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Angels Performing Miracles
Angels Performing Miracles
Angels Performing Miracles
Ebook203 pages3 hours

Angels Performing Miracles

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Angels Performing Miracles is the sequel to There's an Angel Inside of Me. Ryan Simmons, now in the hereafter, and as an angel in training, is monitored, once again, by Theodore the Guardian Angel. Ryan, though still not eligible for heaven, is assigned to watch his reissued soul, Paul Ryan, on earth. Paul, the new soul is allowed to recommend to the guardian angel, drastic life-changing events on earth, miracles. But what will he recommend, and why? And what is the hereafter all about, anyway? Questions will be asked: Why are terrible things on earth allowed to remain unchanged? And is it all really revolving around: free will. With so many questions for Ryan, the new soul, Paul and us, Ryan, finally is allowed something very special. He is allowed just forty-eight hours back on earth, to recommend his own miracles to be considered. What will they be, and why? Will they be allowed or declined by God? And what are the reasons God will allow or disallow Ryan's urgent miracle requests? You will feel what Ryan feels as he travels the earth looking for miracles we all may want to choose. Hold on tight as the assignment begins.

Release dateNov 18, 2020
Angels Performing Miracles

John Paul Carinci

John Paul Carinci is an insurance executive and president of Carinci Insurance Agency, Inc. He is also a songwriter, poet, motivational speaker, and CEO of Better Off Dead Productions, Inc., a movie production company. Carinci is the author of multiple novels and self-help guides as well as several screenplays.

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    Book preview

    Angels Performing Miracles - John Paul Carinci


    Angels Performing Miracles

    John Paul Carinci

    Copyright © 2020 by John Paul Carinci

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    For my wife, Vera

    For all those who inspire authors to continue to create with newfound imagination

    Chapter 1

    My old name was Ryan Simmons before I died and went to the hereafter. I was actually killed, targeted by a person who wanted revenge. I was a cocky, rich business owner who was on top of his world. I was ruthless to many, self-centered, divorced, and only cared about my daughter.

    My construction business was very successful, but I wanted more. I wasn’t a very good human, but when I died and went to the hereafter, my cockiness turned to downright fear. All my money, fame, success, meant nothing in a new unknown world of forever where God is in control of it all.

    I was deathly scared of going to hell but was slowly informed that I would be barred from heaven and sent to a state of limbo for eternity. I would be unable to ever be reunited with my lovely daughter when her time to pass would come. I was devastated, brought down to a state of begging for my eternity. I pleaded to have a redo of my life and somehow requalify for heaven. I cried to God and anyone who would listen to me in the hereafter to be sent back to earth. I asked to be able to change my life, turn it around 180 degrees, promising to be the most inspiring person, helping everyone until I was recalled back to the hereafter to be analyzed once again for qualification and admittance into the paradise of heaven.

    I was stuck in limbo for some time, waiting, worrying. Somehow I was granted a special redo on earth, but only from the point of my passing. The conditions were as follows: I could be called back in hours or years, all left up to God’s wishes. I would be judged on whatever I accomplished on earth with the new time I was granted. I had to be accompanied by an angel from heaven, Theodore, who would watch over me, protect me, and be my conduit to God. He would carry out any and all of God’s plans for me.

    With my newfound time on earth, I was able to change my ways, make some improvements, and act differently, like night and day. With God’s approval, I was allowed to interview very prominent deceased people, finding out why they were able to accomplish so much good or so much bad in their lives. God allowed me to be transported to and in front of Edison, Hitler, a saint, and more. The insights I received from all of them was mind-boggling.

    My goal was to help mankind with the new insights and lessons I had learned from these very prominent individuals, but it was not to be. The man who had a burning desire to see me dead finally had his wish fulfilled; he blew up my home with me in it.

    Once again, I felt helpless in the hereafter, learning that I still would be barred from heaven, that my life as Ryan Simmons, wealthy business owner of fifty-eight years of age, was finished. I would never see my daughter on earth again. I was devastated as my life, I felt, was a complete failure. But in the end, my angel, pudgy, five-foot-two, Theodore, who had died in 1892, had a very special offer, authorized by God, just for me.

    Theodore himself was a strange-looking, bald Scottish man who spoke with an accent. He never gave me an answer to my problems, but rather allowed me to work them out for myself. I found out that my accompaniment with the angel, Theodore, would continue under the special arrangement and assignment I had been granted from God.

    Theodore explained to me that I was allowed to be an angel in training with special powers that full-fledged angels have. But my assignment was experimental as was my second chance at being sent back to earth; God had allowed me the special second-chance opportunity to change my ways and study mankind.

    You have been selected, Ryan, to be the forerunner in this experiment. You will be able to study actual people’s situations and problems on earth.

    But I don’t understand why I can’t go back to earth as myself, like Ryan, and live my life again.

    That phase of your existence is over. Ryan has been progressed into the angel Paul. Ryan will continue as promised in the hereafter. He will be aware, as a soul, of everything that has or will transpire on earth and with Paul and his new assignment. But, of course, Paul will have no knowledge of and will have no contact with anyone on earth from Ryan’s past.

    But like an angel, Paul should have all that…, I said.

    It is not allowed in Paul’s special assignment while on an earth mission.

    Will I be able to follow Paul and his assignments?

    Of course. Paul is Ryan reinvented, so to speak. You will see Paul, but not be heard by him.

    So I will have no input into what Paul does on earth?

    No input, but observation status.

    Am I allowed, now that I am in the hereafter, to know all the secrets of life and the afterlife?

    Ryan, in your present capacity, you will learn many new things and delve so much deeper into the unknown. But you will be greatly limited until you rise to the higher status level, which may take some time.

    Some time? Like a year? Or some time like a lifetime?

    Time is forever for you now, Ryan. You need not worry about time or anything for that matter. You see, there is nothing here to even be concerned with. Do you have any sensations and pain anywhere?

    Theodore, now that you mention it, I have no sensations at all. My knees and back don’t hurt, nothing.

    Well, that is because you are no longer flesh, bone, and muscle. You are a soul.

    The body is a temporary shell that just dies off, then.

    Precisely. The soul never dies.

    Theodore, how does a person on earth die? In other words, why does a person live to age 122 as the oldest person on earth?

    Simply stated, Ryan, the subconscious mind and the soul comply with the message received that the body is no longer needed to exist.

    Are you telling me that somehow we ask to be eliminated as human beings?

    "Yes, you will understand this more in-depth as you slowly progress in thinking. Remember, learning is unlimited in the hereafter. It is as wide open as the universe. You know less than one-tenth of 1 percent of all that is to be learned. You have forever to expand your knowledge.

    Theodore, I have heard that people can will themselves to die, but I never really believed that.

    Suffice it to say that the soul and the spirit guides are within each human being, and will ultimately accommodate that which they understand the being to desire. And that is all I can say on the subject at this time.

    Paul will have special powers to make changes on earth. Will these changes be like miracles?

    There are many changes on earth each day. We don’t consider them miracles. Amazing, special changes come about from many different sources. Some may, in fact, be miracles, some accommodations. Paul will have special gifts to make changes, but each and every change must be approved by God, but only after they have been passed upward from earth and requested through me.

    Will I be aware of each and every change and request passed through you?

    Of course, we are now a team. You are my responsibility, as is Paul. This brings us to a very important question. If you were given this important assignment that Paul is blessed with, what change on earth do you feel is of utmost importance?

    Wow, that is a loaded question. What would I like to change on earth?

    Yes, anything at all. Of course, this does not mean it would be done, mind you, rather it would be given consideration.

    Okay, here goes. Feed the poor that are starving to death across the globe, as there is plenty of food in the world. We have wasted so much food for centuries when babies in countries in Africa are literally starving to death or are so malnourished that they died from sicknesses brought on by lack of food.

    Okay, you are thinking. What else?

    I would bring back the love of all people. Families love their own relatives but are indifferent to other humans. They say they care, but in reality, most people are selfish and out for only themselves and their families.

    I see. You feel this is important?

    We are destroying our earth because of lack of love. I would eliminate drugs that are killing our children and addicting our adults. This is a very important change that needs to happen to a self-destructing world.

    What else?

    Cancer. This disease is taking the lives of young children as well as adults of all ages. Why is God allowing cancer to exist on earth? And why is He allowing it to attack babies and children of all ages?

    In due time, you will understand this and so much more, Ryan. What else?

    Greed amongst all humans. We sit on our riches while people freeze to death in our streets. We don’t share or try to help the poor or disadvantaged.

    Why is that?

    Because we feel that we worked hard for our money, and we don’t want to just give it to others when they haven’t earned it.

    "I see. So you think these things can help the world called earth?"

    It would be a great start, wouldn’t it?

    I am not here to judge. You will learn an amazing thing that may shock you, but there is no such thing as wrong that humans do.


    Yes, you heard me right.

    God is all about right and wrong.

    God is all about love. God loves every human ever born the same. If a human kills, steals, rapes, God will never abandon them. He will never stop loving them.

    That cannot be correct. We learned right from wrong, and there are heaven and hell.

    Ryan, this is your first lesson, son: There is no such thing as hell. You see, when someone such as yourself is not admitted right away to heaven, it is that person who stops the admittance to heaven, not God.

    No, hell? Then why be good?

    You are good not for God but rather yourself. You see, God is your father. A father will never stop loving his child, no matter what they may do. Take yourself, for instance. You have in your heart agreed that you, at this moment, do not deserve to be admitted into heaven. That door can and will be open to you when in your heart, you fully believe you deserve to enter the kingdom of God.

    But, Theodore, you are confusing me! I want to enter heaven. I want to be by God’s side. I want it all!

    You and everyone want heaven. But you know in your heart that you did not earn it. Let me explain it in a different way that you may understand better. If God were standing right in front of you, staring at you, not saying a word, what would you be thinking?

    I don’t know, maybe I wouldn’t do anything.

    Would you feel that you led your life well enough to ask God to allow you to enter into His kingdom?

    No, not at all. I would feel dirty. I would see every bad thing I ever did in my life, and I would know that God would see all the bad, too.

    Exactly, Ryan. God forgives, loves, and accepts all of His children. It is the former earthlings that need to reinvent themselves. That is where the soul continues onward in its own quest for what it perceives to be perfection.

    This, Theodore, is nothing like we have been taught and believe for our lives.

    "You will find out so many truths you had no idea existed in your life on earth.

    But let us speak about your continuation through Paul, shall we?

    So Paul will be me in a reinvented sense, but not have any of my memories?

    Basically, yes. Paul will, however, have every good intention Ryan has inside of him, every kindness and loving heart, just no memory of your life on earth.

    So he can save a person’s life if he feels it would be the right thing to do?

    Yes, if he can get authorization from God, passed through me.

    Why would he attempt to save one person’s life over the next person?

    Paul will have to try to foresee how that one act would greatly benefit the future of that person, thus touching on other lives and events going forward many years into the future.

    Oh yes, I see it now. Okay, I can understand the usefulness in this. Paul is like a change bender.

    That’s pretty good—a change bender. Yes, he can, in fact, change the future perhaps greatly. But he wouldn’t know that for sure. Not until he is allowed to make the change. Only then, after the change is authorized, will Paul be able to see all the way into the future and see the results of such a change. Some may be good, some may be bad.

    Ah yes, I guess it is risky. This brings to mind a well-known story about a very famous writer, Og Mandino.

    A great motivator, Ryan.

    "What stuck with me, Theodore, was his life on earth. Og served in the army as a bombardier, fighting the Germans. He became an alcoholic, ruined his marriage, was a wandering derelict who with his last few dollars contemplated suicide. Just moments before he was to buy the gun in a pawn shop, he changed directions and wound up in a library. It was at that library that Og began to change his ways as he consumed inspirational books.

    Og very easily could have ended his life that day with a ten-dollar gun. Instead, he turned his life around and became the most-read inspirational author of all time. Og would go on to change countless lives, selling more than thirty-six million books worldwide. If he had gone through with his suicide, those thirty-six million readers’ lives would not have been so positively touched by such an inspiring person.

    Yes, Ryan, God had something to do with Og not going through with his suicide plan. God had other plans for this amazing writer. Paul, your new identity will have those same life-changing powers. It will be interesting if Paul is successful.

    So Paul will be my new identity, but Ryan will be able to view everything and communicate with you, but not with Paul. Also, Paul can communicate with you but not be aware that Ryan ever lived. And Paul will have no history of Ryan’s relatives and friends.

    "Exactly right. So what would you change if you were

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