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Knowing the Spiritual Life
Knowing the Spiritual Life
Knowing the Spiritual Life
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Knowing the Spiritual Life

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The best way to understanding your spirituality is by exploring your spiritual core. By doing this, you are simply asking yourself questions about who you are and your meaning, which is your most personal piece of your life puzzle. All people like to live a life with meaning and purpose. Everyone should be in harmony with one's life, including those you surround yourself with.

So what can you do to improve your spiritual life? Your spiritual wellness involves one's values, beliefs, and purpose in life. This book Knowing the Spiritual Life will help you. You must take time to read and pray, asking God to help you in all things. The more you ask of him and thank him, the more you will learn and grow in the name of Jesus Christ his Son and also the Holy Spirit. When you start to look deeper into each personal aspect of your life, you will see that you have control over your own destiny. You have the right to live your life the best way you can. The best way is to have the Holy Spirit within you to teach you and lead you through your life till you go home to heaven. I will be praying for you and everyone who gets any of the books God has helped me to write. Thank you and God bless you. He will always love you.

Release dateAug 5, 2022
Knowing the Spiritual Life

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    Book preview

    Knowing the Spiritual Life - Johnny R Sauceda


    Knowing the Spiritual Life

    Johnny R Sauceda

    Copyright © 2022 by Johnny R Sauceda

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Spiritual Growth (Maturity)

    Spiritual World


    Spiritual Journey

    Spiritual Life

    Distinguishing between Spirits

    Renewed in the Spirit

    Spiritual Warfare


    Hello. All those who around you, for whatever you say or do, can see you and hear you doing what you are into. Whether it is good or bad, they will remember it for a long time. I just pray that you have learned many things from what you have done so that you do what is right in the name of the Lord Jesus.

    I want to thank you for getting this book that can and will show you what truth really is all around you. This is my third book for God and for those that need to hear the truth. I will tell you all truth even if it is bad things that I have done in my past, present, and even the future…if I right another book that is. I hope and pray for you and all those you love. I do not need to know them because God knows everyone to include you. There was a time when I did not know everything that is in this book, but after a time, I started noticing a lot of things that I needed to know by looking things up. Even when I was a young boy, I knew there was things happening that should not have happened at all, but only because of there were demons present.

    I hope that you have read my first or second book. It is okay if you haven’t. In time, you can get them. The first one was Problem Solving with Jesus, and the next one is Doing the Right Thing for God and Others. Please take your time as you read so that you can understand everything as you go through it. Thank you once again, and have a good life. I also must remind you that it is your choice what you in tend to believe in whatever you read.

    Yes, this is me, Pastor Johnny Sauceda. I just hope and pray that this will show or teach you something. God wants you to know, may he bless you always.

    Spiritual Growth (Maturity)

    Ihave to say that there are lots of people who do not know anything about spirituality. Then there are those who do not believe about spiritual things in the world. Christians know about spiritual things, good and bad, only because they read the Word of God and it tells them everything about them. They even start hearing things and seeing things that are spiritual for them to pass onto others. You see, the world is full of demons, spirits you cannot see but can feel them around you. Then you have the angels, good spirits that protect you and others. God sends them down from heaven to keep the bad spirits away from you and those who belong to him.

    I hope and pray that this book will help you to see all the things that are related to spirituality here on earth. There are so much that you can learn, even things that makes you a better person. There is the one thing everyone on earth knows, and that is as each person grows and becomes smarter, they learn more each day and have teachers that teach them what they should know, just as God and Jesus Christ has been teaching us. You see, one single book can change you forever, and that is the Bible. However, any other books like this one can help you to understand certain things so you would understand the Bible better when you read it, bringing you God’s perspective in plain language based entirely on things in Scripture.

    So I ask you, do you understand Jesus and his family life and the social environment during the first century? We will go through how he was both God and man and learn the purpose of his triumphant return. We will also go through Satan how he clashes with everything and how he will determine the destiny of nations. One thing is that in the spiritual world, there is a battle going on around us you just cannot see it. The Bible speaks of Jesus Christ and other things that everyone should know about. Everyone needs to know the truth. Everything you read about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, you need to read the Bible so it would tell you the truth.

    Opinions range widely from what Jesus Christ means or what he has done throughout the world, but few disagree that he has forever changed the course of history for all mankind throughout the world. You see, when Jesus arrived, he started to change people by healing them of their afflictions and even raised some from the grave. Then after a time, those who followed him started doing the same things Jesus did. Through all the centuries, there have been thousands of books, novels, and stories then television movies and documentaries about Jesus Christ. Lots of churches have been claimed to be ministers of Jesus Christ, the son of God. They have also proclaimed to profess Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Today, Jesus turned the world over. Every culture of the world has professed him to be a Christian regardless of their beliefs. He has taught everyone what he wants each person to know and how to live their lives. There are those that do not believe in him, but we will go through each section to understand much of the things he wants each of us to know.

    As the pastor of a church that God had me start a few years ago, I am still learning a lot about his truth. God helped me to name our church New Freedom in Truth Church. The one main thing we always tell everyone during our sermons is that they should all start reading the Bible to know the truth and discern whatever we preach is the truth of God. We are not the one in charge of anyone. It is Jesus who oversees that because he gave his life for each of us so that at the end of our life, we will go to heaven.

    I will go through several things. I hope you will understand some of them. The true Word of God is the greatest news ever to be announced for all mankind. So now we can start seeing the true Word of God in what it says and what it really means. One thing you should know is that the Word of God is spiritual. You see, there is a spiritual war happening all around us. If you are a Christian, then you know that it’s true because Christians feel it when there are demons around them and will tell them to Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve (Luke 4:8).

    God taught us that as we get older, we will normally mature. But those who do not believe in God would say that is normal for everyone when they get older. Well, spiritual growth will help you get closer to God. He can give you peace of mind as we go through daily inspirations in life. He will show you paths to take and give you mindful instructions as you live through your life. You see, the intelligence that resides in you comes from God. We need to learn the path to God to live the best life we can with all that he provides. As you turn to God, you are automatically entering the path to God. God’s truth will slowly begin filtering right into your life. Once you turn to God, all the things of this world will reveal

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