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Rape of the Heart
Rape of the Heart
Rape of the Heart
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Rape of the Heart

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The doctors need to study the patient's mind as well as her body.

When emotional difficulties arise in a young girl whose mother had died, the problems may not be the result of physical symptom! Hormonal imbalance and unspoken thoughts hidden at the back of the mind can produce changes in the body. For instance, some patients claim to suffer from disturbing symptoms that have no physical cause.

Rachel's complaints of severe abdominal pain only magnified her persistent fear of the uterine cancer that claimed her mother's life, and was now going to claim hers.

Release dateAug 5, 2022
Rape of the Heart

Elizabeth Love

Elizabeth Love has found a niche with her imaginative writing about Cumbria with first, a collection of short stories called 'Time Lapse' and second, 'Kaleidoscope, a poetry profile': a comprehensive book of poems describing creatures in the wild as well as domestic, the countryside around where she lives plus personal reflections. This latest publication, set in the picturesque village of Wetheral a few miles out of Carlisle, will hold the reader's interest with its simplicity, drama and romance.

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    Rape of the Heart - Elizabeth Love


    Rape of the Heart

    Elizabeth Love

    Copyright © 2022 by Elizabeth Love

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10


    In Memory Of My Loving Mother

    There is a book titled Questionable Doctors Disciplined by the state and federal government which reveals the doctors’ offenses committed. If Rachel had known of this book’s existence she might have prevented of becoming a victim to a doctor who jumped state lines to practice medicine.

    Rachel gave thanks to her Father in heaven. She wrote this to Him when she was going through her deepest hurt and pain:

    Dear God,

    I tried to do right in Your eyes, but being humble brings anger and sorrow to the heart. If it was not for Your golden rules, I would be of this corrupted world. I can never repay You when You carried me through the rough times of my life. I am not perfect, but You never turned Your back on me. You have punished me, for my own good, to learn from my mistakes. You loved, cared for, forgave, and understood me when I have shown my anger. You have guided me and given me wisdom. When tears flowed from my eyes, You’ve brought sparkles to them. When fear followed me, Your loving arms comforted me. You gave me light to find peace within my ruptured heart. I will never forget you, and I love You with all my heart. Thank You again for being with me always.

    Rachel never really showed she was a religious person, but she had a personal relationship with God—and always will—in her heart.

    Chapter 1

    Many times as a little girl, Rachel swung listlessly back and forth—oblivious to the fresh air, the blue sky, and the birds chirping—in the tire swing that hung in one of the big trees that shade the five acres surrounding her urban home.

    Mama and Papa were both Pentecostal ministers. Mama always prayed for her arrival at school and for clear minds to do their homework well whenever she would send them off to school.

    How Rachel dreaded school! Her speech impediment caused her to be the target of ridicule, and it was difficult for the teachers and classmates to understand. She suffered in silence, but her heart cried out, Please, Mama, take my pain away!

    The cruelty of her school days and the disadvantage with her schoolmates would flash before her as she sat with her legs hanging limply in the tire swing—a passive and shy little girl lost in sad rumination.

    Rachel’s speech deficiencies have made many difficulties in her life! In her diary, she wrote:

    A little boy who was given very little love and affection. Time was not spent to teach the young child how to express himself; involvement of others was living in their own world.

    At age three, the little boy could still not speak words. In his actions, he was a smart boy, but the anger showed! His arms swung in a motion of disapproval. Tears running down his cheek—a plea for help.

    Love, affection, and attention from others made a smile come to his face and produced sparkles in his eyes, glowing like stars.

    A reflection of me was in him. I could feel and understand his needs! Observing the little boy, I could feel his anger as he swung his little arms after being yelled at over something that wasn’t his fault. He ran into another room to express his hurt.

    As I was sitting on the couch listening to the others talk, I heard the sound of a voice coming from the other room. In anger, I heard him say, I told you to stop that. I mean it!

    His arms started to swing as though he wanted to hit the bowl. My heart started to bleed for the young boy. I became weak, and I felt the tears flowing from my eyes. I wanted to reach out and put my arms around him to say it’s okay, but I stood there in a frozen position—as though I was looking at myself in a mirror. A flashback came to mind as a little girl who had difficulty expressing herself. Leaning against the door for support, I felt more drained and weaker from the boy’s actions. The door crept opened; his body turned toward me. As he was looking at me, I could see sadness and hurt in his eyes. I started walking toward him, knelt down at his level, and put my arms firmly around him, kissing him on the cheek. A beautiful smile came to his face. Then I took his little hand and guided him into the room where the others were sitting.

    When Rachel was in first grade, she was trying to draw a picture of herself as to why she was conditioned and how she acted to the world and the people around her.

    She had a flashback.

    "Rachel! I

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