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The Model T in Me
The Model T in Me
The Model T in Me
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The Model T in Me

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ᅠThe Model T in Me is about a girl and the love for her dad that continues in the most unexpected way after he dies. Ride along with Sarah on her adventures learning to drive the Model T. There are many bumps along the way, but she overcomes them, and unlocks a passion inside her for the Model T that she didn t know she had.

Release dateMar 26, 2021
The Model T in Me

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    Book preview

    The Model T in Me - Sarah Newberg


    Model T

    in Me

    Sarah Newberg

    Copyright © 2015 Sarah Newberg

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2015

    ISBN 978-1-68139-224-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-68139-225-7 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    April 2014

    In the Beginning

    Family History and Cars

    Car Driver Record District Council of Lurigancho


    Learning to Drive

    Over the Years




    September 2013

    September 28, 2013

    October 5, 2013

    January 2014

    February 2014

    March 22, 2014

    April 2014


    May 8, 2014

    May 24, 2014

    Father’s Day 2014

    July 4, 2014

    July 26, 2014

    August 23, 2014

    September 2014

    October 25, 2014

    The Dream

    About the Author

    April 2014

    A year ago, I never would have pictured myself driving a Model T or owning one for that matter. But here I was sitting in Jerry’s driveway, a fellow member of the Puget Sound Model T club who had been giving me lessons on how to drive my 1927 Model T Touring. I had Jerry put on new rocky mountain brakes so it would brake better, and I was ready to drive it the twenty miles or so home. I had Jerry in the seat beside me and my friend Suzy in the backseat for her first ever ride in a Model T. I put the clutch in neutral with my left foot while my right foot was on reverse. The next thing I know, I’m in a panic and the dang thing is going forward plowing into Jerry’s garage door! I could have given up then and there and never drive a Model T again, but the bug had bit me. Good news! It only cost me $400 to fix the damage to my Model T, but the bad news was Jerry had to replace his garage door.

    In memory of Lawrence Hazelton Garner


    The best Dad any girl could have asked for.

    In the Beginning

    In the summer of 1978, I was almost three years old. I lived with my family on twelve acres in Everett, Washington. My dad told my mom one day he wanted to buy a Model T. My dad told my mom he found a good deal on a Model T that someone was selling in the neighboring city of Marysville. The old car had been in this person’s shed for a while and was a fixer upper. When my dad got home, my mom went outside to see his new car; however, she didn’t see the car on the flatbed of my dad’s truck. What she did see was a bunch of old rusty car parts and pieces. My mom asked him, Where is the car?

    Me and my dad 1979

    Our 1927 Model T Touring 1979

    My dad was glowing and told my mom he was going to restore a 1927 Model T Touring, which, in the back of her mind, she was thinking would never happen.

    My dad and I standing in front of the restored ‘27 in 1988

    The family in our restored 1927 Model T Touring

    1927 Model T Touring

    My dad was a jack of all trades. He could build anything.

    As the years went by, he worked on this rusty car and rebuilt everything from the engine on up. By 1988 we had a gorgeous 1927 Model T Touring car. That summer we took it in a lot of parades and car shows, and his car won so many trophies and ribbons. He loved to talk about his car, telling people the history of the Model T, Henry Ford, and how the 1927 was the last of the Model Ts. He could talk for hours. His love for old cars came from his father. I listened to all the stories my dad told, and I never forgot. He was proud of his Model T, as he should be.

    Family History and Cars

    My paternal grandfather, Lawrence Hazelton Garner Sr., was born in Los Angeles, California on August 26, 1892, to David Walter and Minnie Bell Garner. My grandfather’s brother, Raymond Chester Garner, was born in 1895.

    The Garner Bros. Lima Peru

    Ad in Newspaper in Lima Peru:

    Are you happy? With your car functionality? If not, stop by the automobile service station. Garner Bros, Hudson, Dodge, and Essex car specialty. Guarantee Satisfaction. Affordable prices.

    On April 27, 1917, my grandfather and his brother boarded a ship and left for Lima, Peru, where they arrived on May 22, 1917. In the US Consular Application, it says that he is a mechanic who drives automobiles. The brothers opened a garage in Lima, Peru, and called it Garner Bros. I have many newspaper clippings that

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