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BABAJI: My Miraculous Meetings with a Maha Avatar
BABAJI: My Miraculous Meetings with a Maha Avatar
BABAJI: My Miraculous Meetings with a Maha Avatar
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BABAJI: My Miraculous Meetings with a Maha Avatar

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In her usual provocative style, SONDRA RAY asks her readers --

"What if you could know a Being who is not born of a woman and who could dematerialize and rematerialize his body?

What if you could know a Being who is a major teacher of Jesus and who prepared him for his mission?

What if you could know a Being who knows everything about your past, present and future?

What if you could know a Being who can clear all of your karma?

What if you could know a Being who is the sustainer of the universe, an ocean of knowledge?

What if you could know a Being who is a never-failing spring of Bliss, the infinite essence of truth?

What if you could know a Being who is the bestower of the highest Joy?

What if you could know a Being who incarnated for the liberation of the world?

What if you could know a Being who would fulfill all your desires?

You can know Him. This book is about Him.

He says to you, 'My Love is available. You can take it or not.'

Why not take it?"

Along with Steve Jobs, spiritual seekers worldwide have most likely read the famous "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda. BABAJI, the immortal "Yogi-Christ" of India, is mentioned in Chapters 33 & 34. Author SONDRA RAY brings flesh and blood to His legend in this account of her real-life meetings with BABAJI in the 1970's and 1980's, at the beginning of her mission of world service as the "Mother of Rebirthing." More than just an autobiographical sketch, SONDRA's miraculous meetings with this real Maha Avatar will help anyone who is on a spiritual journey of Self-awakening to move faster in their joyous ascension to enlightenment.

SONDRA RAY is joined my her twin flame, MARKUS RAY, who contributes his insightful poetry to BABAJI as He manifests in the everyday encounters with His presence in such places as Starbuck's and Nordstrom's, Catalina Island, and in HIs sublime mountain ashram of Haidakhan in the foothills of the Himalayas of Northern India.

Release dateDec 21, 2016
BABAJI: My Miraculous Meetings with a Maha Avatar

Sondra Ray

Sondra Ray is the bestselling author of many books, including The Only Diet There Is, and I Deserve Love, and one of the modern founders of the rebirthing movement. Her most recent book was Pele's Wish on Hawaiian spirituality. An avid world traveler and one-time Peace Corps volunteer, Sondra is a teacher, seminar leader, and devoted student of spiritual disciplines. She lives in Marina Del Rey, California, and constantly lectures around the globe. To visit the author’s website go to

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    Book preview

    BABAJI - Sondra Ray


    Books By Sondra Ray

    Liberation Breathing: The Divine Mother’s Gift

    Birth and Relationships: How Your Birth Affects Your Relationships

    Celebration of Breath

    Drinking the Divine

    Essays on Creating Sacred Relationships

    Healing and Holiness

    How to Be Chic, Fabulous and Live Forever

    I Deserve Love

    Ideal Birth

    Inner Communion

    Interludes with the Gods

    Loving Relationships: The Secrets of a Great Relationship

    Loving Relationships II

    Pele’s Wish: Secrets of the Hawaiian Masters and Eternal Life

    Pure Joy

    Rebirthing in the New Age

    Rock Your World with the Divine Mother

    Spiritual Intimacy: What You Really Want With A Mate

    The Loving Relationships Treasury

    The Only Diet There Is

    Books by Markus Ray

    Odes to the Divine Mother

    Liberation Breathing: The Divine Mother’s Gift

    Miracles With My Master, Tara Singh

    Spiritual Intimacy: What You Really Want With A Mate

    Sondra Ray and Markus Ray Online publishes the most recent writings and creations by

    Sondra Ray and Markus Ray and serves as a community resource, providing

    information on seminars, trainings, private sessions, contacts, and practitioners

    available to you worldwide. See them on Facebook and Twitter.


    My Miraculous Meetings

    with a Maha Avatar


    Sondra Ray


    Markus Ray

    Babaji in Meditation

    Copyright © 2022 by SONDRA RAY and MARKUS RAY

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced or

    utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including

    photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval

    system, without permission in writing from the publishers.

    PAGE PUBLISHING, Conneaut Lake, PA

    in co-operation with


    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    Page Publishing

    Conneaut Lake, PA

    Immortal Ray Productions

    3000 Vanderbilt Place #118

    Nashville, TN 37212

    First Edition, 2022

    ISBN 978-1-68348-804-0 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68348-806-4 (hc)

    ISBN 978-1-68348-805-7 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Sondra’s Introduction

    Opening to Miracles


    Babaji’s Blessing on My Life by Markus Ray

    The Benefits of Having a Spiritual Master

    Part 1

    Who is Babaji?

    How I Found Babaji

    My First Meeting with a Maha Avatar

    My Second Day with Babaji

    The End of My First Visit with Babaji

    Integrating My First Meeting with Babaji

    My Second Meeting with Babaji

    Processing My Case with Men

    The Possibility of Physical Immortality

    Lost and Found

    My Second Integration

    The God Training

    My Last Meeting with Babaji

    Absolute Certainty

    On Tour with Babaji

    Letting Go in the Bank

    Babaji’s Conscious Departure

    Babaji Comes to Me Alive and Well

    More Babaji Appearances

    Fire Purifications from Babaji

    Babaji in Berlin

    Babaji in Peru

    Babaji Comes to My Mother

    The Cave of Regeneration

    The Teachings of Babaji

    Karma Yoga According to Babaji

    Indian Spiritual Practices

    Om Namaha Shivai

    The Havan


    Mundun (Head Shaving)

    Sanatana Dharma

    The Aarti

    Haidakhan (Herakhan)

    The Cave

    The Dhuni

    The Difference between a Cult and a True Spiritual Family

    What It Is Like to Have Babaji in Your Day-to-Day Life

    The Amazing Results of Reading Spiritual Poetry

    Part 2

    Markus Ray—Poems to a Maha Avatar

    No. 1 Babaji’s Kutir

    No. 2 Lord’s Protection

    No. 3 Silence

    No. 4 Peasant Children

    No. 5 Great Tree

    No. 6 Gautama Ganga

    No. 7 Villagers

    No. 8 Man Singh

    No. 9 Holy Sounds

    No. 10 Receiving

    No. 11 Your Eyes

    No. 12 Rebirth

    Interlude No. 1

    A Guaranteed Miracle from Babaji

    I Ask You

    High Pastures

    Sitting at Nordstrom’s

    With My Lover at Starbucks

    Northfield Library

    Saint Paul’s Lake Cumo

    At Kate and Martin’s

    Like Children

    Neighborhood Walk

    Night Fair

    Breath of Longevity

    Movie House

    In the Plane

    Objects of Adoration

    Starbucks Again

    Interlude No. 2

    Morning Song

    Lost Shoes

    Lilies in the Field

    My Meditations

    You Are My Refuge and Security

    Pure Vision

    Wherever You Are, Babaji Is

    Indian Classical Music

    A Pure Destiny

    Interlude No. 3

    Coming Across the Water

    Catalina Veranda

    I Will Feed You


    Store Windows


    The Fountain of Your Love

    The Anchor of Your Love

    Babaji’s Harbor

    The Morning Walk

    Atop the Mountain

    The Blue-Green Depths

    Interlude No. 4

    Teacher, Lover, Friend


    A Bright Day

    Deep Listening

    Your Warm Immortal Body

    Over Mountains Far Below

    In Milky Mist

    Love’s Computer

    My Life as a Mom

    Ohio Forests

    Crucible of Correction

    Coming Home to You

    You Are My Goal

    The India Quest and Our Wedding (Markus)

    The Poems from Herakhan, 2009 (Markus)

    Part 3

    What It Is Like to Have the Divine Mother Take Over Your Life (Sondra, Hanuman Day, Valencia, Spain)

    Babaji in Many Forms

    On the Lookout for Ugly Dogs

    Babaji Inside of You (Markus, Bali)

    Babaji’s Blessing for You

    The Kranti




    Other Books by Sondra Ray & Markus Ray

    About the Authors

    All paintings of Babaji are by Markus Ray, painted around the world. You can commission a portrait in the style of these paintings of you, a family member or friend, or one of the spiritual masters in Mr. Ray’s repertoire. Contact Immortal Ray Productions at for inquiries. See more of Markus Ray’s paintings at or read illustrated articles on art and painting by subscribing to

    Babaji’s Feet

    Haidakhan Aarti—"Om Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshvara. Guruh Sakshat

    Sondra’s Introduction

    Opening to Miracles

    My prayer for you is that you would have a miracle while reading this book! In order to have miracles, you have to be open to them. In order to have a miracle, which is a higher spiritual experience, you have to be open to the possibility that miracles exist, and they can happen to you. You have to release skepticism. You have to turn on the television before you can see the television. So you have to turn on that part of yourself that will let them in. You have to know you deserve them. Without knowing you deserve them, the phenomenon of miracles goes unnoticed.

    If you have a mind that is closed or doubting, nothing will occur, and you will therefore prove to yourself that the higher miracles are impossible for you to have. It is not that they were not real but that you did not want them to be real because they did not fit into your view of life. In order to get the most out of this book, you must open your mind to miracles, which happen beyond your current belief system.

    A Course in Miracles says that miracles are involuntary. They should not be under conscious control. They are everyone’s right, but purification is necessary first. So I am asking you to purify yourself of doubt and skepticism and be in a state of forgiveness and freedom from fear. A miracle raises you into a state of celestial order and truth and dissolves error. A miracle arises from a miraculous state of mind, or a state of miracle readiness. So you have to be ready.

    People have fear of miracles and often fear of higher spiritual experiences. Pray for the release of the fear of miracles. A Course in Miracles says miracles are actually natural, and when they do not occur, something has gone wrong. They happen to us when we give up control. A miracle is a huge expression of love.

    Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. Dhyanmulam Guror Murtih, Puja Mulam Guroh Padam.

    Babaji says to all, My love is available to you, you can take it or not. Why not take it? The opportunity is here.

    If you are not yet ready for a really big miracle, start by noticing the little ones. You can get into a constant flow of small miracles, and it is so much fun! Look for the mysterious. Look for a change in your consciousness. Look for synchronicities. Look for chance meetings. Look for information arriving at just the right moment. Look for a correction of your thinking. Think about these little miracles, and they will expand.

    I was told by a teacher in London that I would go into a different frequency writing the next book, and the power of this book will awaken the molecular structure of those reading it. I would become the ambassador for the light, and the words will transmit blessings, and people would be introduced to the proximity of God­­—and Babaji himself will transmit it.

    While writing this book, I was given the biggest miracle of my lifetime (outside of meeting Babaji himself). Babaji sent me my twin flame, the answer to all my prayers. He is a breath worker like me, a writer like me, a Babaji devotee like me, A Course in Miracles teacher like me, a student of Ho’oponopono like me, also an artist and a poet. It is clear to both of us that Babaji Himself brought us together and that by His grace, we have been given a mission to write together and teach together. Markus’s poems to Babaji are a major part of this incredible story. Your miracle will be unique to you and may have nothing to do with relationships. It could be in the area of healing, finances, manifesting something, advancing on your spiritual path, or whatever. You could have numerous miracles.

    My whole life is a miracle since I met Babaji. To me, there is only Before Babaji and After Babaji. There is absolutely no comparison to my life before Him and after Him.

    Mantra Mulam Gurorvakyam, Moksha Mulam Guroh Kripa. Akhanda Mandala Karam, Vyaptam Yena

    Before Babaji and breath work, I was a nurse, and although I was a good nurse, I had no idea about my other talents and abilities. I could never have dreamed that I could write books.

    I could never have dreamed that I could lead seminars. I could never have dreamed that I could be financially independent! I had no idea who I really was. I thought life just happened to me, and I had to take it. I had a lot of relationships, but they did not turn out. I had a lot of pain in my body. I had car accidents.

    My hair was falling out after a divorce, and I was more or less a mess. My life began to change quickly with breath work, but then it changed radically and totally when I met Babaji and let Him into my life.

    When I began to serve Babaji, I traveled all over the world often by myself. People asked me if I was lonely, and maybe they did not believe me when I said no, but it was the truth. I never ever felt alone once Babaji was in my life. I always felt, and still do, that He was always around and I could talk to Him, confide in Him, and get results from Him. With regard to my personal life, I told Him that if He wanted me to be a public figure, I did not want to be with the wrong man, so He had better pick my mate. I flat-out asked him for an arranged marriage. I knew that He knew better than I ever could, the karma of any man and what kind of future I could have with that man.

    There are several different types of mating. One is the sexual tie; one is the karmic tie; and one is the cosmic tie. I only wanted the cosmic tie, as I was sick of the earlier two. The cosmic tie is when your master puts you together with the proper mate so that you can serve together. The fact that it took me quite some time to be ready for my twin flame did not matter to me for several reasons:

    I trusted the process and knew Babaji knew best.

    Characharam. Tat Padam Darshitah Yena, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. Oh, Lord, sitting in the siddha

    I had already been studying physical immortality for a long time and did not categorize myself as too old.

    There were projects that He wanted me to do first—alone without distraction.

    Three years before Markus showed up, three intuitive teachers told me he was coming. They would actually see Babaji, and He would speak to them. He told me then it would take about three years, and that proved to be true. I was grateful to have this time to prepare myself. By Babaji’s grace, Markus was placed in front of me at the exact time I was ready, and so everything went very smoothly, very delightfully—and it was a lot of fun, I might add.

    What Markus and I have we wish for everyone. Babaji always takes us to new and higher realms. That is why we wrote this book!


    Babaji’s Blessing on My Life by Markus Ray

    I did not meet Babaji in the flesh. My situation is similar to most people who are reading this book. Yet I can make contact with Babaji through experiences in which He is present through the spirit, even though I have not met Him in the body. You might ask, How do I make contact, and why would I want to have contact with Babaji? I make contact with Babaji by quieting myself and inviting Him into my life. You can do the same, if you are inclined. A good reason for inviting Him might be this: without spiritual masters in our life, we would not be aware of life’s deeper meanings and virtues—love, forgiveness, compassion, courage, tolerance, gratitude, and others. Spiritual masters like Babaji or Jesus or Buddha have established these in the human race whether we know it or not, whether we admit it or not. Through them and the vibrations they leave behind, we are reminded to be our true Self, to forgive our mistakes, and to love the vast creative Source behind the universe and ourselves.

    pose, residing in solitude, Thou ocean of knowledge, full of bliss, of peaceful nature, pure and generous,

    A spiritual master like Babaji is beyond any religion. He does not require you stick to any belief system or renounce your former religion in order to have a direct experience of Him and your highest and truest Self. Babaji is an avatar in the sense that He descended into matter directly from the Source and did not go through the usual channel of birth through the womb of a woman. Therefore, He is not a go-between. He materialized His body in a cave in Herakhan, India, out of the ethers, making Himself manifest to humanity. From 1970–1984, while in a body, He shed the light of His love absolutely to every human being, regardless of race, religion, gender, education, and social or economic conditions. And since 1984, He continues in that mission and will continue to do so for ages to come. He is an immortal master, like Jesus.

    Who frees us from bondage. Hail, hail, o King of Sages, remover of the pain of Thy devotees.

    In the Bible, Hebrews 7:3, Melchizedek is mentioned as Without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the Son of God he remains a priest forever. Babaji is such a being—a true immortalist!

    My contact with the grace of Babaji is directly related to my meeting Sondra Ray. When I met her in 1986, I was impressed by the certainty in her words. She communicated clearly that my thoughts about life produce my results. She communicated clearly that my subconscious thoughts are also producing my results, positive or negative. She communicated clearly that I am responsible for everything that happens in my life, and I am never a victim. She communicated clearly that even my own death is up to me, and I am never at the mercy of circumstances beyond my control.

    I had never heard such things. These were miracles that entered my mind to stay… and to shape the course of my life for the next twenty-seven years. When she asked me to go to India in 1987, it was as if someone had asked me to go to the moon. She always expanded my notion of possibilities and never accepted my self-imposed limitations as real. So in the fall of 1987, I went to the moon with Sondra Ray, and it was one of the most expansive experiences of my life. We traveled to Babaji’s two communities, or ashrams, in the foothills of the Himalayas to immerse ourselves in the practices of ancient Vedic forms of worship. At the same time, our group of sixty or so people practiced the art of connected breathing, originally called rebirthing, of which Sondra was an eminent teacher and practitioner. This kept us all clear of the reactions and shocks most Westerners experience their first time in India.

    By 1987, Babaji had already been out of a body for more than three years. But there was no doubt when we entered His home in Herakhan, His presence was still actively alive in the place, the people, the buildings, and the daily schedule of spiritual practices happening there. I entered into an altered state. My senses became cleansed and acutely aware of all my surroundings. There was beauty all around me in the mountains, in the river that flowed down the center of a vast mountain valley, in the faces of the peasant people, in the temples and songs of devotion-sung morning and evening, and in the fields of crops growing on the terraced hillsides. The atmosphere was different—one of profound peace and quiet.

    Thy form is white and beautiful: Thy smiling holy face is like a lotus. Thy broad forehead has a third

    At that time, there was no major road to Herakhan. It required a five-hour hike up the river to arrive at this remote mountain village. Fortunately, there were porters to carry our bags. They flew over the rocks and through torrents of water barefooted and without effort. When we arrived at the ashram, we entered another world, one like a Shangri-la, one that the limitations of time and space could not affect. In short, I felt I had arrived at a heaven on earth.

    To that moment in my life, Herakhan was the most peaceful place I had ever experienced. I felt like I was home, even though it was the most foreign soil on which I had ever set foot. I felt like I was loved and cared for, even though the people there didn’t know me from Adam. The place was beyond my thought. I could not have foreseen it, so far outside of my known world, or the deep peace I experienced in the temples and meditation gardens surrounding the ashram. While sitting quietly in meditation in the beautiful gardens surrounding the lower buildings near the river, it dawned on me the truth of Herakhan. Herakhan is not a place – it is an inner state of mind. It was like Babaji Himself was telling me this.

    Now that I had received the blessing of Babaji’s peace deep within myself, keeping my mind in that tranquil state of no conflict would become the real challenge and the real Herakhan. Hours went by as I was engulfed more and more in this peace and quiet. I did not want to leave, but at the same time, I knew the voice I heard—which was in the sound of my own voice—was true. Herakhan, the place, and the presence of Babaji all around me, imparted this peace into my mind, reminding me this state of mind was possible anywhere. Therefore, Herakhan could be anywhere or in anything in which I could feel and realize this deep ease and peace.

    eye with very brilliant light. Thy big eyes overflow with tears of love. Hail, hail, o King of Sages,

    This is why you, who are reading this book, can receive this same peace and quiet from reading these stories from Sondra and poems and paintings shared within. It is Babaji’s miraculous offering that you will make contact with inner peace by reading slowly and taking in the actual experiences we have had. The more we share our peace and joy, the more it increases. There would be no greater joy for us than to impart this peace we experienced to you. Then you could say as a fact, Babaji’s peace and joy are mine!

    The Benefits of Having a Spiritual Master

    Sondra and I went to Palm Springs one weekend to stay with a friend and do underwater Liberation Breathing in the hot springs. On Sunday morning, the popular facility at Desert Hot Springs was open early, so the three of us headed out to be in the thermal water before the crowds arrived. The place was a little funky and old, but the water felt good, and we were glad to be breathing on our new book and our new life together.

    The image I had in my breath work was beautiful. I found myself in a kind of a lagoon that was much like the small bay of Catalina Island, where we had been only two weeks before working on this book. It was roped off with a string of small floating buoys. I was immersed in this lagoon, which was the equivalent of my mind, representing all my knowledge and experience that formed my personal self. In this lagoon were all my highlights, my joys and sorrows, my education, my travels and experiences, my relationships with family and friends—virtually everything I knew to be part of myself. Even though I felt safe in the lagoon of my own mind, there was more to the ocean of reality that I was missing. I was stuck in the waters of my own past, on the edge of an infinitely vaster ocean of my Self. The ocean of infinite possibilities of this Self was beyond my current thought and memory.

    remover of the pain of Thy devotees. In the darkness of illusion, I do not see Thy form. In times of

    Now, this is when I received insight into the benefits of having a spiritual master. As I was breathing underwater, the call came to me to remove the string of buoys confining me in the waters of the lagoon where I was in my comfort zone. Babaji was in the greater ocean at large, beckoning me to cross this boundary into the infinite waters of my true Self.

    One might be frightened by this venture into the unknown, but then I realized the waters of my lagoon were the same waters of my greater Self-Identity represented by the ocean outside the buoys. I was given the free will to separate myself with the string of buoys, and I was also given the free will to remove this floating boundary.

    With the help of a true master, the free will I used to imprison myself could be used to forgive myself and to achieve my liberation. I could swim effortlessly into the greater waters of my true Self-Identity toward Babaji, who had already freed Himself. I could swim with no boundaries or limitations.

    While I was underwater, I realized having a spiritual teacher is like having a good swim coach who pushes us to the edge of our limits, to the edge of our fear, and gets us to push through. Once we break through the buoys, we will never go back to believing in the confines of limitation again.

    I came up from the water when I had certainty that Babaji wanted me to leave the lagoon of safety in which I had been confined. The ocean of my Self was my greatest friend, the Source of love and happiness abiding in the great, unknown waters extending out before me.

    Sondra and our friend listened lovingly to the recounting of these underwater insights, which made me clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that without a teacher like Babaji in my life, I may not have taken necessary steps along the path to spiritual liberation. I would have stayed in the limited lagoon of my personality, never knowing the immortal possibility of my higher Self. I was elated from the breathing in the water and from this vision Babaji had so graciously given me.

    calamity, I do not remember Thy name, nor have I ever worshipped Thy holy feet, which remove illusion.

    A spiritual master is needed to take us across the troubled waters of the past self we made to the peaceful waters of our original Self, which has no conflict and no limitations. Now that I am growing ever closer to the Maha Avatar Babaji, this Self is more real to me. Through spiritual masters, I have been awakened to states of profound peace and quiet, which I could never have discovered inside myself without their help. I have benefited by having a spiritual master by seeing the necessity of forgiveness in my life, of letting go of grievances toward those people who make me the most activated. Also, a spiritual master helped me forgive myself for my own personal judgments and regrets.

    The most valuable benefit from a spiritual master is the awakening of an absolute state of mind: having absolute love, absolute peace, absolute happiness, and absolute joy is our natural state of being. It is not natural to be in a state of duress and ridden with problems. A spiritual master helps us to erase them and to return to the peace of our divine self within. This relationship in our life is more valuable than any other. No amount of money would compare to its worth.

    You can have a relationship with Babaji starting right now, because it is a relationship with who you really are. He is already in you. He is in everything, everywhere, all the time. You can even feel Him in the pages of this book, at the end of your fingertips. He abides in Herakhan; He also abides in the peace within you, your natural state of being that is your inheritance.

    Part 1

    Chapter 1

    Who is Babaji?

    Babaji, also named Sri Sri 1008 Bhagwan Herakhan Wale Baba, is an immortal maha avatar and yogi master. (Avatar means descent of the divine into matter.) Babaji is an emanation of divine light, who, out of compassion, manifested in human form on earth to urge humanity to progress on the path of truth, simplicity, love, and service to mankind. He said that the latter is the formula for happiness. He is the power of the eternal father, mother, and divine child. He can assume any form He wishes and can change that form at any time. He is known as the historical Sada Shiva in Hindu religious literature. In fulfillment of ancient scriptural and prophetic predictions, He materialized a youthful body in 1970 in a cave near the village of Herakhan, sometimes called Haidakhan, in the Kumaon foothills of the Himalayas. There are Indian devotees who tell stories of this, and Yogananda wrote about Him in the book Autobiography of a Yogi. He is the hero of that book.

    Hail, hail, o King of Sages, remover of the pain of Thy devotees. Thy greatness, which is endless like

    Babaji was accessible for fourteen years on this last visit, and yet He has not left, because

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