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Undeniable Evidence: That Few Believe
Undeniable Evidence: That Few Believe
Undeniable Evidence: That Few Believe
Ebook50 pages36 minutes

Undeniable Evidence: That Few Believe

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Do you believe in the Almighty God and the power of God? I mean really, really believe? What a question to ask. Of course, you believe. You wouldn't be looking at this book if you didn't. This book, inspired by God to be written, gives us witnesses to validate the fact that all things are of God and all of our lives are choreographed by Him. As you read the everyday accounts of the trials and tribulations the writers' encounter, you will be amazed at how the Lord miraculously intervenes in their lives. Undeniable Evidence that Few Believe is a collection of testimonies from ten ordinary people who willingly share detailed accounts of their lives as they journey through life experiencing love, divorce, commitment, disappointment, sickness, and ministry. The reader can easily see through the eyes of the writers, how God orchestrates their lives for them to overcome the thralls and traps of Satan, and ultimately, each writer is victorious over their situation. You will cry with them through their heartbreak and disappointments; rejoice with each one as they celebrate their victories, and witness the miracles unfold in their lives. Even though each writer is independent of the other, biblical themes of "God Has a Master Plan," "Prayer Changes Things," "His Grace and Mercy Abounds," and "According to Your Faith" emerge throughout the testimonies. The Lord etched these indelible experiences in the lives of these writers to serve as the undeniable evidence of His sovereign power. Reading this book will inspire anyone who has ever doubted God's power to trust God; encourage anyone who has ever wavered in their faith to hold on; but more importantly, will strengthen and affirm anyone you ever needed assurance that God is the great I AM to believe.

Release dateOct 4, 2018
Undeniable Evidence: That Few Believe

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    Undeniable Evidence - Sheila Albergottie


    First and foremost, I thank God for being the Almighty God and being omniscient. I thank the Lord for his awesomeness. He orchestrated my life to be able to perform this work for Him and allowed me to experience His power in my life and in the lives of so many others. He has been in the midst before, throughout, and after this project is completed. Words cannot explain my feelings toward God for Him to see me worthy enough to be used for His good pleasure. I only hope and pray that this work is pleasing in His sight.

    I thank God for each author who willingly shared their experiences with God with me. Thank you for trusting and believing me when I shared with you what the Lord had asked me to do. It was so rewarding to see that because of the love, affection, and appreciation you had for the Lord and for what He had done in your lives you chose to share your testimony with the world. Thank you for your desire to be a blessing to others by sharing your testimony in this book. Each of you allowed me the unique opportunity to have a small taste of your exhilarating experience when the Lord stepped in and performed the miracles in your lives. So many times, I could barely contain myself as I listened to you tell your stories. Sometimes, even as I typed this manuscript, I would have to stop typing because I would be overcome with joy and jubilation just imagining how the Lord performed your miracle! To God be the glory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!" Your testimonies truly blessed me. I will always cherish those moments. I thank each one of you so very much.

    Thank you Deacon Solomon Amusan for so unselfishly assisting me with the legal guidance I needed in the beginning and Janice Means for being so willing to assist me in getting the necessary permissions from the authors.

    Thank you Marie Rizo-Lewis of the Christian Faith Publishing Company. Our connection from the beginning has been uncanny to say the least. Thank you for listening to me and for your guidance and encouraging words that helped me put the finishing touches on this book. I truly believe our connection was God ordained.

    Thank you Eloise Davis for being receptive to the Lord’s beaconing and, unknowingly at first, you became a great blessing to this work. God is awesome!

    I didn’t share this assignment with many people but for those of you that I did share this book project with, I hope you know how very special you are to me. Thank you for being there and for your encouragement along the way.

    Last but not least, I want to thank my husband Ernest for your agape love for me. You allowed me to step away from the work of this world and be in obedience to God to do as the Lord led me to do. Because you provided the shelter and

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