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God's Parallel Planets
God's Parallel Planets
God's Parallel Planets
Ebook170 pages2 hours

God's Parallel Planets

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When God created heaven and earth, he also created heaven and Teren. Planet Teren is identical to Earth in every respect, including its placement in a duplicate solar system. Since creation, the two parallel planets developed along almost identical lines, and when God saw that the humans on each planet were not following his commandments, he decided to send his twin sons to intercede, one son to each planet. When both sons were confronted with crucifixion, God let it stand on Earth and every other chapter gives the reader Earth's historical highlights for the past two thousand years (including each and every documented war). On planet Teren, however, God stepped in and not only resurrected Jesus but also then installed him as the CEO of the planet. From his base in Jerusalem, the Teren Jesus set the standards for human development and without war""or for that matter, any form of sin""the people of Teren turned their attention to making life meaningful, fulfilling, pleasant, and Christian. (Every other chapter documents the development on Teren over the past two thousand years.) On Earth, millions upon millions of human brains were scattered across killing field after killing field. What might have come out of those millions upon millions of lost and destroyed brains? We may find out as we take a tantalizing glimpse into life on God's Parallel Planets.

Release dateMay 9, 2019
God's Parallel Planets

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    God's Parallel Planets - Jack Waggoner


    Earth: 1 to 199 A.D.

    Astronomers generally agree that the universe is expanding and has been since the beginning of time. Their studies of the heavens, by sophisticated telescopes and instruments that monitor radio waves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays, all prove that we really know very little about our vast surroundings. One long-time astronomer, Jay M. Pasachoff, put it this way in Peterson First Guide to Astronomy : Our view is like that of someone standing on a raisin in raisin bread dough that is rising. No matter which raisin you stand upon, all the other raisins are moving away from you.

    The spacecrafts we have sent to what some call deep space may add to our knowledge, but in the overall scheme, when considering the scale, we actually have probed no further than an ant attempting to map and explore Ayers Rock in an afternoon.

    The planet we ride through the vast black darkness has a parallel in a cosmos so far removed that our minds have no way to even comprehend the distance, but to the creator, who put it all in motion, it is a mere head turn to be compared and analyzed as each planet circles its own life-giving sun. With God’s guidance, the parallel planets have managed to dodge life-altering or for that matter life-eliminating perils every day since first being set into motion within their duplicate solar systems. A wayward comet or asteroid, no bigger than Long Island, could alter our orbit, could change the planet’s rotation, or could even so pollute the atmosphere that life could no longer exist on the blue planet as we know it today. That, however, would bring God’s plan to a close and the thousands of years of watching and studying man’s reaction to unfolding events would also come to an end, so the power that put all we know into motion will most likely not let that happen.

    The brains our creator gave us have recently let us conquer the extremely difficult and complex problems associated with landing a space probe on a moving comet. With this proven capability, we have taken a small step toward helping control our planet’s safety, at least from that one particular source of

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