions of themselves, for therein lies the only true answer. The proof is in the ability to cope with the environment of our everyday activity while flowing forward in rhythm with the Aquarian plan of humanity. Complete, unknowing surrender may be the answer for those who are not diligent enough to see the truth; however, surrendering your life and reason without understanding is ultimately frustrating within itself and places us on a loop to return to a closed mind and compounded anxiety. It is the analysis of this closed loop of tolerance that has prompted the formation of the Aquarian breakthrough including the design of Cosmic International and the planned dynamic series of consciousness steps necessary by way of common sense to develop concord, peace, and harmony in our ever-changing world.

    Author’s Notes

    This has been written in as simple a form as was believed necessary for the natural student of life to absorb cornerstone or key areas of the material understanding that will in turn form the foundation for spiritual understanding and ultimately lead to super conscious awareness of the universe within each of us, as we are a moving, rhythmic part of the universe that makes up our infinite realm.

    It is not how fast the book is read that matters; it is how many times it is read, how much it is used, and how deeply it is understood!

    The quality of one’s involvement is the measure of one’s reward. Positive involvement and observation will be in direct correlation to the positive understanding obtained. Since all that exists is a positive expression of Divine Force, total positive understanding of your environment and all that exists within it is an infinite experience.

    The process of comprehending and accepting the actuality and truth of all that exists is not a fast-moving experience when compared on the current evolutionary gauge of material and monetary achievement. It may seem slow to us, but that is the resultant of deep-rooted ego insecurities, the creator of our anxieties and fears. The cosmic truth is that we are walking across a sea of consciousness on the stepping-stones of life. Each step must be made before the next. Full realization that the next stepping-stone that we need really does exist is ever present within us all since we have all been born in positive form. Some of the stepping-stones are submerged and covered by the waters passing over them.

    Knowledge of the natural order of the universe will relieve the anxiety and frustration generated by knowing with one part of the self while still wondering with the other part of the self, not certain which pattern to follow for fulfillment of our karmatic destiny across the steps of life. Sometimes we get our feet wet, and it seems our faith is being tested. We experience a moment of shock, of aloneness, and of uncertainty; but as we analyze and bear down upon our station, we find the reassurance of the actuality and existence of support that we could not visualize from our plane of consciousness or from the vantage point into which we have thrust ourselves. Most of us today are in a moment of sensing that uneasy, uncertain feeling of hope instead of the positive feeling of confidence, confidence in the Divine Plan of Creation.

    Peace will guide the planet Earth in the Age of Aquarius for each of as is a reflection of our signature in the sky. Man developed all that has been developed to date as a part of the Plan. A plan of evolvement that could not be altered or changed. As the past is a manifestation of the celestial force, so tomorrow will be a mathematical extension of our known moment of existence into the Astro-Energy Centers of the next cycle of our journey in life. When we are aware that these forces currently do and in the future will relay and relate positivity, activated in natural order we will find the assurance, confidence, and peace of mind we are seeking as a mass of humanity.

    Each reader of this book is a unique individual within himself. The planetary positioning within each one’s chart and the physical location of the planets at the time of reading will determine the strength of the link; the viewpoint of understanding; the intensity of the basic desire to understand himself, his brother, and his environment as we move forward to our destined purpose as a living part of a world created for peace and harmony.

    Peace without economic stability is meaningless because economic stability through world trade preempts the formation of a true and lasting, peace. Removal of the elements of greed from the world trade negotiations will ultimately result in a balanced product of love, harmony, peace, and concord among all nations and among all people. As satisfaction of the true needs of man replaces the frustration of the unobtainable wants of man there will be a diminishing of waste and a balancing of resources. To obtain this balance, there

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