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Escaping the Valley of Depraviy: Book 2 in the Hunker Down Series
Escaping the Valley of Depraviy: Book 2 in the Hunker Down Series
Escaping the Valley of Depraviy: Book 2 in the Hunker Down Series
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Escaping the Valley of Depraviy: Book 2 in the Hunker Down Series

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As the magnetic field wobble continued to create “cracks,” all electronic devices, along with the electricity, ceased to work. Marie had been preparing for many years for just such an event. Her farm was the place where all the family members were to congregate in an apocalyptic crisis. Her daughter had successfully made her way to the farm, accompanied by her old college roommate, three of her junior high students, and a man named Ian, whom they had picked up along the way.

Marie’s son, Jared, his family, and two neighbors finally got on the road, but their hesitance at leaving cost them precious time. People were getting more desperate. Many, who had no regard for rules and laws in the before, were totally out of control and doing whatever they wanted. Jared’s group finds themselves up against a variety of depraved individuals as they make their way through Los Angeles and across the valley.

When Jared and his neighbor, Paul, are taken prisoner by a gang of thugs, Jared’s sister and uncle leave the farm to try and assist Jared’s group. Marie prays that her daughter and brother will be effective in bringing them home. She hopes she doesn’t lose them all.

Release dateAug 30, 2021
Escaping the Valley of Depraviy: Book 2 in the Hunker Down Series

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    Book preview

    Escaping the Valley of Depraviy - Shari Lobsinger


    Escaping the Valley of Depraviy

    Book 2 in the Hunker Down Series

    Shari Lobsinger

    Copyright © 2021 Shari Lobsinger

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    ISBN 978-1-6624-4624-5 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-4626-9 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Thanks again to all my family and friends for the continual encouragement to get Book Two written. And, of course, thank you to my wonderful daughter, who has been my personal editor and cheerleader!

    I love you all!


    When the Earth’s magnetic field began to wobble, scientists the world over hypothesized about what would happen. They thought the wobble was indicative of the changing of the poles. The north pole would eventually become the south pole and vice versa with the south pole. The earth had gone through this process many times in geologic history but never while scientists were roaming the land. As a result, the evolution of the pole reversal was virtually unknown.

    The wobble began to cause what came to be known as cracks. These weren’t splits in the ground but rather a tearing apart of the sound barrier. The sound was horrendous, throwing people to the ground, hands clamped against their ears trying to keep the sound out. The cracks also created mini EMPs. Electromagnetic pulses are a natural phenomenon created by a mass coronal emission from the sun. A nuclear bomb exploded in the atmosphere can also create them. Not much is known about EMPs, except that they can wreak havoc on electronics and the electrical grid. As the cracks became more frequent, they began frying the electronic brains of cars, computers, cell phones, and anything else run by a circuit board. Modern cars were rendered useless. They simply stopped where they were when a crack hit above. Old clunkers were unaffected, but few people had those. The electrical grid was held together by an interwoven system of computers. As a result, electricity began to fail everywhere.

    Most people were not prepared for this kind of disaster. They relied on the stores to provide food and other needed items. When the cracks started, trucks could not make deliveries. Store shelves were quickly emptied. Getting around became a problem. People couldn’t just jump in their cars to get places. Those on the freeways and interstates were stranded far from home. Chaos soon followed, and the rules of society went down the drain. Those who had nothing expected those who did to share. That did not go over well. The guns came out and were used to protect what one had or to steal what one needed.

    Some people, known as preppers, were prepared. Marie had been prepping for many years and had stockpiled supplies. She lived on a five-acre farm. There were chickens, pigs, goats, and a horse. She planted a garden every year that yielded much produce. The plan with her kids and the extended family was, when disaster struck, come to the farm. Her daughter and son had told Marie many times not to go looking for them. They would make their way to the farm. It had proved to be a long, difficult journey for Emma, Marie’s daughter. Jarud and his family had just started to make the trek, but waiting for several days had worsened the conditions they would have to go through to make it home. The extended family was beginning to arrive at the farm. Marie worried that Jarud’s trip from San Diego through the populated Los Angeles area was going to be treacherous. Hungry people could be lethal if they thought you might have some food. For the sociopaths and criminal types, this was heaven on earth. With no law enforcement to uphold the rules and laws, they could be as depraved as they wanted.

    Chapter 1

    Jarud awoke and looked around orienting himself. Oh, yeah, we’re at Kate’s , he thought, as he rubbed his hands across his face several times. He sat up and rolled out of the sleeping bag without waking Carmen. This might be the last good sleep she gets for a while , he said in his head. He glanced over at Jay. The little boy was barely still in the sleeping bag. He had flung it off and rolled around and was now sleeping with his head on the carpet. Jarud smiled to himself.

    He got up and pulled his sweatshirt over his head as he quietly walked to the door. Opening it slowly, hoping it wouldn’t squeak, he stepped into the hall and closed it softly behind him. He padded down the stairs and smiled at the smell of coffee. Coming into the kitchen, he saw Kate at the stove busily fixing something. She jumped a little at his sudden appearance but gave him a smile as he walked up behind her and gave her a little kiss on her cheek.

    Oh, thank you, sweetie. Good morning. How did you sleep? Kate asked him.

    Like the dead. I barely remember closing my eyes. I guess I was exhausted, he answered.

    Well, stressful situations like you went through yesterday, will do that to a person, she said.

    Guess so. I’m not looking forward to getting back on the road. As bad as it was, I know it’s going to get worse as we get closer to LA, Jarud said.

    I am really afraid for you, Jarud. I wish you didn’t have to go. Promise me you’ll be as careful as possible, she asked.

    Of course I will, but I’m not a policeman or army guy. I don’t have any training like that. I’m not really sure what to do, he lamented.

    Kate turned around and took his face in her hands. You listen to me, Jarud Lockhart. You will be fine. You’ll know what to do when the situation happens. You are your mother’s son, after all.

    He laughed at her. I know. I’m sure you’re right. I’m just a little apprehensive.

    She let his face go. Get you some coffee. That’s the first thing you need to do. Cups are in there. She pointed to a cupboard next to the sink.

    Smiling, Jarud opened the cabinet door and chose a dark blue mug. Turning to the stove, he picked up the percolator and poured the steaming brew. He brought it to his nose and breathed in the aroma then took a sip.

    Ahhh. Delicious. You were right. It’s just what I needed, he said.

    A good cup of coffee is the only way to start a day, she said as she picked up her mug and took a sip.

    What are you making? It smells great, Jarud asked.

    Breakfast burritos. I thought they would be good and filling. Maybe stick to your bones awhile, she said.

    I think they will be exactly what we need to keep us going today, he said.

    A little creak came from the stairway. Kate looked up.

    That must be John, she said.

    Just then, John walked into the kitchen. Good morning, Jarud. Good morning, sweet wife. He bent down and kissed his wife. She smiled back at him.

    I’m sure glad you are home, she told him.

    Yeah, me too, John said.

    How did you know it was him? It could have been any of my gang coming down the stairs, Jarud asked.

    Jarud, I’ve been listening to him come down those stairs for thirty-some years. I think I know that sound by now, she told him, chuckling softly.

    John smiled in amusement at his wife, then shrugged, She thinks she knows me soooo well. Kate flung her dish towel at him, and he caught it before it slapped him in the face.

    The three were in giggles when Jay walked in. What’s so funny, Daddy?

    Oh, nothing, son. Aunt Kate is just giving Uncle John a hard time, he answered.

    Well, little man, how did you sleep? Kate asked as she bent at the waist, resting her hands on her knees, smiling into Jay’s face.

    I slept real good, Aunt Kate. What are we having for breakfast? I’m starving, Jay replied.

    Well, since you liked my dinner burritos so much, I thought I’d make breakfast burritos, Kate told him.

    Yum! I can’t wait. Daddy, I need to pee. Can you take me outside? Jay asked his father.

    Setting his mug down on the tile counter, Jared replied, Yep. I need to go out too. Let’s go. Jared placed his hand on Jay’s head as the child walked past. They went out the glass slider door, closing it quietly behind them.

    Kate looked at John. I’m worried about them, John. It’s going to be so dangerous out there, not to mention Carmen’s pregnancy. They have to go so far. Do you think they will be okay?

    I don’t really know, but if anyone can make it, they can. Jared told me they have a lot of guns and ammo and he’s not afraid to use them. But you are right. It’s going to be treacherous out there. I don’t envy them the trip, that’s for sure, John answered.

    Just then, the slider opened. Jay came running in, leaving Jared to close the door. Aunt Kate? I saw the turtle. I think he’s hungry. Can we go feed him like you said last night? asked Jay.

    Tortoise, sweetie. Turtles live in water. Tortoises live on land. How about we have breakfast first and then we’ll go out and give Leroy some tasty lettuce leaves? Kate told him.

    Okay. Can we eat now? Jay asked.

    Kate, where can we wash our hands? Jarud asked.

    Over by the sink is a pitcher of water and some soap. Help yourself, but be conservative on the water, please, she said.

    Of course. We sure can’t waste water now. Jay, come wash your hands, said Jarud.

    Awww. I just sat down, Daddy, Jay wailed.

    Yeah, and now you are going to get back up and come over here, Jarud told him.

    With his head bowed, Jay walked over to Jarud and climbed up on the stool. They both washed their hands, careful about the water usage. Then Jarud set his son on the ground and gave him a pat on his rear.

    Returning to his seat, Jay said, Okay, I’m ready now.

    I know he must be hungry. Why don’t I make his burrito so he can eat? We can wait for the others, right? Kate offered.

    Sure. That would be great. I’m sure they’ll all be up soon, anyway, Jarud replied.

    When Kate set the burrito down in front of Jay, Jay’s eyes went wide. This looks so good, Aunt Kate. Thank you. He pulled the plate toward him and picked the food up with both hands, stuffing the end in his mouth. He was indeed hungry and didn’t put the burrito down. When he had shoved the remaining piece of tortilla into his mouth, he kept chewing but held his hands up.

    Mmmaddy. He was trying to say Daddy, but his mouth was so full it came out muffled.

    Jarud looked over at him. Guess your hands are a mess again, huh?

    Jay nodded quickly, still trying to clear his mouth. Jarud retrieved the paper towel they had used to dry their hands before. It was still damp, and Jarud used it to clean Jay’s hands then managed to wipe his face.

    Thanks, Daddy, Jay said as he jumped down from the table. Can I color some more, Aunt Kate?

    Of course, you can, she said happily.

    Just then, Carmen, Lizzie, and Paul came down the stairs and into the kitchen.

    What smells so good? Paul inquired. He smiled when Jarud motioned to the coffeepot.

    Cups are in that cupboard, Jarud said helpfully. He hugged his wife and gave her slightly swollen belly a little caress.

    The three newcomers lined up to get a cup and pour a mug full. They all exclaimed how good it was after taking their first sips. Sitting down at the table, Carmen looked up at Jarud.

    How long have you been up? she asked him.

    Oh, not too long. Just long enough to have finished my first cup, he said as he went to the stove to pour another cup. Hey, Kate, this is almost gone. Do you want me to start another pot?

    Would you, dear? That would be wonderful. Everything you need is in the other cabinet there. Water jugs are under the sink, she told him.

    Jarud went about his chore, and soon the water was on its way to being coffee. Kate started passing out the burritos. Everyone dug in without being told. They all complimented and thanked Kate. Carmen stood up, gathering the paper plates and napkins.

    John, do you think you could look at my maps and give us some advice about Old 395? Jarud asked as he stood.

    Sure. Go get ’em, and we’ll take a look, John replied.

    Thanks so much for breakfast, Kate. I think I’ll go up and get our gear packed up. Lizzie? Do you want to do the same? asked Carmen.

    Why, yes. That would be a good idea, I think, Lizzie told her.

    You guys just go do what you need to do. I’ll finish up here and keep an eye on Jay. I’ll take him out back to feed the tortoise, Kate said.

    Carmen uttered her thanks, and she and Lizzie made their way upstairs. Jarud had retrieved the maps from the Bronco and had spread them out on the table. He pointed to a section of the map.

    I was thinking we should stay on Old 395 for a while, but I’m kind of confused about all the name changes. What do you think? Will it be as deserted as I’m thinking? Jarud asked.

    John stood looking at the map for several minutes. This here is 395. I don’t really know why they changed the name of the road so often, but if you follow it here and here, you’ll be on it. He traced a line with his finger, which Jarud followed with a yellow highlighter.

    I’m not sure if it’ll be deserted or not, but it’ll probably be better than the freeway. However, you will have to be cautious about getting caught in a hijack situation. There will be plenty of places for people to hide and jump out at you. Or shoot at you for that matter. You will have to be constantly aware, John explained.

    Jarud and Paul stared at the map and nodded. This is going to be a lot harder than I anticipated, Jarud said sadly.

    Yep. It will, but I think you are right about getting everyone to your mom’s. If you can get there, that’ll be the safest place to be, John said.

    Folding up the maps, Jarud straightened and turned to John. He stuck out his hand, and John shook it. Thanks so much for all your hospitality and help. Are you sure you don’t want to come with us? Jarud asked.

    I’d like to, really, but Kate won’t leave without knowing where the kids are. If we find them and things calm down, maybe we’ll try and get up there, explained John.

    Nodding, Jarud picked up the maps, shoving them back into the old, blue AAA snap pouch. I’m going up to help Carmen bring our stuff down. Thanks, again, John.

    Jay. Let’s take this lettuce out to Leroy and give him his breakfast, Kate said, holding out a bowl full of wilted lettuce to Jay.

    Oh, boy, he said as he took the bowl, and they headed outside.

    Carmen and Lizzie walked into the garage, carrying the last of their gear. They found Jarud and Paul busily stashing everything into the Bronco. Before they had piled stuff on top of the green footlocker, they had taken out more ammo. They hid it away in any nook or cranny they could find. Jarud wanted to be sure there were enough bullets available, just in case. Paul had agreed.

    This is the last of it, Carmen said as she handed the zippered bags to Jarud.

    Good. We’ll be able to get a nice and early start. Hope we can make better headway than we did yesterday, Jarud said.

    Yeah. Maybe that side road won’t be as crammed full of stalled cars as the freeway was, said Paul.

    The group reentered the kitchen. Kate and Jay were just coming in from the backyard. Jay ran over to his parents.

    You should have seen the turt—uh, I mean tortoise, he said, looking back at Kate.

    Hey, you got it right, Kate told him. Good job.

    Jay smiled then continued. Leroy just loved the lettuce. He crunched up the leaves, and I saw his big, pink tongue. It was kind of gross but funny.

    Leroy is going to miss you tomorrow, Jay. I hope you can come back and visit all of us sometime, Kate said, trying not to sound too sad.

    Thanks for everything, Kate. John, guard the fort, Jarud said, hugging Kate and shaking John’s hand.

    Everyone gave hugs and handshakes as they walked back out to the garage. Suddenly, Jay turned around and ran back into the kitchen. He came back carrying two pictures. I almost forgot my pictures for Grammie.

    Well, good thing you remembered. Give Aunt Kate and Uncle John a hug, then climb into your seat, Carmen told him.

    Soon, everyone was in their place, and Jarud started the motor. John opened the garage door for them, and Jarud backed down the driveway. Hands were waving out of every window, and Kate and John waved back. Closing the door, John went to his wife and put his hands around her waist. She was already crying.

    They’ll be okay, Kate, or they won’t. It’s in their hands now, he said gently. Kate only nodded.

    Chapter 2

    Marie had volunteered to take first watch. Everyone was asleep and the house deathly quiet. Eva, Marie’s German Shepherd and constant companion, lay at her feet. Rising from the couch, she went to the woodstove and opened the door. Using a poker, she pushed the coals around and then placed two more logs on top. They were soon hissing and popping as they caught fire. She closed the door and picked up the coffeepot off the stove top. Pouring another mugful of the strong brew, she talked to Eva in a quiet, low voice.

    I hope they get here soon. This worrying is killing me. I hate not knowing where they are or how they’re doing, she said as she set the pot back on the stove and sat down on the couch.

    Marie picked up her knitting and began working on another pair of gramma slippers. At her request, Marie’s cousin had taught her how to knit them, just like the ones her gramma had made. Marie had a box of them in assorted sizes. If anyone needed a pair, they just went through the pile and found ones that fit. Marie found it very soothing and kind of therapeutic to just knit away. Luckily, I stockpiled a bunch of skeins of yarn, she thought to herself. This particular pair was navy blue and camo colored. She liked mixing and matching different colors of yarn to see how they looked when combined. Every now and then, she’d take a sip or two of coffee and get up to make the rounds to look out each of the windows. She’d almost finished the first slipper when she heard someone coming down the hall.

    She smiled as Angel came into the living room. He smiled and stood timidly in front of her.

    Marie patted the seat next to her on the couch. Hey, Angel. Come sit. Anything the matter?

    Angel shyly sat down beside her. Abuela? Is this the end of the world? Are we going to be all right? I know the girls are really scared. We just don’t really know what’s going to happen.

    Setting down her knitting, she took one of Angel’s hands in hers. "Well, Nieto, I don’t think it’s the end of the world, but it may be the end of it as we know it. At least for a while. Things are going to have to go back to the way they were in the long ago. You know, like it was before electricity and cell phones. As for being alright, well, I don’t want to lie to you, but I think you are man enough to be told the truth. It’s going to be very hard to live this way. There’s going to be a lot of work to do. It’s also going to be dangerous, just like you experienced on the way here.

    We are going to have to be vigilant and watchful. I suspect there are going to be times that we’ll have to use our guns in order to protect our lives and all we’ve gathered. If we work together, though, I think we can keep us safe, she told him.

    Angel nodded thoughtfully. Yeah, that’s what I kind of thought. But me and the girls, well, we don’t know any of this stuff. We don’t know how to do any of it or how to shoot a gun.

    The girls and I, she corrected and smiled at him. You will learn because we are going to teach you. You and the girls are capable of learning how to do all this, she said, as she swept her hand out in front of her.

    I want to learn it. The girls too. I just feel so stupid, he replied as he dropped his head.

    Marie picked up his chin gently with her hand. Look at me, Angel. There is no shame in not knowing something. The shame comes if you refuse to learn. There have been many things in my lifetime that I didn’t know how to do. Luckily, I’ve been blessed with family and friends that were willing to teach me.

    Really? Can I learn to shoot a gun too? I want to help defend this place. I feel more wanted here than I ever did back home. I will do whatever you want. Just tell me how. Okay? he implored.

    Of course. And yes. We will teach you to shoot. That’s going to be a very important skill. You and the girls are going to play a very important part around here. Just be patient. Learning takes time, she explained.

    Angel nodded and kept looking sheepishly at Marie. Marie sensed he needed more than a lecture. She pulled him to her in a warm embrace. He hugged her back fiercely. After a few moments, Marie pulled back to look at him.

    Feel better? she asked.

    Yes. Much, he replied, as he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes.

    Good. Why don’t you go back and get a little more sleep? There will be a lot to learn tomorrow, she told him.

    He nodded, stood, and walked slowly back down the hall. Marie heard the quiet click of the door as it was shut. Standing up, Marie stretched her back and shoulders. She thought it would be a good time to trade with Dennis and get some sleep herself.

    As she crawled into her bed, she looked over at her daughter. She remembered back to when Emma was a little girl. After having a bad dream, Emma would drag her ever present blankie with her into her parents’ room. She wouldn’t wake Marie, just stood there looking at her. Marie’s mom sense would make her open her eyes and stare into those of her tiny daughter. The first few times, Marie would swing back the blankets and bring Emma into their bed. Emma, however, was not a quiet sleeper. She would kick and toss about. After many sleepless nights, Marie would tell her to bring her pillow and sleep on the floor next to the bed. Emma was having none of that. There were monsters under the bed, after all. So Emma had learned to just turn over in her own bed and go back to sleep.

    Marie smiled at the memory and wished they were back in that time. A time when everything was safe and normal. Shaking the thoughts from her mind, Marie rolled over and fell asleep almost immediately.

    As the light began to peek its way into her bedroom, Marie awoke. She got up and pulled the covers back up over Emma. She pulled on a faded blue sweatshirt and her slippers and went to the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast. She found Dennis sitting at the table, sipping coffee and looking through an old magazine. He looked up and smiled brightly as she walked into the room.

    Hey, there, Sunshine. Want some coffee? he asked.

    Yep, I do, she answered and sat down in the chair across from him, holding a steaming mug in front of her face.

    I guess we need to get the siding on the spring house after breakfast, huh? he asked.

    The spring house he was referring to was a place to keep things cool after they ran out of propane and had no more refrigeration. The fridge in the house was now worthless since it needed electricity. They had fired up the one in the motorhome, which ran on propane, and it was working perfectly. They hoped the metal shed the motorhome was housed in would continue to act as a Faraday cage. These were metal structures that could be used to protect wires and circuits from overloads caused by the cracks. The propane wouldn’t last forever, but it would provide refrigeration for a while.

    Marie and Dennis’s grandmother had told them about the spring house her family had used when she was growing up. It consisted of a catch basin of some sort that the water from the spring ran through. By suspending buckets with butter, milk, and other such items in the water, it was a primitive form of refrigeration. She and Dennis had sunk an old wash sink into the ground and diverted the stream to run through it yesterday. They had erected a frame for a shelter over it. They hoped this would provide enough shade to keep everything inside even cooler.

    Yeah. We don’t really need it yet, but we might as well get it finished. That’ll be one thing off the list, she said. I think we should have Angel help us. I talked to him last night. He’s very anxious to learn things. This would be a good starting place for him. What do you think?"

    Sure. It’ll be good to have some young energy out there, Dennis said with a smile.

    Yes. I think I’ll get Emma started on the clothes washing, along with Gabby and Juanita. Ian said he would string a clothesline. I’m sure you guys have some things that need to be washed, right? she asked.

    I’ll say we do. How are we doing for laundry soap and all? questioned Dennis.

    There’s a lot in the container. At some point, in the near future, though, we’re going to have to start making soap. After those piglets get born and fatten up, we can butcher them and we’ll have plenty of lard to use, Marie explained.

    Dennis was agreeing when Barbara walked into the kitchen. Hey, you two. What are you plotting? she asked.

    Just planning out what we need to do today, Marie explained. Get some coffee. I’m going to start breakfast.

    Marie came back from the motorhome, where she had retrieved the eggs and milk. Setting them on the counter, she turned to Barbara.

    Hey, Barb. Do you think you can bake that bread we talked about yesterday? Marie asked. And maybe some rolls for dinner?

    Oh, yeah. With Emma and the gang getting home, I totally forgot about that. Do you think Bridgette would like to help me with that? inquired Barb.

    Oh, I’m sure she’d rather do that than animal chores, Marie said.

    Marie went about whisking the eggs. She cut up some onions and potatoes and started them frying. Barbara put on another pot of coffee. As the smells of breakfast wafted through the house, people began to trickle into the kitchen. Soon everyone was talking. Emma set the table with Gabby’s help. Finally, Marie proclaimed everything ready and they all sat down.

    As the meal was almost finished, Marie spoke up.

    Hope everyone had enough? she started, and the group affirmed the statement. Good, good. We have got a lot to do today. Angel, how would you like to work with Uncle Den and me on the spring house?

    Angel eagerly looked up and nodded. Yeah, I would. That would be great.

    Done. Now, Emma? Do you think you and the girls could do the laundry? I’ll show you where everything is, and Ian offered yesterday to string a clothesline, Marie continued.

    Ian nodded.

    Sure, Mom. We can do that. Girls? You okay helping me? Emma asked.

    Juanita spoke up. Yes. Sure. We’d be glad to help with that.

    Alrighty, Marie said. Bridgie, will you work with Barbara to bake some bread?

    Of course. I’d love to make some bread, Bridgette answered.

    Well, I think we’ve got things covered then. Of course, we have to see to the animals first, Marie continued.

    I’ll do the dishes. You guys all get to the outside chores, Barbara announced.

    The group got up. Each set their dirty dishes into the sink and went to their respective rooms to get changed into work clothes. Already dressed, Marie walked down to the barn. She let the horse out and went to milk the goat. She turned around and started a little. Gabby was standing behind her.

    Abuela? Could you teach me to milk the goat? It looks like fun, she said shyly.

    Why, yes, I will. It is kind of fun, Gabby. Here is the bucket. We also need to put some water and a little bleach into that plastic bucket over there. We’ll use it to wipe off the teats. We have to be very clean when doing this so the milk doesn’t get contaminated, Marie instructed.

    Gabby nodded with interest. She carefully watched everything Marie did. What was her name again? she asked.

    Cupcake. She is very friendly and likes to be petted. She’ll come right over to the milking stand. Get a cupful of the grain from that trash can and put it into the little tray. She’ll get right up there and stick her head through the gate. Then we gently close it and latch it, Marie went on.

    Gabby followed the instructions, and the goat did indeed jump right up there.

    Okay, now we take this rag and slosh it in the water and wring it out. Now use it to gently wipe off the teats. Go ahead. Cupcake won’t mind, Marie encouraged.

    Tentatively, Gabby followed Marie’s instruction. Cupcake just stood there feasting on the grain.

    Good. Now place the milk bucket underneath her. Put one hand on each of the teats, and using your fingers, one at a time, gently squeeze, Marie said as she demonstrated.

    Gabby did as instructed. She smiled broadly at Marie when the first stream of milk hit the bottom of the pail. She was soon milking with a gentle rhythm. When the milk volume started to slow, Marie showed her how to strip each teat with a downward squeeze.

    That gets the last little bit of milk out and keeps her production up, Marie said.

    Gabby was elated. I loved that. Can this be my job every day? she asked.

    I don’t see why not, answered Marie. Now if you take the pail back up to the house, Aunt Barb will show you how to filter it into a clean jar. Then ask Bridgette to show you where the motorhome is and stick it into the refrigerator in there. Okay?

    Yes. I understand. Thank you, Abuela. That was fun, she said as she stepped closer to give Marie a hug.

    You are welcome, sweetie, Marie told her and hugged her close. Now off you go. Gabby turned and literally skipped up the path to the house.

    Marie smiled and shook her head. It didn’t take much to make kids happy. She went back to the barn and began the arduous task of picking up the manure. After piling it in the wheelbarrow, Marie wheeled it behind the barn. This was where she dumped the horse, chicken, and pig manure, knowing it would be essential to a good garden. She was putting her tools away when she noticed that Emma and Juanita were in the pigpen, mucking it out and refilling the feed and water. Angel had found the egg basket and was gathering the eggs from the lay boxes. He saw her and smiled.

    Hey, Abuela. What do I need to do after I collect the eggs? he asked her.

    "Well, once a week, you’ll need to rake out the floor and spread some wood chips back down. Every day, their water and

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